Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We had really hard rain last night for about 5 minutes and then it quit. I I wish it could have lasted longer but I am appreciative of what we did get. Today is partly cloudy and 99F degrees.

    I was able to buy my dress today for our anniversary party in August. There was a big sale for 4th of July only so I was able to get it for a good price. It is navy blue with sequins on the bodice and lower hemline to cover my legs. As I get older, I need to cover up more of me to avoid my wrinkles from showing. LOL

    Susan - I hope you have some sunshine on your trip. How are the dogs doing? I assume you took them with you.

    Marilyn - Yes having a talk with a young person does give a better perspective on life than some of us older ones. They have fresh minds with lots of immagination.

    Judith - you got above 97 for one day. Let's hope you can continue to gain a little before your surgery.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Afternoon 🇺🇸

    *° 。* ** Wishing you All *° ˚** *° 。
    ° 。 ° ˚* _Π_____*。*˚ ° 。 ° ˚* A Happy
    ˚ ˛ •˛•*/______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛ ° 。 ° ˚*
    ˚ ˛ •˛• | 田田|門| Independence Day!
    **° 。* ° ˚*° 。 ° ˚*° 。 ° ˚*° 。 ° ˚*° 。 ° ˚*° 。
    Hope your Day has been Blessed! 🇺🇸
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Happy Independence Day 🇺🇸

    I posted earlier with the image I made for Independence Day to you all. Hope you were able to see it.

    Yesterday I was posting here just after 9:00am , I was hoping to have got back here early again but our temps were already hot 🥵 so here I am now with our temps in the high 80’s, they were passing 87 and nearing 89 degrees now at 4:45pm. Tomorrow I have my pre-op via telephone with the Surgical Nurse, Friday is with Anesthesia. Thursday I see my Surgeon and Tuesday is surgery.

    Linda, you mentioned it rained a little last night but had hoped it would of been longer, I hear you as it hasn’t rained here either and isn’t expected for another 10 days according to environment Canada. So glad you got your dress for your Anniversary Party in August, so nice when there are sales. Love the color Navy Blue, I am sure it is a lovely dress. You asked in one of your posts asking how Sunshine my Kitty was doing, she is better, the meds Vet gave her helped and she is back to her usual self. Thanks for asking.

    Susan, trust your trip is going well, my prayers go with you. Just want you to know you are in my thoughts and when you are not here you are missed. Enjoy your time with your family and with friends you meet along the way!

    Marilyn, thank you for your quotes, always so good.

    Blessings all! For those who are Celebrating Independence Day, May your Day and Evening be Blessed! 🇺🇸
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, I will always try to check in. It's difficult to post much when the roads are very bumpy and reception is poor. We are travelling in the sunshine today. The weather is very mild and lovely. Not cold at all. Yes, we did take the dogs with us and they are having a great time. They seem to like the van. So glad Sunshine is well! Your surgery is coming up very fast now. 🙏

    Linda, I love the sound of your dress. It sounds like something I would choose. Happy anniversary in advance.

    Marilyn, lovely to see your posts as always. Thinking of you.

    I am quickly dictating a post for you while we are stopped to get fuel and coffee.

    A picture of Colin walking the dogs in the distance with our van next to him.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Busy day doing last minute laundry and packing for our trip over the mountain and for the San Diego trip. I will try to come back later today after we get to Vail and get settled. My knee arthritis is feeling much better today for some reason so I am grateful I can move with only slight pain as I try to hurry to get ready to go. I was considering having a cortisone injection but it looks like I will not need it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Marilyn, lovely thought today ☺️💕

    Linda, how wonderful that your knee feels alright! Safe travels.

    Judith, how are you today?

    We're enjoying our stay at Sapphire and just took the dogs for a good walk. This is our setup:


    It's a lovely peaceful park.

    We move on in the morning.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, great quote today, thank you!

    Susan, love your camp setting. Looks like you are in a beautiful place. I am sure you enjoyed your walk with the dogs.

    Linda, so happy your knee is doing better and you didn’t need a cortisone injection. Hope you enjoy your travels over the mountains and enjoy your camp site and your vacation in Sam Diego celebrating your anniversary!

    I am heading to bed now as I have surgeon appointment in the morning.

    Blessings on your night and day tomorrow! 🤗😴
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We got up early to go to my husband's appointment for his shoulder. There was a bad car accident on the interstate we were traveling on so the closed it and we could not keep going for our appointment. There was a frontage road near the interstate so we were able to cross the grass ditch to get on there. I'm not sure it was legal but we made it to the appointment in time by doing it. The doctor says it could be a torn rotator cuff of a crack in the shoulder bone. We are waiting for an MRI to tell them for sure what it is.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Just taking a quick opportunity to post while I have signal. On the road again. All is well.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    The humidity here in Denver (47%) sure is different from in Grand Junction (15%). Although the temperature are a lot lower, It feels hotter. It is 72F (22.2C) here in Denver and 90F (32.2C) in GJ.

    I do have not a lot to tell today. I am trying to clean up the house so when we are gone, it will look nice for the dog sitter that will be staying here. I have the windows open to air the place out. There is a nice gentle breeze right now and because we have a big tree in the back yard that arches over the house, it is a cooler breeze than sitting outside in the sun. We need to prune our apple tree next Fall. The branches are so loaded with apples that they are dragging on the ground. We will need to put boards up to hold the branc hes when the apples get bigger so the branches do not break. This is the year that the apple tree produces a lot of apples. It only does it every other year so next year will be a small crop. I will freeze plenty of apples this year so we will have enough for next year too.

    Susan - I am glad you are having a good trip with better weather.

    Judith - I believe you said you had a surgeon appointment yesterday. I hope it was a pleasant one and you did not get too tired.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Marilyn, I have been caught in the rain with my daughter when she was young and we both screamed, laughed and ran happily through it. It was a special memory. Thank you.

    Linda, I understand about humidity making things feel hotter. You sound busy regardless! I hope you get everything done in good time for your trip.

    Judith, thinking of you and hoping Tuesday went well.

    We had a rough trip yesterday on undulating roads. Floods out here make bitumin wavy. It caused damage to things we had in the fridge and bathroom. A jar of chilli sauce was even broken in the fridge, along with fresh and boiled egg shells. It was a big mess to deal with. My hand cream leaked, a bar of soap got out of its container and 'drew' on lots of things, and lids came off of both foods and skin creams. This 22' van is longer than our 16' one was so it seems to get quite a lot of vibration in the tail end, something we never had to worry about in the smaller van. On the other hand, we saw loads of wildlife yesterday - camels, kangaroos, snakes, emus, varieties of birds, and cattle that was also wild from never being handled by humans. It was great to see.

    Rest day today. We're washing clothes and probably restocking later. The roads will be smoother on the coast. We are a few hours' drive inland right now.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello all

    Marilyn I too have memories of running through the rain with my kids when they were little, heaps of laughter, thank you for sharing! 😊

    Thanks for sharing your travels Susan, exciting to see wild life and cattle that hasn’t been handled by humans! Have a good rest break. Happy and safe travels along the coast!

    Linda, will pray for your husband concerning rotator cuff, hope he gets a MRI soon. Our weather is hot like GJ stay safe and hydrated, love apples, happy it’s the year for them.

    I am heading to bed so sore from being at hospital all day at appointment, have had mega appointments all week, pre op Nurse Pharmacist and tomorrow with Anesthesia.

    Thank you for your prayers for Tuesday July 11th. God Bless you… 🤗✝️🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning,

    I am posting early today and see I’m ahead of everyone. Below is my post from last evening:

    Marilyn I too have memories of running through the rain with my kids when they were little, heaps of laughter, thank you for sharing! 😊

    Thanks for sharing your travels Susan, exciting to see wild life and cattle that hasn’t been handled by humans! Have a good rest break. Happy and safe travels along the coast!

    Linda, will pray for your husband concerning rotator cuff, hope he gets a MRI soon. Our weather is hot like GJ stay safe and hydrated, love apples, happy it’s the year for them.

    I am heading to bed so sore from being at hospital all day at appointment on Thursday, have had mega appointments all week, pre op Nurse Pharmacist and today (Friday) was with Anesthesia.

    Happy to report that today, (Saturday) I’m less sore! Praise God!

    Thank you for your prayers for Tuesday July 11th. God Bless your weekend… 🤗✝️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith - I am glad that you are feeling less sore today. Anything you want to share with us about your appointment? Maybe it was just talking about plans about your surgery. I am just curious.

    Susan - I am sorry that your food got jostled as you were driving and some things where broken. Our roads are pretty bad in spots especially after a hard winter with a lot of damage done by the freezing then thawing of the roads and the scraping by the snow plows and then trucks damaging the roads with their weight on the hot roads. I hope as you get near the coast that the roads get better.

    Yesterday was World Chocolate Day and I forgot to wish all you chocolate lovers a great day. I personally am allergic to it but I know a lot of people who savor it in large quantities.

    We have a dog sitter coming over to take care of my daughter's dog while we are gone. Today and tomorrow we are trying to clean things up a bit for her so she can put her things in our house as she stays. She is the dog trainer that has been working with the dog for several years after Co-vid so it should be fine. This dog is very sensitive to new things. Yesterday we had our anniversary pictures taken. We did them next to the lake near us and my husband put on his suit he will be wearing at the party. The dog did not recognize him in a suit and started barking at him. When he spoke, she was fine but she was not sure she wanted this "strange man wearing a suit" in our house. ☺
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited July 2023
    How amazing that dogs don't recognise us in new clothes Linda! How lovely to have anniversary pictures taken though. 💕 Thank you for World Chocolate Day wishes. I made a poster to put on my Facebook page for crafts as it is my favourite snack when crafting.


    Hope hubby's shoulder is bearable. My own rotator cuff injuries are taking ages to heal. It's very restrictive. Interesting how different weather conditions affect our roads, hey.

    Judith, praying for you. Tuesday is coming up fast .and I know you are already tired. Praying you get some good rest before Tuesday too.

    We're packing up to get on the road for the coast. Will travel about five hours today. I am making sure all food etc is packed well. Take care, everyone.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I had a friend at church today that locked her keys in her car. She lives alone and is a very nervous person by nature. She was having problems dealing with the situation. Quite a few people tried to get into the car but with no success. I have roadside assistance insurance but when I called them, the computer did not recognize my name and would not "talk" to me. The same thing happened to my husband's phone call. My daughter finally got through to someone who could help. It took half an hour for him to get to the church because he got lost getting there. It was a very interesting morning. My friend was so happy that we finally got someone to help, she bought us dinner at our favorite restaurant as a thank-you. She says from now on, she is going to have an extra key that she keeps in her wallet. We have done that for years because I was the one that kept locking myself out of the car and my husband had to come rescue me. I kept my extra key under the car in a magnetic metal case that adhered to the frame of the car.

    This week I will try to keep up on here but it might be scattered depending on what we are doing for the day. If I do not get on here some day, I am still thinking about you but just not available. Judith I will be praying for your surgery on Tuesday and Susan for your travels. Marilyn, I would like to have an update about how you are doing.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Oh Linda, how lovely of you to be able to help your friend. Being locked out of the car is no joke. No wonder she was so grateful. I hope you will enjoy the next few days but also hope there are no big problems with your husband's shoulder. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

    Marilyn, hope you are doing better too.

    Judith, may you be getting some good quality rest in preparation for your surgery. The countdown is on! 🙏💕

    We are only two hours' drive from our daughter's place. Can't wait to see them all. Things might get a bit busy here as well but I shall try to check in in the mornings before everything starts. We are parking up in a place about half an hour away from our daughter's place so it should be possible to check in as the family all has school and work. Know I am thinking of you all too. 🙏💕