mjjdzhere Member


  • After a week or so bout of eating just about everything, I had to come to terms with wanting a lifestyle for eating more than a diet. I know the pounds will not come off as fast but working on a mindset of choosing healthy food choices rather than a specific diet. I had wanted to lose more weight before the switch, but…
  • Paula, glad you are not taking chances! I remember that cold weather, the driving, the walking, and the perils of that ice! Stay safe. DW, thanks for the info on the magazine. Was considering getting his new book, but first I need to decide on a plan I am going to stick with. Thank you for continuing to share with us. Like…
  • So planning is really getting on my nerves lol. One of the main struggles with weight loss for me is staying the course. Even though I plan dinners ahead, so many other things get in the way of keeping the planned dinner a priority. We had batch cooked for a while, and that was helpful. However, staying consistent, whether…
  • It is nice catching up and hearing everyone's news here. Hope everyone and their families are well - in these times that is so very much. DW - thank you for the book report! I loosely follow the 17 day diet. What is most helpful to me is increase in vegetables, fruit, and decrease in snacks and "easy" foods. I struggle…
  • I have tried to catch up on everyone's news this am. Shari, glad you are feeling better. Paula, enjoy hearing about Buster. Will be hard to keep our resolve not to get another dog after reading your posts! Traveling plans does not allow us but boy, do I miss having a dog. DW, anxious to hear what you learn from his new…
  • Buster is adorable! Congrats!
  • atgoal -praying for your results. It is hard to wait. Be kind to yourself. I hit the goal for before the wedding. Taking a few days off as out of town for wedding and planning on celebrating this weekend. Then back at it for the next 30 day goal. It felt good seeing that number on the scale today and jeans are looser.…
  • Shari, praying for your dad, and your family. How hard it must have been for you at the hospital. Please take care of yourself best you can. Paula, so much fun, a dog! What a lot of excitement. They become such members of our families. Hoping I develop the habit of daily stretching like you. Dw, Great on picking those…
  • Staying on it and feeling much more motivated. Stretching more and it has made a difference already. Find myself moving more and being more active - took a while to get here but finally! I do notice I get very tired early, and thinking I need to add more protein. Time to monitor more closely daily intake. I did buy a "body…
  • Paula, laughing about not opening that bottle of wine - I have been there many times! Especially now with trying to lose weight for the wedding and yet wishing for a glass to help with some of the stress! Turkey cutlets and broccoli dinner say good for you for not being derailed. Don't know about the dancing at the wedding…
  • Sticking to the food plan and dropping pounds - to wear my dress this is necessary! Has proven a good motivation to get to maintenance faster. Husband and I set up laptop in backyard and line danced with instructor video. The steps came back easy but the exercise itself? Both of us had to stop and breathe! Quit before I…
  • Paula, good work at your streak! The first three days are the hardest for me, then it seems to get easier. Glad your neighbor is recovering faster. Spent half a day shopping and I am done. The first dress is more than alright compared to my latest shopping trip, will be using a shaper to "smooth" things over. Today my…
  • So it was 3 days of not following cycle 1 of 17dd and 3 days to get back to the weight of 6 days ago. With a wedding in 12 days and dresses too tight this was not good. Paula, at bride request, dress is red. Still trying to make up my mind, after buying two, and thinking I will go shopping today. I really am not a shopper,…
  • Paula, I totally relate to the same cycle as yours. When I am too hungry, I reach for the easiest food, which is not the healthiest. Dress shopping yesterday, brought home 2 dresses and now wondering what I was thinking! They are much tighter than I planned on wearing, though both the right color and great deals. Thought…
  • DW, praying for you. With this being so contagious, it is hard despite our best efforts. So broke 17dd on the night with dd and have struggled getting back on track. Today needs to be better. Need to finalize what I am wearing to the wedding. Last minute arrangements and count down.
  • Paula, it feels so nice to have a great day! Yeah for you! Having the right foods at hand makes a big difference. I notice that I often break compliance when I find my weight has dropped on the scale. It is almost like permission later in the day to eat however. Helps me to keep an eye on this. Funny you mentioned…
  • Shari, I too am remaining cautious. Daughter is ed nurse and hearing firsthand news concerns me. It is getting harder and harder with the events we miss. Having now to try and decide how to attend daughter's wedding. It is outside but there is much planned inside. Paula, I remember that weather from having lived back East.…
  • Dropped pounds this week and of course, feel good that I have kept the course. Intentionally taking the time to work on goal sheets, food planning, self monitoring. Evening tends to be the hardest but doing my best to talk myself thru it. Really trying to stay on the health end of all of this. I don't like my clothes being…
  • Paula, our bodies really let us know when we overdo. Pain stops me and I have definitely not been doing much these last several days. Such a reminder to strengthen, or pay the consequences. Shari, husband and I keep evaluating and the answer stays for us, least social interaction as possible. Daughter is ed nurse - has…
  • Paula, her wedding is planned in Jerome, Az but with covid, weather in a mt town, we will see what happens. That is sad about your neighbors. These are very hard times. I prunned for several days but surprisingly physically felt fine the next morning. Yesterday got down boxes, packed away holidays. This morning I am…
  • Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back. Reading about all this cold weather makes me feel so fortunate for phx sunny sun here. I am loosely following 17 day diet (more like stage 2) in the hopes of quickly dropping a few pounds before my daughter's wedding first week of Feb. Then I am truly going to work on…
  • Working on the whys of wanting to lose weight. Just starting that process helped me yesterday to eat healthier. One of the things I take from the 17 day diet is that I can eat large amounts vegetables, proteins in the beginning if I don't eat junk food also. That is helpful because having gained weight, I need larger…
  • I have been struggling trying to find this group again. After sparkpeople closed down, I came here but then was off grid for many months out with my husband in our toyhauler so no internet access. Now with the New Year here, I find myself, like so many prior years, having regained and needing to lose. This year I kept off…
  • I thought I lost everyone - went out of town and so busy, I couldn't remember the name of this site! Back at sp, frantically trying to save my blogs, and so many friends gone and I don't know to where. I lost track of time, thought I would have longer, and so many deleted their accounts - some friends for over 10 yrs. Just…
  • I am no longer following 17 day diet - lost a few more pounds, now working at maintaining and not really on a program to do so. That hasn't proven the best for me in the past but right now will keep an eye on the scale and stay within 3 pounds. Maintaining has always been an issue. I struggled with where to stop my weight…
  • So here I am - Mj from sp. Glad to have found my way here and finding you! Will post later but wanted to at least say hello.