Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Happy Canada Day Shari! Hope you are enjoying a great holiday!

    DW, Our heat wave broke today along with a rain storm. It is 71 degrees here now, but the humidity remains high. Being stocked up on compliant choices will certainly make it easier to stay more on plan.

    Diane, hoping you had a good check up.

    I had another good day. I didn't experience any cravings so sticking to plan was easy. My "to do" list was manageable, and my meal prep today didn't require a lot of energy. I am a bit tired today and have been having much more RA pain lately, especially in my wrists. I see my rheumatologist in early August, but I don't want any med changes because I think the next steps in meds are a bit scarier (in terms of side effects) to me compared to the meds I am currently on.

    Good night all!

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! I hope you all have had a good day! Shari, Happy Canada Day and Happy Long Weekend!! I hope today's appointment went well, Diane!! Paula, glad to hear that your heat wave broke! I also had an easy meal prep day, using leftovers in a salad for supper. I am continuing to watch "Hot Mess House" for inspiration for getting rid of stuff. My daughter is supposed to finally come tomorrow to take some stuff or give permission to pitch it or mail it to the grandsons. I am also expecting something I ordered that will help organize some things. I'm not looking forward to the start of fireworks due to the dogs. I don't think it's legal to do them around here but that hasn't stopped folks for as long as we've lived here. They will probably start tomorrow night and continue at dusk through the 4th. Have a good evening!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    edited July 2021
    DW..I feel the same about fireworks! We will have my daughters Cavapoo and he gets anxious. Little Finn will spend two nights with us. She wants him at our house as we are in somewhat of a retiree area that is quieter than her house on the lake where people go nuts about fireworks, even though we get some around us too, 😎

    Happy Canada Day Shari. Enjoy!

    Paula…I feel so bad about your RA pain. My hands get bad at times and I rely on my Voltaren gel. It really does bring me relief. I hope you find relief soon.🙏🏻

    Speaking of Voltaren, that is what my doctor advised for my knee today. He ordered X-ray to confirm it is not osteoarthritis and means is some soft tissue issue so he says use Voltaren. Meniscus or tendon tear. Bad news is what I thought was lymph node swelling….he says is actually a large thyroid nodule which I am having ultrasound exam on 14th. I read where these are not often cancer except in people who have had head or neck radiation…which of course, I have had..or if family history of thyroid cancer., which I may also have. My mom died age 54 of lung cancer metastasized from thyroid or breast. It was never determined for certain. I will pray it’s not and take it one step at a time. 🙏🏻

    Doctor told me I should not worry about my weight. He thinks I am doing well. Wants me to avoid carbs when I can, walk more and generally eat healthy but not worry about what the scale says. It was nice to hear but the scale number does bother me so will keep on trying…maybe be less critical of myself though.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW - Fortunately our chihuahua is oblivious to fireworks. Our township has time restrictions about setting off fireworks, but the rules are not enforced. None of my chihuahuas over the years have been sensitive to fireworks but I know many dogs who are. It will be noisy here all weekend I am quite sure.

    Diane - As always, I will keep you in my prayers as you have the ultrasound. How nice that the doctor was good with your weight. That at least takes some stress away. Avoiding starchy carbs is important. I have seen so many people who have had excellent weight loss success when cutting out the starchy carbs. My RA pain has eased considerably today. Of course I never know when it will return full force. A while ago my rheumatologist told me about Voltaren. I bought a tube OTC but never used it...actually gave it to my friend Sandi. I am reluctant to use it because it is an NSAID, and since I take Celebrex (also an NSAID) every day and have been taking it for years, I worry about adding any more NSAIDS to my body.

    I did well again today, though I had some doubts that I would remain compliant because I wasn't "in the mood" for 17DD foods. But I stayed the course and told myself that sometime over the weekend I could have a hot dog or 2 (purchased for DS) and will eat the hot dog(s) on a low carb wrap (bought for me!). I have been cooking 2 meals again, one for me and one for DS because he has dropped some of his Covid weight gain and is back to eating more like he did before, but at least now he is cognizant of his choices and how they could impact his weight. He gained only a few pounds during the pandemic, but it was enough for him to get to work immediately on dropping the pounds, and he did (of course, didn't we all do better losing weight when we were in our 30s?).

    Here's wishing everyone a great weekend!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I have been off routine lately and that includes my eating. I have lost weight, but I know it will be back once I am back to regular meals. On Thursday, we went for a kayak ride on a river. That was a first. We ended up taking four hours to complete the trip! Time flew by and by the time I got home, I went right to bed I was so tired. Yesterday I had a harder day emotionally and didn't make much of an effort to eat.

    We do need rain, everything is very dry. I am out of water for my plants now. I collect in rain barrels. We can't use well water, the plants don't like it. I am not sure what I will be able do for the plants apart from praying for some rain.

    I dyed my hair for the second time. I went too light lol! Now I know what colour will suit me going forward. I am just covering up the grays, I wasn't looking for too much of a change. Oh well! DH didn't notice, so it mustn't be too much of a change.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Sounds like quite an active Thursday for you Shari. I would never be brave enough to kayak. I have a very strong phobia of any kind of water vessels (I think I probably mentioned this a long time ago on Spark). Sorry that you had a rough day emotionally. Always know you have friends here who care and support you. I'll bet your hair looks great. Believe it or not, at age 63 (64 next month), I still have no gray hair. A while ago I had like 2 or 3 stray gray hairs, and now I don't even have those. I often comment that my hair is the only part of me that has remained a bit young.

    I did ok today but wasn't terribly strict with myself. Sandi brought us some of her homemade delicious blueberry pie, made with blueberries from her garden. I had a small piece but didn't let that make me feel that I should then remain off plan for the rest of the day. I made chicken and veggies for supper (easy and compliant) and soon will curl up for the evening with a book and another bottle of seltzer. Sandi also brought us a container of fresh blueberries, which I just love. DS and I will enjoy them tomorrow.

    Hope the weekend is going well for all.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Happy 4th everyone!
    Paula…so nice to have blueberry pie with your friend…we might have been enjoying that feeling at the same time, as we had a piece of lemon pie with friends from AZ who came to visit us yesterday. They are in MN to see their son, grandkids and first great grand child.

    Paula, you mention you will be 64 next month and I will be 74, you are same age within a month of my baby sister! We had lunch on Friday with her and my sister, Cheryl, who is two yrs younger than I am…she is recovered from her big lung surgery and doing well. Answered prayers! So thankful! Like you, she struggles with severe RA and has flares even while on Orencia infusions, etc. Autoimmune and connective tissue disorders run rampant in mostly females in my mothers family. Although, I know two male relatives I grew up with, who suffer with RA. You also could be a member if my dads family with dark hair and no grey, my dad and his mother both kept their very dark almost black hair with only slight grey at temples until they passed away…my dad was just shy of 92 when that happened. So enjoy your lovely locks…my dad was so puzzled by my almost black hair that definitely was grey starting in my later 50’s, lol. If he could see me now totally grey…..🥰

    DHs sister and her DH arrive Tuesday. They stay in our guest room until the following Tuesday. I know meals and treats will be more abundant….so my diet will be strained and at times out the window! I will do my best and will get back on track when they depart. I now believe my faulty thyroid numbers and large nodule/growth may have something to do with my weight loss being so slow and the scale not moving after the 3rd month on diet. I am glad we will be looking at this later in the month and I likely will do follow up with second opinion no matter what the initial ultrasound indicates.

    Shari….kayaking is such fun…those were the days! Enjoy! Great stress reliever…and hiking too!
    DW…I hope your doggies are ok with the fireworks….we started to have issues last night but then the frequency of blasts slowed and after 11:00 it ended so we then had a peaceful night to sleep with little Finn🐶❤️
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Good Morning! Happy 4th of July! Diane, prayers for good results for your test and for peace while you wait to have the test and get results. Paula, great job not letting the treat derail your day! That is awesome that your hair isn't graying! I've been "hiding" mine for years-initially with highlights but then with all over color. I got a good look at my "natural" hair as it grew out during the shut down-NOT a pretty color of gray or white. I'll be 67 in a couple of months. Shari, that kayaking sounds like quite the adventure! I hope you will get some rain soon! My weight went up 2 pounds overnight but it was expected- I had some corn on the cob that was overly seasoned and was quite salty-the corn was very sweet and did not need the extras.. I've also been back on my nightly popcorn kick that doesn't mesh with any level of the 17DD.....I need to get my focus back AGAIN!! We will be going out of town to a dog show in early August and seeing many folks that we haven't seen since before March 2020. It would be nice to look healthier and more fit. We have no plans for the 4th-it will be 91 and humid. I'm hoping to get through more totes and get more things in the trash. My daughter came over and gave me directions on the stuff in her tote-she took a few things, said I could trash a few things and I already have a box packed to mail to my son for his boys. I have also offered to provide all of the items for two raffles for one of my dog clubs... I will be finding good homes for 20-30 dog items that I've collected over the years(I probably have hundreds)!! Everyone have a wonderful day!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Happy 4th to you all. I was reading the ages of birthdays. I turn 54 this month. We span 30 years and I think that is simply fabulous!

    No rain yet, but to the south of us, their heat wave ended with a severe storm, a tornado and flooding. I feel terrible for them.

    I learned how to prune tomatoes this morning. I stumbled on a tutorial quite by accident. I went out and looked after my plants. With this new knowledge my tomato growing should see better results than I have in the past years, and I can't complain about my harvests in the past. I am excited about this!

    I am about to have a cup of coffee and reflect on what I want to do in the coming months. My emotions have been all over the map. I am looking forward to seeing my counsellor on Wednesday. I do want to take a bit more charge in my life and make sure I am adding activities and people in my life that add to my joy. I think I have been running on empty, and wasn't sure how to refill. If I want gas, I need to go to the gas station and fill up. So, I am going to try and take action to see if that will do the trick.

    My eating is going from one end of the spectrum to the other. Eating super strictly with smart choices, to indulging. I think today will end up being an indulge day, and tomorrow I will put the effort back in. I have made some progress on the scale, so I don't want to mess it up! I can do this.

    Thanks for your friendship all! You make this journey so much better.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Diane when is your birthday? Happy that your sister is doing so well. It seems that autoimmune disorders tend to run in families. My mother was diagnosed with lupus in the 1960s, but now I wonder if it really was lupus or instead a form of RA and just that the medical info was not as advanced back then. Initially I was diagnosed with lupus but then eventually my diagnosis was changed to RA. It seems that there is considerable overlap with autoimmune disorders. Enjoy your family visiting. It is a blessing to have family you enjoy.

    DW, Woo Hoo for all you are accomplishing with your cleaning out of things no longer needed/wanted/etc. It certainly is a good feeling. And so nice that your doggie items will be appreciated! I think cleaning out items as you are doing also helps get us back into diet focus over time. Are you a summer birthday too???

    Shari, So when is your birthday? Do you have any special plans to celebrate it? Wonderful that you learned how to prune tomato plants. Garden fresh tomatoes are the absolute best! Your gas station comparison makes sense to me. Identifying some issues is a good step forward! Like you, I am so glad we are all in this together!

    Well I really surprised myself today. I stayed on track, even though I made ribs for DS for Independence Day. It helped that I didn't have a lot of ribs, and I didn't want to deprive him of what is one of his favorite foods and something I don't make very often. I took one bite of one rib, and that was it. I went right back to my chicken and salad. It also helped that I was not terribly hungry today. Tomorrow I might give myself a little wiggle room as I will make hot dogs with chili sauce for DS. I think I might have a couple hot dogs on a low carb wrap. Not sure what else I will make except for our usual salad with the evening meal. DS and I have a July 4 tradition of watching the movie (musical) 1776 every year. It is one of our favorite movies and is based on the Broadway musical 1776. Time to watch the movie! Good night friends!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Working on clearing out things we don't need is a blessing to ourselves and to those that will have to go through all of that stuff once we are gone. I am still going through the in-laws stuff to make room for my stuff. Then I plan to begin the decluttering of my stuff as I unpack those boxes in the basement. It's been a year since we moved to the farm. Lots of things accomplished and lots left to get done. I sorted through a garden shed this weekend. We have a load to go to the dump once again. But now I have a place to put my gardening tools and I am excited about that. I stumbled upon a number of mice under a floorboard in that shed. I was able to lure Grumpy cat to the shed with treats. She even went inside! I am hoping she too will stumble upon the mice. I have left the door open wide enough for her to patrol lol!

    My birthday it tomorrow if you can believe it! I didn't make any plans to celebrate it. I think I prefer something quiet once again this year. Our Covid restrictions were lifted so technically I could have a larger celebration. With everything I am processing and being an introvert, I am leaning towards a quiet restaurant dinner. Maybe Mexican.

    I still haven't watched 1776!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Happy Birthday eve Shari!! Hope you have a great day tomorrow. Mexican food sure sounds good to me!! So nice to have a place to put your gardening tools....a definite benefit of your hard work cleaning things out. Good luck getting the mice taken care of. You know how I feel about those critters!!

    I didn't follow plan at all today. I had hot dogs on low carb wraps. I have satisfied my hot dog craving and won't want any hot dogs for a long time. My friend Sandi dropped by again today. We just chatted and relaxed a while. It is nice that she lives so close by that we can get together easily.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! Shari, Happy Birthday tomorrow! I hope you have a wonderful day!! Mine is in September-technically in the summer but growing up, school had already started so it has never felt like a summer birthday. Paula, such a nice tradition that you and your son have on July 4th! Diane, enjoy your houseguests! It is so nice that we are able to see people again! I made a landmark move today. I brought the final 3 totes of stuff into the house from the garage that I'd moved there before my son and his family came in April. Then I went to the storage unit and moved 6 totes from there into the garage. I'm using the garage as my "staging" area to hold totes until I have time to bring them in and go through them. I went through the three that I brought in earlier today and will now work on the six as time allows. When I'm done with them, I'll get more from the storage unit.
    My eating is usually on track until late at night and then anything is fair game and that was true today. I'm hoping that my extra work moving totes will prevent another gain. Everyone have a great evening!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, You sure are making progress with the decluttering! Smart to use your garage as a staging area. Very impressive!!

    It is far too hot and humid here for Craig (and me) to do any work outside or even in our un-airconditioned garage. The news this morning cautioned anyone with certain medical conditions to avoid being outside for any extended time. Craig has asthma, and it is just so oppressively humid here lately, so our garage clean up is on hold for the moment, as is any other outside work Craig has to do for me yet.

    I had an ok day but not really as compliant as past days. I feel ok now, but earlier today I was really tired and took an afternoon nap, which is unusual even for me. When I woke up from my nap I had more energy and was able to accomplish most of my "to do" list. I had some frozen filled peppers that I thawed and reheated for supper, very easy and not too far from plan (the meat in the peppers have some rice mixed in). I am expecting tomorrow to be a much better day in terms of energy and eating.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Our company arrived….insisted to take us out for dinner. I had Walleye which was not a bad food choice but the french fries I ate were way off track. Only good news is I left many on my plate….only allowed myself a few and filled up on the fish! It’s 55 this morning and rained overnight so our deck is soaking wet and cold. No morning coffee on our deck! The next few days are forecast to be cooler after 90’s and high humidity. It is a relief. I hope you get relief East of us soon!!

    Breakfast will be on track but no idea yet about other meals. I will take it one at a time as with each day. Same with my darn thyroid. I have been so tired on and off with fibro for so many years and even more so after our drive up from AZ. Had been chalking these last weeks of fatigue up to my age. Now I wonder if it is partly due to thyroid. I want that ultrasound over….but have to wait for 14th. The cancelled and rescheduled brain scan combined with the thyroid cancer concern makes this a less than peaceful time. I vented that here as I have not spoken my concerns to family (especially DH as he has enough on his plate these days). There is nothing that can be done or changed, so I am relying on prayer and keeping busy to get through this month. 🙏🏻
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Diane- It's not easy to await medical appointments and then the subsequent time it takes to get the results. I understand your concern and not wanting to have your family then share in that stress/anxiety. I am praying for you- I know how much it has helped sustain me in the past. I hope you can sense the peace in the waiting in some degree!

    I ate poorly and as a result felt poorly yesterday. Still have some damage control to do and can't wait to flush out the food making me feel this way. Very bloated and tired. I have new determination this morning. It helps having felt so good last month. It is motivating to get back to healthy eating. I started the day with a bowl of oatmeal and blueberries. I am also having a cup of tea. It will take 3-7 days to undo things, but meal one is in the books!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Diane, Congrats on skipping most of the french fries. I am not sure that I would have been that strong, especially when they are paired with fish (one of my favorite combos). Yum! Enjoy the cooler temps! Our weather is still oppressive, and we are under a heat advisory until 8 pm. Tomorrow will probably be a repeat of today. You, Robin, and Cheryl are in my daily prayers and will remain there.

    Shari, like you, when I don't eat well, my body lets me know! Celebrate your new determination! I am going to make myself another cup of tea as soon as I finish typing here. I feel well in control today and aim to keep this attitude.

    Today is kind of a busy day for me so I am checking in here early. I am having salmon and broccoli for supper. So far I am on track with breakfast and lunch. I definitely feel more in control today than yesterday. I am feeling well rested today, very different from yesterday. I know I say this a lot, but I see a direct correlation between my level of fatigue and my healthy eating choices.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks everyone for your prayers and understanding…very much appreciated. This too shall pass.

    I am tired this morning. Cooked a huge meal last night and everyone, (including me) was too full for dessert our guests had purchased. So they dished out this morning and I only had a 3 bites and quit eating it. Way too rich for me, lol. If all desserts were so sweet I would have no trouble saying no. I ran dishwasher as we sat down to eat last night and this morning spent two hours cleaning my kitchen, hand washing my pots/pans and running a full load of dishes again…my back was just not up to doing it after preparing dinner last night. This having guests for 7 days is a bit of a struggle for me these days compared to even a few years ago.

    We are on our own for meals today as our guests are invited elsewhere….so we will have some of our usual small meals…mine with veggies. Planning rest of my day to be on track food wise! Tomorrow I will be cooking meals again….but will figure that out later, lol.

    Wishing everyone a great day!😎
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! I haven't checked in for a few days. Things have been "as usual"-good choices during the day and not so good at night. I really need to get back to that place where I managed to not snack late at night. Yesterday I was bemoaning the thought that I had to take two dogs to class this morning and then one to a different class tonight...now I'm bemoaning the fact that all classes cancelled for today....All the previous planning and preparing and worrying was for naught...As my mother and her mother used to say "Don't borrow trouble" ...I guess I didn't learn that lesson very well...
    Diane, I am keeping you in my prayers! Shari, I admire your determination and hope to find mine soon!! Paula, I'm glad you were feeling better yesterday! I hope today was a good day as well!!
    For the next three days, I will be stewarding at an Obedience trial in Michigan, driving back and forth daily (about an hour each way). Meals will be provided and I'm hoping for some healthy choices...and then if there are those choices, I'm hoping for the mindset to make those choices-LOL!! I'll be out the door very early but should be home by mid afternoon. Everyone have a great evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, Your involvement with the dog activities sounds like so much fun to me. I would have a house full of dogs if I could handle it. Good luck with your meals! At least you know you are burning off extra calories with all you are doing.

    Diane, You are much better than I would be at this stage of my life when it comes to having house guests, especially for an entire week! It has been 2 years since we had family stay with us for any extended time, about a week as I recall. I was already not able to do much at that time but somehow managed to get through it. I could not do it at all now.

    Today was another very good day for me. Again, I was well rested and had planned well for the day. It was my day for my manicure, so I thawed chicken breasts in advance and made them for supper with salsa, green beans, and a little low fat cheese and of course our usual supper salad. Sometimes I find my chicken breasts get too dry, I think because I try to cook it in advance (before I feel too tired), and when it is ready we aren't ready to eat yet, so it gets too dry. I hadn't made salsa chicken in quite a while, and both DS and I agreed I need to make it more often. Tomorrow is my Shoprite pick up day. I will probably make salmon for supper.