Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,374 Member
    Good Morning Everyone

    I began my post in the Devotional Thread just before Midnight and finished all the other threads so now I am here.

    Thank you Linda for your kindness and your prayers. I was so glad my power was not out all night but it was out long enough for us not to have hot water and my phone needed charging so I didn’t get back here as I had planned! I am sorry you can’t get into the orthopaedic Surgeon until June 12th. So sorry to hear about your painful hip and knee. I hope you will get some answers in how both can be treated. For sure my prayers will be with you.

    Susan, the pictures you posted are so beautiful. I loved the telephone pole that had the painted native birds on it, and the mosaic mural on the Public Library. There are such talented and gifted Artists in the town that create such beautiful work. The mural at the Park and the Kangaroo and Birds made out of wire, wow, such artistic design! You and Colin are seeing such beautiful things in the places you are visiting. Thank you for your kindness and prayers.

    Marilyn, thank you for all the Charts you are sharing, so appreciated. My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.

    It’s late now and this gal is heading to bed now, so it’s Good Night and God Bless! 😴🛌🙏❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    Judith - you stayed up really late last night! I hope you were able to rest a little longer this morning. Of course with the time difference, it was not 2am that my computer says but 1am your time. I was able to sleep in a little later this morning because two meetings were canceled for me. One I had known about but this morning my late birthday lunch was canceled by my friend because she has pink eye. She got it from her daughter who works in a pre-school. I remember when Glenn drove a school bus, we seemed to be sick all that year from germs and viruses he brought home from the kids on the bus. It was a small wheel-chair bus he drove for disabled children.

    Susan - I hope you are having a restful time in your spot. I enjoyed the picture on Facebook of your campfire. With it getting to be Fall, campfires can be fun. Sometimes when the grandkids are here when it is cooler, we light up our fire pit in the backyard and make smores. The last time though we had an accident when my granddaughter's marshmallow fell off her fork and landed on my grandson's foot. There was a lot of hollering from pain and scaredness but there was not any real injuries. We were very grateful for that!

    Today we are getting our irrigation pump pipes repaired. It is the pipes from the main line and not our pump itself so the HOA is repairing it for free. The break also involves our neighbors pipes so it looks like it is a big job. I am glad that we do not have to pay for the repairs!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    Marilyn, I got my magnifying glass out and think that's a promise from the Lord that He will be with us? I still couldn't read the first few words, but that seems likely what it says. And I so agree!

    Linda, glad the pipes are getting cleaned. Do you know, we had marshmallows at our campfire? The man who was cooking them dropped the first one in the fire! It would have been a real concern if he had dropped it on himself. Glad your grandson was alright. Here's the picture for those not on Facebook:


    Judith, I hope you got some sleep too, after all your posting work! So glad you enjoyed the last few pictures I posted. I have some more for you today. Yes, Art work is a feature of most towns here.

    Yesterday we explored a bit of Port Pirie, the town we could see from the Bluff Lookout, near the sea. We needed groceries too and the four of us and the three dogs all had lunch together in an outdoor area of a restaurant. The staff loved the dogs! When we got back to the campsite I visited a handmade crafts shop in Wirrabara. They had a lot of knitted things so I bought a beanie for when we have the next campfire.

    Here are some scenes from yesterday.

    Port Pirie container ship.


    Looking back at the Bluff on the horizon, where the Lookout is:


    Statue of CJ Dennis, poet and journalist, at Laura:


    Bank building at Laura. I had not seen a pale pink bank before. Lol!


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,374 Member
    Marilyn, thank you so much for this Scripture: as I am sure you have experienced the Lord walking right beside us as we go through trials sickness and much more. This verse is so appropriate as I can feel the arms of Jesus wrapped around me as I walk through Cancer! Yes this Scripture has come at just the right time: When you go through Deep Waters, I will be with you. Thank you Jesus! ✝️❤️

    Linda, so glad your grandson wasn’t injured severely when the marshmallow fell of the fork onto his foot. Yes I was on late last night but slept in this morning. Hope you got your irrigation pipes repaired today! Hope you had a great day my friend.

    Susan, I so loved all the pictures you took, spectacular shots of every place. Does Colin take the photo’s or is it you? The camp fire photo you posted on FaceBook but also shared here is so nice. It is a great picture of you both. Camp fires are so nice in the colder weather and they are so relaxing too.

    It’s bedtime for me so will say Good Night & God Bless… 😴🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    Susan - interesting color of the bank building as you said. The Container ship is huge. Not very long ago we had a container ship that lost power and hit one of the pillars of the main bridge that crossed a river in the Eastern states, The entire bridge was destroyed and it will be quite a while before prople will be able to cross the river again. Those ships are very helpful for getting items from one place to another but with their weight, it something goes wrong, it can be devastating.

    Judith - yes our irrigation pump is working just fine now. I am so grateful we did not have to pay anything! If the repair work is on the pump and the underground pipes in the yard they would have us pay for the repairs. I am glad that you were able to get more sleep this morning.

    Marilyn - thanks for the quote. Deep waters can be scary but with Jesus walking next to us, he is protecting us from danger.

    Not much happening her today except getting with our minister for our weekly check in, exercise and getting groceries. Our minister and his wife are expecting a baby girl anytime soon so we want to make sure that as they take paternity and maternity leave things are covered and they do not need to do anything but enjoy the baby. They have a two year old also so this will be a big change for him!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    Marilyn, I can read that list with no problem! There are some surprises on it. I eat three or four of them regularly! I'll rethink that. Hope you are doing well.

    Linda, we heard about the Baltimore bridge disaster. It looked terrible 😕. Yes, huge ships can do great good but also great damage. Oh how wonderful about your minister's new baby! Glad you enjoyed my photos. I have a couple more for you today.

    Judith, how was yesterday? I hope you are doing alright. About my photos, I take all but the ones with me in them. Colin usually takes those but the campfire one of us both was taken by a fellow vanner. I take loads of our photos from the car. It can be a challenge! Colin does all the driving so photography keeps me interested and busy.

    We drove to Port Augusta today through the Horrocks Range and fields of wind and solar generators. We're staying at the Port Augusta Motor Home Park for three sleeps. It's a little crowded, windy and dusty but it's convenient and cheap.

    Some of Horrocks Pass, Lyn and Greg in the lead


    Wind generators


    Solar generator


    It's Anzac Day today, where we honour 🎖 our Veterans who served at Gallipoli.


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,374 Member
    Linda, I too heard about the Container Ship that took out the Baltimore Bridge, what a devastating loss of human life and the problems it has caused for commuters who used the bridge on a regular basis. Our Local News reported the story within a few hours of it happening, and the rescue and recovery efforts at first and then after as they brought in the Crane to bring up pieces of the mangled steel and they sent divers or submarines down to see if they could salvage any of the cars. I didn’t here if they recovered any of the workers who went down with the bridge. My heart goes
    out to all the families. You said your Minister and wife are expecting their baby any day now. Exciting times for them and their 2 year old having a new sibling. Let us know when the baby is born. It’s good you and Glenn are helping in tying up any lose ends so when baby comes they can just enjoy and not think about anything they need to do. Will Glenn help out while the Minister
    Is away?

    Susan, thanks for sharing about your Anzac Day! Yes, we remember our Veterans who fought for our freedom. The sacrifices they made and continue to make as they protect our land and it’s people. November 11th is Remembrance Day as we call it! We remember our Veterans and their families. There is special services at the War Cenotaph’s and they lay Wreaths at the World War 1 and World War 2 memorials. They have choirs and the Veterans who are there honoured and greeted by our Prime Minister and Mayors of our cities. Thank you for sharing the Lest we Forget Poppies! Do you wear Poppies on Anzac Day like we do on November 11th here in Canada? I have many members of my family who were in the Canadian Army and the Air Force in WW1 and WW2 and Family in the USA Army Corp in WW1! The pictures you shared today are awesome, I sure enjoyed the Solar and Wind
    Generator pictures and the landscape picture that you took of Lynn and Greg taking the lead down the road!

    Marilyn, the chart was excellent on the foods that can cause issues with Kidney Stones. I saw one that will make me re-think how much I use of it, few years back I had Kidney stones and ended up having major surgery as the Stones couldn’t pass and caused damage to kidney which the surgeon had to repair. Thank you for sharing these charts, we are learning a lot and being reminded about healthy eating.

    Well ladies, it’s getting late so I am calling it a night! Good Night and God Bless 😴🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    edited April 25
    Judith, yes, we do have Nov 11th as Memorial Day for all veterans here. Anzac Day is a special day about a particular battle in Gallipoli. Yes, we wear poppies both Anzac Day and Memorial Day. I usually make my own with paper craft supplies but this year I didn't.

    PS this is where Port Augusta is

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    That's right, Marilyn. The Lord can do all!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    I have been busy doing an audit on my admission files. I am working between two computer programs and they both have different things in them but the same students. One program has all the admission information in it and the other one has all the grades in it. They are both necessary but some things overlap. Sometimes if I do not keep a really close watch, the overlap does not necessarily get into both programs or get updated. I am just checking on myself to make sure there are no missing items. It is not hard work but there are a lot of details that need to be looked at. I was not tired last night so I stayed up until 2:30 am working on it. I was certainly tired this morning when I woke up. We went to lunch with our friends then has a Bible Study and then I had TOPS meeting so my day went by quickly.

    Susan - thanks for the map of where you are traveling. It really helps to see the territory. I see there are a lot of lakes where you are as well as the coast along the Indian Ocean. Will you be traveling North into the Northern Territory or go back to Queensland? I have heard that the inside territory of Australia is not as populated as the coastal areas.

    Judith - I do not know whether the construction workers on the Brooklyn Bridge that died were ever found. They said there were two that were rescued and taken to an area hospital. I had forgotten about wearing poppies in memory of fallen soldiers on Memorial day and sometimes Veteran's Day. I remember as a little girl that the firehouses gave out poppies for us all to wear. I don't think I have seen them for many years.

    Marilyn - Your quotes really are an inspiration!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,374 Member
    edited April 26
    Marilyn, thank you another Scripture that ministers! Praying for you always my friend!

    Susan, thanks for the heads up and setting my History straight. Sometimes between Geography and History so much you learn it doesn’t stay in my memory banks. Thank you for sharing the Map and pointing out Port Augusta, I’m a visual person so seeing the map helps me put the places in right places. And yes, to hear about you wearing Poppies like we do. Our Veterans hand out Poppies every year and provide Poppies for every public place for people to donate to the Veterans and their programs that are supported by the Veterans.

    Linda, having two programs takes a lot or organization skills to keep it all together, when I was working for a Ministry I had a Spread Sheet and another program I kept other things on. Most of day I was back and forth. Kept me on my toes! Thank you for the update about the Construction workers, sorry they didn’t recover their bodies. I think I missed the report about two being recovered and taken to hospital, I didn’t know that. I wonder how they are doing now?

    It’s late, I came on late and leaving late, see you tomorrow! Good Nite and God Bless 🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    It has been cooler and cloudy since last night. It did start to rain earlier but stopped. The clouds are still pretty dark so we may get more. The forecast for the next few days is cooler with periods of rain. Sometimes in this arid place, it will rain but will dry up before it hits the ground. They call it "virga". It is a bit frustrating to know there is moisture in the clouds but we do not get it.

    I made it through the first group of students (A-H) and now I only have two groups to go. This part is easier to do because I am working with those who have all their information in to their admission files. I do not need to send notes to them to get their things in but just make sure the information is in both data bases.

    Judith - Yes Glenn will preach for our minister once next month but he has a few others who can do it too since we will be gone to Denver part of that time. We have some really talented men who can speak well but have full times jobs and families so they can not speak on a regular basis. We are so small that it is not too intimidating for them to have to speak in front of people.

    We are taking our Sabboth rest today so this will be a short posting day.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,530 Member
    edited April 27
    Good morning all. I'm just sitting down for a cup of coffee after cleaning up after breakfast and brushing the dogs. Colin ran our laundry to a laundromat earlier so he has gone back to get them. He had a coffee while he was out.

    Judith, that's OK. You aren't expected to know Australian history. ANZAC stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. So it is also about how Australians and New Zealanders fought together at Gallipoli in Turkey. I just thought you might be interested. Sorry if I sound like a Teacher, but I think that could be my gift from the Lord so it is hard not to sound like one! 😅 Glad you and Linda both liked having the map. Yes, we also have veterans selling poppies and collecting for Legacy, as a support to families of fallen service personelle. 💙 💗

    Linda, we will leave tomorrow for Lake Hart as an overnight stay, then push on to Coober Pedy the next day. Yes, we do plan to go to the Northern Territory to angle up to Cairns in Queensland for our family reunion mid June. You are right, most of the 26.5million people in Australia live on the coast. The lakes shown on the map are often salt pans and there is usually only bore water inland, not suitable for drinking water. Towns get fresh water trucked in. When you think Australia is the size of the US lower 48 states but only has the population of California, you get a better idea of the remoteness and isolation in the Simpson Desert that makes up the middle. We will take lots of water with us and can buy more if we need to. We have an app that shows us where water is available.

    We visited the Information Centre at Port Augusta yesterday. The entrance to the Museum there was unique.


    Then Colin and I kept exploring as Lyn and Greg wanted a rest. We went to the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Gardens. This was my favourite close up shot.


    The Botanic Gardens didn't allow dogs so we didn't stay long. It was a BIG place and we could have spent hours there.

    Next was the Matthew Flinders Ranges Lookout over Spencer Gulf and looking out over the Redcliffs.


    Last we took the boys to a park by Spencer Gulf where they could go on the beach if they were leashed. I took a short video but it won't load here. We were by a huge bridge spanning the Gulf.


    And that about wraps it up!

    Have good days, all.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,374 Member
    Marilyn, thank you for sharing, a great refresher learning about the things you are posting! Especially thinking about Stage 5 CKD Patients who have Kidney disease and need low potassium fruits and veggies. Great Post today Marilyn!

    Linda, that is great Glenn helps with the preaching but it’s good there are other men who can help especially when you both are away in Denver for a lot of the time your Pastor is away after Baby is born. Like you we have had Cloudy weather but today temps not too bad. Glad you got through the programs today and is was an easier day for you. Glad you are taking today as your Sabbath, good to have that time to rest and refresh getting ready for Sunday ministry. Happy Sabbath my friend.

    Susan, I love hearing all about Australia’s History, you are gifted and yes God has blessed you with a Teaching Spirit. God is using you in many ways. Thank you for helping us all to understand the History on the New Zealand and Australia Army Corp. The places you are visiting are so interesting especially visiting the Information Centre and the the entrance to the Museum was so Unique, loved the Shark with his Mouth open bearing those sharp teeth. If my Sunshine was there she would of hissed at him and ran away; Loved the Botanic Gardens and the close up shot you took, so striking! Spencer Gulf over the Redlands was a great picture: and I sure loved the Beach that showed the bridge that spanned
    the Gulf. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures.

    Today my dear Miss Sunshine went to the Groomers, she has so much fur she needs shaving and my Groomer I use does a Lions Cut, you often see it on a dog but Long Hair cats that are like a Persian breed with silky long fur look so sweet with that cut! She is a Slate Grey colour with silky fur. She doesn’t have a face of a Persian but she looks like the breed in other ways. I will try and get a picture but right now she is clingy and has been on my lap or sleeping on the bed!

    I have been extremely fatigued today so calling it an early night. Good Night all! God Bless! 😴🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,644 Member
    Marilyn - I like you list today that tells what an equivalent the size should be. I also sometimes weigh my food but when out of the house it is good to have the size for reference. You are doing great with your weight loss on the weight thread of the other group. Like me, you are doing it slow and steady.

    Judith - I watched a U-tube video on a person giving a cat a lions mane cut. Do you do that so Miss Sunshine is cooler in the Summer or do you do it just to have less thick hair? The cat I watched was so still and let the groomer cut and shampoo him with no problems. I can't imagine any of the cats I grew up with allowing anything like that being done. They were outside short hair cats so they did not need a shave. If we had tried it, the groomer would have had a very aggressive cat on her table I think. It looks like your weight is going down a little. I will focus my prayers on that and your fatigue to see if we can get some progress done. Of course, I will ask Him gently to do His will and not to mine.

    Susan - Some more great pictures. The information center entrance was a bit scary. I am glad there are nice doggy friendly beaches. Our cocker spaniel loved to swim in our pond but I don't know how she would have reacted to the waves if she tried to swim in the ocean.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,472 Member