Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula and DW…forgot to say WTG on clearing out “stuff”. Is the best stress reliever to see things gone! Something sitting I a box for years is not something anyone needs in their life…I like to say to DH let’s give it away so someone can enjoy this or actually use this. Helps me to part with something I think I “might use someday”…(but never have since I packed it away, lol).

    I need to do some more of that activity myself…when we moved here we downsized/donated sooo much and every year we clean our clothes closet to do that but I know I have some items that get squirreled away and should go…along with my set of good China which no one in my family wants. Is Nortake Viceroy with gold edging, and lovely but no one is formal these days, myself included! 😎
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Diane, Congrats on rocking C1 now! The success compliance can bring certainly can help maintain motivation and resolve. Ah, the china! I have gotten rid of some china, but I held on to my mother's Noritake for the time being. I never use it, and it is in a cupboard that isn't very easy for me to access. I know I will part with it sometime, but I am pleased that I got rid of my other china. It sure does feel great to have removed so much from the garage. Having Craig here to help made all the difference to me, and he is very pleasant to work with. Plus I know he needs the money I pay him.

    DW, Saving $$ and getting rid of the storage unit could be a good incentive to part with unused items. Saving $$ would motivate me for sure. Hope you did ok with the potential ice cream temptation. For me being lactose intolerant is a positive thing in that kind of situation. I simply cannot digest ice cream without serious unpleasant consequences!

    Shari, I sure hope your friend stays strong. I know this has been going on for such a long time and has got to be taking such a toll on your friend and on you as her primary support. I hate to say it (but I will) ...I think your in-laws realize that they can take advantage of you because you and Jim are so nice. I hope in time they start to "get it" and treat you with more respect.

    I had a good eating day today and got some movement in too. It was another busy day for me, but today I didn't allow myself to get overly hungry. I made some hard boiled eggs to have on hand as an easy snack to grab along with some cut up veggies, rather than raiding DS's pretzels again. I really long for a day of total relaxation with few demands, but probably won't get such a day till Sunday at the earliest. At least I am not overly fatigued tonight and will be going to bed soon.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…planning for snacking is great! I need to do that…not eggs for me as that is my go to breakfast and have found I can stay full longer with my eggs in early morning. Also, I found since starting on 17dd in January I don’t have bread anymore with my eggs and my stomach does not react to the eggs….or it could be I have almost more peppers than eggs in my scramble?? 🤞Whatever the reason I am happy to be able to enjoy daily eggs again.

    Thinking I could move my Nortake dishes from the primo spot they occupy but am reluctant to just box them up and forget them. No one wants them, I asked everyone in family. Will. give them away and likely Goodwill is the easiest place for me. I looked online and there are dozens of people trying to sell them on eBay with no takers. My kitchen storage space (here in twin home) is very limited and I want to reorganize and have room to store items I have which are hard to reach and put them in this lower more accessible spot. And, not just put them where my kids have to deal with them when I am gone. Watching the show Hot Mess House last night and it makes me what to clean out, declutter, donate, donate donate, lol.

    C1D4….wishing everyone a good day…stay strong!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had the day off yesterday and my schedule was a bit off. But I loved it! I spent most of the day outdoors trying to clean up the deadfall from the trees we trimmed or had to remove since they were dead. It was a good workout! I have more to do, but that depends on DH's parents schedule. I made a rhubarb cake (a second attempt) since the first one didn't turn out very well. Today I entered the recipe, and I was shocked at the calorie count!!! I think I will freeze it. I can't afford to eat it right now! It will need to be a special occasion.

    DH had his second shot. He was sick within a couple of hours. I can't really believe it lol! He doesn't do well with illness- even if it's strengthening his immune system. Good thing he didn't get Covid. He wouldn't have faired well. He will be out for the count today but I will enjoy my day off.

    Goal is to eat minimally today. I have had three bad days in a row. I need to take my queue from you Diane! Keep it going. We don't need perfection to be successful.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    I didn't get to check in here yesterday. My dear friend Sandi was in a car accident yesterday....not her fault. She was hit by a guy on a motorcycle who couldn't negotiate a curve. She saw him coming toward her but couldn't totally avoid him as it was on a narrow 2 lane road not far from where we live. The guy was driving someone else's Harley and didn't have a motorcycle license so he is being charged by the police. He had some scrapes and scratches and thank God was wearing a helmet. Sandi said that someone who stopped at the accident was going to take the motorcycle guy to the hospital. Sandi was taken by ambulance to the ER and was there for about 5 hours but wasn't admitted. She is very sore and achy of course. She already has a problem with her knee, and of course that is the leg that really got hurt again in the accident. I spent some time with her again today. She is doing better, but sheesh, this is so upsetting. I will try to check back here later today. Wish I could do more for Sandi.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    HI Everybody! Shari, I hope your husband is feeling better! Paula, I hope your friend is improving! Diane, I need to find that show "Hot Mess House" to view for inspiration! I did make it through my meeting on Thursday night without eating ice cream and thought I did well yesterday but was up 2 lbs this morning. It must be water so some extra salt must have been hidden somewhere...or maybe I forgot to take my BP meds-one of them is a mild diuretic. I was extra careful to take my meds and stay on track today, so we'll see what happens. I got through one tote today-I'm working on ones that are already in the garage and then will replace them with ones from the storage unit. I am pleased with my progress so far because I've been able to make decisions about items and keep them moving out! It's a start-much more to go! It feels like I am working on getting rid of "weight" on a couple of different levels! Have a good evening!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    DW- I know exactly what you mean about helping your house lose weight while you do at the same time. It feels good!

    My DH was sick all day yesterday. He slept in the basement as it was pretty hot upstairs and he couldn't take it. I would have loved it, but the dog stuck with me and he was panting all night. That kept me awake. I will be off to bed early today as I am certain I will be tired.

    I had a better eating day yesterday until the evening. I have to remember to choose yogurt if I get hungry. I chose bad snacks. I will do better today.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Last two days not 100% on track. Even had a sandwich with bread which is a no no for me. Also had some of DH’s French fries last night, yikes! Life has been busy, my knee not so good. I had about 4 good days in a row and then off the rails. Got lazy because my frig not well stocked and some stressors that weakened my resolve. Tomorrow is another day and I plan to do better sticking to C1.🤞

    Paula…I hope your friend is feeling better after her car accident. Sending prayers.🙏🏻
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, I hope your DH is feeling better. No fun to have to deal with the side effects of the vaccine.

    DW, I take a diuretic daily for blood pressure. One of the meds I take for RA raises bp....so then I take the diuretic for that....side effects all over the place. Congrats for skipping the ice cream, a great nsv! And congrats for getting started with getting rid of things no longer needed, wanted, etc. I find that once I get going in that area momentum builds and I do more and more.

    Diane, Thanks for the prayers for Sandi. She is improving but still has a lot of pain. She will appreciate the prayers. I will tell her tomorrow. I understand your eating situation with your slip up after 4 solid days. As you know that happens to me more often than I care to realize. Monday is on the way....a good day for regrouping and getting back on track.

    I had a good day today after a somewhat off day yesterday when I had the "nibbles." No cravings or desire to nibble today....and I was very well rested today also. That sure means a lot for me in terms of staying on track. And today my schedule was my own....so much easier to stay compliant on days like today. Tomorrow will be challenging but as long as I get a good start I should be ok. Craig will be here doing more work (which tends to disrupt my schedule), his mother is also dropping by late morning but probably won't stay long, and then I have my "to do" list all set to go. I have chicken ready to cook for probably lunch and supper with plenty of veggies....So no excuses.....I hope!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had a very nice weekend. The weather was so wonderfully hot. I had a little trouble sleeping as I had to have the windows open and the traffic seemed to be quite loud. A better sleep than the night before so that's good.

    Back to work and hopefully back to a better eating routine. I didn't do that well all weekend. I agree with you Paula, Monday is a good to regroup and get back on track. Not super excited to have to work when the weather is so gorgeous and I have so many things I could be doing around the farm. DH is super lucky to have the freedom he does. School is out so he won't be called in to sub. Not easy to be married to someone who is retired! The grass looks so green lol!

    My weight is holding which is good. Time for another push and lose one more pound.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Shari…hope your DH is recovered from the second Covid shot! Guess we were really fortunate that we had no adverse vaccination effects. I am watching news on this new Delta variant and hoping for the best. The news seems to create “ provocative headlines” about this and anything else that is negative…news today is about sensationalism more than delving in and giving us facts. Over the years I trust the news for accuracy less and less. However, I am reading articles about Covid because I don’t want to be caught totally off guard if it rises up again. Praying the world has seen the worst of Covid and we will move forward as wiser humans.🙏🏻

    I will post a screenshot of the Hot Mess House on HGTV…I don’t know how to paste a link here. This MFP site is still confounding me, 🤔. Some of the homes are almost at hoarder level but no filth and not as severe)….some homes just have a really filled storage area or rooms in basement….one I watched had a lot of stuff stored in an attic. It’s more reasonable and combined sometimes with home improvement projects…..the transformation is awesome to see! Very motivating!😎

    Paula you are so right about Monday regrouping!! So far this Monday morning I am on track and on my way to get groceries. I need some healthy snacks in my frig and lean meats for dinners. When I run out I share DH’s pizza etc which is not good. Time to regroup!

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    HI Everybody! I hope your Mondays are going well! Mine has been very good food-wise but the couple of pounds that mysteriously appeared are hanging on. I've also been battling a sore neck for the past five days. It was a little better today but is starting to get more painful again. It is definitely soft tissue and I've been taking ibuprofen and putting deep heating rub on it. Diane, thank you for the info about the program. I was able to find it on "on demand" and watched an episode. I'm looking forward to watching more! I watched it before tackling a large tote that is full of my daughter's childhood stuff, I sent her a text asking her to stop by on her way home from work but she gets off late tonight so getting rid of the stuff is postponed until tomorrow. I also ordered an item from Michaels that will help me organize some things-I'm excited for it to arrive! Have a great evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Glad you enjoyed your weekend. I was surprised to read that you hear traffic since you live on a farm. I tend to think of your location as removed from traffic.

    Diane, I am not familiar with Hot Mess House but will look to find it so I can watch it. It looks like something I would enjoy watching.

    DW, Oh, hoping that your neck improves. Such pain can really limit you in what you do. Do you know what caused your pain? Five days is a long time to have to deal with this.

    It was a pretty good day here. Food wasn't much of an issue, but interruptions and changed plans took a toll on my "to do" list. I find it a bit frustrating when things like this happen, but so far I haven't turned to food to ease my frustration. So I think I am safe now for the rest of the night because I have my seltzer ready and will soon curl up with something to read, not eat!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I am going in to the office today for a meeting. It will be too cool in the building for me so I will be taking a sweater. Not something I have to worry about in my home office! We are in a heat wave and we don't have A/C. I am coping well, DH, not so much.

    Our farm is on a main highway. I wish it wasn't! It's easy access, but the traffic is non-stop. If it hadn't been the fact that we bought DH's parents farm, it's not a location I would choose. Sometimes watching the traffic is like watching a fire- it can be mesmerizing. I really hope we can get to work on our back deck. It will be quieter and we won't have to stare at cars going by.

    My weight is holding. It's going to take a bit of an extra push to make something happen.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, I enjoy watching traffic, and always have. One of my favorite things about going to a particular dentist (years ago) was that while in the dental chair I could look out on a major highway in our area. It sometimes seemed to me like watching choreography in a way.

    I had an excellent eating day today. It seems like my compliant switch is in the "on" position these days. I hope it stays there. However the rest of my day was kind of off because I had an unexpected interruption (an unplanned visit from a friend who needed my help with something). I expected it would be easy to do for her, but it turned out to be far more complicated than I expected. Eventually I got it all taken care of, and I was truly happy to be able to help her. And she definitely appreciated my help. But after she left I felt so very far behind with all of my "to do" list items. Usually I would be ok, but it seems lately I have had quite a few interruptions/disruptions to my plans. Well, tomorrow is another day so I can get back on track with my "to do" list just like I would get back on track when I stray from eating on plan.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    HI Everybody! My neck has been feeling a little better today and I took precautions to keep from further straining it. If I start feeling better, I tend to take on too much and re-injure things. One morning last week, I woke up with the pain so I must have slept on it crooked and then kept aggravating the injury. I had dog class tonight with the pup so that gave me some extra steps
    Tomorrow is Day 17 of C1. I plan to move to C2 once C1 is completed. I hope that adding some healthy carbs will be helpful! Have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Everyone! We are having a heat wave and I am one of the few people loving it. It's like being in Las Vegas except weather. A very dry heat. I will have A/C for a part of my day as I have to go in to work for a staff meeting. Then we have our long weekend - Canada Day on July 1. I took Friday off so I have an extra long weekend. So stoked!

    My eating has been horrific. I need to get back on track ASAP. Going to give it a try today. I know I can do it! But will I?
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula, my compliance switch is stuck in “off”, lol…so glad yours is “on”! Shari, I too can use the word horrific! Won’t get into it but…Lots of stressors and I am a stress eater! DW, glad your neck is some better. Heating pad is my friend when mine goes wacky. I hope you feel better everyday!

    I do need to buckle down on diet and get back to C1. 4 days was not enough to see any changes. My yearly checkup tomorrow and I am sure my weight is up from last summer at this time, sigh. My brain tumor MRI set for Monday they just called and cancelled…due to holiday, not open!! I made that appointment in May and they just now are informing me. Appointment is reset for July 20th so I will have to reset my thoughts to that date. As time was getting closer my anxiety level was going up. I still am upset they booked appointments for a day they aren’t even open. Taking a deep breath…This too shall pass.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW - Happy to read that your neck strain is improving. Getting in those extra steps is a bonus to your fun activities with your dog. Good luck as you embark on C1.

    Shari - We are having a heat wave here too. It was in the mid 90s with considerable humidity for the past few days. We are now expecting severe thunderstorms which I think will break this heat wave. So glad we have central AC. You will get back on track. But don't be too hard on yourself as you come upon your holiday celebration.

    Diane - My anxiety level always goes up as I approach medical appointments. I would be quite annoyed about MRI change you mentioned. But I am often reminded that things happen for a reason. So maybe it is for the best in some unknown way. Will continue to keep you in prayer of course. Hope all went well with your check up today.

    I am having another good day, but not as strong as yesterday as I "indulged" in a handful of DS's pretzels. I won't let that derail me though. I think perhaps I was craving salt more than carbs when I indulged. I had a hearty breakfast and lunch, an egg white veggie omelette that I divided into 2 meals. I also included some low fat feta cheese. Tonight I am having baked cod with broccoli and a salad. That should keep me quite satisfied. My schedule today went much more smoothly than yesterday, but I didn't have an ambitious "to do" list today. Instead, I am spending a lot of time watching a church live stream marathon of sorts that started a few hours ago and will run until later this evening. It is mostly music and a series of interviews with various individuals discussing the Orthodox faith. There was a similar live stream last year on this date as well. DS and I loved it so much last year that we are delighted they are doing it again this year.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello Everyone! Shari, I'm glad you are enjoying the heat wave! Our heat wave has past for now due to rain and storms but is coming back next week. When I was raising children, we did not have central air-only a window ac for the bedroom. We had central AC put in for a dog around 2006 (both children grown and living elsewhere)-the dog was older and couldn't tolerate the heat. She is long gone but I think of her fondly as I continue to enjoy the AC-LOL!! Diane, I'm sorry about your MRI appointment being rescheduled! Paula, it sounds like you have a relaxing evening planned-enjoy!
    My eating has been off schedule today. My choices haven't been terrible but the timing has seemed off. Tomorrow should include a trip to the grocery to restock some good food choices. Have a great evening!