Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited August 2022
    Good Morning Everyone,

    I have enjoyed reading everyone’s posts today. Thank you for sharing.

    Linda, so nice your neighbor to give you all those pears, great idea dehydrating them for future cooking and making snacks. There is so much you can do with dehydrating fruits and veggies. Yes I agree with Susan, so many memories are created when going through our beloved things when they have passed on; so happy you have found items you can use like the zipper for repairing your sleeping bag. Hope you get the rest of the ants out of the house, they sure are pesky little creatures.

    Marilyn, the last two quotes you have shared have really spoken to me and blessed but yes, much food for thought. And yes, I want to be the woman described in that quote; I agree, doing a little is better than nothing, I have to remember to pace myself and do a little rather than pushing too far and have no energy for next day! I’m sure learning that one!

    Susan, glad you had a better day and was able to work on some crafts and on your computer. Happy Colin enjoys his beach fishing and being with friends, a great outing for him. Hope you found out the source of your water leak and it’s not too severe and can be fixed and not to expensive for parts and supplies.

    Fancyqtr: so sorry about your glaucoma, hope the treatments help and it keeps it under control. My Mom and Grandfather had Glaucoma and the eye drops they were given really helped them and their eye pressure was kept down so hopefully this is the same for you my friend. How are you feeling today with your hips and back? Trust the pain is down and physio is helping you. Yes it would be nice for both you and Annie to go for a nice walk.

    My prayers are with you all! God Bless 🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I got quite a bit on my list accouplished yesterday. One of the hardest one was to mop the kitchen and dining room floor on my hands and knees. My hip was not happy with me but it needed to be done. It seems each time the grandkids come, so do the little ants that are looking for dropped crumbs. I tried to sweep each day they were here, but those pesky ants are persistant and found a few things. Each time I spray for them it there are fewer ants coming back so I hope with the deep cleaning I did yesterday, they will have a lot less crumbs to nibble on and take back to their house. I spray them with a mixture of dish soap, vinegar and water which seems to be effective for the present ants but does not dissuade more from coming.

    We have a birthday party to attend today for our minister's one year old. they invited the grandparents and the whole church so we will see how many show up. We have a small college church but if they all come we could have quite a few people. He like "rtouch and feel" books so we will go shopping soon to see what we can find.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I must have done too much yesterday after all. I got up today, had breakfast and got dressed but went straight back to bed. Lots of coughing going on today. Col went to church on his own.

    Marilyn's quote is perfect for today...
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    2 of Mom's sisters had glaucoma, but no one in my direct line had it. I guess aunts having it predisposes you to it, too, plus I read that diabetes does. Seems diabetes predisposes you to every health problem there is. I have a problem trying to figure out what I can eat because the stuff I can eat with diabetes seems to always trigger IBS.

    Tomorrow our church is having their summer picnic (end of summer picnic?) which is potluck with church supplying the meat. I couldn't figure anything to make (and too lazy), so I got chips and dip and a cake that was discounted. Not very healthy, but most of the kids will like those things.

    Got home and Annie wanted out after eating, but she wanted me to go out with her. So I sat on the porch for an hour or hour and a half. She wandered around a little, but mainly sat a little ways from me and kept her eyes out for the bad guys (squirrels and rabbits).

    Got some shocks for my truck so Danny can install them. I hope the ones I got will work. The ones he said to get were unavailable everywhere.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Another beautiful day with a breeze. I have been working on my pears but when we picked them they were pretty green. I like mine a little more yellow and soft so I put them outside on the patio to ripen up. Yesterday when I checked them they all had round brown spots on them. I rushed out to check them thinking they were rotton but it was only sunburn. The back part of the pear was still firm and green. I have been dehydrating them as they look riper and we have been eating them also. Other than eating them raw, do you have ideas how to use them? I have a sugar free cookie recipe that uses chopped apples so maybe I will try replacing the apples with the pears.

    I pray that everyone is having a good day. I listened to the Denver church via utube this morning and will be attending the Grand Junction service later today. It is always good to listen to God's word presented.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, I always used to eat them raw. I believe there might be some nice pear upside down cake recipes on the web? There are also ways of poaching them for a dessert.

    Another quiet day here.

  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    I finally was able to go back to church this morning. After service we had our picnic, which I blew it on and ate too much. Most was salad, though. My piece of chicken is in the fridge because I couldn't cut it with the plastic fork. I was surprised that with chips nobody was taking dip and I had 3 of them.

    This afternoon Danny put my new shocks on the truck. Unfortunately, they sold me the wrong front shocks yesterday, so we had to go get the right ones before he could change them. The place didn't get everything on my account, so I have to take the wrong shocks back tomorrow because they couldn't find the purchase receipt. Got everything done, though. I sat and talked with Danny's wife while he was working. Found out that they are playing pickleball at our old church (Danny and Mary changed churches a little before I did). So when I get my back and hips working right I have another place I can play pickleball. Of course, they play when the game is played at the recreation center near me. I hope PT can get me back in shape with my hips and back (they were already bad when I played before).

    Had fun with a curb at Danny's. I tripped over my toe, apparently, and fell off the curb, landing on both knees, spinning half around, and hitting my head on the jack. I was afraid I was going to have broken kneecaps, but they are just bruised and skinned I think. Thank the Lord for that.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Fancyqtr - so sorry to hear of your fall. That definately is not good for hips and back to fall like that. I am glad all you have is skinned and bruised. It is easy for me to miss curbs or steps and fall like that. I am usually fine but lots of embarressment. I a glad you got your shocks o nthe truck done although it makes for an extra trip to deal with the wrong size. My son is a mechanic and can work on our cars/trucks which really helps financially for us.

    Susan - I hope you are feeling better and coughing less.

    Marilyn - I am anxious to hear what the doctor says on Wednesday about your kidney function.

    Judith - I hope the weather is cooler and you are feeling better.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Ouch, Fancyqtr. Glad you will be ok. Hope the car will stop being a problem too. The picnic sounded fun. We all overeat sometimes. I try not to make it my lifestyle. Lol! Bet you do too.

    Linda, thanks for your good wishes. Today seemed a tiny bit better. Hope all is well with you.

    Marilyn, Judith, thinking of you. 💕

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon Hello ❤️😇

    Marilyn, please let us know what your Doctor says about your kidneys, my prayers are with you. Thanks for the latest quote you shared, so appropriate. 😊

    Fancyqtr, sorry about your fall, I’m sure it was so painful for your hips and back but so thankful it’s bruising and scraping on your knees and no broken bones. 🙏 Glad you got the shocks installed on your truck. 😊

    Susan, so sorry about your cough, hope you feel better soon. 🙏 You mentioned to Linda about pear upside down cake, I might have one and will post it if I find it in my recipe book.

    Linda, glad you are able to get those pesky ants out of your place. Hope you enjoy your Birthday party celebrating your Pastor’s baby turning 1 years, my kids and grandkids loved the touch and feel books, Hope you can find one.

    Have a blessed day and week all; I posted our new Monthly Team Challenges for September with a new article that focuses on Bone and Muscle health with a new fitness video. 😊🙏❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - thanks for the reminder that we need to do weight bearing exercises to strengthen our muscles as well as our bones. I may do a lot of walking but I neglect to do as much upoer body weighbearing exercises. I will focus on that this month.

    Today I am making "Diabetic Cookies" for my husband. It is a recipe that was giving to me by my Aunt that she baked for my grandma who was diabetic. We are not diabetic just try to stay away from sugars. It is sweetened with apples (or in this case pears to use them up). raisons and dried fruit of your choice (in our case mangos). I use whole wheat flour so it is more whole grain for as healthy as I can get the cookies. I am sorry Susan - these fruits are not keto friendly.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Nice to see you, Judith. Thank you for the new challenge thread for September. I hope you are improving. Every day counts towards your healing.

    Linda, that's right, pears are out for Keto as well as for my fructose Intolerance. Glad you are finding ways to use them up.

    Waving at Marilyn, Fancyqtr and anyone else reading.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    🙋🏻‍♀️ Waving back at you Susan. I hope you are having a good day.

    Today is National Eat Outside day. We have already been doing that for our evening meal. Our back patio has a nice view of trees that are in a ditch behind our house. When we have rain, there is a nice little creek that flows through it so the trees love it. One of the problems is that some of the trees are Elm trees that have been infested with Elm blossom bettles that try to get in the house. Three years ago they were horrible but this year we have not seen many. They are worse in the Spring so eating outside is nice in the shade now in the Summer.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Waving to say hi 👋 to the Team;

    Hope Marilyn and Fancyqtr are doing well, sending my Wavy Hi 👋 to you both!

    Linda, yes, it’s nice to eat outside especially finding a shady place with all the heat you are having and myself. The diabetic cookies sound good, when my mouth and face recover and heal from surgery I look forward to eating some soft foods first working my way up to a normal diet.

    Thanks Linda and Susan for commenting on the article I shared for Septembers Team Goals; I have been doing stretching but need to do exercises that help my bone health. Looking forward to seeing you both join me tomorrow as we kick off September!

    God’s Blessings on your evening! 😇
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Another hot day. I am inside canning pears with a fan on to keep cool. It will be close or in the early 100's for the rest of the week.

    We had lunch with a couple from the church today that are near our age. Since we are a college church, it is good to have some people the same age as we are to talk too. The college kids are difficult to relate to sometimes with their different jargon and perspectives although I do need to hear them out also.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Happy Eat Outside day, Linda and Judith. I had not heard of that particular day before.

    Have had a friend over for coffee this morning but we stayed inside. It is cool, overcast and storms are predicted. I am feeling the temperature drop.

    I hope everyone is alright.
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    I hadn't heard of Eat Outside Day, either. It would be nice there in about an hour. It's been in the 90s (low yesterday and today).

    My knee got bad on Wednesday so that I ended up going to urgent care. They didn't find any break, but put me on antibiotics and washed it and wrapped it. I had PT that afternoon and Jeff rewrapped it because the wrap was too tight. Today it is a lot better and I have been able to get up and walk on it. Only problem is I had to put on my jeans to go do some shopping.

    Marilyn, Judith and Susan, I hope you are all feeling better. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It is another over 100 degree day. We bought a swing for the patio on clearance a few days ago and my husband and a friend are going to put it together today. It will be nice to sit in it in the evening when the sun is going down and the weather cools. I love hearing all the insects sing when it gets cooler.

    Tonight we are having our Bible study group over for dinner. We are having all breakfast foods so that should be fun. There are only four of us couples that are getting together with four children - 2 one year olds, a first grader and a third grader. They are full of energy!

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Sounds like a fun night, Linda. Cereal for dinner, perhaps! I also love the sound of that new porch swing. I always wanted one of those. Enjoy!

    Darlene, your poor knee. I was glad to see it was improving though. I'm hoping it gets completely better without much more help. Take care

    Marilyn, missing you with the quotes and praying all is well with your kidneys. Hope you check in again soon.

    Judith, I loved the pictures of your garden on FB. I like to imagine you being there with the flowers, greenery and wild birds. Trusting the Lord for more healing for you.