Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Everybody! Paula, what an awesome encounter! Diane, I am so happy that Runa is on the mend! Shari, I hope you are doing well!! C1 D1 went well today! I was shocked this morning that my weight wasn't up after the trip-must have been the extra steps each day. I will have a few more days of sugar cravings to get through, but if I make it through that, the actual cravings will be gone if I stay away from sugar. My poor puppy wasn't happy at the show-it was very puzzling because she is a very happy, outgoing puppy and was the opposite of that. When we got home , the mystery of her behavior was solved....she came "in season".....hormones! That was actually a relief!! We had a nice time visiting with old friends and watching the shows, and went to group dinners on Friday and Saturday evenings. I was also very happy because I didn't bring home new "stuff"-I took many items to donate for the club raffle and didn't bring anything home!! Everyone have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    So glad Runa wasn't more seriously injured. That event sounds horrifying.

    Paula- That encounter was such a blessing. Glad it lifted you up.

    I have a lot to do this week to get ready to be away. Lots of work at the office and trying to get a few more chores done at home. Our middle son is going to stay at our place and be with our dog for the nights. My dad will pop in during the day to let Moe out and get some exercise. My dad will also keep an eye on my garden and water as needed. He may even get to do some harvesting- I hate missing that part. Next year I think we will wait to go on vacation in the fall. Now that DH is retired we don't have to travel during the teacher breaks. This trip's timing was out of our hands but I am still looking forward to it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, Good that Moe will be in good hands while you are away. Great that you are looking forward to your trip. Are you familiar with the area where your DS is moving?

    DS, Woo Hoo for a successful C1D1. You are on your way! Sounds like you had a nice getaway. Isn't it amazing how female dogs react to hormones so similar to how we do!

    Diane, I agree that we aren't meant to understand everything in this world. It's just amazing how thing happen. I am convinced there are no coincidences!

    I was fairly but not 100% on plan today. It is so nice to have such an abundance of garden veggies from friends. I even skipped my organic delivery this week and probably will skip next week's delivery too. I had my echo cardiogram today. It seemed to go well. The results are already online and I read them....not that I necessarily understood everything. I googled a lot of terms and phrases. I see the electrophysiology cardiologist in 2 weeks. But I am fairly relaxed about the results at the moment. For me this is very good as I typically get very anxious about wondering about test results.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Paula, I'm glad your test results seem to be good! That is awesome that you are getting garden veggies from friends! We have an abundance of cherry tomatoes and roma tomatoes and a variety of peppers(most are too spicy for me). Shari, good luck with your busy week! It seems like it is so much work to go on a trip!
    Today we took our daughter to the airport near Detroit. She is visiting a friend who moved out of state. Tomorrow we will do an urgent rescue transport, meeting someone in Columbus and bringing the dog back this way to meet it's new foster person. It makes me happy to be retired so I can volunteer when things come up quickly. I wish we could foster dogs but my husband says no. I think he's concerned that HE would fall in love with all of them (he SAYS it would be me wanting to keep them all). He is happy to help with transporting. Eating went OK today. I stuck with C1 but was over my calorie allowance from MFP. I've been snacking on C1 foods when I want sweet stuff. So far, I'm still staying away from the sugar and empty carbs. Everyone have a good evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, wishing safe travels to your daughter. Bless you for your rescue transport. I so admire folks who are involved in these projects. There are many benefits to being retired! Helping rescues certainly is a worthy endeavor. I hear you on the fostering, but I think I, too, would fall in love with any and all fosters. I know we are not getting another dog because of my physical limitations and health, but I admit I have already peaked at a few websites for shelters in our area. Or course, I am not telling DS that I did this. But I sure do miss having Jambo and would love to be able to have another dog.

    I had another so-so day for eating. I was off of my usual schedule, but that is not a good excuse. It wasn't a horrible day, but it was not totally compliant either.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Paula, thank you for the travel wishes for my daughter! Everything went well with the rescue transport except that it was slowed down by storms crossing the area. At one point, I pulled off an exit to wait out the storm and there was no where to safely park-no fast food, no gas stations or stores..I got back on the road and decided to keep plugging along since the visibility wasn't too bad and the winds had stopped gusting. My eating was off schedule but so far I haven't given in to the sweets cravings. This is D3 and those cravings should be done very soon! I hope you are all doing well!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I had lots to catch up on this morning. I managed to turn my alarm off yesterday and fall back asleep. Thankfully I didn't sleep in past when I needed to start work. I had to go in to work yesterday and the whole day felt chaotic. Looking forward to a quieter and more structured day today. It's much easier to focus on tasks at my home office. Way fewer distractions. I do have to go back 60% in September. So I will go in Tues/Wed/Thurs. Those days were mandated.

    I ate dinner out last night so I will see what comes of that. I am thirsty already so I imagine the food was quite salty. Lots of water will be on the menu for the day.

    Today DH will go grab a few of the bigger items our son does not want to take with him to Vancouver. Paula, you asked if I was familiar with the area he is moving too. I have visited Vancouver a number of times many years ago. I think it's been 15 years or so since our last trip there. I am looking forward to seeing how much change there has been and to see the specific neighborhood he will be living in. Can't believe we leave in 2 days. I don't feel ready!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW..so awesome that you help rescue dogs. Sounds like a stressful drive with the storms. My sisters dog, Runa, was a rescue from a hoard in Texas. Robin was to be Runas foster mom but they bonded so well she could not part with her.

    Shari…enjoy your trip to Vancouver! We were there a few years ago and did the city walking tour with a guide. Hours of walking, but lots of interesting sites and friendly people. We flew there to spend 3 days before boarding cruise to Alaska. Wonderful experience. Our friends from Peace River hope to retire on Vancouver Island someday. Prices are high and getting higher so time will tell but I hope it works out for them.

    Paula….I hope you can find a rescue doggie. I am sure John would love a new dog. So many dogs need loving homes and especially during this Covid isolation our pets help keep us grounded. We are having my DD’s dog, Finn, here over Labor Day weekend and then starting 9;14 thru 9/26 he will be with us again while they are on vacation. We see our two “grand-doggies” often and they come stay now and then so we do get some nice summertime doggie time.🐶👍😍

    Still doing my best which is not total C1….but about 80% on track.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    HI Everybody! Today has been the most challenging for sugar cravings so I've consumed more than my calorie budget today, but have made C1 choices. My Silver Sneakers instructor has been on vacation this week but I do have yoga to look forward to tomorrow. I will get more exercise this weekend because I'm working at another scentwork trial and my older dog is entered. That will take care of Saturday and Sunday!
    We received a call from the pharmacy we letting us know that they have the flu shots in and have the stronger one for those of us over 60 or 65 (I forget which but meet both). She was letting us know because almost every year the area runs short of the stronger version. I think we will go tomorrow after yoga to get our shots. The timing is perfect for our trip to AK (if covid doesn't cancel it). Have a great evening!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, Glad you did well driving in the storm and got your rescue passenger to his/her destination.

    Shari, I Googled Vancouver and read a little bit about it. It sounds like a busy and exciting place. Are the Covid numbers improving in your area enough to encourage more in-person work? Our numbers are on the rise again in my immediate area as well as in our state.

    Diane, I agree that John would love a new dog, but I doubt that one will be in the stars for us, at least not for quite a while. I don't think I am physically up to taking on a dog at this point. Jambo adjusted so well to our routines and situations. But, well, you never know!

    I had yet another marginal day. I had carb cravings today, something that hasn't happened for a while. I ate some pretzels again but got back on track for supper and haven't strayed at all this evening. I accomplished a good bit of cleaning and decluttering today and feel great about that. I am already looking forward to doing more of this tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is having a good evening!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula….I understand and know I would not be up to the energy of a new puppy! However, friends down the street lost one of two King Charles Spaniels, and a few months later, were able to find an older rescue dog whose owner could no longer keep her. Their other dog was so lonely and this worked well for the whole family. You never know, you might someday give a home to an older dog as they are doing. Wishing you and John all the best as you remember your little Jambo!❤️

    Pizza last night…not on diet but had Papa Murphy thin crust so not as many carbs as some. Calories may have been high but flavor was worth it.😋
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Diane, I have entertained the idea of an older dog (again, not saying much about this to John). I will check local shelters online from time to time. Today I ordered a few chihuahua t shirts for John. He already had one, but I reasoned that he might enjoy a few new ones, and I found some different and nice shirts on the Zazzle website. Pizza is so good! Yea for for thin crust low carbs! I sometimes buy cauliflower frozen pizza and enjoy it....yes, calories can be high, but I try to watch my portion size.

    I had a very productive day and was mostly on track (I added some shredded cheese to some veggies). I finished the last of my frozen salmon until I get my organic delivery on Tuesday. John and I also finished up almost all of our fresh veggies except for zucchini. However, I suspect I will be getting more garden tomatoes from a friend very soon. Tomorrow I am making chicken, breasts for me and thighs for John. I am planning to read and relax tomorrow as it is Sunday to begin with, and I think I did enough today anyway.

    A blessed Sunday friends!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Everybody! I'm back from my Scentwork Trial weekend. I proved the old (or new??) saying "you can't out run a bad diet" (or something along those lines) to be true.....although I logged over 5 miles in steps on Saturday and over 6 miles on Sunday while working the Trial, the meals and treats provided added a couple of pounds. I do pretty well sticking to 17DD when I'm home having a typical schedule but do terribly when faced with temptations. Today I am back on track and once again need to lose the same pounds.....frustrating!! On the brighter side, my dog did well and more importantly, had fun! Did any of you take advantage of the free trial of premium MFP? I haven't but wondered what the difference is and if I should try it?? I had my hair done today but won't know if I like it until I wash all the products out of it tomorrow and then see what it looks like-LOL!! Everyone have a good evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, Wow....so much walking over your weekend. Amazing! I imagine those couple pounds will melt away pretty quickly! Congrats on your dog's success and having a good time!! I haven't tried the MFP premium....haven't even investigated it yet. I am often tempted to return to WW online if I am going to pay for something like this. I did very well on the old WW many years ago and am intrigued by the online offerings of WW. Even if I ever did join WW online, I would still be here on MFP because of friends like you and this team. This support sure matters a lot to me. Let us know how your hair turns out. I too often feel better about my hair a day or two after I see my stylist!

    I had an excellent day on Monday. Once again I had energy and felt well rested, unlike Sunday when, for reasons beyond my knowledge I felt like a zombie and ate like a wolf! Today I was totally compliant and very busy around the house. I wasn't even tempted to stray. I am proud of what I accomplished and am planning another successful eating and housework day for Tuesday.

    Here's to a super week for all of us!!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    We are on our “up north” trip…sad to say many restaurants and businesses closed in this lakeside town. Not anything like 2019 trip before Covid. Very sad.🥲. We will be home Sunday and will check in then…have a great week all👍😍
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Diane and Shari, I hope you are both having good trips!! Paula, I hope you are continuing to do well!! My eating was good today. We picked tomatoes from the garden as well as a variety of peppers. We made some test salsas-trying to determine which chopping/blending appliance will work best for what we want (not liquid!). Our tomatoes are Roma and cherry. I enjoy the cherry tomatoes with my low fat cottage cheese. The peppers are green, poblano, and two types that are too hot for me! That is all we planted in our garden this year and the weather has been perfect for tomatoes and peppers! My husband made some spaghetti sauce-type experiment with our produce last week and I enjoyed it on riced cauliflower.
    Exercise has been hit or miss lately. My Silver Sneakers has been transitioning back to in person classes so I've only be able to do it once/week instead of the three/week that I'm used to. I think that yoga classes will remain on zoom but I've missed them with dog activities for the past two weekends. I'm looking forward to yoga on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! With covid cases rising, I hope my Silver Sneakers instructor will increase zoom options again! Have a great evening!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Wishing safe travels to those on the roads these days. Today was a very lazy day for me again. I allowed myself to take it easy because I felt like a needed such a day. Tomorrow will be a bit busier so taking the extra rest today should help. My eating was ok but still much room for improvement. I tend to stray when I am tired, as I often note here.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! I hope you are all doing well!! My eating was on track today if I can make it to bed without a snack! The yoga I was looking forward to tomorrow has already cancelled. I need to figure out a solid back up plan for some extra physical activity! I went to Walmart today with my daughter. She had a day off and needed some sewing supplies- I just went along to spend some time with her and wore a mask in the store. Other than that, a quiet uneventful day, which I appreciate! Have a great evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, can you do yoga with YouTube videos? I have a close friend (age 78) who does Yoga regularly with some DVDs she has. Nice that you got so spend some time with your daughter. Sometimes little spontaneous excursions like that are the best!

    I'm off to a good start today. My motivation is high, and I feel like my compliant switch is once again in the "on" position. Oatmeal for breakfast with an apple. It is time for lunch, but I am not hungry yet. Will probably have another piece of fruit and some tuna. I am having salmon for supper. We received Jambo's ashes today, delivered by FedEx. It is comforting to have the ashes here now. I was beginning to worry because I expected the ashes to arrive last week. I still doubt that we will get another dog, yet I keep looking into available chihuahuas in local shelters. Time will tell.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    We are back from our vacation “up north”. We were blessed with sunny skies and mild temperatures. Beautiful area we return to explore yearly along Lake Superior and we stay most of the trip in very small town of Grand Marais. Is as close to Heaven on earth as we mortals get. There are numerous beautiful, peaceful spots we have treasured in our younger years and returned to when we are able but this is remains a favorite.

    It was sad to see first hand the effect Covid has had on this small community. Some restaurants out of business and others just trying to hang on (being open only a few hours a day and only a few days per week.). No help. Used to be great jobs for young people but now no one wanting to work even for $14-22.00 per hour as signs said they would pay. We have signs everywhere around us in the Twin Cities area looking for workers too. Very sad.

    As to diet…I ate anything we could get up north, not many healthy choices. That is past. I am recommitting today to getting back on C1. My weight upon return home is only 4 lbs less than my starting weight in January…so I am almost back to where I was then, yikes! I had not weighed for a couple weeks before my B Day trip and so not all of it is just the trip. One day at a time here I go again! Day 1!!🤞