Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Once again the power of prayer is evident in so many ways! My day was so much better in terms of much less pain and not the severe fatigue of Saturday. Thank you for your prayers and support here as always.

    Shari I hope you enjoyed the rest of your day. It's hard to top the pleasure of coffee and a good book!

    DW so glad your church services were rewarding and fulfilling, to you as well as your congregation. I congratulate you on your involvement in this most holy day. I would share concerns about selling cars online. It seems though that the younger generation is much more comfortable with things like that whether rightly or wrongly, I don't know. Congrats on the pants fitting! Very motivating!

    I had a very good day. I even cooked a little more than I have been lately, because I don't do well at the stove when I have such fatigue and pain. So I tried to make the most of my improved energy and decreased pain. My food choices were good too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Easter day went well for me. A pretty relaxing day and a lovely dinner with friends.

    DW-Sorry to hear that your DD got upset. I hope she comes around quickly. I wonder if the very fact that you were honoring the Lord with your day is part of the reason for the incident with your daughter. I find that the evil one is always looking for ways to steal our joy when we are serving the Lord wholeheartedly. Great news about the pants fitting! That is cause for celebration. I will be thinking of you as you tackle your very busy week ahead. Let us know what you decide about running again.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    I took it easy today again. Even though I felt pretty good, I didn't feel up to taking on any of my major to do items so I just did the easy ones. Two early morning (for me) phone calls woke me up so I got up earlier than my usual. I didn't feel well rested. My food choices were good again, and once again I wasn't too hungry. I had salmon again for supper which is very satisfying to me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Yay for easy days! You have been eating so well Paula. I wish that I had some of that success. I haven't been terrible, but I no weight is falling off yet.

    I am off to work at the office today and I am considering taking a day off on Friday. I have too many vacation days and I don't want HR to send me a note telling when I have to take time off.

    Just a short check in today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, I hope you are able to use your vacation days when you want to rather than being told when to do so. I hope you are able to make the most of the time since you have earned it. Definitely something to enjoy.

    I did well today. I felt well rested eventually, as I started my day off slowly. I surprised myself with how much I accomplished today. Plus we had our 2 online church classes tonight. Once again my foods choices were good with no cravings or hunger pangs. I would like to weigh in again soon but struggle because standing unassisted on the scale is quite difficult for me, especially when I try to do so first thing int he morning. I am confident that one of these days I will be able to do so however. I do want to know what my weight is now.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I stood on the scaled and it wasn't good for me! I also didn't have the confidence that you have. So, I will keep trying to add on small changes every day until I can literally tip the scales.

    I was asked to give a tribute for my friend that passed away. I agreed to do it and I hope that I can really honour Ali and be an encouragement to those that are mourning. The funeral is on Sunday in Calgary. About three hours from here.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, I am sure you will give a wonderful tribute for your friend. And what an honor to be asked. I will pray for your safe travels to and back from Calgary. Will your DH go with you or will someone else?

    I felt ok today and managed to accomplish a relatively demanding to do list. John helped me a lot too, thank heavens. Tomorrow we are having friends here for dinner (take out, that one of the friends will pick up before coming here). We are expecting John's 3rd grade teacher, the woman who was the secretary at his elementary school, and the woman who supervised his daycare at the elementary school. We have been friends with them ever since John was in 3rd grade. They are really special ladies. I plan to order a grilled shrimp salad which I have had before and really enjoyed.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I be travelling with DH on Sunday. And I am going to sit down and write up the tribute on Friday and then refine it on Saturday. I can practice it a few times on the way to Calgary on Sunday. I am nervous already!

    Enjoy the visit with your friends tonight. I know you have mentioned them over the years and the relationship sounds so very special. A shrimp salad sounds great. A reminder to me to pick up some shrimp the next time we are at Costco. I like to have a bag of frozen ones on hand. DH doesn't care for them, but they a good meal for me when he isn't around.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Shari, what a special honor to be asked to give a tribute for your friend! I will be praying that God will guide and support you as you honor your friend! Paula, I hope you had a nice visit with your friends!!
    DD is back to talking to me and said that there might be someone at her job to buy the vehicle she wants to sell.
    My meeting took a funny turn. After work that day, I was trying to think of a way to change the tone of the meeting...on the way there, I stopped at Walmart and quickly threw items for a "Sundae Bar" into the cart. Everyone was shocked at the surprise and were too busy eating to fight-LOL!! Then the contentious person announced that she wasn't going to run for the office she holds again. After the meeting, I told the nominating committee that I would run again. Hopefully there can be a more positive tone when the new board starts meeting in September.
    Tomorrow after work I will be helping to set up for the Scentwork Trials that we are having at our club and then will be working at them on Saturday and Sunday. My youngest dog is entered in a couple events. That's the update from me-I'm not sure what the weekend will bring in terms of eating but many steps are guaranteed! Have a great weekend!! Shari, I will be thinking of you on Sunday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, What a wonderful idea to make sundaes your meeting. I applaud you for running for office again. I know you will contribute to setting a positive productive tone. It is in your nature to do so, I can tell. Woo hoo for getting a lot of steps in this coming weekend.

    Shari, Do you have the day off on Friday? Using a vacation day? I hope so! A break will be good, especially in view of your travels on Sunday.

    John and I had a fun-filled laugh-filled visit with our friends. They truly are special friends. It was also good to catch up with them since we haven't seen each other since November. My shrimp salad was delicious as expected, and I have some left over for Friday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I have been thinking about ideas for the tribute and will them to paper over today and tomorrow. I appreciate the prayers.

    DW- I am so glad that you were able to make for a positive environment and that you can run for your position again. Most important that your DD has bought you back in to conversations. We will pray for wisdom as she decides about her vehicle.

    Paula- Thankful for your good day yesterday. That is wonderful.

    I have taken a vacation day and slept in. Much longer than I do on the weekends so I guess I was quite tired. I forgot to look after a couple of work items yesterday, but I can do them quickly from home. Then I will accomplish a few things around the house before DH and I head to the far side of the city to run some errands. The evening will close with dinner and then watching a friend's soccer game. Only downside of the day is that is snowing!!! I will need to look up how much we expect to get.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, Woo hoo for sleep-in vacation days! So important to take care of yourself. Sounds like you had a great plan for your Friday. Snow in April! Yikes. We have had snow in April on some years, but it usually doesn't last long.

    We had an earthquake this morning. It was of 4.8 magnitude with its epicenter about 40 miles from here. The local news says that usually for structural damage, etc, an earthquake is above 5 in magnitude. No damage here nor to anyone I spoke with. A friend of mine was driving when the quake occurred, and she didn't even feel it or know about it. We also had aftershocks tonight. John and I felt the morning quake but didn't feel tonight's aftershock. The quake was noisy like a rumbling sound too. I stayed very well on track today with food choices, enjoying yesterday's leftovers. I might have a busy day tomorrow as I am expecting Craig.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    The day went according to plan. Which is great. I was able to get a new reading lamp. I had forgotten that I got the lamp shade at IKEA, so it worked so well to simply pick up the base there. They have universal connections so it was a huge win. We had tacos for dinner and they were amazing.

    Paula- We heard about the earthquake and very thankful it wasn't too big in magnitude! I have never felt one but I think it would be quite unsettling. Glad all is well!

    Today I hope to clean a bit and then get my thoughts on paper for the tribute. I believe that I have enough to give appropriate honour from the perspective of Ali's friends. If it's one thing that I have learned over the years, is that circles of people each know us from a certain angle, and when all aspects come together, we get a better sense of the full person.

    Still adding healthy habits to my daily regime, soon I will need to stop some unhealthy ones. I am waiting for the tipping point where I can see some results on the scale.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    So good to get some new things like your lamp Shari. Today I got a new window shade for our main bathroom. Craig picked it up for me today at Lowe's. I think he will install it on Monday. Maybe overtime I will get a few more new window treatments for the house....much needed. I will be thinking of you and praying for you as you and DH travel tomorrow and as you pay tribute to Ali. I am certain you will give a meaningful and heartfelt tribute.

    Good news at the scale for me. It was tough, but this morning I managed to balance on the scale long enough to get an accurate weight. I am down 2 pounds since my early March weigh in and down a total of 6.6 pounds since December 9. On average it's still just a little over a pound per month but is consistent, if nothing else. And a 2 pound loss this month is somewhat encouraging. I wanted to get an accurate weight in advance of my virtual doctor appointment on Monday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I didn't sleep well last night. Not 100% sure why, but I am sure that will be a different story tonight. I could use another day off, but I will wait until the end of the month to use up another day of vacation. It would be so nice to be able to go away on vacation!

    Paula- great news at the scale!!!! I wish I could manage a pound per month. That is definitely some great progress for you.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, I didn't sleep well last night too. Like you, I don't know why. This time it wasn't pain related. I didn't get enough sleep and was tired for most of the day. During the day my pain was high but not during the night. Ugh! I didn't do much of anything today. I was craving pizza so that was a good excuse to not cook and order a delivery pizza. I enjoyed it and am not worried about what it will do to my diet. I will be back on track on Monday. I will be looking forward to hearing how things went for you with your travels and tribute to Ali.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I didn't sleep well again. Better though.

    The trip down and back went well. It was nice to meet Ali's mom and her two sisters. The funeral was good. I read through what I wrote and I messed up a few times. I can't seem to stop beating myself up over it. I read it just fine when on my own. It didn't bother anyone else, just me. We can be our own worst enemies.

    I had fries and a burger on the way home, unlike you Paula, I am sure to have messed up my calories and weight for the next few days. I will be back on track today and see if I can't find a better mental outlook too.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, So happy for your safe travels and your tribute to Ali. I agree that we tend to be our worst critics. It is important to keep in mind that what you said meant a lot to those who knew and loved Ali. I am sure you did well.

    My virtual appointment with my family doctor today went well. I learned that the hospital system that she belongs to has a program that provides free transportation to family practice appointments. My doctor is going to connect me with a hospital social worker to set this up as well as to look into physical therapy (in-home) options for me. I had a lot of questions for my doctor about medications and other things. I felt like I dominated the appointment, but she was patient with me and answered all of my questions. I am quite pleased. My food choices were ok today but could have been better. I need to put more effort into this so I can keep my downward trend.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula- another service that is going to be so helpful for you. Transportation for doctor appts. That is awesome. I am glad you were able to ask all of your questions.

    My food choices were pretty good, but I caved in at night and had some chips. They are my absolute weak point. I don't keep them in the house for that reason. But DH had a friend over to watch basketball and there was an open bag. That needs to be a one-off for sure! I need to start a downward trend.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    I enjoy chips too, enjoy them too much at times. We have them for John, but I indulge more than I should as well. I had difficulty feeling satisfied today and ending up grazing off and on during the day, not a good practice for me if I want good results at the scale. When I "graze" I get lazy about tracking, also not good. So I must say today could have been a much better day. I accomplished only a few to do items but told myself some is better than none. It was a beautiful sunny day here with temps in the high 70s. That should have motivated me to do more but I allowed myself some extra rest instead.