Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I am missing some of the features of SP, but making the adjustments. Working on having a good day today. Yesterday wasn't too bad, but I did make a few choices that I didn't need to. I also need to track my water intake, that had been going so well and I want to get back to doing it again.

    Lots of rain yesterday and last night, things should really start to grow. Be great if my garden made some growing progress. The tomatoes are looking good, but no flowers yet. I am excited to see that stage develop.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Good Morning! Diane, thank you for that information on closing the account. When I went to my spark page, I discovered that my daughter was still listed as a friend and she hasn't used that site in years. I plan to encourage her to get on there, delete photos and close the account. Once I make sure she does that, I will do the same! OK, she's an adult and can probably take care of business without me hovering-LOL!! I also enjoy seeing all of your faces! Paula, I love watching the Westminster Dog Show! One year my breed won it -Rufus the Bull Terrier. When he was showing at different shows, I also had a red and white BT who was being shown by his breeder. My BT was in the ring with Rufus more than once-guess who won-Rufus, of course! LOL!! I will check back in later ! Have a great day!!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Shari….I too miss many aspects of Spark, including the weight tracker with graph. Was a big plus for keeping me strong on track etc.

    These last 2 posts from Shari and DW are now on page 2….I searched this MFP website and can find no way to change forum feed so newest posts at top….I found plenty of people who do not understand why nobody posts here and who have lost track of where they have posted on which threads etc…many dead end forum subjects with no posts in years. I can see why. The forum postings are not as easy to find after you join one and not as easy a site to maneuver as Spark was. (Partly Spark was more familiar) but also Spark was more geared to exchange of ideas and support from other members. This site appears geared for going it alone. Happy so far we have managed to keep this check in going!! Thanks everyone! 👍👏
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW - How cool that your dog was in the ring with Rufus!! Bull Terriers look like such fun and cute dogs!

    Diane - I too am very happy that our little group has migrated together here. I hope MJ finds us as well and joins in again.

    Shari - I am adjusting to this site little by little. I haven't taken enough time to really get a feel for this site. I see some things that interest me, but I haven't made the effort to explore enough yet. I appreciate what I have seen with the food tracker, which has always been important to me. I just need to get used to using it more.

    A very quick check in from me tonight. Had a relatively good day on track except that I made meatloaf for dinner at DS's request, and I just didn't feel like making something different for myself. I think I ate too much meatloaf because it was so good and we haven't had it for such a long time, but all things considered everything else all day was compliant.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! It sounds like we are all making the adjustments to our new setting! Paula, like you, I feel like I need to explore the site more to find out what more it has to offer. I am doing well with the food, exercise and water trackers but would like to figure out about tracking other goals. I've had a compliant C1, D2 day and also had a surprise dog class. I had it on my calendar for Thursday and then saw on Facebook that it had been rescheduled for tonight about an hour before it was to start. I made it to the class and my dog and I had a good learning experience! Have a great evening!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Good Morning! Just a quick note because I found something interesting (you all might have already explored this). I clicked on "Reports" at the top of the page and found a weight loss chart but also info about how many nutrients were consumed (I was interested in potassium and fiber). Also, when you click on "reports", different options appear on the line under the reports line, such as "charts", "export data" and one other. The one I can't remember (what it is called) had very interesting information combining information from the previous week. Time to get on with my chores-have a great day!!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW…thanks, I checked that out and it looks like it will track weight loss….or gain which is my mode right now. I will start using it when I finally commit to C1 again. Right now I am resting my swollen knee again and icing and eating a piece of pie. I am not in a good frame of mind to start strict diet right now. I am still managing to do on track breakfast and lunch but I can’t seem to resist treats now and then, sigh.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! I hope you are all having a good day! Diane, I hope your knee is feeling better! Shari and Paula, I hope you are both doing well!! I've done well so far for C1D3 but night time is my challenging time. I found a different cultured cottage cheese. It is low fat, tastes good if you like cottage cheese, and is called "good culture". Maybe it's been around but it was new to my grocery store and I will definitely purchase it again! Have a great evening!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, I love cottage cheese, especially with fruit for breakfast. I checked for Good Culture on Shoprite from home's website but it seems they do not carry it. I will continue to check for it.

    Diane, it is so important to take care of that swollen knee! You are so right that you have to have the right mind set to really take on C1.

    I continue to learn a bit more about this site little by little. I am wondering though how to find people whose user name here we know. One of the ladies from another Spark team I am on has come to this site and provided me with her user name here, but I am not sure how to contact her. Any ideas?? It is probably very obvious and I am just missing the obvious.

    I had a relatively good day. I am still tracking more on Spark than here because it is more expedient for me. I do a little tracking here to get accustomed to it and to see how I am doing. I just haven't made the full transition here because of a few Spark friends who are not here yet.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…I found at the top of this page two rows with Tabs/links, one lighter blue, one navy blue and on that second row in white letters one of the links says “Find Members”. If you know the user name it can be entered there…good luck finding your friends!😎👍
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Everyone! Not sure how I missed checking in yesterday. I did have to go "in" to work so my regular routine was upset a bit. I didn't put in a hard day's work at all. That doesn't happen very often especially when working from home. I will need to play catch up today and tomorrow. The weather isn't looking great, so that means wanting to be outside won't be a distraction.

    I have been tracking my food intake and had been doing good. I ate dinner out last night and I am certain I am up in weight. I didn't want to weigh in and will wait until Sunday. See if I can undo what I did. Once I tracked what I ate and saw the sodium levels- twice of what I should have, I know I will be retaining water. Plus my calorie count was over. It's sad that one meal can derail weeks of progress. Back on track this morning.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Thanks Diane! I will use the tab you pointed out to check on my friends from another spark team. Shari, woo hoo for tracking your food! I am adjusting to tracking food here at MFP. Believe it or not, I weighed in today. I am happy to report that I am down 2 pounds. I will strive to weigh again in a few days to see if that loss holds. It really made my day to see a good number on the scale. I have had too many days where a stray happened here and there that I had convinced myself that I would see a gain. Seeing a loss really encouraged me to keep on trying and to understand that a little stray here and there isn't the end of the world. Today was a good day for me again. I made ginger teriyaki turkey cutlets for supper. They come already marinated from my organic delivery. Fortunately the sodium isn't super high and the flavor is really good. Will probably make salmon tomorrow for me....not sure what to prep for DS but I will think of something.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Congrats on your weigh-in Paula!! It is so encouraging and motivating when the scale gives us good news. I hope you (and all of us) can keep our momentum going despite slip ups from time to time.

    I didn't eat dinner last night which I know is not good. I was upset and lost my appetite. I feel stress and anxiety in my stomach. I am not a stress eater, but a stress starver. I have had breakfast which is good. I have requested to make an appointment with a counsellor. I am not coping well with DH's parents showing up daily and sometimes twice a day. Even though I don't talk to them since they stay outside, I find that I am getting upset and don't know what to do about it. I can't carry on like this much longer. I just wanted a pleasant summer, and to do that I guess I need the help... sigh.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula, so rewarding to see the scale drop. I am almost ready to tackle C1 again…I mean fully commit, not just “most of the time” like I have been doing. I need to quit all off diet snaking and give up the bread again which I have been allowing myself now and then. I know those little carb treats bring back my cravings for sweets/carbs and I know I have to cut it out!! I am planning to recommit starting Monday…we have a Father’s Day outings planned over the weekend with our grown children…both events are going to be carb loaded…homemade macadamia nut pancakes at one, lol! Something not to be missed! Your talking about planning ahead for turkey, salmon etc makes me want to do that again….make a plan and stick to it, I mean!!

    Shari sorry you have such a high level of stress! I can’t identify with stress starving…I am exact opposite…more stress, I eat more and have less willpower! Neither response is good of course. I hope you can find the right counselor to help you deal with the stress of in laws…which it appears is not going away, so you will need to find a way to make your own inner peace with it. It sounds like they miss the farm and still feel as though it is “home” and likely (as long as they are physically able) they will be popping in unexpectedly to garden etc. 🙏🏻 I will add my prayers for your continued inner strength and peace.

    DW…nice you have found a new food on diet you enjoy. DH likes cottage cheese and I never could take the texture of it. Very few foods I do not eat but that is on the list along with liver, sushi. I admire your commitment to C1 and hope to join you on Monday!🤞👍
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    HI Everybody! Paula, congrats on your loss!! Shari, I'm so sorry about the ongoing stress!! Prayers that you will find some peace! Diane, those pancakes sound amazing! It sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! We've had storms all morning here, with a break now and a chance of more severe weather this afternoon. I had my zoom Silver Sneakers and yoga classes while it was storming. There has been some talk of Silver Sneakers going back to in person classes. I dread that because it is so easy to do it at home vs driving somewhere. I'm going to stay at it online as long as possible! Eating has been on C1 so far today. I hope you all have a great rest of your Friday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, I think talking out your concerns with a counselor is a good idea. I cannot imagine having to deal with almost daily visitations from your in-laws, even if they don't come in your home. My prayers for you and your family continue.

    Diane, Your Father's Day plans sound delightful! Sometimes we just need that too.

    DW, I understand how you prefer online exercise. I feel that way about the meetings I have for some of the organizations I am involved with. The online sessions are certainly time-savers for me.

    I had another busy day today but managed to stay on plan. Knowing that my salmon was thawing out kept me on track because I didn't want to make it tomorrow or risk it going to waste. I made pasta with pesto for DS and had only a small taste and got right back to my delicious salmon, salad, and broccoli. I picked up our Shoprite from home order today so once again am well stocked and then some! Craig has been here almost every day this week, which is great for the amazing work he is doing (at low cost to me), but it does eat up a lot of my time. I think he won't be working here again till at least Wednesday so I will have time to devote more of my attention to what I need to take care of here every day. MJ posted on our Spark thread. I expect she will be joining us here soon. She had been away and not aware of the changes going on at Spark.

    Here's to a great weekend for all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. I have a counsellor, I haven't had a session since 2013! I was able to book an appointment for Monday and it's online! I am thankful for that. She has been effective to help me in the past so I am hoping she will be in this situation too.

    I agree that some meetings are so much more convenient online. They seem to be shorter and like you all said, you save so much on driving time.

    If anyone is interested I found a show on YouTube called Secret Eaters. It's a bit older, but I enjoyed it. I learned a lot and it gave me a glimpse into why I wasn't losing weight. I was a secret eater! I may watch it through again after summer for a refresher. I saw a drop on the scale, but most likely due to not eating. I will eat today, but I hope I can keep of the gains I made!
  • mjjdzhere
    mjjdzhere Posts: 26 Member
    So here I am - Mj from sp. Glad to have found my way here and finding you! Will post later but wanted to at least say hello.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    MJ, Happy that you found us here. We missed you.

    Shari, Thanks for the info on Secret Eaters. I will check it out. Sounds interesting. I hear that more and more counseling sessions are happening online these days. Just like so many other things, it is quite convenient to do it that way.

    I had a fairly good day. I was totally on track and not hungry at all. This evening my friend Sandi dropped by with some goodies. I had a small banana nut cupcake which was ok. Since I knew my calorie and carb totals for today were low, I was ok with eating it, but I must admit that I really didn't enjoy it all that much. I seem to have gotten away from that kind of treat. My "go to" treat these days, if I feel I really want something sweet is to eat half of a Built Bar. That satisfies me very much. The rest of the goodies Sandi brought are in the refrigerator, and I will probably freeze them tomorrow. DS is not eating much of that kind of treat these days.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! MJ, I'm so happy that you found us!! Shari, so happy that you were able to have someone familiar to talk with, and to get an appointment so quickly! Paula, your will power is amazing! I continue to struggle when I am actually in the presence of goodies! Diane, enjoy your family activities this weekend!
    I did have a small victory late last night-around 11:00pm when I was tired and heading to bed, the "appetite" suggested that I needed to eat something. The 17DD voice reminded me that I should just go to bed, and the "war" was on...I ended up deciding that, if I really wanted the food I was thinking of, I could have it for breakfast, and I went to bed. Those conflicts usually go the other way and I hope I can remember this "breakfast" thought for future battles! After a good night's sleep, I don't really want the food I was thinking of and am ready for a compliant and delicious breakfast! Everyone have a great day!!