Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    edited January 17
    Shari, good to seek some professional help especially in times of stress related to family matters. It sounds promising too that your in-laws might be part of the counseling process....probably a win-win for all involved.

    I had an off day in many ways today. My food choices weren't the best, and I skipped on tracking again. I do so much better when I track it all. I felt stressed because Buster refused to do his business out in the snow and is holding it in and not eating much. Last time it snowed, after holding it in for over 24 hours, he went inside on some papers I put down, but today he won't even do that. Craig is coming Wednesday morning, and we are hoping Buster will "perform" for Craig. My new snow removal service came and seems to have done a fine job. They shoveled an area of the grass for Buster to go on to do his business, but he wouldn't even go after they shoveled that area. I don't know how he can hold it in that long. He is accustomed to going outside 3 to 4 times a day at least. (We had no real snow storms in the previous 2 winters we had Buster. He came from Georgia where he probably never had to deal with snow.)
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I think the counselling will be very helpful. I just wish we hadn't waited this long. DH's parents are 90 & 92 so although it will be good to get this sorted, there isn't a lot of time to experience a healthy relationship with them. The best part will be getting DH to see things differently so we don't do the same thing with our children. (I don't think we would, but the perspective will be helpful.)

    I had another good day and another day without results on the scale. It is so frustrating. I haven't been tracking, so I guess that is something I need to start doing again. I need to see if I am doing as well as I think I am. Today is as good as any day to start tracking.

    Our dog has similar behaviour and he is a big dog. Somehow he is "holding" it for much too long. Moe isn't loving the extreme cold, he is okay with the snow. We are starting to warm up now, but it is still pretty chilly out there.

    I am desperate to see a drop on the scale. I will give it two more weeks and then I will have to find a new strategy. I may have to join some type of in person program.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello! I hope you are both doing well and staying warm!! I'm not staying warm but am trying. It has been very cold and windy with some snow and snow expected tomorrow and Friday.
    The Rehab appointment was interesting and we left with homework-13 pages of exercises. I had to order some equipment to complete a few of them. The good news is that she is cleared to go back to the classes we were taking so next week she will have two dog classes and one therapy session. She will have some water-based treadmill to start her sessions.
    Our older dog was at the vet today and it wasn't good news...he has an ulcer on his eye, a heart murmur grade 2-3, and, as we suspected, has lost weight. He has eye and heart meds now.
    My weight has been up and down again-still moving within the same 3 lb range. I was below it but couldn't stay there. I think I heard that our temps will warm up sometime next week so that is something to look forward to!
    I hope that your dogs have been able to "go potty"! We have also had challenges with that since they don't want to stay out long enough to do it. Paula, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend! Shari, the counseling sounds like such a great idea! Have a great Thursday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Shari, I have a friend who believes that switching up our weight loss plans every so often results in a loss, especially the first few weeks on a new plan and has even suggested switching plans on a fairly regular basis. So perhaps switching to a different plan would be of value to you if you aren't seeing the progress you expect.

    I had a good on track day today. My hunger was under control and my food choices were good (but not perfect). Again I was fairly tired, which I think could be related to the medication, so I am going to try to play around with the timing of that I think. Craig came today and was a Godsend as usual. Craig cleared more snow from the grass for Buster and bought us some dog-friendly ice melt. Buster had "success" and peed with Craig eventually. Tonight John had "success" with Buster for #2, so things are looking better. More snow is predicted for late tomorrow night and Friday and our bitterly cold weather continues. Ugh!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I am so thankful for the mild December that we had, but I am not liking this cold snap we are in at all. I can't stand being cold and it's so hard to stay warm. It seems like it's even hard to stay warm inside. I work from home today which means I can add layers easily if I feel chilled.

    DW- you will have to describe water based-treadmill. I am intrigued. I hope your older dog can find some improvement in his health with the meds.

    I think new weight loss plans do tend to see results at the onset. Not a bad idea! I still have no movement on the scale.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    DW, Your post wasn't visible when I replied above. I wonder if we were posting at about the same time. Very interesting info on your dog's rehab. Just like with humans, at home followup and consistency is crucial to progress it sounds. How old is your older dog? Senior dogs can have such special needs. He is in good hands with you.

    I almost never go outside now, especially since John takes care of Buster's outdoor pottying, and yet I, too, and finished with this bitterly cold weather.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    edited January 19
    My day went well today, got lots of "to dos" done and stayed fairly well on track. My energy was strong today too, but I did take a short late afternoon nap before cooking supper. I know, however, that I need to "tighten up" my food choices if I want to drop more pounds. I feel like I am at a standstill of sorts and my motivation ebbs and flows.
    Schools are closed here for Friday because of snow. A warm up is predicted for next week sometime. Looking forward to that.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    We are supposed to have things warm up, although it feels like it is a prediction that never seems to comes true.

    I tested DH for covid, but it came back negative. I do think he caught it again based on the symptoms. He is taking a long time to get over this sickness whatever it is. I am very thankful and amazed that I didn't get it.

    Slight weight drop, but I am not counting it a loss just yet. It was only very slight and may bounce back up tomorrow. But I really hope the weight will start to drop now. That would be exciting!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Nice to see movement on the scale in the right direction, even if it is just a little Shari. Hoping your downward trend continues. Hope your DH improves and that you remain healthy. Very cold here as well. My new snow removal service is terrific. We didn't get a lot of snow but enough to plow and shovel. The wife of the snow guy called today to see if I wanted the snow removed because it wasn't a big snow. I had a nice chat with her and explained in more detail what we needed done to accommodate our needs and Buster's. The service tonight was excellent. I am very pleased with this new company.
    I did ok with eating again today, but I know I could be doing better. My energy was good again today, and I was able to get some things done. I have a small list for tomorrow but have already given myself permission to take the day off from my to do list if I am so inclined. Two days off, Saturday and Sunday would be great.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I will celebrate one pound of weight loss (it's a repeat pound) but I am hoping that I can add to it.

    Paula- that is great news that you found a very good snow removal service! You can have confidence and they check in. And two days will be fantastic if you decide to do that.

    I am not sure what we will be up to today. The weather is better, but still too chilly for me. We will go to an in-person service for church tonight. I think DH will, we will see if he is coughing or not.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Yay for getting rid of that pound Shari. Celebrating here for you with a sip of my seltzer water! Cheers!

    I did ok again today, but also again I could have done better. I did very well however in taking the day off! That comes pretty easily to me. I had several phone calls this afternoon, all from church friends. I enjoyed 2 of the 3 phone calls. The 3rd call was from a very negative gal who calls to complain to me about things and drones on and on. Today I finally said to her to please stop being so negative. Sadly, I think it went right over her head, and she kept going on and on. I feel sorry for her and try to help her, but she has an incredibly negative perspective on the folks and goings on at our church. I only wish I could be at church in person and yet this gal keeps on focusing on all the negatives.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    We finally got some relief from the very cold weather. In it's place is snow. It is currently snowing for the second time. There will be a lot of happy people. Some were worried about how dry it was and other's just wanted snow. I was fine with the bare roads as it makes driving so much easier.

    I think we can easily get into a negative headspace. That's too bad this gal doesn't see her negativity. I am sure it would be helpful if she mixed in the good and the bad Paula.

    I had an okay eating day yesterday. That paired with giving my cross country skis a try now that we have a bit of snow may have helped with one more pound dropping. I thought I would be able to ski since I have in the past. Nope! I will be lucky to figure out the rhythm and have the stamina to do it for more than ten minutes. I will keep at it. It is going to be very good exercise!

    I am going to post my weight fluctuation here. I hope it will provide some accountability for myself. I weighed myself on Jan 1 and that will be my base (and pretty close to my highest weight).

    -2 lbs
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Shari, I have very little concept of all involved with cross country skiing, but what I do know it that it is quite demanding, so you will be getting a good workout each time you do it. So often I read that the key to getting in our exercise is doing something we enjoy. Woo hoo that you enjoy cross country skiing. I applaud you for this for sure. Hope your weather continues to cooperate so you can enjoy this activity.

    I had a healthy evening meal planned for Sunday but now it will be for Monday. I got a call from a good friend that he was coming to visit but he wasn't what sure what time he would get here. So I didn't want to start supper be in the midst of cooking when he arrived. So I delayed supper, thinking we would get delivery for all of us. Well the timing didn't work out so we held off supper till after he left, and then John and I got delivery. I was glad for some time off from cooking, but once again here I go complaining about how salty restaurant food is. I made a healthy choice but didn't appreciate all the saltiness. My energy level was solid again today, and my pain level was manageable. Can't ask for much more than that these days.

    Here's to a strong on track week for all of us!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    My Sunday didn't go as planned. It was snowing when I woke up so I told DH to sleep in since he need to do snow removal in the evening and into the night. We had a late start to the day, which was fine. But then one of his friends came by to help DH with something and to get some boards cut. That ended up taking the whole day. Which was fine, but I put my plans on hold since I didn't know how long they would be. It took the whole day. I feel like I wasted my day waiting. I won't do that again. I did ask how long, but never got a response back.

    Here I am back to work for the week. Which will be fine.

    I am back up to my starting weight. Just like that! I will need to work harder at recording my food into MFP so I know what I am doing wrong.

    0 lbs loss
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    So frustrating to be waiting and having plans sidetracked Shari. Hope the work week is a good one for you. Frustrating too to experience weight fluctuations. I hope you are able to unlock some answers to help you see some consistent drops at the scale. I know mostly what I need to do....but haven't been doing it as consistently as I need to. I made yesterday's healthy dinner today with enough for tomorrow so that will help me....I hope! Freezing rain is predicted for us for Tuesday morning, followed eventually by a warm up, relatively speaking with a high of 39 degrees.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I thought I had a good streak going, but nope. I haven't started tracking yet. I remember to track breakfast but I have been forgetting to track the rest of the day. I will need to set up a reminder for myself. I need to do that today!

    1 lb gain (Yikes!)
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Getting back to complete tracking has been a challenge for me Shari, and I used to be meticulous about it. I know tracking contributed to my previous successes and not tracking is not good for me. I didn't track everything today, but I did have a great day. I should have tracked it all, but I am fairly sure I was within my point range. Tomorrow...tracking and on track for me. It will be a low demand day for me so I have no good reason to not track. I did accomplish quite a bit today and am pleased about all that I did.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I have a cold now and I took a sick day yesterday. I am deciding on what to do with my day today. I think I will be okay to work, but I am going to see if it's okay to work from home. I do need to go in, but just for a short while. I can wear a mask and be in and out pretty quickly. I didn't track my meals, but I know I did okay. I do want to get back to tracking and it may take me a few attempts to get in the habit. Entering one meal is at least a start.

    -1 lb (glad I did't hang on to that extra pound)
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello! This section I wrote Tuesday night but had to stop because I was falling asleep. We had the freezing rain this morning and then rain for much of the day today. I went to work mid-morning due to the ice and worked in the office since we didn't drive routes today. We've had temps around 0 much of last week with wind chills at 15-25 below 0. I went to calling hours for a church friend on Sunday and was able to attend his funeral Monday after a Dr. appointment-all squeezed in during my Monday break from work. Our temps should be milder in the coming day.
    Paula, my older dog just turned 10 on 1/8. His coat looks and feels better since starting the egg supplement. Hopefully the rest of him is doing well, too.
    Tomorrow night the younger dog goes to therapy. There is a clear rectangular open topped "container" (for lack of a better word) with a door at one end and a small treadmill in the bottom. I assume that the dog gets in the "container", the door is shut, the treadmill starts, and the water begins to rise. They start slowly to give the dog time to adjust to the new activity.
    Hello again! Now it is Wednesday evening. Today's weather adventure was fog, and it is supposed to be there in the morning, too. Shari, I hope that you and your DH are feeling better!
    We didn't get to watch canine PT tonight but were told that she did well with everything. She is very tired, had a late supper and is down for the night. I could say the same for myself except that I am not down for the night yet.
    I'm still experiencing the small weight fluctuations with no real progress. I'm also still doing NOOM and trying to not get discouraged. I think that the weather really impacts how I feel about my eating, logging food, exercise (lack of it!), even food choices. I'm hoping for a restful weekend to regroup! Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    DW, thank you for your updates. We miss you when you aren't here but certainly understand the time constraints you face with so much going on. I have never been fond of winter driving, and now I don't like any driving at all. I haven't driven anywhere in 6 weeks. Craig runs the motor on our van on occasion just to keep the battery going. We have hair cut appointments next week so I will plan to drive then. Happy to read that your guy is responding favorably to the egg supplement and that your girl is doing well with her PT.

    Shari, Hope you are able to get in some extra rest and maybe some chicken noodle soup to treat your cold. Yes, entering one meal for tracking is a good start.

    I didn't track everything again but did well. I wasn't hungry much at all today. It was kind of an easy day for me as I had only a very short to do list. I was kind of tired again so I rested in the early evening. Tomorrow I have a grocery delivery coming. I find grocery prices to be just outrageous these days. I strive to buy only healthy items with a few treats for John and yet the total price to me is way too high. It's not that we can't afford. It's more like the prices are just ridiculous! I so miss my organic delivery service that went out of business last year. Getting a gorgeous box of reasonably priced fruits and veggies from them was truly wonderful. My organic milk delivery service now carries a small selection of veggies and fruits (as well as meats and other healthy items), but all the prices are far beyond what my old service charged.