Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Paula- I am so sorry about Jambo too! Not an easy time for your son. Praying for you.

    I haven't done well with my eating the last two days. I should be back on track today. I have my lemon water and I will be cooking fish for dinner. My weight is up, but I am hoping it's water weight so I won't log my weight for a few days.

    We installed new flooring in my oldest son's condo. It went well and looks really great. He is quite pleased. All that hard work led me to believe I could eat more. That was not a wise decision! The weight seems to leap back on given the chance.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello! Shari, you are so right about the weight leaping back on at any opportunity! I'm still going up and down within the same 5 lbs and we are going away for a three day weekend at a dog show. My hope is that all the extra steps might help with the extra calories/salt and I'm also planning to to make good choices for meals with a couple of treats added in. We leave Thursday and get back on Sunday. I know that I can log food and exercise from my phone but don't know if I can access the Community section...
    I've done well with exercise and eating recently but progress is slow trying to get back to a point where I'm making "new" progress. Sending positive, caring thoughts to you all!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    A weekend at a dog show sounds like so much fun! I know that eating away from home is a challenge, but three days isn't too bad. I am with you on trying to make new progress. It's not easy. I did manage to track my food yesterday and stay within range. My water intake was way too low. I will try and improve on that today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 960 Member
    Thank you friends for your understanding and support. It means a lot to me. I know you ladies are dog lovers and understand what John and I are going through. We had in-home euthanasia for Jambo on Monday. He was a wonderful dog right to the end. We miss him and everything about him so much. It is a very difficult time for John. I keep telling him that the hurt lessons but the love we always felt from Jambo stays forever. Our wake/sleep cycle is all messed up because we stayed with him around the clock, each of us getting about 3 hours sleep Saturday night and Sunday night. I will write more again. For now I just wanted to give you all an update. Thanks again.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula and John….I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Jambo. He was a lucky doggie to have such a loving family. It’s so true, the love you feel for him will always be with you (just as you said Paula). Sending prayers and hugs.❤️🙏🏻
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Hugs to you Paula! I hope the heartbreak lifts for you both.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Paula, you and John have my sincere sympathy! Prayers for you both during this sad time!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I have two days of tracking and eating in my calorie range. No results on the scale yet. I have my determination and discipline back. I need to keep this up and hope for weight loss soon so I don't get discouraged. I have ten days before we get on the road and help one of my boys move from Alberta to BC. That trip will most likely derail me so it would be nice to have some loss so I can gain and then get back losing. I am really hoping I can get it together and hit my target in a year's time.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 960 Member
    Shari, Congrats on your tracking and having your determination and discipline back. Discipline is very good word. I think about that a lot.

    Thank you all again. I have been taking care of Jambo's belongings, some of which I will be donating to an animal shelter. John and I are "going through the motions" of our daily lives as best we can. Jambo was such a big part of our world of course! I am getting things done little by little, which, as you know, always pleases me. I know it will take time for us to get back to a somewhat normal emotional state, but we are trying our best I think. Please forgive me if I post too much about losing Jambo. It is still very fresh in my mind.

    One of the things I made myself do today was track my food. I am way low on calories today. I suspect the same would be true for all of the days since Saturday when Jambo started to fail. I will plan to weigh in one day soon to see if the scale shows a drop. I am not very interested in food but am cooking for John who is not a huge eater anyway. Several of my friends have veggie gardens and have been kind enough to share with us. We have been enjoying lots of delicious tomatoes as well as cucumbers, wax beans, and more....very healthy and much appreciated.

    I found out this week that my nail tech, along with her mother who owns the salon, have gotten the first of their 2 vaccine shots. That made me feel better about continuing there. I continue to be very concerned about the virus, variants, etc., and I am still happy to be home as much as possible.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    We are here for you Paula. It's a safe place to share about your loss and you can be sure we care!

    I still haven't lost any weight since I have got serious again. I will keep pressing forward. I am tracking and doing not too bad staying in my calorie range. I just have to have patience and persistence. Losing is so hard.

    Good to have the fresh veggies Paula. My garden seems to be behind but it's coming along. So far I have only enjoyed lettuce and some small potatoes. I have one tomato starting to turn red and that is quite exciting.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Yes, Paula, please share whenever you want about memories of your Jambo. It’s been 20+ years and we still miss and remember our little Taffy very fondly. Dogs are a very special loving part of our families!

    I have been indulging too much…mostly on track and then like yesterday ate Chinese food…was yummy but sure to retain some fluids for a few days after. Also, had a sweet roll with breakfast coffee this morning. My resistance muscles were weak!

    Like you Shari, I have trip next week so between then and now I need to eat healthier as I know away from home I will eat off diet foods. One day at a time.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Happy for Saturday and not having to work. DH is still sleeping so not sure what our plans are for the day. He dug the post holes for our deck so maybe we will fill them with concrete today.

    I was doing well with my eating yesterday until right before bed. I grabbed a few sweet treats. That better not be a repeat for today!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 960 Member
    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Shari, you and DH are so ambitious with your work on your home. I truly admire that. I too crave sweets in the evening sometimes. I allow myself all or part of a Built Bar which is sweet but low in sugar. These bars are also very filling and DS likes them too so they are a good choice for us to have on hand. Diane, I have been craving Chinese food for quite some time. But DS isn't really a fan so it is not an option for me very often. I am sure it has been years since I've had Chinese.

    I weighed in this morning and am down about 1.5 pounds. I thought it would be more. Maybe I will weigh again in a few days. I still don't have much of an appetite but am trying to stay on plan....with some exceptions, like a small banana in the morning or half or a whole light English muffin (100 calories) on occasion. Tonight I had salmon, broccoli, and wax beans for supper while DS had spinach and ricotta ravioli. I didn't mind cooking 2 different meals today because I was well rested. I spent a great deal of time today cleaning and decluttering. I think I finally have gathered all of Jambo's things to donate to the shelter. There really was a lot more than I realized. He had quite a few sweaters, jackets, collars, leashes, etc. We are glad some other dogs will benefit from them.

    A blessed Sunday friends!
  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    I thought I lost everyone - went out of town and so busy, I couldn't remember the name of this site! Back at sp, frantically trying to save my blogs, and so many friends gone and I don't know to where. I lost track of time, thought I would have longer, and so many deleted their accounts - some friends for over 10 yrs. Just a little help - is it important to delete my account - not sure why so many gone? Glad to have found my way back here. Hope all are well.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello Everyone! We got back from our little trip this afternoon. Tomorrow I will weigh in and then start C1D1 again and work on sugar detox for the next few days. When we go to AK in September, family photos are planned and it would be nice to be down a little-at least bull dozing the roadblock that I've been running into for several months. MJ, I'm glad you found us! I deleted my SP account because I didn't know what they might do with the information once they closed. It seems that many former SP folks have come to this site. Everyone have a good evening!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    MJ welcome to our new little check-in spot. So far it’s the only thing I am doing on this site. I miss Spark tools and just can’t get into this site. That said, is great we can still check in with each other and offer support as online friends and fellow 17dd dieters both!

    MZ…Good luck on your C1D1…I am doing the same for next week planning on total compliance before we take our annual “ up north” vacation. It’s so hard to keep trying to get back on track. Good luck to all of us in staying strong!! We all make a good team!

    We did not go on our northern trip last year do to Covid but we are really looking forward to making up for it this year. We will walk and gently hike some trails. My knee doesn’t allow much more than that these days. My DH is in great shape and doing 4-6 miles walks everyday this summer. Using tread mill on bad weather days, he is very committed! I so admire his resolve as I am way out of shape. Cost for hotels has almost doubled…due to everyone “discovering” the area during Covid. Supply and demand and I know it will be much more crowded than we are accustomed to while there.

    My sister Robin and her dog, Runa were on their small backdoor deck Friday evening. She went inside to bathroom and ran out after hearing screams of pain (from her dog which was on her lead). A huge German Shepard was on top of and attacking her 25-30 lb dog (who is almost completely blind). Robin had to pound on the German Shepard with her fists until it let go. The police were called and they discovered the German Shepard was a rescue and on its fourth owner due to aggression…should have been put down prior but sounds like that may happen now??? Runa is at the vet right now getting treatment as no vets were open over weekend. I am praying vet gives a good report!🙏🏻
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Diane, prayers for little Runa and your sister!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    edited August 2021
    DW…thank you for prayers…they are back from vet…no stitches needed as they want wounds to drain naturally. Several puncture wounds but all in flank area and right back leg…not in vital organ etc. Runa was very lucky. She has some shaved fur, area has been cleaned and is on antibiotics and pain relievers. Resting comfortably at home now.🐶❤️
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 960 Member
    MJ, so glad you have arrive here! Great to have you with us now.

    DW, hope you had a nice trip. Good luck with C1!

    Diane, Wow, how scary for Runa and Robin!! Thank goodness Runa is home and resting comfortably.

    I saw my rheumatologist in person today for the first time since the pandemic hit. We had been doing virtual appointments instead of in-person because of Covid. I had a good appointment and am pleased that I didn't need any med adjustments. He reinforced my notion of staying home as much as possible even though I am vaccinated. He told me that he, himself, hasn't returned to church yet and was in agreement with my staying away from church at this time. But I have to share with something really amazing that happened today at my rheumatologist visit. While I was in the waiting room, another patient came in to check in for his appointment and he had with him a chihuahua in a case he carried like a cross body bag. I just about jumped out of my seat. First, in all the years I have been going to this doctor, I have never seen anyone come in with a pet of any kind, yet alone a chihuahua. And today it is one week exactly since Jambo died. I spoke with the gentleman, who was probably in his late 40s or early 50s. He told me the dog's name and that she is 11 years old. I told him about Jambo. He also told me that his dog's father is still alive at age 21 years! I was stunned by the entire experience. I am convinced that this was some sort of sign meaning that Jambo is at peace and sending me a greeting. (Ok I know that sounds weird, but really, a chihuahua in a rheumatology office, when I am there, one week since losing Jambo!)

    Good night all!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    edited August 2021
    Paula, that is the sweetest meeting at your doctor’s office. And, a blessing it brought you a feeling Jambo is at peace. We aren’t meant to understand everything in this world and I agree with your thinking it was a sign, one of those mysteries of life. Hugs❤️