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Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    I have read up on intermittent fasting. I love food too much to be that restrictive! I don't I could do it long term, but I admire those that can do it. It does seem to work for so many.

    I stepped on the scale and I am down 2 pounds from my holiday gain. I have one more to get back to my pre-vacation weight and 2 more to reach the goal I set two months ago. That goal was to be met in two days so it would take a miracle to lose 2 pounds in two days. I will stick to this plan until I reach my goal. I will take a short break and try it again. I will only take a break as DH is having trouble with suppers being the same day in and out. I don't mind at all.

    I think I will take a request from him for today's dinner and he can have something more elaborate the next few days.

    I really want to restrict myself more, but I am going to stick this out a bit longer. I don't want to restrict calories if that's been the problem with putting on more weight when I start eating a bit more normal. I have been hitting 1400 calories daily.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Yes, Paula…you are sooo right. I would not recommend this fasting idea for diabetes and my DH has type 2 and will not be joining me in this experiment!

    So far I am eating same foods I have been eating. Some are on 17dd list (my side of carrots, cauliflower and green beans). Last night I had a sloppy Joe with the bun (usually don’t have bun but decided to because I was so low in calories for the day. I am using an app y DD told me about called “Lose IT” and is wonderful tracker. Easiest food and weight tracker ever…is free if you don’t use premium edition and I don’t. It has weight loss calculator built in and I answered all the questions and it came up with a “budget” of 1395 calories for me to spend/consume each day and lose weight at about 1 lb per week. Yesterday was day 1 and I had 250 calories “unspent” from my budget when I went to bed. Some people keep those unspent calories and use them for treats later…not me. I will keep to my count for each day and be at 1395 or less. I am finished with dinner, kitchen cleaned and I am done eating for the day. Waiting until between 11-12:00 noon to eat has not been a problem so far…but only has been 2 days. I only hope that by combing my healthy eating from 17dd together with this calories counting and intermittent fasting trial, that I can finally lose some weight!!!🤞🤞🤞. I will wait and weigh after one week on the plan and see if the scale has budged in the right direction.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Here is a screenshot showing the app icon and my two days of tracking. I just entered my dinner and closed out earing for the day…I am that confident I will not eat again until about 11:30 tomorrow. I am willing to do this very strictly IF it works. Will let you all know. What I have learned is my calories have not been out of line and still I have been gaining weight the last two months. ( which has caused me to give up on rigorously following C1). Could be my thyroid I suppose…even with benign nodules I have slightly off lab results. Will keep on eye on it as the endocrinologist said, tftk3qbhliz6.jpeg
    for sure.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Sorry…I should have added I am NOT adding in the nutrition values on anything I eat…only the calories. So circle graph on right is not correct. The graph on calories shows my two days and both days about 250 calories unspent so my whole day of eating was about 1145 calories both days. Love the graphics it does for me…so motivating!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Shari, Congrats on dropping that holiday gain! That is a good motivator!

    Diane, I will look for that app and try it out. I like that it gives a calorie budget!

    John and I had a wonderful visit with our out-of-town friends. I decided that house was clean enough and that I wasn't going to stress anymore about it. They are really easy guests. We got delivery from our favorite Italian restaurant. Instead of an Italian dish I got a hamburger with lettuce, tomato, and peppers. It might be my new favorite when I am going to eat red meat. Our guests were really impressed with the food too. The best part was just visiting with these dear friends. We hadn't seen each other since the pandemic began so this was a very special treat. They are actually considering moving to this area (the wife is from here originally). It is an outside chance that they would relocate here, but our hopes are up! They are such easy guests and good friends, it would be a blessing to have them closer.

    Saturday wasn't too bad food-wise even with the hamburger and bun. Today I did ok, but again not as compliant as I have been on other days due to a few added carbs. I have no special Labor Day plans, so I should be on track for the most part.

    Happy Labor Day!

  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…so glad you could enjoy a meal with your out of town friends. One of the joys I life we appreciate more since Covid restrictions….family and friends! I am loving this app and do recommend trying it out. Is free as long as you don’t upgrade to premium. I am using the weight tracker and the calories tracker.

    So far I have had 3 days under calorie budget. No calories between 7pm and 11:30 a.m. Yesterday my SIL arrived with a key lime pie. Cut in 1/8 pieces and I had half of one of those. That was 220 calories so came closer to budget of 1395 calories by eating that small piece so at 7:00 cutoff I had 45 calories in my budget. This tracking calories is working well for me. Today there is leftover pie and I don’t even want it because it limits my budget for rest of day!! We had hamburgers on grill with SIL for dinner and I allowed the bun which was 150 calories.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful Labor Day! We have sunny skies and I am loving it!!😎
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Diane, I used the app today and like it. Thanks for the tip. I was under budget too by about 170 calories. I had no difficulty staying on track and am happy about that. Following the calorie range on the app certainly allows for more freedom in food choices, but I do still have my favorite meal plans from the 17DD, just now am adding reasonable choices to it. I had a busy and productive day today, accomplishing quite a bit of my ambitious "to do" list. I see my family doctor tomorrow for a check up and then plan to get back to my "to do" list. I hope I can keep this momentum going.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    We had a very busy weekend! We accomplished a lot and I am not excited to have to work today. But it helps pay those bills. I didn't have a compliant weekend as we had guests for fires the last two nights. Just the way it worked out. So my hard work is gone. Back to my diet plan today. I wasted a week and can't afford to do that again between now and the end of the year. I know I can't afford more than one cheat meal/week, and only if I have to!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…glad you like that app…it has been just wonderful for me for keeping true on my calories and helps me stay strong on my fasting hours. I like that if you type in something with a brand name it gives almost every option and that you can use the dial input to easily enter 1/2 (say an avocado or a slice of branded bread…and you can change it from 1 to 1/2 or 1/4 with the calories all figured for us)! I have not had to calculate anything because the app does it. I did some exploring and it has prepared foods such as Culver’s chicken tenders and other things like Cub Foods Old Fashioned potato salad…Cub is my local chain grocery store. I was not going to weigh for one week but just felt lighter this morning so stepped on scale. Good news is I am down 4 lbs this morning…I know part of that must be water weight but I am enjoying how I feel!

    Good luck with your physical tomorrow, Paula! It’s important to keep up with our regular checkups during Covid!

    Everyone….I am going to be using the Lose It app….and will just use this fitnesspal for our checking in….I never could get into the food tracker here. Sometimes my brain does not cooperate and I enjoy “Lose It” as it is simple and intuitive (for me)! 👍😎
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Just a quick check in today. I had a very good check up with my family doctor. I am good for another 6 months, pending some blood work ordered by this doc, my cardiologist, and my rheumatologist. My eating is not very compliant today, mostly because my schedule is off (related to my doctor appointment). I am struggling to get back on track with wise choices for the rest of the day. I felt good today but now feel quite tired so I am going to rest for a while.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Everybody! Just a quick check to let you all know that I’m thinking of you and hope you are all doing well! My vacation eating has been out of control but I’ve been doing quite a bit of walking. Today we saw the top/back of a Beluga, a seal, and a moose cow and calf. The moose was across the street from my son’s home. I’m kind of proud of myself for figuring out how to check in with you from my phone 😂 Have a great day!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sounds like a great time away DW. I think moose are so amazing, clumsy and graceful at the same time. I have alos been using the MFP app on my phone. Works well and I am glad you figured it out.

    I am getting further and further away from my target weight goal that I had set for Sept 6. I am going to keep at it but now I need to add another pound of loss to reach my Oct 6 target. It's not impossible to meet, but based on my history....I will see if I can do it. I will have to go hard core if I can't. I really want to be done something for Jan.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Wow DW! Such an exciting trip for you. In 2006 DS and I went to western Maine to "Moose watch." It was quite a trip. We saw 18 1/2 moose (the 1/2 is because we saw just the back end of one ;) ). Good for you, too, for accessing MFP through your phone. Enjoy yourself. The walking will help counter the food you are enjoying. Thanks so much for checking in. Looking forward to finding out more about your experiences!

    Shari, keeping at it is what is important. You have a "can do" attitude and that counts for a lot.

    I am happy that I am back on track today. I have to make sure to adjust to changes in my routines so that I don't work against myself by getting too hungry, too tired, etc. It seems like it is always something! Tomorrow is a challenge again because I go to see my rheumatologist who is75+ miles away. These are the kind of days that I don't handle well for healthy choices. I am going to take a Built bar with me along with some seltzer and plan for that to hold me over till I get home to my house full of compliant foods!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    I do hope that your trip to see the Rheumatologist goes well Paula. I know for me, when I am out of routine I find that I can talk myself into eating something special or off diet. I need less of those days.

    I had a very full day at work yesterday. I am getting behind and will need to work some extra hours to catch up. Glad to be able to be at home working. Less distractions.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Shari, I am glad you can work from home. Sorry you have to put in some extra hours though, but you will likely feel a sense of relief when you get caught up a bit.

    All went well with my rheumatologist. I received a stem cell injection in my right knee. The doctor says this is cutting edge science and is very hopeful (as am I) that this will lessen some of my pain. The shot didn't hurt at all. In the past I have had Synvisc shots and also Euflexa shots in both knees from my orthopedic doctor, with only limited impact. My rheumatologist told me that since my insurance approved the right knee injection, it is likely that an injection for my left knee will eventually be approved as well. It will probably take a few weeks before the full effect is noticeable, but I am feeling good about this.

    I am also feeling good about my eating today. I did take snacks along in the car as well as seltzer water but didn't eat until I got home. Luckily I had some leftover turkey cutlets available and ready to eat, so I was able to stay on track. I consider this a big win for me. I feel quite satisfied right now but a bit tired from the trip. So I am going to rest a while and, if I am hungry later, I will have something healthy again.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…that is wonderful about the stem cells! I will be praying that this brings you pain relief soon!
    Shari…you may have had some temporary weight gain but I’m sure it will be gone in a short while. You are always so active and strong on eating healthy!
    DW…glad you are enjoying up your trip, and all the wildlife! Sounds like an awesome trip!

    Today is day 7 recording my foods and tracking calories. Will weigh tomorrow and see where I am!🤞
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Everybody! Just another quick check in. No wildlife today. Today I rode with my son to take the youngest grandson to school and then to pick up the oldest from his school at the end of the day. My husband rode with my DIL and did the opposite runs. Tomorrow is my 67th birthday and I plan to set some goals to start when I return home. There will be much more of a celebration than I am used to because the boys are really into it. They are 5 and 7 and are very excited. There is even a piñata! Have a great day tomorrow!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    Happy Birthday DW! I love that you have a pinata- how fun is that? Wishing you a great day.

    I have three weeks and three pounds to reach my goal. It's doable so I am going to do my best to get there.

    This weekend I am hoping to make tomato sauce. I grew way too many tomatoes. I will also make another batch of pickles followed up by prepping apples to be frozen. It will take some time but I know I enjoy the efforts all year long.

    Keep us posted on your knee pain Paula. That sounds so promising.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW…Happy Birthday and Piñata celebration!!😍👍

    Drum roll….my weigh in number this morning is down 2.6 lbs from my Day 1. I am very happy and recommitted to using the “Lose It” calorie counter and to my daughters suggested intermittent fast program! I am able to enjoy things like a 4 Oz. Glass of wine during a visit in a friends home which I counted and managed to stay within my calorie budget!! I like the guidance and the measurable goals of this program…fits me. What I am doing seems to be working to shake up my metabolism! If this program continues to give results I will be able to stick with it. Too soon to tell but I am hopeful!!🤞🤞🤞
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Wow, such good news all around! Happy birthday DW! This is such a special one for you as you share it with your AK family and make wonderful memories. Your grandsons sound so sweet to be this excited for your birthday! Enjoy, enjoy!

    Shari, your harvest will last you and definitely help keep you working toward your goals. This is indeed the fruit (and veggies) of your labor. Growing a garden is hard work. So is making the sauce, pickles, etc, but again so well worth it to have home grown delicacies. I can taste them from here.

    Huge congrats Diane on your terrific weight loss. Woo Hoo! You have found what works for you, and that is what counts!! I love that you can enjoy a glass of wine and stay on track. I am still enjoying the app as well. Yesterday I got a little lazy about logging my food (maybe because I was tired), but am back to logging today.

    I am pleased to report that my right knee continues to feel good. While I sure am not ready to go dancing, I do feel more steady and confident and feel less pain. I am eager to have the shot in my left leg asap and then see how I do with 2 improved legs. I honestly didn't expect to feel the benefits of the injection this quickly. What a nice surprise for me. I often have tremendous pain in my legs when I first wake up, but today my right knee didn't hurt nearly as much as usual. I am on track today....egg white omelet for breakfast with low fat feta cheese, fruit at lunch, and will have cod and broccoli for supper.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    I had a full day yesterday. I made my pickles, I prepped a lot of apples and some left to make apple juice. And I prepped the tomatoes for sauce. I will make the sauce in a few days once I harvest more tomatoes. It's super easy which is awesome.

    Good to hear your knee is improved Paula and congrats on the weight loss Diane!

    My weight is going in the wrong direction. I am hoping it's just water weight and will drop down again in a few days. We shall see. I do have a meal out tonight with a young couple that we check in with from time to time. I have tracked all of the food I will be eating today and I am only over 112 calories. That will be okay as long as I can stick to it. I haven't felt hungry, more like I feel like treats. I have to learn to say no to myself.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Everybody! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! It was so special to spend it with my grandsons!! I’m so happy to hear that you are all doing well! We fly home Monday night and should get there by mid afternoon on Tuesday so I will weigh in Wednesday morning and take it from there. Ave a great Monday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Shari, water weight is so annoying! Hope you see a drop soon. I think all of your prep from your garden is terrific. It is so good to know EXACTLY what is in the food we eat. You are making a supply of healthy organic foods. Nothing beats that in my opinion.

    DW, I am thinking of you as your travel home approaches and praying for your safe travels. I look forward to reading more about your trip!

    I have weighed in a few times over the past few days. I am amazed to report that I am down 4 pounds and have held that weight as of yesterday. This is very encouraging to me. However, yesterday I went to a meeting of the group I got involved with when at my old church. We are a group of folks from 3 local Orthodox churches (including my old church and my current church). Yesterday was our first meeting since January 2020. There were about 10 of there, meeting at the home of my friend Sandi. Everyone was vaccinated, but I was still a little nervous meeting and eating indoors. The eating part: I watched my portions, took the skin off the fried chicken, avoided the potato salad, enjoyed some shrimp, but indulged in the homemade coleslaw (made with oil & vinegar, not creamy coleslaw). I also had a small piece of birthday cake we had for one of our members and drank 2 delicious glasses of wine. So....as you might guess, I will take a few days before I weigh again and am totally back on track today. I have to admit I had a great time there yesterday! On the Covid issue, our neighborhood elementary school (where DS went to school) had to close this week due to 12 Covid cases across 4 grade levels. It is upsetting especially when it is this close to home, right in our neighborhood school!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…WhooHoo on the big weight loss! You are doing so well!
    Shari…hang in there! Water weight will go away soon!
    DW…safe travels home!

    Weighed today…starting day 11….down more weight for a total of 3.8 lbs after 10 full days on diet. I am so far very happy I changed to this program. I do wake up hungry but sip coffee and keep busy…yesterday I was working on sewing project for my sister and forgot I should have lunch…so instead of 11:30 it was 12:30 before I even started cooking my eggs! After months of struggle I am glad to finally be losing again! Answered prayers!😎
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    Great news with everyone's weight loss! I seem to be struggling but I won't give up. Same weight three days in a row now.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Diane, I applaud you for your consistency with your plan. Prayers answered indeed!!

    Shari, I relate to your struggles. I think we all can relate as we all are there at times. You are right...don't give up....sometimes timing is everything.

    I had a good day again today, though I was a bit tired earlier today. I worked hard around the house later in the day yesterday and think it caught up with me today. A quick nap was just the boost I needed, rather than trying to fight the fatigue and ending up straying from plan. I am expecting another good day tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    Another busy day at work. I am doing well with breakfasts and lunches. Once I nail down dinner and cut out snacks at night I should see some results. I have slipped on my water intake and I am starting to feel it. I am going to try and do better with my water too.

    I have to go in to the office today. I am not too excited about it. My office space has become a dumping ground and I have been too busy to tidy up. Maybe I will find some spare time today.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Everybody! We arrived home yesterday afternoon and I went straight to bed for a nap of several hours. I can't sleep on a plane and was exhausted. We'd taken a night flight with one short layover in Minneapolis. I also arrived back to the Detroit airport dressed for Alaska (fall clothing) and was greeted by 90 degree weather-that was a shock!! I got up long enough to unpack my suitcases and do 2 loads of laundry and then back to bed with an early wakeup to go back to MI to pick up the dogs. It is good to be home and getting back into a routine but I miss my AK family so much! We had a great time doing normal things like taking the grandsons to school and picking them up, helping with homework, but we also had some adventures like hiking to sandunes, doing a day trip to Whittier, and hiking in a park close to my son's home that has old military bunkers. We also went to the AK State fair, which might account for the majority of the 4 lbs I gained-LOL!! I think I had one of everything! As planned, I weighed in this morning and started back on C1. My husband started back on his keto eating so I won't be having any temptation here at home.
    We wore masks all the time during travel and most of the time when not at my son's home in AK. As a family, they are very into protecting themselves and others from Covid and the boys have been amazing with their responsibility toward their mask wearing. Everyone have a good evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,196 Member
    Welcome back DW! What a wonderful trip you had! So happy for you and for the memories you made. I just read a little article not long ago about how doing the "normal" every day things with loved ones can mean so much, and then today you affirm that in your post. I bet the AK state fair was terrific too. Like you, I would have indulged in a variety of fair foods. I believe it is worth it on such a special trip.

    Shari, are you going in to your office two days a week now?

    Today was a fair, but not great, day for me. I felt fine and got a lot done, but once again, my dinner timing was off. I have to be more in tune with when I eat and just stop what I am doing when I am hungry and eat so that I don't get overly hungry and over eat. I know this but there are times when I don't do it! Ugh!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,039 Member
    Welcome back DW. Thanks for sharing parts of your trip with us. You are not alone on weight gain. I have managed to let myself get out of control and now have some hard work ahead of me. I really hope that today I can turn things around once again.

    Our Province is in a state of emergency as our Covid is out of control. I am continuing to work from home apart from Wednesdays. We were issued a whole bunch of new restrictions last night. I hope things turn around quickly for us.