Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I wasn't too bad yesterday. I was chilled all day and a bit tired. No wallpaper was removed in the end. I didn't have the energy.

    I struggle with anxiety and hope you can dispel yours. I know it's not helpful for weight loss. We just end up storing cortisol. A visit sounds enjoyable and I hope you find that it helps your anxiety Paula. Not cooking sounds like a treat too.

    Today I don't plan to do too much at all. I hope to relax today even though I didn't do much yesterday.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Hope you rested and relaxed Shari. Sunday is a great day to do that. Hope your chills passed too.

    I had a wonderful visit with my friend today. She is one of the sweetest kindest people I know. She loves John and Buster too. She has no kids and a DH who is very quiet and shy and never visits when she comes here. I must say that even while she was still here I could feel my anxiety lessening considerably. And now I do feel much better. I had a Greek salad that was delicious and not too big but satisfied me.

    I had one call from the church group meeting I missed and then later another call from the prez who couldn't have been sweeter (wow!!). Later in the day I got a text from another member telling me how much she and her DH missed John and me at the meeting. I think we are going to work on a plan to have the next meeting here so John and I can be at the meeting but with the prez and the gal who texted me being the actual hosts of the meeting so I don't have to do much. I can agree to that. It won't be till June I think.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Things are really turning around with the president for the church group. I think that is fabulous Paula. We are all capable of making changes that will make us better humans. When we do that coupled with our faith, it can be quite remarkable. That gives me the incentive to keep working on myself. Who wouldn't want the compliment from others seeing positive changes.

    I had a pretty lazy day. I am fairly happy with my food choices. I made some bone broth so I can sip on that before meals. It's supposed to help with digestion. I had some big soup bones so I thought I would be easy enough to try.

    Working from home today and very happy about it.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    I have heard good things about bone broth but haven't tried it or made it. I remember seeing some packets to make bone broth from a powder like an instant soup but haven't tried that either.

    I did well with food choices today and didn't really crave any unhealthy choices. I was very tired and not very productive today, perhaps from having company yesterday, not sure. I also had unplanned and unexpected visitors today. This threw off my plans and interfered with my needed rest. One friend was in the area and just wanted to drop in for a few minutes, while the other just dropped off something for us. .
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! I'm happy to read that you are both doing well! Shari, your book sounds very interesting!! I need to find it and share it with my daughter! I'm glad that you are recovered from your latest vaccine!! Paula, I'm happy to hear that the group President is doing better! Also happy that you had such a nice visit with your college friend!
    My weight has been up and down over the weekend-first I hit a new low (new for this year) and the next morning it was back up again. I had a dog event over the weekend and it was a disaster for my dog and me but a very good weekend for many friends. I was exhausted from the weekend so skipped dog class tonight because I have to drive there again tomorrow night for a board meeting which might become contentious. I am the kind of person who prefers to avoid conflict. Work is going well as far as I can tell and I am grateful to have a job! I will close for now and go on Amazon to try to find the book. Have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I am really enjoying the book and making use of many of all the suggestions DW. A very good read.

    Having issues with my laptop this morning g so I am checking in with my phone. A bit frustrating so just a quick hi today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    DW, Hope your meeting goes smoothly. Like you, conflict is not my style. Great that your job is working out.

    Shari, Thanks for checking in on a frustrating computer day. Hope things are smoothed out for your laptop for Wednesday.

    I did well again with food choices and some of my to do items. I was still a little fatigued, but pacing myself really helped. I am getting much better at not feeling guilty for resting when I need it. That is progress for me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    It looks like my computer got sorted. A few minor issues this morning but I think I am almost back to normal.

    I had a good food day. Just had a bit of chocolate that I didn't need. We have one more very cold day and then it will start to warm up. Which will be wonderful. We have snow, but it's been too cold to try out our cross country skiing again. I am looking forward to that. I got in a 36 minute walk on my treadmill last night. That was good. I am hoping to get up to about 40 minutes. That's what I used to walk outside daily prior to moving to the farm but as you know, being out in the country means I need to keep the walking to daylight hours and that isn't easy with our short days in the winter.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Good to get your walking in and especially so indoors given your cold temps Shari. Does Canada move to daylight savings time like the US does this weekend? If so, will that give you a little more daylight hours? I love it when it stays light out longer, as I suspect most people do.

    I had another good food day as I wasn't very hungry again and I had a lot to do. I am pleased with what I accomplished as well as with my food choices. I am doing much better with portion control of course since my hunger is a bit less lately. Tomorrow I go for my mammogram, with my home health aide taking me there. We will use a wheelchair from the facility so that should work out. I understand they can do a mammo with me in a sitting position. This will be my first one done while sitting. I stood for the last one but it was far too draining for me, and now, 18 months later, I know I couldn't possibly stand like that again.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    We do have daylight savings time. It varies from Province to Province though. Our Province has considering not observing it in the past. I do love the extra light, but I don't enjoy the adjustment.

    It sounds like you have a lot of good support for your appointment today Paula. We look forward to hearing how it goes.

    I had a bad eating day yesterday due to eating out twice. I met up with two different friends. I did eat half of my lunch order and brought the rest home. At dinner, my friend and I shared a meal. So I did better than I could have done.

    Looking forward to working from home today. I am hoping that it warms up outside too.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    All went well with my mammo appointment. I had a wonderful technician who had no problem with doing the mammo while I was in a wheelchair. My home health helper did fine too. She is a little scattered at times but a sweet person who is willing to help. The mammo appointment went fast and when we returned home my helper had time to do her usual routine for us here like changing our sheets and a few other little tasks. By the time she left I was exhausted however. I rested and fell asleep in the evening for quite a while. My food choices were good again, and I wasn't very hungry at all. I have a small to do list for Friday which means I should be able to take it pretty easy and feel better.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Great news that your appt well Paula. You have been getting some solid support.

    DH and I have counselling this afternoon. Not sure what will come up but it is always helpful and we are figuring out how to move forward when it comes to his parents and the strain it puts on our relationship.

    My eating was improved from the day before, but not where I was hoping to land. Today should go better! We are hosting our Bible Study group tonight so we do have those plans in place. This week seemed to go by fast for me.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Paula, I'm happy that your appointment went well!! Shari, I hope that your busy day has also gone well!!
    I am always so tired by the time I get to Friday evenings but work continues to go well! At my age, I am grateful to have a job but also, having one related to the field I was in has rekindled something....maybe feeling like I have purpose again. I have always thought that my profession was also my ministry. After retirement, I accepted positions in church that are not a good match for me. My term is up by 7/1/24 and I will not renew.
    I am also giving serious thought to the dog club Board position...the meeting was worse than I could have imagined and I was sitting next to the person who was yelling and making things feel toxic in the room. The only thing stopping me from walking out is that I have a good friend also on the Board and she counts on my support. My position there is up for re-election this year so I need to pray hard about it....
    The agency I work for is a non profit and we have a big fundraiser tomorrow night. I have volunteered to help serve the food, which just involves putting a scoop on a plate-I had a lot of experience with this in the college cafeteria-LOL!! There is a DJ, raffles, silent auction items, and dancing. I'm not sure how much I will do other than the meal or how late I will stay since I'm going alone...we'll see how it plays out.
    Diet-wise, I think I've been eating well and getting many steps in but the scale has held steady this week after it went back up from my newest low....I haven't yet seen that lower number again...maybe tomorrow. I almost forgot to share that tomorrow morning we will take our daughter to the airport to join her brother and his family for spring break in CA. We will have 2 extra dogs for the week and I'll be stopping at her home to visit the cats. I hope that this will be a positive time for her!! Have a great weekend!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    DW, Your life is so full and busy! So sorry about the dog board meeting situation. As you know, I can relate to some degree given the group I am involved with, although I think things are looking up for my group these days. I love that you are working for a non profit. I have a great deal of respect for non profits and the good work they do. Fund raisers can be crucial to such agencies! Your fundraiser sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you are able to enjoy it without working too hard. Looking forward to learning how it goes. Wishing your agency lots of success! Prayers for safe travels for your daughter.

    Shari, So good that you and DH continue to see your counselor and that good is coming of this. Ending the week with a Bible study is a positive thing too.

    I ended up doing more than I planned to do today, not because I wanted to but because seeing how much needed to be done was getting to me. So I did accomplish things and didn't rest as much as I had hoped. Maybe I will be able to rest a little more tomorrow, though my to do list is ready for tomorrow and it isn't a short one. I tracked my food today and reached the top of my points plus used a few of my "weeklies," which is ok overall.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Thanks for catching us up DW. You have a lot going on. I have prayed for you today. Let us know how the fundraiser goes. I have a couple coming up myself. They are a lot of work, I trust the finances will be raised.

    Counselling went well. It was more focused on me, which isn't what I was hoping for. It was still good, but now we will wait to see what comes up for next week. DH is doing better talking about difficult subjects, but we still have a ways to go.

    No progress in the weight loss department yet. I have dedicated to myself to really work hard the next four days to see if I can get one stubborn pound down.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Just a quick check in from me today. I have good news and not-so-good news. The good news is that I weighed in today, the first time since Dec. 9. I am down 4 1/2 pounds since Dec. 9. Just a little over a pound per month but I am pleased. The not-so-good news is the result of my mammo which states the following:
    RIGHT1) MASS [A]: There is a 9 mm round mass seen in the axillary tail region of the right breast, 20 cm from the nipple. This is a new finding.
    The message says that they will contact me to schedule an ultrasound of the right breast. I am staying positive but am concerned, especially because my maternal grandmother had breast cancer at age 66 (my age).

    Please keep me in your prayers. (there was no problem with the left breast)
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I wasn't able to check in yesterday, this community page wouldn't load. Paula- I will be praying for often. It is hard not to be concerned and waiting for tests and results is extremely difficult. I have tried to follow the advice not to worry about things that not happening, but I just haven't been successful. I will be praying for peace while you wait. That the Lord will comfort you. That he will take care of this mass.

    I am glad you have the weight loss to celebrate Paula. It is motivating that maybe I can do it. I am going to take another look at Weight Watchers. I need outside help.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    edited March 12
    Thank you so much Shari for your kind understanding, prayers, and support. My mood has been up and then a little down when a wave of anxiety hits. Mostly though I have been pretty ok. I am writing this via my iPad as my laptop is having its 6 month maintenance check. I expect to have it back sometime Tuesday.

    My breast ultrasound has been scheduled for March 22. There will be a radiologist there who will read the results right then and there and make recommendations on what is needed based on the ultrasound.

    I am pleased with my slow but steady weight loss with WW. I suspect I might start to lose more quickly as the anxiety over my mammogram had taken away my appetite and interest in food to some extent.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Paula- I mentioned your mammogram results to my DH. He wanted me to convey that will also be praying for you. I am glad your appt is in March, but that will still be a difficult waiting period. I hope you won't suffer greatly with anxiety.

    I had an okay day yesterday. I think I ate well. I didn't track, but I will today.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Shari,please tell your DH that I appreciate his kindness and prayers. I know friends like you mean so much always, but especially at times like this. A friend offered to drive me to the ultrasound appointment, but my challenge is getting in and out of most vehicles. I might have to hire the home health aide to drive me as her car is ok for me to get into. I am not wild about her driving skills, but I might just have to go with her because her car is low to the ground. I ate healthy and within my plan today without any difficulty. It is good to have my laptop back.