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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    edited March 3
    Evening Hello All

    Marilyn, yes indeed a very true and profound statement you shared here. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda, it seems your weather is about the same as we are having here in BC. For several days we have had Wind Gusts and the Wind has pulled the bottom part of the Tarp we have that is covering my furniture my Son in law wraps around all my outdoor furniture. First time this year it has come lose with the Wind Storms we’ve had this winter. I love the Bonsai Trees you speak of that are famous in Japan. I’d love to have one in my yard. Linda you also asked about my face and lips with the removal of excess skin if this procedure needs ongoing care. Yes it does, as fast as it is removed it comes back again with a vengeance! And it’s not comfortable. It needs removing as with Cancerous disease it is subject to spreading to other parts of the body of it is left!

    Susan, I love the picture of Colin and the “Boys” sleeping on the bed, so sweet. Yes, when one is working outside in the dirt does stain the feet toes and fingers. Sounds like you are having weather like mine with the gusts of wind. My tarp that covers the outdoor furniture has been blowing around a lot even with heavy rope wrapped around tight. The Wind Gusts 💨 have been brutal this year for us, glad you got your mats up so they are not damaged. Thank you for your prayers regarding me getting into see my Specialist. I wasn’t expecting this situation with the pooling and bubbling of excess skin could be a rare cancer forming. I will keep you posted on what happens now.

    Have a Blessed Sunday and enjoy your Sunday Services and Family time! Love and God Bless you all! ✝️🙏📖❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    Susan - Colin's feet look great to me. I love to go barefoot in the Summer and my feet look the same. I had an uncle that used to go barefoot in the snow. My Mom said he built up callouses really thick so he did not feel the cold. I do not go that far - I do wear shoes outside in the winter. Most of the time inside, I am wearing just socks on my feet.

    We are having people over for church service today. We are meeting at 2 inthe afternoon so we are just having snacks. I am making hummus and having carrots, celery, cucumber and pita chips to dip. I'm not sure what other people are brining. Our neighbors are planning to come if everyone is feeling well. I think I asked for prayers for their son, Abe, a while ago. He had colon cancer that was cured with surgery but is now facing complications from his radiation treatments he had. It is causing scar tissue to build up in what is left from his intestine causing blockages and fistulas and he can not eat. He has to been on IV feedings for 14 hours per day. He is also in severe pain so his parents don't know from day to day what he will need from them.

    After all the heavy wind yesterday, I woke up to 2 inches of snow. The roads are fine and the white blanket of snow on the shrubbery and grass are so pretty. We do need the moisture!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    edited March 4
    Linda, your uncle was amazing! I cannot imagine walking barefoot in the snow. I will go barefoot on grass sometimes and of course in the house/van but I wear shoes (and sometimes socks) most of the time outside. Hope your church service is blessed. Yes, I do remember you asking prayer for Abe. So sorry he is still suffering and his folks must feel so helpless at times. 🙏 Will remember him in my prayers. My sister's friends ( that are like family) just lost their 35yo son Matthew to a brain tumour that wasn't cancerous but was unable to be removed. He left a young family. Everyone is devastated for his parents, wife and children. It's hard to go through these things. Matthew was saved but had drifted from church. We're praying his family would draw closer to the Lord...

    Marilyn, I love the hope we have in the Lord. Such blessed hope! We're even saved by hope. Our old Pastor carved that verse (saved by hope) into a wood piece for us when we left his area in 2008. I keep it on display at home and often have it in my mind.

    Judith, yes, our days of gusty winds did sound similar yesterday. The majority of Tasmania (it's the size of Ohio) had strong winds and everyone was encouraged to stay indoors. We were glad to. Hope you didn't lose your tarp! I am keeping up prayers about your Specialist appointments 🙏 Yes, let us all know what happens. It's good that they know the skin bubbling and pooling could be caused by a cancer but you need more answers. The Lord bless and keep you, and give you strength. Amen.

    Today the weather is bright, clear, cool and much more still. Our friends re join us this afternoon. I'm enjoying my peaceful morning for now.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Amen Marilyn, Miracles do happen, Praise God!

    Linda, hope your church service is blessed and hope everyone enjoys the finger food you prepared. I always loved Hummus with crackers fresh veggies and we also cut up fresh mushroom with the other veggies. You mentioned snow, it does look pretty on the trees and shrubbery! And speaking of snow, it’s snowing here. And it’s 1 degree Celsius out there. So cold!

    Susan, my sincere condolences to you and your Sisters friends who lost their 35 year held son! I am so sorry, my prayers are with the family! Thank you for your prayers, so appreciated. We sure have had a lot of gusty wind but now it’s snowing out! My tarp has stayed intact thankfully.

    Today my Daughter and family came for a visit and I gave Darren my son in law his gift and card. It was good seeing my family. My son said they have snow in their community like we do!

    Will say good night 😴 and God Bless you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    We woke up to two more inches of snow this morning but it has about all melted off by now. I wish it woudl snow during the day so I could see the flakes. I do appeciate the moisture but I love to see the actual snowing.

    Susan - I watched a nature show last night about the Australian brush fires and the people who rescue the animals and keep them in a sanctuary until they are safe to let out in to the brush again. They were working with flying foxes (look like bats to me), Kangaroo and Koala bears. The Koala's were so cute and cuddly looking. I was amazed at how fast they could climb the trees. My prayers are also with Matthew's family and your family as you all grieve the loss of this young man. I also pray that there will be good things come from this such as drawing everyone close to God.

    Judith - I am so glad your family could come visit. Do they live close? Yes, the snacks were good at the church meeting. The things the kids liked most though were the mozzarella sticks that were covered with batter and baked. I am sure the calories were doubled with the coating. My hummus was not as exciting but that is OK with me because it gives me more to eat with vegetables when I am hungry.

    Marilyn - thank for the thought provoking sayings. It is true that what we are speaks a lot about what what is important to us. People make judgements all the time.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    Linda and Judith, thank you for praying about Matthew. We had all known him since birth...

    Linda, yes, Flying Foxes are bats. People either live them or hate them. They are I telligent snd affectionate if given a chance, but also raucously noisy and destructive and smelly.ots of people do nature conservation anf rehabilitation here. Bush fires are the norm in summer. Especially when many are deliberately lit. Glad to hear your gathering went well. The battered cheese sticks sound so good..

    Marilyn, that's an I teresting way to thi k zbout us. Makes me feel bit like a walking business. Lol! I guess we are.

    Judith, it was lovely to hear you had a family visit in spite of the cold weather. Glad it isn't quite so windy. Will continue to pray about your health. Hugs.

    It's a rest day for me today. I'm glad of it.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    edited March 5
    Marilyn, thank you again for a great thought, and yes, it’s true wherever we go, what we say and many a times what we don’t say as our lives are a living testimony! Jesus in us the Hope of Glory!

    Linda, hummus and veggies were always my favourite snack, you will enjoy! Your Mozzarella sticks sound so yummy, if I were able to eat that kind of food I’d eat the “whole” plate. Hehe, maybe a little exaggerating on my part, but you get the picture. So so good! 😋😋😋 Like you I love watching the snow come down, so pretty on the trees and over the ground. We had snow last night and tonight forecast say more. It’s been cold here too. You asked if my daughter lived nearby. Yes just in the next district from me, I am about 25 minutes drive away. My son lives the furthest away about 2 or 3 hours drive away.

    Susan, thank you for sharing about the flying foxes (Bats) I didn’t know their temperament was like that. When I think of a bat last thing I would put a label of affectionate to it, that’s amazing. I guess they are intelligent by observing all their antics but I sure learned a lot today finding out they can be affectionate given a chance. We here in BC can identify with your Bush Fires as we have so many Forest Fires every year. And we have Wild Life who pick up stranded injured animals and keep them in safe places until they are nursed back to health.

    It’s getting late so will say good night and God Bless, sleep well, see you all tomorrow. 🙏😴🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
    Today was my weigh in - 234.8 This means I am down 5 pounds since the year began so am on track.

    Still waiting to hear from hospital to when I have my operation = hopefully will hear by Wednesday. I can't feel the fistuala so am concerned about that but otherwise fine - cold just about gone.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    We had a good Bible study this morning for 2 hours. It is supposed to be 1 1/2 hours but we can be rather talkative too. 😁 We were reading in Proverbs about how much better it is if we let God make our plans. We can get caught up in our emotions and make rash decisions but God knows the future and has a much better view of our lives future. We also talked about our motivation in what we choose to do. Other people may not be able to see what our motives are but God can see our hearts. God will bless those who are pure in heart and listen to his voice.

    Susan - I too can not imagine a bat being affectionate. We have bats that fly at night near our cabin. I am glad that they are eating bugs but it is a bit scary when you can not see them and they whiz past your ears. We all have purposes in life as well as the animals so I will let them do their work but avoid contact with them. I have heard that they carry the rabbies disease which can be given to humans by a scratch or bite.

    Marilyn - I am glad your cold is almost over. Is your surgery related to your fistula or something else? If you would rather not discuss it, that is fine. My curiosity can get the best of me in the medical field.

    Judith - I hope your weather warms up a little for you. Having it so cold for a length of time can be hard. I am glad that you have a warm house to live in and you do not need to get outside much except for appointments.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    Good morning. We're about to go put to some nearby places so I need to check in now, while the gang is doing the washing. Once the washing machines (both being run on our generator) stop, we'll go.

    Linda, sounds like you had a very practical Bible study. The Flying Fixes are quite large here. I'll find something more about them for you and Judith. Both of you talking about snowflakes brought back a nice memory of me as a 12 yo in Canada, catching them on my pale blue parka's sleeve and wondering at their intricacy and delicacy.

    Marilyn, bravo on the weight loss! 👏 I do hope you get your surgery as planned. Yes, I think you should be able to feel your fistula 🤔 Hope it is alright.

    Judith, nice to know you have Wildlife Carers too. I have used them several times when I have found injured birds. One I took a Blue Mountain Lorikeet to them which was reeling around our yard like a pirate. Turns out he had eaten Umbrella Tree blossoms that had fermented and he was indeed drunk! He was at the mercy of cats and dogs until he sobered up!

    Pteropus (suborder Yinpterochiroptera) is a genus of megabats which are among the largest bats in the world. They are commonly known as fruit bats or flying foxes, among other colloquial names. They live in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, East Africa, and some oceanic islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.[3] There are at least 60 extant species in the genus.[4] Wikipedia.

    They're like little dogs … but with wings
    Orphaned babies called pups, enjoy ear massages and tummy rubs, and thrive on contact and affection from their human carers. A juvenile orphaned flying fox, who was raised by a human carer before being successfully released back into the wild.24 May 2016 Google.

    Here's one with a human who has obviously made friends (Facebook post)


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Susan, All I can say for starters, Oh my, I see the young girl smiling but if it were me I’d be running and hiding most likely screaming if I saw one of those “flying foxes” near me, sorry, I can’t handle something like that, too me it’s a scary creature😱 Big Time! As Linda said, yes every animal has its purpose! But can’t get past a “Bat” carrying Rabies and Disease! Thank you for sharing all about these Flying Foxes, it’s the first I have ever heard of them at least until you told us about them here. And your description about little dogs, they are like that, but the wing span, WOW have a great day exploring, look forward to seeing your pictures.

    Linda, loved hearing about your Bible Study, our group has done the same thing especially when studying some Books of the Bible you can get Carrie’s away discussing all the details, and Proverbs has so many chapters of interest to
    study! Indeed Hod will Bless those who are pure in heart. Thanks for sharing your study! My weather is still quite cold but yes I am glad I don’t need to be out in the cold much. No appointments this week for me.

    Marilyn, congratulations on your weight loss, you are doing marvellous! Keep up the Great Work. As always cheering 📣 you on! So glad to hear your cold is almost gone, will keep you in prayer! Hope you hear soon on when the surgery will take place. Your quote you shared is so true, worry does waste time, it doesn’t accomplish anything. Yes it does steal your joy!

    Blessings all, have a good rest tonight! God Bless
    See you tomorrow! 🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
    Linda you asked about my surgery if it is due to my fisquala. Yes it is. The fisquala on my right arm did not work so had a 2nd operation on it and it still failed. I have since had the surgery on my left arm which is now now working properly - in fact I cant feel the bus - so am waiting for surgery but if they don't get me in really quickly I don't think there would be a point because when the surgeon checked it he said it was very narrow - hopefully I will hear something today

    I have made a commitment for the next 7 days. No bread at all for 7 days. Bread is a tricker for me this week could get a bit difficult but I have done a 7 day commitment before and it really helped. And as my husband remiinded me dont make the commitment/vow unless you are to carry it out as the Lord talks about that.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    Today I got 3 inches cut off my hair. It was getting long and pulling the curl out of it. I prayed that I would have someone who knows how to work with wavy hair and God provided me with the perfect person. I had taken some pictures to show her but when I got there, I could not find them. She said she understood what I wanted and though putting some layers would help. Even as she was cutting she said, the curl is coming back so I am glad for that. I doubt that cutting my hair will help with my weight loss but I can at least hope. 🤣

    Susan - thanks for the additional information on the flying foxes. They are huge! I am glad they only eat native blossoms and fruit. If they were meat eaters, they could take a large bite out of what ever they were chasing down. It is so nice that you have a generator to run the washing machine. We take our generator to our mountain property to charge up my battery on my CPAP machine and also our phones. Ours is pretty noisy but during the day it also scares off other animals that may be prowling around. We have Mountain Lions that are fairly near our parking place as well as black bears. We also have deer, moose and elk but they do not come close to us. We do not necessarily see them but we see evidence that they are around.

    Judith - I think I would be in a race with you as to how fast we could run and how loud we could scream if I saw a flying fox coming after me! We would get our exercise and the bat would probably be so confused as to why we were making such a racket. He was just going to greet us on his way to eat some yummy fruit.

    Marilyn - I hope the surgery gets scheduled soon but that it will not be needed for a long while. With all the changes you are making, I pray your blood work will improve. Going without bread is a hard one for me but as you said, when you make a committment, God expects us to follow through. My doctor told me if I wanted bread to make sure it is totally whole grain. I have not eaten any bread for several days but it is hard if I see my husband eat some. Most of the time he eats it to get his hypoglycemia back up to normal sugar range so he does need to eat it. He also tries to eat it when I am not in the room which does help.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    Good morning

    Linda, how nice to get your hair cut by someone with skill! Yes, eating bread is something I struggle with. I can go long periods without it but also have Colin with hypoglycaemia... We douse the generator tobrun high voltage things but have an inverter for my CPAP machine. It's more reliable than any other power supply do far. I get what you mean about wildlife leaving signs. I hear small animals at night but don't see them in the day. We don't have large dangerous animals like you but do watch out for snakes snd spiders.

    Judith and Linda, we have no rabies in Australia due to our strict quarantine laws. We do have other diseases but nothing like rabies. None of our bats can give us rabies. Glad you saw something different with the pic of our big bats. A friend used to be a wildlife carer for them and would always have a houseful of baby and adolescent bats! People dislike them more for eating their fruit and making a mess of their trees. They never attack humans.

    Marilyn, I hope your vow gets you the result you want and the surgery can go ahead if needed. You are doing so well.

    Today the men have gone to town so Col can get a massage on his neck/shoulders and then they can go see the Don River train and museum. That's the train we took the dogs on awhile back. Lyn isn't interested in trains and I elected to stay home too, so we're each doing our own thing for awhile. Lyn and I are going to talk and see if there's something we girls want to do once the men get back.

    Yesterday I found this topiary outside the Railton post office. I thought it was cute!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Linda, your hair cut and style sounds lovely. So happy you found someone who knows how to cut wavy and curly hair. Before my diagnosis my hair was so curly, the last time I got my picture taken it was just at the time I was doing treatment, my hair changed color and texture but thankfully I haven’t lost all my hair!

    Susan, nice you and Lynn are home to spend a girl day while the boys are away. Love the topiary in front of the post office, yes it is cute!

    Marilyn, good for you, I know you can do it, yes, 7 days is a long time but I believe you will do it. Praying for you that your blood work will have good results. You are doing great with your weight loss. Keep up the great work!

    God Bless you all! Take care, enjoy your evening and day tomorrow. 🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    edited March 7
    Lol Marilyn! I think some people look for that elevator! The steps are the only way.

    Judith, glad you enjoyed the topiary. Yes, Lyn and I looked after the three dogs yesterday and got to talk. Today we hope to take a car and go see a Craft shop and a few other places we want to see. It's the boys' turn to take care of the dogs. He he. Lyn had a bit of a bad day yesterday, not feeling well (remember she has cancer too plus only has one lung, severe asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and is still recovering from abdominal surgery). We'll go out if she feels up to it today.

    Linda, thinking of you and hoping you and Glenn are having a great day.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    I am getting a late start today. We had our minister and wife over this morning talking about the state of the church and tonight we are listening to the state of the Union speech from our president. He was pretty proud of what he has done and did a lot of talking about the prior president and how he did not do as good a job as he is doing now. I get tired of hearing political rhetoric and have decided to write to you all instead of listening to it. The discussion we had this morning with our minister was much more encouraging and we were able to talk about issues without anger and how to fix them through love and patience. God's way is always the best.

    I won an award at the TOPS meeting tonight. I just joined last week and this week I had the biggest weight loss. It was more that the others did not loose much or gained so I do not see myself as a "big" winner. It is a beginning and hopefully I can keep it up.

    We decided not to leave for Denver tomorrow morning since there is a big snow forcasted for the whole day. We will listen tomorrow night to see if I am called for jury duty and if not, we will not go at all. If I am called, we will try to leave at 8am on Saturday so we can make it to Denver and be able to see the play that our granddaughter is in. I do not like to be in "limbo" and feel I have no choice in anything. It all depends on the weather and one lone phone call after 5pm on Friday if we stay or go.

    Susan - your friend Lyn is amazing as to how much she is able to do and have so many physical problems. How long are they staying in Tasmania after you leave? They missed a lot that you got to see before they joined you and Colin.

    Marilyn - yes the steps are important since you can do them one at a time and it also gives exercise. hehe

    Judith - I hope you had a good day. Pleasant dreams!

    Judith -