Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I forgot my laptop at work last night! I am on my phone to check in so this will be short. Tomorrow will be the same as I work from home today. I knew I would forget it as taking it to work on a Wednesday is not my routine. Oh well! Thanks for the updates.

    0 lbs
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    I'd be lost without my laptop Shari. Hope you are able to retrieve it soon. I am not very good at doing much with my phone. I have an old iPad mini that I use daily, mostly to play Words With Friends and check email.

    I had a good day again today. I am well within my points which I need to continue daily. My to do list was fairly long, and I accomplished just about all of it. So pleased about that. My grocery order also pleased me. It feels good and comforting to be stocked up with healthy choices, even if the prices are high these days. I got a fairly substantial order so we should be good for a while. Can't recall if I mentioned this before, but the Walgreens in our area offer free delivery for purchases over $35. They also offer senior citizen discounts even on the items purchased for delivery and usually have other promotions as well. I used them once a few weeks ago and plan to use them again for things like paper products and household items along with typical drug store stuff. Delivery fees from our grocery stores are pretty high. I know I am paying for a convenience service, but I really appreciate that Walgreens delivers for free.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I am feeling lost without my laptop. I will be able to pick it up today so that’s good. I prefer a full keyboard over a little area. I make lots of mistakes!

    I had good day of eating. I only tracked breakfast. Totally forgot to track the rest of the meals. I might go back and enter them once I have my laptop back.

    -1 lb
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Shari, good for you making healthy food choices. Today wasn't good for me. I had a bad night with much pain and didn't sleep much or well. I then struggled all day long, not feeling well, not wanting to do anything. Finally, after a few waking hours of feeling tired and miserable I took a very long nap. When I woke up I was feeling better. I think this is all RA related. I didn't feel much like cooking so I just air fried some pierogie for John and me, not a super high point meal. I nibbled earlier in the day and didn't track anything at all.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I have my laptop back and I am so happy. I hope I don't do that again in a very long time. I use it every day. We had pierogies for dinner too. I haven't thought of air frying them. I will have to try that the next time I have them. I am sorry to hear that you had a rough day Paula. I hope you do better today.

    No clue what my day will look like today. I hope it's not wasted like the last weekend. I wasn't feeling super well and didn't do much.

    0lbs lost or gained- I can't seem to lose any weight just yet. I think I am getting close.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Paula, I hope you are feeling better! Shari, I’m glad you have your laptop back! There are many things that I can’t do on my phone-mostly because the print is too small to read.
    I have a video appointment with a new nurse practitioner on Monday. I have been fretting about how I’m going to do it because I found out that our desk top computer doesn’t have the correct program to connect with the practice. At my request, my daughter brought her laptop over and tested it. It would work but I can tell that she doesn’t want me to use it. Today I reviewed the requirements and downloaded a free app to the IPad. That might work out and I can also put the app on my phone for backup. I’m terrible with technology!!
    I hope you both have a wonderful Sunday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    I hope you had a pleasant day today Shari. I am much much better. I had a good night's sleep last night and was unusually comfortable in bed. (I often have a tough time even getting comfy in bed.) Yesterday was such a rough day, but today made up for it. I was able to accomplish a few things and felt a lot better in general (all this is relative of course considering my situation). I had my nails done today and am really impressed with what a sweet gal this is who comes to do my nails. She is kind, considerate, and understanding, about 32 years old and a mother of 2 girls. I am so grateful that Craig knows her and recommended her to me. I was very much on track today and even logged my meals. Now to keep this going.
    A blessed Sunday to all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Yesterday I did not feel well at all and spent most of the day in a chair. I looked up the side effects from the rabies shot, and I had a few of them. The biggest one being fatigue. I went to bed at 8pm and slept 12 hours. I think I feel much better today. Just a bit of a cold left.

    I am glad you sorted out the tech you need so you can have that online appt DW and I hope the appt goes well for you.

    Glad you are feeling better Paula. I am still struggling to log my meals, but I know I can get there.

    -2 lbs (hoping to see a downward trend soon- not just a lot of bouncing around the same numbers)
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    DW, You and I must have been posting at the same time again on Saturday because when I replied to Shari your post wasn't there. I am very interested in how your video appointment goes. I so wish I could have a video appointment with my family doctor instead of going in to her office which is so challenging for me because of my mobility and costly for me to hire my home health care worker to take me. I am considering calling her office to see if this is possible, though I doubt she will go for it.

    Shari, You are going through so much with all of those shots! I admire your strength and stamina in doing so. I applaud you for spending the day in a chair. I think you likely more than needed that.

    My motivation has returned full force. I tracked all of my meals and am very well within my point allowance. I am focusing on having fruits when I have a sweet craving. That is a big change compared to the days of Christmas cookies and other goodies. One of John's friends lost 27 pounds over the past few months. It seems so much easier for guys, especially younger guys, to drop weight. It might take us women longer, but we can do this.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had a much better day yesterday. I felt good and didn't get tired until dinner time. I think I should be past the worst of it. The nurse did say that the vaccine for measles could have symptoms for six weeks, so I will need to keep that in mind.

    I ate okay yesterday, but I still don't think I am doing enough. I need to track so that I can see how I am really doing. I will see if I can track breakfast and lunch today. That would be an improvement.

    -1 lb (hoping to be back to -2 tomorrow, but we shall see)
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    A good day on a Sunday is a good way to start out the week. I hope you had a good Monday too Shari.

    I had a good day in terms of energy and accomplishments, but my WW points were over my daily allowance, and I had to tap into my extra weekly points. I am pleased with what I accomplished from my to do list and how strong I felt, but not pleased with how I responded to my hunger pangs. I take this as a good lesson learned because I know I could have made better choices. I plan to reflect back on today's choices in an effort to avoid them in the future. Tomorrow we have hair cut appointments. It will be the first time I have driven in 6 weeks and the first time I have been out of the house in 6 weeks. If I feel as good tomorrow as I did today I will do ok. We have an online book study class tomorrow evening. I might be a bit tired for that, but I think I will be able to attend the class....and then probably conk out!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I pretty much sat at my desk all day on Monday and worked. It was nice out so I did go out for about 15 minutes for some air and sunshine. I know that is not enough, but I am glad I managed to do something. I head to the office today so I know that I will be more active today.

    It will be good to get out of the house Paula. I hope you don't expend all of your energy, but you probably will sleep very well once you make it to bed.

    I still haven't tracked my meals. I totally forget. I may have to set an alarm on my phone at noon so I start tracking my lunch! I need the reality check on what I am eating and why I am not losing any weight.

    0 lbs (still bouncing around the same numbers)
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    It can be tough to remember to track all of our meals. I used to be so good about it, but these days it requires considerable effort from me, at least until it becomes part of my daily usual and consistent routine. Today was not a good tracking day for me because of going to our hair appointments and a few other little errands (drive through bank, drive by mail box). I didn't over eat today, but I didn't track either. It was a tiring day as I also had a little to do list before we went to our hair appointments and then we had our zoom book discussion from 7:30 til 9 pm. Craig will be here tomorrow so my day will be full once again. Just keeping Craig going and doing what I want can be tiring at times, lol.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I managed to track breakfast and lunch. So that's progress!

    How did the trip out for your haircuts go Paula? I hope that you both love your new haircuts.

    Not much to report on my end. I worked, made dinner and worked on learning some Spanish for my trip.

    -1lb (time to see this number hit -2!)
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Tracking 2 meals is a great start. That is one more meal than I tracked. Good luck with learning Spanish Shari. I admire you for working on that. I studied both Spanish and Russian in high school and college. I enjoyed both very much. John had Spanish in college but it seemed so much harder to me when he took it compared to when I studied. it.

    Our haircuts turned out great. Our hairstylist is truly an artist. She tends to schedule us for every 5 to 6 weeks which I know is typical. However going there is so difficult for me these days I am thinking that I will have to increase the time between our appointments. Perhaps I will discuss this with her at our next appointment.

    Craig was here today and did a lot of things for us as usual. I was quite tired today, likely from my trip to the hair cut yesterday and for not sleeping long enough last night. After Craig left I crashed for well over an hour and was in a very deep sleep. I stayed well on track today however and wasn't excessively hungry. Maybe I was too tired to be hungry this time.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Learning a new language isn't easy for me at all. I hope to remember a few key phrases to help me get by. I just can't think in Spanish so I don't think I will be able to have conversations. I will keep going and see how much will stick.

    My hairdresser would schedule every 5-6 weeks too but my hair grows very slowly. I don't need to go very often, it closer to four months sometimes!

    I was up very late last night and I am tired this morning. Thankful that I can work from home more than usual today.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    Hope you were able to rest after your work day Shari. I didn't sleep well last night due to some pain and having to wake to to use the bathroom (another issue of aging I am finding). So, I was tired again today and really didn't do much. We had avocado toast for breakfast, a favorite of mine and John's. It is quite filling and satisfied me for most of the day. I know I am well within my points today but I didn't officially track again. I rested quite a bit in the afternoon. We had an online church service this evening. I almost dozed off during parts of the 90 minute service. I was ok after that and feel fine now.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    edited February 2
    Hello! Shari, that is awesome that you are learning Spanish!! I took it in high school and found it challenging. My sister took it in high school and became a Spanish teacher … I hope you are feeling better!!
    Paula, so great that you got to your hair appointment! I’m also happy that your nail person is working out well!! I’m looking forward to my nail appointment on Saturday!!
    The online appointment went well. Fortunately I had my bloodwork results from November and was able to share them with her. She used one app for the video call and another for ongoing communication.
    I was proud of myself for figuring out how to do the video appointment!
    Last night I resigned 2 volunteer positions due to work. My dog classes are going again and there are 4 more weeks of therapy for her.
    My weight continues to go up and down around the same numbers-very frustrating but I will keep trying!!
    Have a great Friday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    DW- that's great that your video call worked out well. Using new technology isn't easy, but once you get the hang of it, I am sure it will be super helpful. Were the volunteer roles you dropped to do with the dog shows? I know the organizations will miss you. You have been very reliable in all that you have been doing.

    I need to book some self care time for myself that is more fun that being at home cooking, cleaning and reading. Some pampering would be really nice! Maybe that would help me start to shift some weight.

    -1lb (Hoping to hit that -2 again and see it hang around for a few days)
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 963 Member
    DW, Understandable that you might give up some volunteer positions. They can be very demanding even when we enjoy them. Good that your video appointment went well. I sure wish I could do that with my family doctor. I am doubtful about that but might look into it to see if it is an option.

    Shari, Pampering is so important. Do you have any ideas in mind??

    I had an excellent day all around. I was well within my points and tracked all my meals. My energy level was solid and my pain level was manageable for the most part. I completed an impressive to do list and even got to catch up with a friend I enjoy on the phone. I believe I did so well because I slept a bit later and was very well rested. Hoping for another good day tomorrow...for all of us!