Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - thanks for sharing your cards with us. I was looking for a card to send to my granddaughter while she is at camp and I was so shocked that they wanted $5/card and I do not think they are as beautiful as your cards are. If we were closer I would come to your card making classes when ever you had them. Is there a lot of financial investment to get started on card making? Do you use stampers? I do not know much (as you can see) about cards but I love the end result. I am so glad your friends in the 80's and 90's are able to still enjoy singing. With all the new popular music, I feel that the younger crowd does not allwaysappreciate our voices and the good "oldies" that I prefer to sing. Maybe your group is up to date and singing the newer songs so I could be completely wrong.

    Judith - thanks for giving us some more information on Miss Sunshine. I am so sorry she is still sick and pray that she gets better soon.

    My daughter is having her surgery tomorrow so I may not be able to be home much. She needs someone to take her to the hospital as well as take her home since she will be tired after the anesthesia. She does not think that we will be needed to stay here on Thursday to help care for her so we plan to go back to Grand Junction on that day. We have an appointment with some builders to talk about putting a house on our mountain property. It would be so much easier to have a house than to pull our trailer there every year. It would require making a road up the slope as well so it may be more expensive than we want to do. At least we will have some financial information to make an informed decision.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Susan, love your cards, I really miss making cards but for now I make cards for my family, that’s about all I can handle right now. Once I get stronger I will get back to making cards and get back to China Tea Cups and saucers Floral Arranging. I made arrangements for thank you and for our table setting for our Monthly Women’s Ministry gatherings!

    Thank you Marilyn for your quotes. Prayers continue for you.

    Linda, thinking of you and praying for you and your family. Tonight I missed you here but saw you on the games we are playing.

    Have a great evening, see you all tomorrow! 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Judith, I understand be about you needing to conserve your creative energy right now. One day things will change! You sound so creative and it's lovely to hear that you generously share that with your church. Is your kitty feeling any better today, or closer to being diagnosed? Hugs.

    Linda, I wish I could have you over for craft classes! I am sure there will be a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator near you who could become your creative coach. If you're in interested right now, go to and search for a Demonstrator near you. Most Demos would be thrilled to hear from you, I am sure. It's do much fun and you don't have to buy very much to get started. Ask about the kits that are available now. They are usually self contained projects that you can complete at home. Like a paper flower wreath I made, here is my desk with all the pieces that came out of the box!


    I hope all goes well for your daughter. Will pray about her surgery. 🙏💕

    Marilyn, yes, it's a lot less stressful to realise the limits we have to control outcomes. It's a good thing to take stock of how far we have come and look for growth opportunities ahead of us. 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Looks like I am first in today.

    We planted out the Christmas cactus snips in a long planter around the edges of it. As these snips take-off, I will transplant them into their own pots. There won't be enough room for them all to grow in the planter for more than a year.


    The van is outside and we are getting ready to pack it up. Colin made the bed up and I am getting some food ready. I want to cook a gingerbread cake because we all love that and we are going out to our son's place for the three grandchildren's birthdays. I know their mother will cook cake as well but I can eat my own gingerbread one as I will make it gluten-free.

    It's a beautiful day but cool. Tomorrow we will have even colder weather as we travel inland away from the ocean. Even though we don't live right on the coast, it is still warm here than it is further inland.

    The dogs know we are planning a trip. They are a little barky and jumpy. It is always exciting for them to go in the van.

    Have a good days everyone.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    edited June 2023
    It has been a busy doing nothing today. I was at the hospital for 6 hours while my daughter had her surgery. She is home now sleeping and doing well. The doctor told me that she thinks she got all of the issues taken care of and my daughter should be feeling better. She found 2 fibroid tumors and a polyp that she removed from her uterus. I am hoping that she will have more energy tomorrow so we can feel safe leaving her here with just our granddaughter.

    My youngest granddaughter went to the neurologist today and was put on anti-seizure medication. We are praying that this will work and she will not have any side effects.

    Hope to be on here more tomorrow but I am so far behind in getting ready to go since I was not here most of the day so I need to get going.

    Thanks Susan for the URL. There are 5 demonstrators in Grand Junction area. I will try to get in touch with one of them.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Susan, thank you for sharing the picture of the kit you have from Stampin-Up I sure love their products, I buy a lot of card stock embellishments and other supplies, love all their punches and dies/stamps. I create my cards using my own creativity, never bought a kit before. But after seeing your kit I might look at my catalogue and see what they have. Right now I just make a card for my family- Birthday and Christmas. That’s all I can manage. Hope you enjoy your trip and have a great visit with your family and grandkids. Enjoy your gingerbread cake, sounds yummy!

    Linda, thanks for letting us know how your daughter is doing, so glad the surgery went well and they removed the fibroids and polyps. So glad Doctor feels she will do well now they are removed. Hope tomorrow is good for her and you and hubby can return home. Happy to hear your granddaughter is now on meds, hope she does well and there are no more issues with the seizures. My prayers are with her and your daughter for a speedy recovery from her surgery.

    Will say goodnight now and see you tomorrow, God Bless you, Love and Prayers 🙏❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hi everyone. We're on the road so typing and reception is difficult. More later!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for excellent quote, appreciated.

    Susan, realize you are travelling and reception is not good, be careful, safe travelling, have a wonderful time with family.

    Linda praying for your daughter, hope she is recovering well and your granddaughter is doing well with her meds.

    Safe travels as you head home.

    I couldn’t finish my fitness and ended up by having a friend help me in the garden and helped with couple other things today; very light headiness, dizziness- nausea just not feeling well so just made sure I kept up with fluids. Have a
    call into my Specialist who will call me in the morning, thanks for your prayers! God Bless, chat with you all tomorrow. Good Night God Bless 😴
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    edited June 2023
    We were traveling today so I am getting on here really late or is it early? I did a few games earlier in the day but now it is almost 1am so I am doing two days at one time. We had a good trip overall but it was very long. We did have a hail storm that we went through that was severe enough that the road was totally white and slippery so we were hydroplaneing some. The splash back from the other cars made it impossible to see ahead of us. It was a bit scary but did not last long. We started out taking a different way back to Grand Junction so we could go past our property to see if it was dry enough to move the trailer to where it is supposed to be. It has dried up some but still too wet so we will check again in one week. We have a very busy Summer planned so I do not know how often we will be able to get up there. I did take some pictures to show you what the property looks like and I will attach them at the end. I will let your know that when it shows a lot of dead trees, it is the way of the Aspen trees. They will grow for quite a few years then will die off and a new crop of trees will start to grow a little ways away. They spread by their root system and when they need to spread, the old ones die off and the replacements start up. I also took some pictures of Spring flowers but I will attach them at a later time so I do not try to attach too much data at one time. Some of the trees have not leafed out yet because it is pretty cold up at 8,000 feet altitude.

    Susan - safe travels for you as you visit family. As you go to family I am leaving family.

    Judith - I am so sorry you are having problems with nausea and dizziness. I am glad you have a friend who can help you in the garden. You have been such a blessing to others and now they can bless you when you do not feel well.

    Here are some pictures of the area around where we will put the trailer. You can see how wet and soggy it is around where we have the trailer now. You can also see the cow water tank that we keep so my inlaws can have some water from our spring to let the cattle drink when they bring them up this weekend.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    I will come back, I was near my post and a long one with heaps of things to share and the app totally closed and I lost everything 😫 so frustrating!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hi everyone. Still at son's and enjoying family. Will be back properly after tomorrow. All is well.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning all

    You will remember yesterday I had come to the end of my post and suddenly the app closed down, no warning, at first I thought it was my phone but when using it outside of MFP it was fine, it kept doing it so I closed and here I am next day, trying again… 😊

    Marilyn, thank you for todays quote, excellent, thanks for sharing. My prayers continue for you.

    Susan, hope you are enjoying your travels and have a great time with family and celebrating your Granddaughters Birthday. Please with them a Happy Birthday 🥳 You said you baked a Gingerbread cake gluten free, hope you enjoyed. Loved your Christmas Cactus you planted. So pretty.

    Linda, hope your travelling is going better especially after the other day with slippery roads and hail storm. The pictures of your land where you have parked your trailer is so beautiful with all the trees. I do see what you are talking about how the land is wet and soggy especially when you get rainy days. Hope things dry up soon! You mentioned in one of your other posts about building on the property, is that still something you are hoping to do? Let us know? Sounds exciting. Hope your daughter is recovering well from her surgery, was glad to hear the Surgeon removed the fibroids and polyps and said she would now be feeling much better now they have been removed. This is good news. And your granddaughter, you mentioned that she has been put medication that will hopefully take care of the seizures, here’s hoping she gets as good results as her brother.

    I hope I remembered all the posts that you all shared and was able to reply accurately. So glad I was able to be on here without the app crashing! Yay, happy days are here again! 😁

    Have a Blessed weekend. See you all Sunday. ❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - this quote is so true. With all the trials you have been through with your kidney disease, your character is getting stronger and stronger. Prayers continue for improvement in your kidney numbers.

    Susan - I am glad you are having a good time with family. My grandmother used to make gingerbread and we loved it. It was a dense cake that only had powdered sugar or a dollop of whipped cream on the top rather than thick icing. Is that how you serve yours?

    Judith - I am sorry that you are having problems with your MFP application. I have lost some things here but have learned to save a draft if I am going to be gone from my computer a little while so I do not loose my information. I don't know if that works on a phone or not. Yes, we are talking about building a house on this property instead of having to bring the trailer up there every Summer. It is a lot of work expecially as we get older. We met with a builder but he was offering a log house which was more than we wanted to pay so we are still looking for another builder. My middle daughter and family would be the ones to inherit this house when we go on to our heavenly dwellings. We are hoping to save some money by having their help doing the detail work inside the house rather than pay someone else to do it. So far they are so busy they have not been able to agree to help (slthough their hearts are to help at some time). We are also talking to our financial advisor about what amount of money we can use to do it. My husband is just now taking his Social Security so our income has decreased from when we were both working. We are praying to make a wise decision in this area.

    We are having a Father's Day Service in the park tomorrow for church. We arehaving a BBQ with the meat provided by the church and the rest of the people are doing sides. I am bringing sliced tomatoes, onions and lettuce and also a gluten free macaroni salad. It is predicted to be 90 degrees outside so it will be good to have a pavilion to meet in to shade our heads. I am looking forward to it since we have been gone to Denver for the past two Sundays. I miss meeting with this smaller church for fun and fellowship.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hello all. We are back home this evening after having a nice time with family. After baking the gingerbread pound cake, I accidentally left it at home. My DIL baked a cheesecake I could have though. Linda, I would have served the cake on its own, or with unwhipped cream or ice-cream.

    I will catch up again properly tomorrow, I hope. Pretty tired after the travel, unpacking and cleaning of the van.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Our church potluck in the park was a success. It was pretty windy for a while so we had to tape down the plastic tablecloths we were using. We, of course, had food left over so now I have some nice things to feed my son and his family when they come to GJ tomorrow. They will be staying for a week and are parking their camper in a campground near the river so we will not see them everyday but we were planning on a BBQ with them so the meat has been supplied. They really enjoy fishing so they have plans on trying out a lot of fishing spots while they are here. My husband is going to get his fishing license so he can fish with them but I will just watch. Anything involving fish whether it be fishing in a river or pond, gutting or eating fish is not my favorite activity!

    I got together with my quilting friend yesterday and we made plans for how to put my patchwork quilt together. It looks like a daunting task but I am sure that it will be a beautiful tribute to my MIL who started cutting the fabric but never finished it. I am not going to try to do it fast so it will be a quite a few months before I get it done with Summer being such a busy time.

    I hope you are all having a good week-end. After the hot picnic this morning, I am trying to stay cool by staying close to the rooms with the swamp cooler and fans working. It is not even Summer and we are predicted to be int he 90's today.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member