Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good Morning All

    Marilyn, great quote today, thank you, keep them coming my friend!

    Thank you Linda and Susan for your prayers and for commenting on my situation regarding infection on my face lips and chin! I receive my prescription via delivery at Noon today!

    After my consult with Surgeon he said he would do the injections we discussed before and after the 3 months more of my recovery time of 6 to 9 months is completed he will access again and is talking about 1 more surgery needed along with the treatment will hopefully and what he is hoping will see me recovered and healed with no disease present! This is what I hope for too! Thank you for your prayers. Of course my prayers are with you always! Love and appreciate you all! 🤗❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Here is a picture of my tote bag. Since it was just a trial of the denim I used an old sheet to line it. It definitely is sturdy but I will not be using the stretch denim in this. I found it just too hard to work with when exact measurements are needed.

    Judith - I am glad that your doctor is starting out with ointment first. I pray that is all that is needed.

    Susan - did you find any Caravans you like?

    Marilyn - I agree everything boils down to habits. Trying something without follow through does not work!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, thank the Lord they are acting quickly and have given you a way forward. I am glad you won't need to go into hospital. Praying for the antibiotics to work well. Yes, rest! Thank you for taking the time to update us when you are so tired. 🤗💕

    Marilyn, hope you are doing well today. You too, Linda.

    It's a quiet day here. We may go for a drive somewhere later.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good advice, Marilyn.

    We did go for a drive yesterday and woubd up at a strawberry farm for lunch. It was nice to be out in the fresh air.

    Getting ready for church this morning so will make this short.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My husband went to the doctor yesterday and they did blood work and a stool sample. The blood work does not show any infection so they are waiting for the other results. He was put on a clear liquid diet to rest his intestines but is feeling worse today because he is weak from not eating. Hopefully the rest of us do not get what he has and it is something that can easily be taken care of.

    I cleaned the pantry yesterday because things were piled in there and falling our. It is amazing how much better it looks and we have plenty of room for things in there. There were some expired items that I threw out but mostly it was just organizational things.

    A strawberry farm sounds delicious Susan! Fruit fresh from a farm always tastes so much better than some sitting in a storage area for a while before it is brought to the stores.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited January 2023
    I am surrounded by germs today. My daughter tested positive for co-vid with a home test today so she went for an official test that will have results tomorrow. She looks like she is very tired and has a bad cold so I do not doubt that this one will be positive also. My husband is feeling worse today from his clear liquid diet and will talk to the doctor again tomorrow. We canceled our tickets to "Little Women" in case I have germs from sick people around me to give to the audience. I am going to go outside and take a walk in the fresh air to clear out my lungs even though it will not last long once I get back inside. 😊

    Today's sermon was about how our hearts are like rooms for Jesus to live in. The study is like what our minds and imaginations seek for, our dining room is what aspirations we feed, the living room is where we go for comfort, the bedroom is where our morals are kept and the hall closet is where we keep our most hidden sins. He had a lot of scripture on what we need to have in each room. One thing I really liked was that he said "God is not looking for our abilities but our availability." He does not require us to be perfect by working hard on our own, he just wants us to be available for Him to work in us to form our lives into his likeness.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for all your kind comments and your love and prayers.

    I am using the antibiotic ointment and hoping it will take care of the bacteria infection.

    My Surgeon feels surgery will be necessary to bring healing along with the injections.

    It’s going to be a long road to recovery and healing to be totally cancer free, however I am determined to keep fighting and push forward and follow all the instructions my Specialists give me so I will be totally healed to the Glory of God!

    Linda, so sorry to hear about your daughter testing positive for Covid! I am hoping it isn’t a severe case and she recovers quickly.

    So sorry your husband is dealing with so much illness, it’s hard being on a clear liquid diet, my prayers are with him for a speedy recovery. Sorry you had to cancel your tickets to see Little Women, it would be a disappointment. Hope you can go another time.

    My prayers are with you and the whole family!

    Susan, having lunch at a Strawberry Farm sounds like such an awesome place to eat. A job well done with cleaning out the pantry. This is something I need to do but in my case it’s my Utility- Storage cupboard. I have empty boxes that need tearing down and put out to recycle. Organize shelves getting ready for the Christmas Decorations and Tree and Ceramic tree that will be on my shelves. I have my wreath that goes in a wreath storage bag to protect it for next year.

    I am going to have to replace my strings of lights for my large tree and have lights to replace for my Christmas Village.

    Today was a great day with watching my Church’s Live Stream Service. Pastor started a new series for the New Year taken from the Book
    of Philippians!

    My friend dropped by for a visit and for us to celebrate her Birthday! We had a great visit. 🤗

    Blessings on your evening! Take care and God Bless you all… ❤️🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, I know it's not great about the infection, but I sure am glad they are on to it. I'll keep praying for God's hand to be on you and for healing. It's sure a huge test to endure. Gentle hugs! Linda is inspiring about her pantry cleaning, isn't she? And how amazing. Our Pastor is starting us on a series in Philippians too!

    Marilyn, thank you. 🤗

    Linda, praying for you too, that everyone will heal well and life will return to some sense of normal. It's been pretty disruptive for you all. Glad you have such good meditations to think about in the meantime.

    Our programs started up again today - for me it is Uke Jam and the Choir. People are a little somber. There was a sudden death in the Village this morning. The lady was involved in quite a few groups, very active. I guess there is shock here too.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - we cheer you on in your fight against your physical foe - cancer. We will celebrate as best we can online when you can finally say "I'm cancer free!" I wish we had virtual gifts we could give like we did not Sparkpeople.

    Susan - I am sorry about the sudden death in your community. Prayers for all who are effected by this.

    I walked 2 1/2 miles round trip today to go to my doctor's office to have bloodwork drawn for my appointment for Friday. We also have dentist appointments for Wednesday. We called the dentist to see if we need to reschedule since we have been exposed to co-vid but they told us to test before coming and if we are still negative we can have our appointments. The same goes for the doctor or I can do a virtual visit. My granddaughter is home from school today. She is having the same intestinal problems my husband is having. He has another appointment to day to talk to the doctor since the clear liquid diet made his issues worse. It was supposed to give his gut some relief but worked the opposite. Praise God so far I am feeling well and can help those who are not feeling well.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Evening Hello

    Today was very quiet, rested a lot, think the infection is making me tired and just not myself, after resting through the day I feel better tonight so was able to post todays Devotional and Bible Reading, now I’m heading to bed but will be back tomorrow and catch up!

    Good Night Blessings, Love and Hugs, Judith 😴
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited January 2023
    We had a good Bible study today and finished with what we call a "waterfall prayer". First we discuss what we got out of the reading and the scripture then share a praise and a prayer request. After everyone is done, we start praying for the person who shared after us. This way the ending prayer is not generic but very specific and everyone is prayed for and feels they have been heard. I feel closer to everyone but especially the one that just prayed for me. Our group is a scattered, over 55-79 years of age group so we meet on zoom so all who want can attend.

    I am so excited with the warmer weather. It is a high of 57F (13.8C) today. I know it will not last because they are predicting snow again again soon. I am enjoying it as I can today.

    The test results came back negative on all that they tested my husband for so we are still at a loss at what is causing his problem. He felt much better yesterday after being able to eat regular food instead of the clear liquids. My daughter is really coughing and is very tired as is usual with co-vid. Her boss said tomorrow she could come back to work according to how many days have elapsed since her first symptoms but I doubt that will happen. I feel it is going to take her more than a few days to get her strength back.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I pray for you daily. ❣
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Marilyn, I say a hearty AMEN to your quote above, yes, Caring makes all the difference in the world. ❤️🤗

    Linda, thank you for your kindness and for cheering me on in my fight against cancer. I know I will beat this and overcome all of this and see me totally healed! Feeling stronger today, God is Good! I know what you are saying about “Virtual Gifts” that Spark People had. They had so many emoticons and quotes that we could pick from and use on our pages send to our Spark Friends, wish MFP had them too!

    Thinking of you and Colin Susan, trust it’s a good day for you both!

    Blessings all, Big Hugs! 🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good afternoon all.

    I was so glad to read your good news, Linda, about you all not having Covid. I sure wish they could find an answer to the problems family members are having, though. That's an interesting way to have a prayer meeting. It sounds really effective.

    Judith, Col is still experiencing pain but is getting extra physio. They think he has Bursitis rather than a frozen shoulder, which means it can heal. They told us yesterday there is no nerve damage in his back yet. His back may improve over time. I was relieved to hear it. I have been concerned that he might have to consider a wheelchair. Again, time and physio are what is needed. I have not been sleeping well and today discovered a leak in my sleep apnea machine hose, so we replaced it. Now I may be able to sleep! Glad you are feeling a little better after lots of rest. Praying your infection is responding to the creams.

    Thank you for the lovely sayings, Marilyn.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Our daughter and my husband are both feeling a bit better today. Our granddaughter came home from school with a sore throat so she went to the official testing site to be tested although the home test said negative. We took a home test this morning in preparation for the dental appointments today which were negative and we are symptom free. I am hoping we are safe now since it has been five days since we were exposed.

    Susan - I am glad that Colin does not have nerve damage in his back or a frozen shoulder and therefore may improve. I am also glad that you were able to fix your breathing tube so you can sleep better. Some days my readings are really high for hypopneas/obstructions and other days they are lower. My breathing is very erratic so I need to have a good working machine.

    Marilyn keep the inspiring thoughts coming. 😊
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Evening Hello all

    Linda, so glad to hear your husband and daughter are feeling better but sorry to hear about your granddaughter coming home with a sore throat, will keep her in prayer that she doesn’t test positive for Covid. So glad your tests came back as negative. How did your fetal appointment go? Trust all is well. I am praying that you and your hubby are safe and free from Covid. So glad so symptoms aren’t showing! My prayers continue and cover you in prayer.

    Susan, so sorry about the hole found in your apnea machine hose but glad you got a new one that will work for you. I am rejoicing with you that Colin doesn’t have Nerve damage, Praise God! Happy he will be able to have physio and with not having nerve damage he can begin to heal. Will pray for healing and for all pain to cease and leave his body in Jesus Name. Trusting now your apnea machine is repaired you have a good rest tonight.

    Marilyn, thank you for all the inspirational quotes you share. Indeed they are a blessing in which I thank God!

    The infection is not improving, the lips are severe but am trusting the Lord for complete restoration!

    It’s bedtime for me. So will say Good Night and God Bless! Thank you for your prayers! 😴❤️🙏