Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Susan, so sorry to hear of Colin’s fall, glad he is feeling better and trust each day gets better for him. Sounds like you had a good visit with your friend and enjoyed your crafts and card making. So happy you are now up in the van park for a few days before heading home. Safe travels home, my prayers are with you both.

    Linda, so sorry to hear about your grandson’s trips to the hospital in pain but glad he is better now. Sorry to hear your granddaughter is not well, hope she doesn’t get Covid, my prayers are with her. It’s always nice when we come home from being away and find the rain you had there have your flowers getting new life with seeing new blooms growing and your rose growing as lovely as if it were Spring.

    Speaking of flowers, here in BC we are in the Autumn season, right now we are getting more sunny skies and warmer temps that have given my hanging baskets new life, they are thriving and looking so pretty with new blooms. My tomato vines have been good also, picked 5 ripe tomatoes off the vine yesterday and when friends dropped by I gave them all 5 tomatoes. Still have several green tomatoes so hopefully they will ripen. My geraniums are growing and new blooms are showing, my snap dragons are in full bloom with the 2nd life given to them.

    I left an update regarding my Scope I have been waiting for on our Prayer Request page.

    I’m at my Surgeon’s on Thursday for follow up.

    Thanks for your prayers. Love and Hugs… ❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited October 2022
    💖🎈✨🎉 Happy Birthday Judith! I hope you are having a wonderful day and feel very special. I know you are special to us. My prayers are for your continued recovery and good appointments and procedure results. 🎉✨🎈💖

    My husband decided to take the day off since his day yesterday was very busy and he was feeling tightness in his chest. We were able to walk to the grocery store to get a few things I needed for dinner. I am taking a meal to his S-I-L tonight to give her a little break from all the hard work she does. My husband did get the results back from his heart monitor but still needs to talk to the doctor about what it means. From what I can see by looking at it, his heart is definitely having elictrical problems. It showed over 5000 irregular beats in the upper chamber over the 7 day period. He may need to be put on some medication to slow down his heart rate. Having these beats in the upper chamber is better than having them in the lower chamber so I am glad for that.

    Our little apple tree was able to produce two apples this year. The tree is only a year old so I am not surprised. It needs to put it's energy into growing up first. It had been covered with lots of blooms this spring but most of them fell off before any mature apples started growing. The two we did get were delicious. One had a few bug bites but the other one is perfect.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited October 2022
    Linda, I think we have some of the same burrs you mentioned!! My friends live on a property so don't try to eradicate them. Now we're in the van park it's all much better. So sorry your granddaughter is ill. I hope she gets better soon.

    It's an overcast day but we are doing the washing anyway. It can hang under the awning. We have a mini Hills Hoist to hang them on.


    We might go for a drive to find a nice coffee spot soon. The dogs need to get out too. We have a pen for them but all they do is bark when put in there. They want to be with us! And now we have camping neighbours with three Pomeranians, you can just imagine the barking contests! Lol! Most people here have dogs with them.

    Have a good day, everyone. Blessings.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - do you have a washer in your van? I love putting clothes outside to dry. They smell so good when they come inside. Dogs need to get exercise but barking is not the right way. 😀 I can imagine it is very loud if you have neighbors who also have dogs. I hope you have a good time going out for coffee. How if Colin feeling after his fall?

    Judith - I hope you have a good surgeon appointment on Friday.

    Marilyn - we have a lot of cherry tomatoes that we need to eat so I am thinking about making your pasta sauce recipe. I hope you are feeling stronger every day.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, we have no washer in this van but will in the next. We dry our clothes outside all the time unless it is raining. Col is feeling better and we took the dogs out again today.

    Marilyn, that's a powerful picture.

    Judith, praying for you.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today is "national smile" day. It is fun to smile at people and see them respond back with a smile. A smile can change a person's whole countenance. It is sad that some people go through their day so focused on their goals or their problems that they do not take the time to count their blessings.

    We are hosting our Bible Study group tonight at our house. We have been gone for so long in Denver that getting with these friends is really special. We will be having a baked potato bar with lots of toppings. I have a lot of cleaning to do before they get here so this visit to MFP will be shorter than usual.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Have a fun time with National Smile Day and your Bible Study Group, Linda.

    We've been out today for a drive and also got lunch. I had a Subway grilled chicken salad. It was nice. This evening be we are going to a BBQ at my brother's house. Should be a fun time! The dogs have been enjoying their walks but they have managed to find loads of burrs, so they have been thoroughly groomed again, much to their dismay.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Evening Everyone, 🌌

    •*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫
    Dropping by to Spread the Spark & Say Hi...
    ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫
    (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫
    And wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving weekend
    Here in Canada 🇨🇦 Monday is Thanksgiving Day. My family are with me to Celebrate my Birthday 🥳 and Thanksgiving! 🍂🍁

    Thank you for the Birthday Greetings, God Blessed me with so many texts and E-mails, phone calls from family and friends, I also received gifts via mail with many cards. My friend came here on Wednesday my Birthday and brought me some lovely gifts. I have been spoiled. And because Thanksgiving is this weekend my family are coming with dinner and will bring gifts to celebrate my birthday too. 🥳🎂

    I had my appointment which was intense, he spoke about treatment, injections to treat areas that are not responding. All I can do is leave it with God and let Him complete the healing. Thanks for your prayers, the treatment I had 10 days ago when at cancer clinic really didn’t do much, the skin is reacting to the flaps and graphs. I believe even though it’s at its worst God is getting ready to move the mountains. Praise His Mighty name.

    Know I hold you all in my heart and keep you all in my prayers. God Bless you ❤️🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We had a lovely time at our Bible Study group potato bar. I had made enough potatoes to have leftovers for today which was nice. I made hash browns for my husband for breakfast and we will use the potatoes tonight with dinner.

    Susan - I am sure your dogs appreciate you grooming them for the burs. If they are left in the hair they can get tighter imbeded and become painful. We had a cocker spaniel that were get burs easily and her curly hair held on to them until we had to cut them out of her hair. Her ears would also get so dirty because they drug into her food bowl and got food in them. I do miss her a lot!

    Judith - We are holding you up in prayer for your situation. I am sorry that the treatment 10 days ago was not as effective as you had wished. I am so glad that you can have your family close to celebrate your birthday and Thanksgiving. Thanks for the recipe to use left over turkey. We we have our thanksgiving I will try to remember to use it. I may have to change it a bit since I am trying to stay away from flour but it sounds delicious.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited October 2022
    Judith, happy birthday and happy Thanksgiving again. How special to have loving company for both occasions! Oh, I am so sorry the last treatment didn't work too well. You are right, God can and does move mountains. You have my prayers and hope. 💕🙏

    Linda, glad you had a good time with your church group. There's nothing like fellowship with believers. What a blessing. Yes, you are so right about the need for grooming the burrs and prickles out of our dogs. There's also a weed called Spear Grass here. When I was 15 I had a little Maltese dog and knew nothing of the dangers of those spears. My poor little dog had them in her coat and they work in one direction to pierce the skin. I had to get out a sterilised needle to remove them from her skin. She was a sweet natured thing who never complainsed about that, so I have since then guarded my dogs from noxious weeds and pests. We also have little balls called Sticky Weed here. They gum up the fur. So my poor boys don't look forward to their grooms even though they are a lot happier and not in pain afterwards! I have to search them for paralysis ticks and cattle ticks each day as well. Paralysis ticks can kill them....

    I am sitting here under my awning hearing a Kookaburra grumble, the calls of other birds back and forth to each other, doves cooing low, crows with their harsh cries, and a few minutes ago a wild Bush Turkey ambled through our site! You may not have seen one before so here he is:


    I had no trouble getting a picture. He practically posed for me!!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited October 2022
    Susan - Wild turkeys are not as fat as the ones that are raised for Thanksgiving dinner! You certainly have a lot to watch for with your dogs. We had wood ticks that would fill up and then fall off on our floor if we did not watch for them. I have also been bitten by this tick when I was walking in the woods. Our dogs were not long haired so it was easier to see them on their skin. The paralysis tick sound very dangerous. We have a plant that gets in the fur of dogs called '"foxtail". I read that spear grass is a generic group of grasses with barbed seeds that also covers foxtail so I am aware of the problems with this.

    Last night a group of campus students and a few of us older people watched a movie called "Finding Guy". It is a very interesting story by a man who was formerly gay but accepted Jesus and has not practiced the gay life for I think for several decades. He married a woman and has 4 children. He called himself same-sex-attracted rather than gay. It was a very informative movie about how we need to keep the communication going between those who do not have the same moral standing as we might have. It is important to keep a relational connection with them which may attract them to Jesus who can change their behavior.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, yes, there are a lot of hazards for dogs in the bush and for people too. It's warming up so snakes will be coming out and most of them are highly toxic. Then there are toxic spiders in the grass, centipedes, and the beach has hazards like cone shellfish, stone fish, blue ringed octopus, crocodiles, sea snakes, sharks and jellyfish stingers. It can sound terrible but the beasties can be few and far between! We just watch out for a laundry list of them. We have very few large predators - no bears or wolves for example - but wild dingoes can and will lure domestic dogs away to kill them in their packs. I know coyotes do the same. You just have to know the country. Paralysis ticks are tiny. That's what makes them hard to find even on a short haired dog. With my two hairy ones I have to feel them all over every day, check their ears, lips, between their toes...ticks like to hide in little spaces. I do give them tick preventative treatments and that keeps the fleas away as well.

    Sounds like an interesting and useful movie you watched. I'll keep it in mind. I always say all sin is equal in God's eyes and we are all sinners. All of us need to come to an understanding of that and repent. We are to love the sinner (even our enemies!) but hate the sin. The Lord is marvelous for wiping those sins out and not bringing them to His mind again, which is worthy of our praise and gratitude every day! I know you think this way too. I just like putting it in words.

    I hope everyone is doing well or at least better. Thinking of you all, Judith, Marilyn, Darlene....
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My husband and I went up on Grand Mesa to see the Fall colors. Although we were a little late to see some of them, there were still some really pretty trees. I love the ones that are yellow on the bottom but red on the top. I am not sure what makes the colors different than the regular yellow but I do enjoy seeing an occassional two toned tree. It was a lot cooler up at a higher altitude - 46F but it is 73F down at our house. I washed my mattress cover and dried it outside today. It really smelled nice and fresh. I wish I had a clothes line but I had to hang it over several patio chairs to dry. Maybe I should look into getting a dryer like you have on your patio as you travel, Susan. Does it fall over if the clothes are not balanced all the way around? Does it fold up?

    We talked to the U-Haul people today to see what it would cost to rent a trailer to put my car on to bring it back to Denver. It is really old but a friend of ours is desperate for a car and said she would pay for the rental and gas if we would bring it back for her - plus pay what we are asking for it. I have had that car for 26 years so it feels like I am getting rid of an old friend. We have my M-I-L's car now that is much easier to get in so we really do not need my little car. It will save us some money to not have to pay insurance on it also. I still need to clean it out so we will probably take it over next week.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Oh it is sad to give up a car you have had that long, Linda, but entirely understandable. I hope it is an easy sale! Yes, the clothes line folds up like an umbrella and breaks in half to fit into a canvas bag. It's easy to store. You can put tent pegs in the bottom to keep it from falling over.

    We're out and about today. It's a pretty day though windy. Here's how the ocean looks across from the van park.


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I had a lovely Bible study group meeting via zoom this morning so I am a little late getting started with my usual chores. I need to get outside now and clean the seats of the car we are selling. Who knows what the stains are or how long it has been there so I do not have high hopes of getting it clean. It seems to me it was a crockpot that fell over in the back seat that was not properly supported on the seat. The carpets are pretty bad also but we can get new mats to put over that. I prospective owner is known for driving fast in her other car that no longer works. I hope she can control her free spirit to not hurt this old car!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, good luck with the stains! I hope it all works out for your car sale. Glad you had a good Bible study.

    Marilyn, that's a beautiful post today. We all do have lots to be thankful for.

    I have nothing much to talk about today. I practiced Uke for awhile and am expecting friends to come by for dinner. Before that I have a routine Telehealth appointment. It's a nice day.