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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Linda you asked about my last appointment I had with the surgeon regarding my next Surgery which is tomorrow. There wasn’t a lot to talk about other than he went over the procedures he would do with removal of tissue and reconstruction work that would be needed after another removal of the tissue. He said there would be sutures on upper part of face and lip that would be ones that would need removing one week after and the others in lower part of lower lip and inside mouth would dissolve which would take time. He said he thought the Anesthetic would give me more problems as I was waking up after surgery and during recovery as with my under lying chronic conditions with Nerve damage
    it would take time as he thought it would trigger more nerve pain and make my recovery difficult. I am believing it won’t trigger those issues.

    Linda, loved the story about your daughters dog that didn’t recognize your hubby in his suit, too funny but too cute. So nice to get your Anniversary pictures done by the lake. I am sure they are lovely. Look forward to seeing the pictures when you post them. Will continue to pray for your hubby’s shoulder and for Safe Travels. Enjoy your time in San Diego.

    Susan, chocolate is my favorite snacks, can’t eat a chocolate bar now but sure can drink yummy Tim Horton’s Hot Chocolate with a BIG dollop of Whipping Cream on top! Yum yum! Have a great vacation time, Happy safe travels my friend. Loved the chocolate pictures you posted. Thanks
    for sharing.

    Marilyn, thank you for sharing the quotes! Hope you are doing well. My prayers are with you!

    As you all know I am in for Surgery Tuesday, I will connect with you tomorrow but not sure how much on Wednesday and Thursday, it will depend on how I am doing in my recovery!

    Thank you for your Love Friendship Support and Prayers. God Bless you all! ❤️🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited July 2023
    Marilyn, there"s so much wisdom in some comics! You gave us a good one today.

    Judith, I looked up Vancouver time and know you are about 18 hours behind us in Queensland Australia, so it is still Monday there. I imagine you will be going in early for your surgery which will be our Tuesday around midnight. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers especially today. It sounds quite challenging, what you will have done. I hope the nerve pain will not be as the Dr suggested too. Hugs, my friend.

    Linda, thinking of you and hubby also. I know you may not get to check in.Hugs.

    We saw our granddaughters last night which was joyful. We saw our daughter's new home and our son-in-law cooked us a lovely meal. It was so good to see them all. We'll be going to see them every day after school and work. On the weekend they might come and see us at the caravan park. We're going to enjoy the next two weeks a lot.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Judith we are not in your time zone since we are in California. I will pray for your surgery early in the morning. We will be going to the zoo tomorrow so it will be a long day!

    We had a good flight although we were delayed two times so we left about the time we though originally we would get to the end of our flight. We took an Uber to the B&B where we are staying but the GPS told the driver the wrong way to go. He did not speak much English so when my husband was trying to tell him the right way to go, he kept saying "Don't worry, I have GPS. It tells me where to go." Our daughter was watching where we were on an app called "360" were we can see where everyone in the family are and called me to say - why are you going the wrong way? I put her on speaker phone and she told the driver how to get to the house since she had gotten there earlier. When the driver left he said "how am I supposed to get home now? since we had taken him a different way to get there. We had been warned by the owners of the B&B that the GPS might be wrong. Anyway we are safe and I hope the driver made it home OK. 😊

    I will send you our anniversary picture when I can figure how to get it from my camera to this computer. I think it turned out pretty well.

    Good night all - I am going to bed a little early by the clock but my body is still on Mountain Daylight time.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, how amazing about the GPS and the taco driver! Enjoy the day at the zoo.

    Marilyn 💕

    Judith, so sorry about your cancelled surgery 😢 Hope and pray you get rescheduled quickly.

    Just picking our granddaughters up from school so it's a quick check in from me today.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello All

    Thank you Marilyn for last two quotes which had a lot of wisdom in each one. 👍😊🤗

    Linda, wow you sure had an adventure with the driver, so glad your daughter could track you and saw you were going in the wrong direction, glad she could give the driver the right direction and you got to your BB, that was quite a relief I’m sure for you. I can hardly wait to see your anniversary pictures. Hope you have a good rest.

    You mentioned you were praying for my surgery, it seems that you haven’t heard. My surgery was cancelled at least for now as on Monday the Hospital called the clinic to tell my Surgeon his surgeries were cancelled for Tuesday and Wednesday; it seems there are issues with staffing in the Operating Theatres. They will try and reschedule me in as soon as possible for a new date. Will let you know once I know.

    Susan, appreciate your kindness regarding my cancelled surgery. Will keep you posted! Hope you enjoy your time with your granddaughters and family. So happy you got to see your son’s new home. I’m sure it’s a lovely home.

    Blessings on your evening, see you all in the morning! Love and Hugs, ❤️🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Judith - you seem to be in God "waiting room". He has a plan but for now we may not be able to see it fully as He can. When you are able to get the surgery, I am sure things will look different but He may or may not reveal what His plan was for you. We are reading a book about experiencing God and it tells us over and over to look for God's plan and go with him rather than having our plans and inviting God to join us. The second way is what we normally do but the first way is so much better. Just watch for His plan and join Him and you can not loose no matter what happens.

    Susan - I am so glad you are having fun with the family. They grow up so fast and we as grandparents want to have as much time with them as we can as they grow.

    Marilyn - it is so good to hear your kidney numbers are increasing. Prayers are continuing for your health issues.

    We had a wonderful time at the zoo but we are so tired after all that walking. My knee only hurt a little when it became unstable but went back to normal quickly. The zoo is divided into different climates and world areas. It was interesting to see the section on the wildlife and plants that are native to Australia - Susan. This zoo also focuses on the trees and plants also and encourages conservation to save as much as we can to leave things beautiful for the future generations.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, glad your knee held up ok at the zoo! It sounds like a well thought out, interesting place to go. Yes, we love taking opportunities to be with our grandchildren. The years do fly by. One of our granddaughters has her birthday today so we are going out in the rain for a meal of her choosing.

    Marilyn, it's good to hear your kidney numbers are going in the right direction. Praise God! I hope you are feeling better for it.

    Judith, I hope you are feeling alright about the cancelled surgery. Your surgical team must feel frustrated too. They will have gotten all ready for you and now will have to re-prepare at a later date. Still, the Lord is in control. Sending virtual hugs and prayers.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Today is my oldest daughter's birthday. She is 46 today. We went to the aquarium for a few hours then back to the B&B to wash clothes and do quiet activities. The kids are having fun in the pool but it is just too hot outside for me to get the energy to go out there. I am enjoying the nice airconditioning inside the house. My daughter asked for a poke cake for her birthday so I made it last night. They have a propane "French Oven" in the kitchen which was a little hard to get used to since I am used to an electric stove. Tonight we will have pizza, salad and the poke cake for dinner.

    Hope all is well with you all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello,

    Linda, sounds like a wonderful time you are having with new adventures. Glad your knee help up as you enjoyed the trip to the zoo seeing everything there, it did sound like it was well laid out in sections, liked the part about how it was divided into climates that were native to each region and how you learned about plant life and animals native to Australia especially with having our dear friend Susan living there. Happy you were able to celebrate your daughters birthday. You making a Poke cake brought heaps of memories for me as my Grandma made Poke
    cakes and my dear Mother did too. So yummy.

    Susan, I am ok with the cancellation, the Lord will open the right door at the right time. I will keep my eyes on Jesus and see how this plays out. If the surgery isn’t rebooked soon I We’d I’ll have to go through the whole process of pre op with the Nurse Pharmacist and Anesthesia. It’s ok as the Lord will provide what I need. Enjoy your time with your family and grandkids.

    Marilyn, good to hear your Kidney Function is looking good. So happy for you my friend.

    God Bless you all, have a Good rest tonight. 😴
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    It is a "rest" day today. We do not need to be anywhere and we can do what we enjoy. I have a good book I am reading but I also plan to take a walk, do some water exercises in the pool, and work on a puzzle unless my son-i-law finishes it first. He is a whiz at doing them. We also will take some family pictures with the beautiful scenery behind us. See you later.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited July 2023
    You are having such a nice time with family, Linda. I am glad for you.

    Judith, I am relieved that you are adjusting to the further delay of your treatment. I knew you would adjust. Just sorry you have to.

    Marilyn, I hope your day is going well.

    We had a great time going out to dinner with family last night for our oldest granddaughter's 10th birthday celebration. When we got home, however, we discovered our dogs had dug out from under their back fence and escaped. Archie came running up to us straightaway, wet and bedraggled, but Jasper was nowhere to be found. We adults started combing the streets, calling his name, in the dark and drizzle, but there was no answer. A short time later we got a phone call from a vet. She said that someone had found Jasper and had turned him in to be reunited with us through his microchip. He was unharmed. We were so relieved to have found both dogs. It could so easily have gone in a much worse direction. Today we will take both dogs back to see her granddaughters. The youngest, age 8, was very upset about Jasper being lost last night. It was amazing too, when we called Jasper's rescuer to thank her. She was just sorry she could not bring Archie to the vet as well. He would not to come to her but Jasper basically leapt in to her arms. Some strangers can be so kind!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Linda, so glad you are having a rest day. You are having a good time visiting your family. Did you get to do the puzzle or was it completed by your SIL, that would happen with my daughter as her MIL is a whiz at puzzles. But at least you have Plan B with reading a book if the puzzle gets done. Enjoy your rest day and the rest of your activities. Look forward to see some of your family photos.

    Susan, happy you are enjoying your vacation being with family and celebrating your granddaughters 10th Birthday. However coming home to finding both dogs escaped I’m sure was such a frightening experience. Happy to hear you found Archie after combing the streets calling out his name I can almost hear the sigh of relief when Archie came running to uou after you kept calling his name. Poor Archie wet and bedraggled, but at least unharmed. So glad Jasper was found and turned into a vet that scanned the microchip and located you. I am sure both dogs are happy to be home. And your grandkids will be so relieved to see both dogs. Have a restful evening, see you tomorrow.

    Marilyn hope all is well with you.

    Will say good Nite and God Bless 😴🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    It was so nice to have a rest day yesterday. We spent time in the pool but i was sure to have sunscreen on so I didnot get burnt. My skin is very fair and when I was younger would get sunburns so badly that they would blister. I do not tanc very much so sunburns were a part of summer to me. Today my husband, son and grandson are off somewhere near the ocean to do some dock fishing. They ahve someone who is providing all the rods and bait and will teach them what to do. I a hoping that my husband "behaves" himself and does not try to do anything that would further injure his shoulder before the surgery. He said he would try to be careful. We have not heard anything back from the surgeon so we are in a witing pattern to get the surgery done. It is hard to make any plans until we know what is happening. I can imagine a little what you are going through Judith with your surgery plans on hold so much. We are not being put off but we have put our plans on hold until we hear.

    Susan - I am so glad that you were able to find your dogs. It is good you have them microchiped so the vet can notify you when they are lost. It sounds like Jasper is a very friendly dog! Hopefully you can fix the fence so that this does not happen again.

    Judith - I am grateful that your surgery had been rescheduled although the wait is difficult. Once it is over, it will be much better.

    Marilyn - I hope you are doing well.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello All,
    It’s been quite a week as I had surgery scheduled for July 11th as you know but staffing issues came up so Hospital called and cancelled my Surgeon’s cases for Tuesday and Wednesday,

    I just leaned on God trusting Him for a new date. Praise God I got called today which I am so thankful as I now I have a new date, Tuesday September 12th. I give God Thanks and Praise for open doors!

    My face, mouth & lips have been so painful so I’m not staying on here tonight. Sorry but will be back in the morning and catch up!

    Thank you for your support. Wanted to give you this Praise Report before signing out for the night.

    Good Night and God Bless 💤😴🤗❤️🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning 🌅

    Wishing you all a Blessed Day and Weekend ahead!

    Today is much better, my pain is more manageable, Praise God.

    I am so rejoicing in the fact of ending my week on a “High Note” singing the Praises of God with a New Surgery Date given. I was so grateful that the Clinic was able to fit me in for Tuesday September 12th. Thinking about that date, it probably is better as the Summer Holidays are over, Parents back to Work and Children back in School! I am happy to get the surgery done getting ready to recover and be feeling better hopefully in time for my Birthday in October, and look forward to Thanksgiving Celebrations! God is so Good!

    He has moved the Mountains and opened Doors that No Man can shut!

    Susan rejoicing still that your sweet Archie and Jasper were found and safely home with you and Colin. Hope you are enjoying your vacation and being with your family!

    Linda, hope you enjoyed your rest day and enjoyed your book. Looking forward to Family pictures of you all. Excited about the Anniversary Celebrations you will have in San Diego! Enjoy! Happy Anniversary my friend! 🎉❤️

    Marilyn, hope you are doing well, my prayers are with you, and I love the last quote, Dancing in the Rain, yes, Let’s do that together!

    Weekend Blessings All; Let’s Sparkle ❇️ and Shine 💖 On Together 🤗

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Judith, rejoicing with you about the new surgical date! Yes, it was so good to have both from his back. Archie actually stayed in the unfenced front yard. We were calling for Jasper who had been driven to the Emergency vet's, unbeknownst to us. But it was a true blessing to have both dogs back so quickly!

    Linda hope you hear from hubby's surgeon soon. Yes we bricked up the soft places under the fence so the dogs cannot escape again, and are supervising th hem in the back yard when off leash.

    Marilyn lovely thoughts!

    We're having a big family day with sister, brother in law and daughter's family, involving a BBQ lamb roast 😊
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    We had a beach day today. One family has gone back to Denver but we still have two families here with us. The wind off of the ocean made the weather beautiful although I did get quite a bit of sun and brought back part of the beach with us. The kids are now in the swimming pool where the water is nice and clean and there are no waves to knock them down. I feel safer with them being here close by.

    We will be leaving and going back to "norma;" tomorrow. I am doing all the laundry that I can today and will do the sheets tomorrow. It is not required at the B&B to do laundry but they said it would be helpful if we put our dishes in the dishwasher and the linen in the washing machine. I will do what I can to make their lives easier.

    Judith - so glad you are having better days with pain control and that your surgery is rescheduled.

    Susan - sounds like you have eliminated an unexpected exit by your fur babies so they should be safe. I enjoy hearing what you are doing on vacation.