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  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    It was raining most of the day but has cleared up for a while. There are supposed to be three cold fronts come through in the next 24 hours. It is much colder than it was yesterday and of course more humid. The Denver folks are expecting 10-14 inches of snow so the schools are already saying they canceled classes for tomorrow. I am so glad that here in Grand Junction snow does not happen very much. We really do need the rain so I am glad to see that happening.

    Susan - I prayed yesterday for Jasper and Archie to have a good trip on the boat. By now you are back in Australia and will be staying for an extended time in Geelong. You did a lot of traveling so I am sure the servicing of the cars is much needed. How long are you going to stay traveling in Australia before you go home. Does Colin have another big trip planned already? You said he was the traveler in the family. I just realized that at the beginning of your journey, I was part of a group on Facebook to follow your travels but I have not seen any posts lately. Did you stop doing that?

    Judith - Yes we have enjoyed traveling vicariously with the Luke family. I am wondering what your weather is like up North? Are you getting snow or rain? I will check the weather thread to see what is going on with you.

    Marilyn - I pray you are continuing to loose weight and work out more minutes on the treadmill. Thank-you for allowing us to follow your journey to better health. I m praying for your upcoming surgery.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,376 Member
    Afternoon Hello Everyone,

    Susan, hope your journey to Australia was pleasant and Archie and Jasper did well. Hope you enjoy your week at Geelong before travelling back home. Once home are there any further plans to travel anywhere else? Maybe you want to spend time on the homefront and reconnect with family friends your Home Church. I am sure everyone has missed you. Take care and safe continued travels on your journey! 🙏

    Linda, so glad you have enjoyed your travels with the Luke Family. Reading about Denver weather, more snow, hope it isn’t as much as forecast says, praying for their safety. Glad to read Grand Junction doesn’t get as much snow as Denver. Not sure but I think I remember reading on Weather Thread you posted about cloudy and rain, your temps didn’t seem that warm, some days my weather has been much like you and Susan. You asked about my weather, no snow here but in Tale and other parts near where my son and family live have had snow, we did about 10 days ago and we also had Hail couple of days. We are now officially in Spring season but our temps are still some chilly!

    Marilyn, I am praying for your upcoming surgery. Praying all will be well for God’s Wisdom for Surgeon and for God’s Strength for you. As Linda said, I too am happy to follow your journey to better health. You are doing so well with your weight loss. Well Done! Keep up the great work!

    God Bless you all, see you all later; my prayers are with you always. 🙏❤️😇
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    edited March 14
    Good morning from Geelong, Victoria. We all arrived safely. The dogs were so glad to see us, and us them! The car and van shipped just fine. We slept some in our little cabin above.

    Here are some morning Ocean shots for you from our brief cruise across Bass Strait.



    And here's a night picture of Devonport, as we sadly pulled away from Tasmania...


    It's amazing that Tasmania is still part of Australia. They call the rest of Australia the Mainland, or the big island! Lol! The big island is as big as the lower 48 states of the USA and Tasmania is the size of the State of Ohio.

    Judith, we are not done travelling yet. Our next leg is going to be to South Australia travelling in our car and van. We have no end date for our travels yet. I do miss home, more than Colin does, and I especially miss our church. Fortunately our Pastor goes Live on YouTube every Thursday night. We always take part in that Bible study. And he records his Sunday sermons and posts them, too. I stay in touch online with the Pastor's wife and a couple of friends from church. It not the same as being there, but it keeps us connected. We get the prayer request list each week too.

    Marilyn, yes, we can easily find excuses for not doing things. It's important to stay strong and push through the hard stuff. I am glad we don't have to do it alone. The Lord is always with us.

    Linda, not sure why you can't see my updates on Luke Travels? I have been posting there regularly. I did get a friend request from "you' yesterday but it was a cloned account. I deleted it, after checking I was still friends with you on your real Facebook account. I will check and see if you are still a member of Luke Travels. It's a private group so only friends and family are in there. Sorry about Facebook glitches!

    We have had to park up in the Geelong Botanical Gardens for a couple of hours as our real camping spot at Geelong Showgrounds isn't ready till 1pm. There are some big parking areas at the Gardens so we could find space for our rig and Greg and Lyn's too. This allows the grounds staff at the Showgrounds to mow, check that everything is working etc before we move in there. Right now at the Gardens we are right next to a dog park so the boys are happy. (They were so glad to see us this morning, and us them).

    Thank you for praying for us.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,376 Member
    Good Afternoon All

    Susan, good hearing from you. Love the pictures you took while on the ship, the night picture pulling out of Tasmania is Spectacular! The colours of the night lights so stunning.

    I am sure Archie and Jasper were so happy to see you and you both them. It’s nice you found a place to park in the Gardens parking lot while waiting for your permanent spot. I am sure the “boys” are enjoying the Dog Park, what fun for them.

    Thanks for sharing about your travels we’re not finished and how you keep in touch with your Pastor, Church and Friends. So happy you are able to connect with the weekly Live Stream of your services and Bible Studies!

    You mentioned that Tasmania was the size of the State of Ohio, that brought back Happy memories as my Uncle John and Aunt Maddie lived in Toledo, Ohio USA. I visited and stayed with them a lot over the years growing up.

    Geelong, Victoria sounds so nice to be touring and visiting all the sites. Thank you for sharing the spectacular photos!

    Safe travels and enjoy all the places you see.

    Marilyn, good quote today, yes I think we all can relate to that statement. Continue to keep you in prayer for your upcoming surgery. Would you be so kind and refresh my memory with your date of surgery please? I want to be sure to hold you up on the day you have your surgery. Thank you!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    We are having sunny sky today which is so nice after all the clouds we have had. It did snow for a short time this morning but stopped. In Denver it is a different story. It is still snowing and it is getting deeper. It will be a while until we get a final account of inches right now.

    Susan - Thanks for letting me know about the cloned Face book account. I have changed my password to see if that stops it. I know I get a lot of requests for people I am already friends with too. I am glad that your dogs are back with you. How long was the ride accross Bass Strait? Will the temperature be any different since you are back on the Mainland? You said something about artic winds cooling down the weather in Tasmania. I did try to join your group again. We will see what happens now.

    Judith - Your Spring is earlier than our Spring. We do not start until the 19th. Of course, the weather does not have a calendar to check so we will still have some cold weather even when it is officially Spring. 😊

    Marilyn - prayers continue for your surgery. I was talking to a friend here in GJ who just found out that her kidneys are in stage 3 failure. She did not like the diet the doctor said she should be on but I told her you are successful and it is possible to stay on it. It is a huge change for her since she is used to eating lots of processed foods, protein and carbs.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    edited March 15
    Linda, you are welcome for the info about the cloned account. That means someone has copied your photos and information and has created a fake pages with it. They probably haven't hacked your true account (that means guessing your password and signing in as you). So changing your password now and then is a great idea, but it won't stop people copying your pictures and posts then pretending to be you. 😕 I sent you a new invitation to Luke Travels as I see you actually asked to join SusanSalutations, a Craft group I have. We'll get there! The trip across the Bass Strait was 11 hours. The temps in Geelong are cool today but more humid. Sometimes they get the Antarctic blasts here too. One is gathering strength from the South as I type! South Australia is a little further north towards the equator, so it is hotter and drier, but it is Autumn now so maybe we will miss the scorching hot weather. I'll post about that in our weather thread.

    Judith, I am so glad you liked my photos! I'm also glad to have brought back your happy memories from your Ohio days. We're not seeing anything new today. We're getting our car serviced. Colin and Greg made me a new clothesline for the caravan awning though so I washed clothes and hung them out. I've listened to our Bible Study on YouTube. Now I am going to work on my craft website, before I cook dinner. It's a relaxing day today!


    Marilyn, yes! I always think of great things to say AFTER a little disagreement! Lol! I hope you have a surgery date soon. Thinking of you.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
    Well am home from having the surgery - it was done yesterday afternoon and they decided they needed to keep me overnight as my breathing was off a little. So I came home at 7:30 this morning all stiff and sore from sleeping in one position on an uncomfortable hospital bed.

    Am tired ( it is now 11:30 am) so am going to have something small to eat and then a nap.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    Marilyn - I am so glad that your surgery is over and is successful. I pray it continues to heal properly and you get some rest. I know sleeping in a strange bed is difficult in the hospital. I am sure you will sleep better in your recliner now that you are home. Take it easy for a while - your body is busy working hard to heal.

    Susan - I am glad you are having a restful day. I am now able to see your travels so thanks for the help on Facebook. You are right, changing the password on Facebook does not take the information from those who already have it. I am hoping that it will keep somone else from gettting into it again. I wish the world was full of faithful Christians like our group was but evil is here to stay. In heaven, our identity will be so much different and glorious. It can never be stolen and used for evil purposes because Satan and his "crew" will not be there. They will recieve their just rewards. I love the idea that you have a new clothesline. I am looking forward to weather when I can hang my clothes outside to dry again. I just have a small foldable rack in my bathtub that I hang things on that can not go in the dryer.

    Judith - I pray you are getting the rest you need and your weight stays stable or back up to 95# soon. You are so close!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    Linda, it depends on your privacy settings on Facebook. If anyone can see your pages, they don't need a password to copy your pictures and posts, 'about' information etc. They can check out your pages without permission. If you have the privacy settings set to friends and family (not friends of friends or everybody) it won't happen as easily, but they can still see and copy or screenshot your profile pic. 😉 I agree, people with evil intentions won't be in heaven and neither will tears! While here though, man made things can be man broken. Glad you like my clothesline. I used to have to take sheets to the laundromat to dry. Now I can dry everything at 'home' and things are out of the bleaching sun and rain. The sun is so strong here, even in winter. I had a cousin from Oregon visit me once who didn't believe me about the sun. She wanted a tan. Unfortunately she got burnt pretty badly instead 😕 so the sun fades our clothes very quickly

    Marilyn, welcome home! Glad your surgery is done and like Linda and Judith, I hope it is successful for you. Enjoy your rest at home. 🙏

    Judith, hope you are alright. It would be so exhausting to be dealing with everything you need to deal with. I hope you are getting quality rest times.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,376 Member
    Evening Hello All

    Linda for some reason I was ahead of myself, our First Day of Spring is March 19th the same as yours. Guess I am wanting Spring to be here right now to have warmer weather my Brain was speeding up the process! Hehe 😆 you said you had sunny skies today, we did too, so nice to see the Sun out and with it we saw Wild Finches and other small birds come out of my trees to hop along the garden eating what they could find. My “Kitty” watches attentively sitting in front of the patio door. Sorry to hear that Denver is getting a lot of snow. Glad you are in Grand Junction where there is less snow.

    Susan, you asked about if I could get quality rest times, to answer your question, yes I rest early in the day and can sleep soundly for about 2 hours and wake refreshed. You also commented on my weight with hoping I would get back to 95 pounds. I was there but lately been averaging around 94.8 and 94.9 pounds. Not too far off 95 so am confidant I will reach it soon. You mentioned about privacy settings on FaceBook, I too set my settings to Family and Friends and don’t have the issues of having my FaceBook page compromised.

    Marilyn I was so happy to read on the Main MFP Feed Page that you had your surgery and you did well. Praise God! My prayers are with you for a
    speedy recovery!

    Today my Son and Daughter in law were in town to get supplies for their business and stopped by here for a visit and brought me a Tea Latte. We had a great visit. So nice to see them. Then this afternoon I had my friend drop by. So today has been awesome with visiting family and my friend. After they all left I had a power nap that turned into a 2 hour refreshing rest. Just what I needed!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    Judith - I am so glad you have family and friends visit and you were able to have your Tea Latte. That is a special treat. I think they are too expensive to drink daily (althought some do drink them daily) but for a treat once in a while they are wonderful. Power naps are what helps my husband get through the day but I feel like I just get to sleep and then have to get up because it takes so long to get to sleep for me. I prefer longer periods but if they work for you that is wonderful. My Mom used to call them her "cat naps". Sometimes she only naped for 15 minutes and she was energized. I did not get that gene from her.

    Marilyn - I am glad you are feeling better with all the drugs out of your system from your surgery. Did they put you to sleep or did they do a nerve block just for your arm?

    Susan - You are like an encyclopedia for Facebook. I am so grateful you are sharing this with me. I will check to see if I only have family and friends as my setting.

    I forgot to tell you how much snow my children had in Denver. My son said it was over a foot deep but did not give the inches. My daughter said between 8-10 inches at our house. The dog was having so much fun running through the snow. She is a big 75# dog and it was up to her shoulders. It looks like it is melting quickly which is good. The daffodils are trying to stand up to the weight of the snow.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    edited March 17
    Lol Linda! Happy to share what I know about Facebook. Apparently you can also 'lock' your profile so people you don't know cannot see much, and some people take away their own face as their profile pic and put something else there. Then you need to tell any new friends what that picture looks like if you want them to be on your friends list. It depends how private you want to get. Oh boy, snow that deep would be covering our little dogs completely!

    Marilyn, lol! Yes, do those people even exist??

    Judith, glad you are able to get two hour naps to refresh. Linda was asking about your weight so I was looking forward to hearing what you said about it too. I hope you can regain those few ounces and start working on the next pound up! Wow, it will be spring for you in just a few days. I know you will be looking forward to warmer weather.

    We're off to explore Apollo Bay today.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,376 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    Thank you Linda, yes Tea Lattes are such a nice treat I order mine 2x a week and enjoy every sip. My Mom called them cat naps and she would close her eyes and sleep 15 minutes and wake set to go, I hear you, sure wouldn’t work for me. But 2 hours for me is great! My son’s dog is 90 pounds and loves the snow and funny thing their cat does too, they both play in the snow.

    Susan, thanks for asking about my weight, it is fluctuating between 94.8 pounds and 94.9 pounds, last few days, 94.8 pounds. I know I will get back up again, just have to keep pushing! Yes Spring is March 19th. I can hardly wait! Hope you enjoy your sightseeing in Apollo Bay! Safe travels

    Marilyn, glad you are feeling better today. My prayers continue for you for a complete recovery!

    Have a Blessed night everyone. See you tomorrow. Good Night and God Bless 😴🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    That's a great chart, Marilyn. How are you feeling? I regularly eat Blueberries with Greek yoghurt for breakfast. I like eggs too. Must be my kidney fix for each day!

    Judith, we're always interested in how your weight is going. Glad you are diligent about working on it. I am cheering for you!

    We didn't get to Apollo Bay yesterday after all. Lyn didn't feel up to it and we would have been driving for four hours, so we didn't go. Col and I saw a lot of the Great Ocean Road last time we were here but Apollo Bay was a bit too far along it for him to bear driving that long, so we'll have to give it a miss I think. Col has gone off to get a massage and haircut this morning. His muscles in the neck snd shoulders are so tight he has one of his infamous headaches. Greg and Lyn are having their caravan serviced on site today, and I will do the washing then get busy on my website.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    I have started my yogurt in my instapot and am making cabbage and kielbasa sausage for the Irish potluck we are having at church. I like cabbage but I don't know how many others do so I may have a lot of lefltovers. I have it in the crockpot so it will not be crisp like the recipe said it would be.

    Marilyn - all those foods look delicious. I do not like strong flavored fish so the salmon does not appear on the menu at our house but my husband gets it when we go out to eat. I do eat cod because it is a mild fish if I am choosing to have fish for dinner. I am making greek yogurt right now so I have plenty for breakfasts.

    Susan - I checked out Apollo Bay on the map and I see there is a town called Marengo just south of it. I grew up in Marengo, Ohio. I did not know that town name was so popular that Australia also uses it. 🙂
    My town was so small we had two stop signs in the whole town. Now I believe they have some traffic signals at the two "busy" intersections. IT has been quite a while since I was ther so maybe they have become more metropolitan.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,376 Member
    Evening Hello

    Marilyn, thanks for sharing the chart, I ate most of the food listed on your chart. I especially loved salmon. For my veggies, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower I cook and purée them to make homemade soup which is so good. I make cream of potato soup and a friend makes me chicken congee, another friend makes me turkey vegetable soup.

    Susan, thanks for cheering me on as I work at increasing my weight. Sorry you didn’t get to see Apollo Bay, we’re you able to take pictures of the Old Ocean Road you explored. Hope the massage helped Colin and his neck feels better. Always nice to get a hair cut. You were going to get laundry done and then go on the web. Hope you enjoyed rest of your day.

    Linda, you are making me so hungry as you spoke about making cabbage and kielbasa sausage for the Irish Potluck at your Church. Hope you had a great time with all who attended the Potluck. Then you spoke of the Greek Yogurt you are making in your Instapot. My Grandma made Irish Stew with the Cabbage and Sausage and other veggies, my mouth waters just thinking about it.

    Hope your Sunday was blessed and you enjoyed your Sunday services! God Bless you all..