Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Everyone! We are enjoying hot weather here again. I love it, not many others are. Our dog got too much heat yesterday so he had a rough night. That meant that we also had a rough night. He threw up a couple of times. After the second round DH went to sleep in the basement. Moe is down there with him. Much better choice for them both. I decided to sleep in a bit knowing I would be tired. That has put my morning routine in arrears. I need to get to work- thankfully there isn't a drive to do so. I will try and check in again this evening.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    A rough night would definitely spell a rough day for me Shari. Good move sleeping in as best you could. Hope your day went ok.

    I had a fairly good day. I made salmon, broccoli, and salad (as planned) for supper for myself. DS had a salad and frozen pizza tonight, of which I had a small (I thought) piece. I looked at the box from the pizza and realized that even my "small" piece was probably about 310 calories! Fortunately, my calorie count for today was remarkably low, so even with the pizza I am still well within my calorie range. I will just have to be super careful for the rest of the evening. Otherwise, my day was uneventful, as are most days anymore. I picked up our Shoprite from home order and am always pleased with how healthy and compliant my purchases are. Knowing I am "investing" in healthy foods helps keep me determined to stay on track to "invest" in myself.

    Wishing everyone a great and healthy weekend!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    We ended up having a full night last night and I didn't make it back on to MFP. We installed one of our new windows in the dining room- it's not quite finished yet. We went for ice cream. DH loves ice cream, I do not. But- I will eat banana flavoured, and they had some. It's a rarity in Canada. So I had single scoop cone. It was still too much! Then we popped into a grocery store in the small town where we went for ice cream and they had pork hocks. Also a rare find. So I bought some and I am making "headcheese" or "holodna." I am super excited about that. After that we stopped in at a yard sale two farms away. It was 90% kids toys and we certainly are not in the market for that so we didn't purchase anything. Then we relaxed. My eating was off point I am sure. I didn't track. I am back to tracking today.

    I had my counselling session on Wednesday. That was interesting. I did some sort of therapy, I don't recall the name. It involved hold these balls that had low electric stimulus. I would be asked to think about something while the balls did their thing, then I had to take a deep breath and share where my brain took me. I did that several times, interval after interval. It seemed ineffective and I was feeling a bit pressured to keep going. But I must say that in the end there was a shift in my thinking. I haven't seen Jim's parents since this therapy happened to see if it will help with my trigger, but it just might. CRAZY! I go back in a couple of weeks for some follow up. The goal is to remap the brain form one path of thinking to another that is more helpful.

    Lower stress and emotional lows should assist in weight loss. Here's hoping.

    I like when you said that you are investing in yourself Paula. I think that is something positive that I want as part of my healthy thinking.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, I listen to a local health talk show on Saturday mornings. One of the topics they often mention is the relationship between stress and metabolism. I recall hearing that our bodies can release the hormone cortisol during times of stress/anxiety and that this hormone can interfere with metabolism and weight loss. It will be interesting to see how you fare the next time you see Jim's parents.

    I stayed on track again today except for sharing a can of hard seltzer with John. There are a few things going on at our church that concern both of us in terms of financial decisions being made. It seems to us (and to 2 of my close church friends) that some priorities are misplaced and that some decisions being made are not wise ones. But since I haven't been in church physically since March 2020, I know I won't speak up about these concerns. We have maintained our pledge contributions of course, but since I know I am physically not able to attend in person, I am just having to keep these concerns to myself. And now something is happening with the church email list so that John and I (who have separate emails) are receiving some, but not all of the church emails. I know this because I checked with my friends Carol and Alice, and they are receiving emails that John and I are not receiving. The church emails are not in our spam files, so I will have to send the church an email to ask this to be corrected. I will get over this I know, but it is disconcerting on top of my other concerns.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I do strive to be consistent with my calorie intake, hours of sleep, exercise, and water intake. I struggle in the area of stress/anxiety. It will good to have that looked after and see if the weight will shift more easily.

    Jim and I share your same concerns about how our church is spending their finances. It's difficult to not have an avenue to share concerns, but it is the congregation that donates the funds they are spending. I think it would be wise for them to check in with us or at least provide a way that we can share our thoughts and even our ideas. There are times where I like to give directly to a project or help out someone I know personally apart from going through the church.

    We have made a lot of progress in our bathroom. We have a few touch ups, we need to hang our toilet paper roll, towel hooks and lastly one tile needs to be redone. Jim didn't notice it moved and now it is slanted. It will bother me so he will remove and replace. It's a pain, but it will be worth it since it is a very visible location. I am hoping we will be able say it is 100% complete. Oh, I forgot about the light fixture. Jim needs to work on that, every time we turn on the light the breaker shorts out. Getting there!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everyone! I've been out of communication for a few days but have been logging my food and exercise. Shari, that is so exciting that your bathroom is so close to being completed! I'm with you all regarding church concerns. Some things were changed at my church that I'm not in favor of, but what could I say since I haven't been there and said "no" to a volunteer leadership position a while back because I didn't feel like I could complete the responsibilities during the pandemic. I still haven't returned in person. I'm praying for guidance because I feel unsettled in my current situation. I've also had so many dog activities on the weekends, but those shouldn't be my priority. I guess I just feel disconnected and I used to be so active in church. Paula, I hope you will be able to get the church emails figured out!
    My eating has been dismal at the dog show over the weekend, mostly because the choices were limited and my lunch breaks were mid afternoon so I was starving after leaving home by 6:30 every morning. Salt appeared to be the seasoning of choice so I have a great deal of water weight at the moment. I want to start fresh on C1 but am eating out at two different restaurants with two different people on Tuesday. The question is, do I start fresh tomorrow and try to eat C1 on Tuesday or wait and start fresh on Wednesday? I really need to learn to maintain 17DD while participating in life-it was so much easier when there was no social life or club activities!! I'm going to pull out the book and see what Dr. Mike has to say about this!! Everyone have a good evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW and Shari, I appreciate your comments about church finances. It is a bit comforting to know that my situation is not unique. I plan to email the church this week to point out the email issue. I am just keeping quiet for now about the financial concerns because I know that what I say won't make a difference, and I don't want to cause myself any more frustration. My friend Carol was at church this morning and called me tonight with more news about the poor financial decisions. I am just taking deep breaths and praying about it.

    Shari, so exciting to see such progress with your bathroom. I hope eventually you can share some photos.

    DW, I will be curious about your decision about when to go to C1 based on what you read in the book. I think I know what Dr. Mike would say, but that doesn't mean I necessarily consistently follow that way.

    I had just a so-so diet day today. I did ok till later in the afternoon when I felt "munchy" and indulged in some salty snacks. I think a bit of it was "comfort" food related. And of course afterwards I didn't feel comforted at all.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    edited July 2021
    It has been a crazy busy week with in-laws staying here. My SIL has lost a lot of weight and is down to her high school weight and size 6! She looks really good (age 70 this fall). She is doing a 30 gram protein shake for two meals a day and regular meal for dinner. Not sure it would work for everyone??? Her success is making me envious for certain, sigh!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am starting the day behind as I forgot to reset my alarm after sleeping in on Friday. Oh well! I can just work a bit later. I want to enjoy a non-rushed morning.

    We got a good amount of work done on our bathroom and we installed another window. Just a few more minor fixes in the bathroom and I will send before and after photos. We should be able to start using it in a week's time.

    I have often thought about doing two shake and then a regular dinner. I just don't think that I could make that a lifestyle change. I like food too much. I will keep trying and if I can't make significant gains by September, maybe that's an option. I know someone else who lost their weight by that method.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Diane, I have read stories on SparkPeople telling of substantial losses using a shake plan probably similar to what your SIL is doing. It seems to work for some people. I can see how it would be manageable short term, but I think long term it wouldn't work for me. My son likes protein shakes, but usually only for breakfast, and then eats regular healthy meals for lunch and dinner. I have tasted some of his shakes, and they are ok. Sometimes he adds fruit which makes the shakes better. I might give it a try sometime for just a few days (if I can last that long), just to see if it gives me a jump start.

    Shari, Having your bathroom almost done is super. I cannot even imagine installing a window! I will look forward to the photos. You and Jim certainly are working hard!!

    My day turned out to be better than I expected. I was 'munchy" in the afternoon, but I managed to somewhat satisfy the munchies with on plan foods. However, I am still not completely satisfied tonight, so I will allow myself a 130 calorie Built bar if this persists (17g protein, 4g sugar, but 18 carbs). My carb count today is low, so I am ok with this if it helps me stay otherwise on track.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! I'm happy to hear that you are all doing well on this Monday! I looked at the 17DD book and started back with C1 today. I will try to make appropriate food choices at the restaurants tomorrow. Due to my poor food choices over the weekend, my feet and ankles are swollen to the point of discomfort (not pain-just discomfort). I've had quite a bit of water to drink today and hope for improvement when I get up in the morning. Tomorrow I will drive a couple of hours to my sister's home to take her out for breakfast for her birthday, which is today. After that I will meet a friend at another restaurant in a nearby (to my sister) town to discuss/plan dog events that are upcoming. it should be a fun yet busy day! Everyone have a great evening!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had a regular work day, pretty uneventful. Ate at the top end of my calorie goal. So there is room to do better.

    I had a bit of stress with DH's parents coming out yesterday (a few times) without texting us that they were on their way. The counselling helped me be much less stressed, but I still find it disrespectful that they can't simply let us know that they will be on the property. I will work on getting the tools I need so I can have a talk with them about boundaries. They don't seem to hear Jim when he asks.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    I am having my thyroid scan tomorrow. After the results I will be able to make treatment choices and after getting a handle on that …I plan to evaluate my eating plan based on my physical needs and what the doctors say. I will keep options open till then and in the meantime try to stay with as healthy a diet as I am able. I feel 17dd is healthy plan.

    I personally know from my experience when 35 about Slimfast shakes and losing weight on their two a day plan. I hated it but I did lose the weight I needed to lose back then. Not sure it would work for me today?? Not willing to go that route today with my thyroid issues in flux. My SIL’s results are nothing short of amazing…but she has since shared she had a change in her type 2 diabetes medicine which she believes helped allowed the weight to fall off quickly. So it was a combo of diet and med change that lost 30 lbs!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Good luck with C1 DW. I was pretty sure you would start C1 after checking the book, knowing that Dr. Mike's philosophy is that if we wait till the perfect time to start, we would never start the diet. Sounds like such a fun day you have planned with your sister and with your friend.

    Shari, I hope your in-laws get a grip on what they are doing and how inconsiderate they are when they just show up! That would annoy me a great deal.

    Diane, prayers continue for your test results. It will be interesting to see what ideas/suggestions the doctors have regarding your eating plan.

    I surprised myself with another good day today. I was a bit concerned because DS had a meeting at 5 pm which caused me stress about meal prep and worrying about getting overly hungry till I was able to cook and have our evening meal ready. But it all worked out ok. I drove him to his meeting, and then instead of going for a Dunkin drive thru egg wrap (which I used to do somewhat regularly in the past), I had a 130 calorie Built Bar which satisfied me and kept me going till I got home and prepped a compliant supper. I have come to think of my Built Bars as substitutes for Dr. Mike's power cookie (only I do eat Built Bars after 2 pm). Tomorrow will be more of a challenge. One of my dearest friends is coming to visit. We haven't seen each other since before the pandemic. She called tonight, and we talked about getting a take out meal tomorrow or a delivery or something, but we will decide when she gets here. I have been doing so well that I don't want to mess things up tomorrow.....we shall see!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I agree with you Paula. There never seems to be the perfect time to start a diet. Food is so prevalent in meetings, get togethers and celebrations. Always an interruption and choices to be made.

    The in-laws may never get it. Jim's dad was back last night without a text to let us know. Moe was outside, we were digging up trees and didn't hear him arrive. I am glad Moe is okay. He often chases FIL's truck thinking it's Jim inside. The cows that FIL were looking after are leaving today. There is one cow/calf pair that discovered they can get through some of the fences so they are all going home. I will miss them, but that should mean that FIL does not need to be out here very often at all. We shall see!

    Praying for you Diane!

    Paula- I know how you feel about messing things up by getting a meal out. That seems to be a slippery slope for me. I can be so good and then one meal undoes my resolve. It's not the one meal, it's the next decision that needs to be the focus. If I can master that- I would be at goal weight by now.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Moe seems to be a good point to hold onto when it comes to addressing issues with your in-laws. You do have to protect him. Let's hope!

    I had a wonderful time with my friend this afternoon and evening. We haven't seen each other since the pandemic hit. We met at work in the 1980s and have been friends ever since. While we often talk on the phone or text, seeing her in person and just plain hanging out was great. When she is here it is like having family here....no pretense, no fuss, no bother. She stayed here with me for a few days after my hysterectomy in 2015. I couldn't have done it without her at that time. Today we ended up getting delivery from the Italian restaurant that DS (and I) like, because my friend was hungry for Italian food. I had a seafood dish with shrimp and scallops in a light garlic sauce. It came with garlic bread which I didn't eat and pasta of which I had a little but not much. The food was very good, and it has been a while since I had shrimp or scallops. Tomorrow another friend is coming to visit, but I don't think this will involve a meal as she is coming after lunch and will probably leave before supper time. She, too, is a close friend (we met in college). She is a retired nurse practitioner, so I am guessing we will talk a bit about the pandemic.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Diane, I hope everything went well today! Continuing Prayers for you!! Paula and Shari, that is a great idea/ approach to discuss Moe's safety with the in-laws!!
    I'm happy to report that I made good choices at both restaurants yesterday and my weight was down a smidge this morning. That was after a 2 pound water weight drop the day before. My ankles still looked very swollen yesterday but much better this morning! I am almost "back to normal" and can, hopefully start making progress soon. I had a very lucky occurrence today. I hadn't been able to get into the dentist for a routine visit since 2/2020. They'd rescheduled me once, then I had to reschedule once and then they couldn't get me in until October. This afternoon around 2, I called them and asked to be put on the "on call" list in case of a cancellation. They called me back around 3 and by 4 I was having my teeth cleaned! I feel like a new woman!! So lucky!! I would have NEVER considered myself lucky to see the dentist-funny how one's perspective can change-LOL!! Have a good evening!!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I received report this morning. Not the worst news but not all clear either. I have two nodules one on each side of neck/thyroid. The larger one says cancer risk assessment “small”, the one on left and smaller says “ intermediate “ cancer risk. My primary care doctor believes I can just redo the testing in a year. With my radiation history I am not comfortable with that option. So I will see what steps are next to have a fine needle biopsy of each of them. Then if all clear a year follow up seems reasonable. If biopsies show any cancer it means a surgery. I will let you know what I learn in the coming days…these communications with doctors take time.

    Take care everyone!❤️
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Diane, Thanks for the update on your test. Prayers, as always, continue.

    DW, Great news at your scale. Every drop in pounds is rewarding! So good that you were able to get in for a teeth cleaning. Because of the pandemic, I have had to be rescheduled a few times with my dentist. My next appointment is in September. Not a fan of going to the dentist, but I will be glad to get in for this appointment.

    I didn't really follow plan today. I enjoyed some nut roll and coffee when my friend came to visit. It was a nice relaxing visit. She is easy to talk with, and truly a good person in every way. She told me she still wears a mask anytime she might be in contact indoors with someone who is not vaccinated or someone whose vaccination status is unknown. She recommends strongly that I do the same especially since I am immuno-compromised. She recommends the same for John so that he wouldn't transmit anything to me. Since I seldom go anywhere that puts me indoors with folks who might not be vaccinated or whose vaccination status I don't know, I don't think I have to stress too much about it, but I definitely understand her point. Tomorrow will pose a few more challenges for me as I am getting my haircut late in the afternoon but I think I will just thaw some salmon or cod so that supper isn't an excuse to stray. Come to think of it, I suspect my hair stylist isn't vaccinated, so I will be masked there!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Diane, I echo what Paula said! Thank you for the update and I'm continuing to keep you in my prayers!! Shari, I hope you have had a good day!! Paula, that is interesting that you mentioned the masks. I went a couple of places today and wore one when I was inside. I also wore one at my hair appointment last week. With the new variant increasing in prevalence, I'd rather do my best not to be exposed!
    We had a sad incident today....as I was preparing to take my pup to her class, I went out the front door and our koi pond (about 4 feet deep at the deepest point) was EMPTY! Our two largest Koi were dead but a smaller koi and four goldfish were still alive in a tiny spot of water. My husband tried to revive the koi but to no avail. We immediately started running the hose into the pond and eventually there was enough water for the surviving fish to swim around again. He suspects that something happened between the pump and the filter and it pumped the water out rather than recycling it. I never did go to the dog class... A new pump has been ordered and should arrive on Saturday.
    I ate on plan today-all prior to the incident or I might have been very tempted make non-C1 choices. Have a good evening!