Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,683 Member
    Thank- you for the birthday wishes. We did have a great time in the mountains. The snow is melting but there are still drifts that are deeper that will take time to melt. Our place we put our trailer is not soggy but there is still snow to melt that will come down the sides of the mountain that may puddle there. We are trying to find someone to make a concrete pad for us to put the trailer on. It seems that most contractors donot want to do a little job that requres them to travel to our place. We are between two large cities but in a remote area. Having a cement pad would really help us have a more stable place to put the trailer and we could put drainage pipes in it to drain the snow melted water when it comes.

    Susan - that is a huge tree in your picture. I wonder how old it is? The gnarley roots look like they could withstand any type of wind storm. I'm glad you were able to get your internet replaced and you will not have problems with reception from now on. Do you know how many churches are in Adelade? The architecture in the picture you posted is beautiful.

    Judith - I prayed for a good day at the doctors office yesterday. I am anxious to see what they decided.

    Marilyn - Good post about what to eat to help kidneys. I eat most of those already but it is good to know.

    I need to correct what I said about my cancer surgery. I knew when I put that on, something was not right with the dates. Last night it came to me that I was thinking about the wrong surgery date. The 2020 was for my hip replacement. My kidney surgery was 2014 then I was monitored for 5 years which was 2019 then I had my hip replacement in 2020. Did you think I was a bit off my rocker when I said I was cancer free after 5 years but the date I gave you was only 4 years ago? I apologize for my error and any confusion it caused.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,482 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,397 Member
    Afternoon Hello Everyone,

    Marilyn, another awesome chart of healthy food to keep our kidneys healthy, most of the foods listed can be made into smoothies and soups that are blended and pureed. I make a lot of these foods which are so healthy!

    Linda, praying for safe travels up to see how your trailer is and see how much snow there is up there before you move your trailer to its Summer destination! So happy you are enjoying your Birthday celebrations! So sorry 😞 I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday 🥳 🎂 my friend!

    So from me to you: Happy Happy Birthday 🥳 Linda and God’s Blessings as you Celebrated 🎉 your Special Day with your Family and Friend’s!

    Susan, so happy you got your Starlink service the next version up. This is great news to hear. Glad you are enjoying the reception from Harvey Normans. The pictures you have shared here from Adelaide. The Convention Centre, Church and the Tree, wow, all Spectacular photo’s. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your prayers!

    As you know I was at the Cancer Clinic yesterday, I was so fatigued and had pain and just not feeling myself so I missed posting. I left an update in the Prayer Request Thread for you to be updated on what’s happening with me.

    I am at my other Medical follow up tomorrow regarding the abnormal blood work and lymph node involvement, although it probably be a partial update as my Oncologist will be the one who orders tests and orders the treatment with sending me to a specialist if there is surgery involved with the lymph node.

    I will let you read the Prayer Request thread for the other things I shared! Lord willing I will be back tomorrow. So appreciate you all, your Love, Prayers, Support and Friendship! ❤️🙏🤗✝️💕
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,550 Member
    Marilyn, sending love and prayers to you.

    Linda, yes, I did notice 2020 being only 4 years ago! Lol! The extra information makes a lot more sense mow. I was just relieved you were having no more problems in that area. About the Moreton Bay Fig tree, it could be over 100 years old. There are 529 churches in Adelaide. We would have needed a long time to photograph them all! Lol!

    Judith, I read your update in the Newsfeed and am heading over to prayer requests to read your post. The Lord bless and keep you. I am keeping you close in my prayers, sweet lady.

    Yesterday we were ready at 10am but Greg and Lyn weren't so we left at 11am and arrived at 5pm. We stopped several times for lunch and for the dogs. It was a late evening as it takes awhile to set up, cook dinner, feed dogs, walk dogs and clean up. We're taking it easy today. Hope your appointments go well.

    Pics from the drive yesterday

    Hill country


    Church at Tarlee


    Stores at Yacka


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,397 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    As you know I posted in this thread replying to Linda and Marilyn and to your post about getting the Starlink Service and all your awesome pictures in Adelaide earlier around 2-3pm this afternoon. I couldn’t resist to post a 2nd time in some of the game threads.

    Thank you for sharing the pictures from your drive today Susan, the Hill Country, Church at Yarie and the Stores at Yacka! Beautiful pictures, loved the Cloud formations in the photo’s.

    In my Prayer Request Thread I forgot to mention that tomorrow’s Medical appointment will address the abnormal Blood work results and will hopefully tell me more about the lymph node but kinda think it will be left up to my oncologist as he will look after the tests, treatment and any referral’s regarding being sent to a Surgeon if surgery is needed. I will keep you posted as I
    know more.

    In closing even though I wished you a Happy Happy Birthday 🥳 Linda, I hope you had a Blessed Celebration 🎉 with your Family and Friends!

    So in keeping with the theme, Happy Birthday
    Linda 🥳 and God Bless you! 🥳🎂🎉💕❤️❤️

    Enjoy your evening everyone, will update you all tomorrow after I am home! God’s Blessings! 🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,482 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,683 Member
    Thank- you Judith for your birthday greetings. I know you life is so busy working on health issues that I did not expect you to remember. I do appreciate your love and thoughtfulness. I pray that your appointment today went well.

    Susan - I do appreciate your forgiveness for my forgetfulness about the dates of my surgeries. Somewhere in the back of my head I was thinking this does not match up with the dates but I could not figure out why. During the night I realized my error and was glad to correct the year. I am pretty proud of myself for figuring it out. Time seems to go so fast as I am getting older. Thanks for the pictures of your traveling yesterday.

    Marilyn - thanks for continuing to post about healthy foods. As our bodies age, we need to be more and more aware of healthy foods to keep our bodies functioning as best as it can. Genetics also play a part in how well our organs age too.

    We are working on our raised beds today. We (Glenn) took our about half of the soil and will be putting in fresh soil. Last years crops left quite a lot to be desired as to produce production. We are hoping that this fresh soil will help with that. I also made sourdough discard crackers today. The recipe said to make them as think as possible but they are so thin they break when picked up so maybe the next time I made them I will make them a little thicker. I put Everything Bagel seasoning on them.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,550 Member
    The crackers sound good, Linda, even if they crumble! Yes, my mind plays tricks with the years too. I can't believe my birthday this year is a decade one with a 7 in it. How did that happen? I hope you and Glenn get lots done in the garden today.

    Marilyn, it's good that you are finding lots of ways to eat healthy for your kidneys. I hope you can make a real difference with all your hard work.

    Judith, you are very welcome for the photos. I didn't take any more yesterday as we were cleaning the van, washing clothes and dogs etc. Maybe there will be more today. I do hope your medical appointments go well. You are always in my prayers. Xx
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,397 Member
    Marilyn, appreciate you posting these healthy foods for us to eat, each time I see the chart it’s a good reminder and makes me think how I can incorporate the foods into smoothies and soups I can eat. Right now all my foods have to be pureed and blended with extra liquid to make it easier to eat and swallow. My thoughts and prayers continue for you! 🙏😇

    Linda, thank you for your understanding and kindness. Your crackers sound so yummy, especially sprinkling Everything Bagel Seasoning on the crackers. Does the seasoning have some garlic mixed in it? Thank you for your thoughts and prayers today.

    And Susan I appreciate your thoughts and prayers today as well. Sounds like you are having a busy day with cleaning the van, washing clothes, and giving a bath 🛀 to sweet Archie and Jasper, you never have to apologize for not posting photos especially when you were so busy today. One thing for sure I so enjoy the pictures when you do! 😊

    It was a difficult day, with discussing all the tests and what was being sent to my oncologist for him to decide what type of tests he will do. I came away with a requisition for Blood work that is to be given to the Lab at the Cancer Clinic and the Requisition for an Ultrasound to be given to my Oncologist. Tomorrow I will post my update on the Prayer Request thread.

    It’s late so I am calling it a night. So it’s Good Nite and God’s Blessings! See you tomorrow. 😴🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,482 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,550 Member
    Good morning.

    Marilyn, love that script. It was nice to see it this morning.

    Judith, that does sound like a very taxing day for you. I hope you get a clear way forward tomorrow. You always have my thoughts snd prayers. And I have some pictures for you today!

    We're going to a Farmer's Market today so I need to get a move on. We're also doing a couple of little loads of washing in our 3.5kg machine. I need to do breakfast dishes then get ready. Have a good day, all! Here are some pictures from yesterday's exploring:

    View from The Bluff near Wirrabara


    The King Tree, a 400 yo Red Gum. They used to cut these down to make fence posts. This one is one of the few remaining ones, 35.5m high.


    A section of old Wirrabara plant nursery.


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,397 Member
    Hello Everyone

    Just to let you know we have complete power outage here in my area. Using my phone system to log this info! Will come back when I can! 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,550 Member
    Stay warm and safe, Judith!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,683 Member
    We had 8 people at our gathering for parents of adult children BBQ tonight at our house. Glenn had a lesson and then we shared prayer requests for our adult children's needs. Even if they are out of our house, they are still in our hearts, our precious children and we want the best for them. Sometimes it is hard to see them struggle but this is the way they learn. We need to take our requests to God and let Him protect them and guide them. They have free wills and will make their own decisions. It is not for us to try to convince them what we think is right but to be there for support as they need it.

    Marilyn - good quote today. Have they rescheduled your fistula surgery yet? I hope you are feeling healthy and free of your cold symptoms.

    Susan - I am glad you are staying at your location for a week. Traveling every few days would make me tired but maybe you and Colin thrive in that. Is there a lot you want to see where you are now?

    Judith - Everything Bagel seasoning has sesame seeds, salt, dehydrated garlic, dehydrated onion, black sesame seeds and poppy seeds. It seems things are moving along with all your doctor appointments. Were they able to help you with your pain and fatigue?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,397 Member
    Sunday Morning Blessings Everyone,

    Susan, thank you, I did stay warm, I put on a warm sweater over my pj’s so kept warm. The power came back on later but I stayed off line as my phone was being charged. Our Hot water was off all night but is getting back to temp today. We had heavy winds yesterday so with the stormy weather we eventually lost power. Today so far is lovely and calm out there. Was sunny earlier this morning.

    Linda, your BBQ gathering with the 8 Parents who came sounded so nice for you all. I am sure the lesson Glenn brought was such a blessing and touched their hearts. It’s good to pray one for the other to encourage each other. You asked about my appointments. Both were a lot to take in, I am being sent for mega tests and consults as I am being followed up with Lab work, ultrasound and other scans.

    I see my Oncologist Friday May 3 to follow up with the lymph node and will undergo extensive Blood work! My Family doctor is concerned about my present condition! My pain levels are high but I learn how to manage it with meds and rest. There are days I can’t do much. I am trusting God to push through! Thank you for all your prayers.

    Marilyn, appreciate your posts on healthy foods for our kidneys.

    Sunday Blessings all; enjoy your Sunday Services and Family Time! 🙏✝️📖

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,683 Member
    Sunday Blessings to you all also. The scripture for today's sermon was Ephesians 4:11-13 "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ might be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fulness of Christ." He encouraged us to focus on the section about building up the body of Christ. As we sat at our tables to eat, we encouraged each other about scripture we had been reading or appreciation we had for each other. In a smaller group it was easier to share these things.

    The weather is beautiful here. We are expecting the high temperatures to be inthe 80'sF for the next couple of days. On the other side of the mountain, our kids are having cold and snow but since it is a :spring snow" it may be heavy and wet but the roads are warmed up so it does not stay on the roads very long at all. I am hoping that the 80;s we are having so early does not indicate that the Summer will be a hot one! On the really hot days, we have to just stay inside as much as possible with the swamp cooler on. When I read books about our ancesters having no electircity for fans or airconditioners, I wonder how they managed. Maybe we are getting too soft in our expectations. I hear alot about climate change but I also know that the weather cycles a lot and there were in the past really hot summers for a while then they were cooler. Since I am not in charge of the weather, I ust need to do what I can to keep from getting dehydrated in the desert sun.

    We had an elders meeting, Glenn is meeting with the campus group now and then we have a couple coming over for marriage counseling later so we are having a busy afternoon/evening. I will sign off now and get back to getting ready for tonight. Love to you all!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,550 Member
    Hello my friends. It's a beautiful day here after a cold night that felt like 1C! We stayed warm. We're blessed with our two hot water bottle dogs as well. They had their coats on last night and we were all cosy.

    Linda, what a wonderful day of fellowship and study. When we finally get Starlink working again, I will be able to watch our Pastor's YouTube videos. I was reading Provers 17:17 "A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." The commentator said something that really struck me - we are not better than our friends and family. Loving is not judging. It's easy to judge from the position of the high ground. Ouch! I needed that today.

    Judith, it seems your medical team really is trying hard to find put howbto best treat you. I am glad. I know it will be hard to endure so many new tests. The Lord knows this and will be with you. We'll keep praying, hon. Glad you could stay warm through the power outages yesterday and things are getting back to normal. Sunday blessings for sure.

    Yesterday we went to the Farmer's Market and walked around town. Town is so close, we even walked there. We stopped at the Bakery for a coffee and we saw wood carvings in a dark shed next door to the Bakery. I found well lit public art work for you all. Colin spoiled me by buying me a big handmade shopping bag and made from. recycled jeans and other fabrics. I promptly filled it with fresh vegetables, homemade tomato, capsicum and chili chutney, second hand salt and pepper shakers and a tiny dish to put a candle on in case of power blackouts in the van.

    Wirrabara Park mosaic mural


    Wirrabara kangaroo and bird (Kookaburra?) made of wire


    Many telephone poles were painted with native birds.


    Another mosaic mural at the public library


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,482 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,683 Member
    Susan - that is a very wise statement. Our friends may have faults but they are the ones who support us and help us along the way too. It is a mutual relationship we have together. Your time at the farmer's market sounds so fun. What a fun gift Colin got you. I love things that are recycled and made useful again. The vegetables and chutney sound yummy.Being able to walk to the Farmer's market was a plus too for exerciese. We will start having farmer's markets probably next month. the artwork pictures are so pretty. There seems to be many sculptures in your travels made of different mediums. You have very talented artists living in Australia.

    Marilyn - in your other group you said that our kidney function is up to 11. I am praising the Lord along with you for this uptick in numbers. What will it be next month? I pray that it continue to go up.

    Judith - I am glad that you made it through your power outage with no problems. That an be scary if it is out too long. We had an outage that thawed our meat in the freezer and we had to cook all of it before it got bad. We had lots of cooked meat to eat in that following week.

    I made an appointment to see the orthopedic surgeon to check out my painful hip and knee. I could not get in until June 12th because they were so busy. My doctor that did my other hip does not take Medicare any more so I will be having a new doctor. He still has all my information from the prior surgery so it should be fine. He looks pretty young (but most everyone looks young to me too) but he has good credentials. Maybe he will just do a steroid injection and I will be able to put off surgery for a little while.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,550 Member
    Hi everyone. Marilyn, more good foods! I am so glad to hear your kidney function improved a little. I hope it encourages you to keep going with your new lifestyle. You are doing great!

    Linda, I would want to put off surgery too. I hope you can. A friend just had his second knee replacement though anf is feeling far less pain. At least surgery will hopefully lessen your pain. Hugs. Yes, our market day was fun. I think we're going to Port Pirie today so I will tell you about that tomorrow. Yesterday was a lazy day. We all needed it.

    Judith, I am thinking of you as you go through your appointments today. 🙏 ❤️