Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    No snow here Shari, but not too unusual for us. It seems like over the recent years we get the bulk of our snow in January and February. That is fine with me. I am not a fan of snow, as you might remember. I admire that you are a baker Shari. Homemade baked goods are the best and make the house smell so good too!

    I did ok again today but still feel like I am maintaining at best, not losing these days. I had a reasonable to do list today and am pleased that I accomplished almost all of it..and I even worked in a nap too. A nap really helps me on some days. My pain level was relatively low today, which is a tremendous help too. Hoping to stay at this lower level of pain!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    One more day of work and I get to work from home which is wonderful. I can get so much more done, and I have so much to do. It will help me have a better break if I can cross off most of the things on my task list. That way I won't have to start the year being behind.

    I am hoping for a good day for eating, yesterday was a bad one.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello! I’m sorry to have disappeared for so long… things seem so out of control in my life right now( I know that control is just an illusion!) . Please pray for my daughter. The 26th is a year since her husband died and she is reliving it all this week. My DH finally got over Covid earlier this week. He was feeling fine but continued to test positive until then. I finished my probationary period at work, so that is good!
    My eating was going ok until the past 2 days. I hope to get back on track tomorrow.
    I work tomorrow and then am off through Christmas. I meet my sister on Saturday for our annual lunch and gift handoff. DH and our daughter are going to make chocolate dipped pretzels while I am gone- apparently it is a tradition for them.
    Paula, I can think of 2 pastors who have served my church and didn’t try to make a connection with me. I always wondered why and my attendance dropped off because of it.
    I will try to communicate more often! Happy Friday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    DW, So happy to see your post! We missed you. Congrats on finishing your probationary period! They are lucky to have you. Good workers are hard to find these days. Hard to believe that it is almost a year since your SIL passed. I will pray for your daughter, by name if you let me know. Anniversaries like that are always difficult, but the 1st anniversary has got to be the toughest. Hugs to both of you.

    Shari, Celebrate whatever you can cross off your list! That is what I do, and it can be very reinforcing. It works for personal as well as work tasks. I was a list maker when I worked too.

    I had a very good day today all around. I did well with all of my food choices and felt quite satisfied. I didn't have a big to do list, but I got things done at my own pace. My pain level was low again, and my energy level was strong. Oh, to have more days like this!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    DW-So happy that the probation time is now behind you. That is a great accomplishment. I will be in prayer for your daughter. A very difficult and emotional time for sure.

    That is good advice Paula. To cross off things off the list and have a bit of a celebration for each one. They all add up.

    I have had two good days in a row and I know I can do it again today. I get to be at home and not working! So thankful for that.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    edited December 2023
    Shari, Congrats on 2 consecutive good days. Friday was my 2nd good day in a row which pleases me so much and inspires me for 3 in a row. It was also good for me once again in terms of pain and energy levels. I didn't even take a nap today! And I accomplished quite a bit, some of it with John's help. I am expecting a visit tomorrow from a friend who is bringing us homemade cookies, even though I told her not to do so. Having the cookies on hand could be quite challenging for me as she is an excellent baker. Moderation, moderation, moderation I keep saying to myself.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I had a good day yesterday. I prepped a few dishes for the meal I am serving tomorrow. I will prepare a few more today. It really helps instead of trying to do it all in one day. I am looking forward to a Turkey dinner. We have lots of baking on-hand and I am eating some, but I still like I am doing will with my portion control. I am not actively losing any weight these days, but I think it is coming. The Chinese dinner my husband decided on for his birthday didn't help, but it didn't hurt me on the scale either. I will count that as a win!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    We too are looking forward to a turkey dinner for Christmas. I am making just a turkey breast again since it will be just John and me. Our home is now loaded up with baked goods from friends, including from Craig's mom. At 85 this woman is incredible. I ordered quite a bit of goodies from my old church. They will be delivered tomorrow. Good that it is cold outside because I can store some of the goodies in the gas grill on our breezeway. Close enough but not too close. I "sampled" too many goodies today but none tomorrow since on Christmas eve we do not eat any meat or dairy products.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I have my to do list ready for the day. I am really looking forward to the day. I am spending it with some of the most important people in my life. Not all of them, but enough to warm my heart.

    I am having a cup of coffee right now. I haven't been drinking coffee lately, I switched over to hot chocolate so I can get the calcium from the milk. And I don't use a sweetened mix, I just use a teaspoon of cocoa powder. The coffee tastes very good!

    I have a half hour break and then I start moving in the kitchen. I schedule a small break again after lunch. I hope to report that the Turkey with all of the trimmings turned out (especially the perogies and cabbage rolls).
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Shari, I had an unsweetened cocoa powder one time but felt like I needed to sweeten it. I am, and always have been, a big coffee drinker but don't drink it too late in the day. I started drinking coffee with my mother when I was in 7th grade and never stopped.

    I prepared our traditional Christmas eve "Holy Supper" for John and me. For some reason I really wasn't all that hungry, but we did enjoy it. I tend to have too much food on hand at times. I need to work on that I think.

    Merry Christmas to all! Enjoy the blessings of family, friends, and most importantly the feast of the Lord's birth!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Merry Christmas! We do remember the Lord's birth and the love that this celebration can bring to us all.

    Thinking of you DW and lifting your daughter up in prayer as she experiences grief, as do you all. I hope the memories are warm in your hearts.

    I had such a good Christmas. Best one that I have had in a very long time! Very thankful.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Shari, So glad you had such a good Christmas. May the joy and love continue for you and all in the new year!

    We had a lovely quiet day. Both John and I felt slightly under the weather but nothing major. I prepared our traditional turkey (breast) dinner with sides of potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, broccoli, and cranberry. We exchanged Christmas greetings with some family and friends and made plans for some of our friends and family to visit us in the coming days (hoping I will be up to it).
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Our Christmas day was pretty quiet, but after having just a wonderful Christmas Eve, that was in order. I did drive into the city to bring some supplies for my oldest who caught a terrible flu. I wore a mask and then hand sanitized when I left. The rest of the day was spent watching football.

    Not sure what we will do today, but I am good with another quiet day. I might venture out into the crowds tomorrow. I would like to buy a pair of jeans, that fit a little looser and aren't as faded as the ones I currently own.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello! My daughter's name is Miranda. I greatly appreciate your prayers!! It has been so hard this Christmas. DH went to the Christmas Eve service with me, which he usually does. At this point it is the only time he attends church. When the kids were little, he would also go at Easter and for any programs they were involved in. I'm OK with it after almost 50 years, and appreciate that he was with me on Christmas Eve. Our daughter was invited to a family friend's home for food and games and did that. She hasn't been to church since her DH passed-there are just some places and people that she can't handle yet on this journey. She was here for Christmas breakfast and supper, so that was good. Tonight she wanted to eat Mexican food so we went to a restaurant for supper.
    I'm happy to hear that you both had nice Christmases! We had a nice Christmas inspite of everything. I am also a list maker and find crossing things off to be very reinforcing! (a list also helps me remember what I need to do-LOL!!). I received 5 articles of clothing total for Christmas from 2 different people and none of them fit for differing reasons-very frustrating! I hope that you both have a wonderful Wednesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    DW, I will now pray for your daughter by her beautiful name. It is good that she has you and others in a support system to help her through this. My heart aches for her. We can never completely understand the pain of another, but we can pray for them. I will pray also that she will find her way back to church. In God's time she will be ready. I hear you on the clothing gifts. I so much prefer to purchase my own clothing.

    Shari, so sorry your DS has such a bad case of the flu. It seems like there is a lot of nasty stuff going around these days. A visit from you along with some needed supplies had to be the best Christmas present for your son.

    Another quiet day here and much needed as John and I are still kind of under the weather. I have a sore throat that comes and goes, and he has an intermittent earache. We are taking Zicam, and he is taking Motrin. Also we are grateful for the homemade chicken noodle soup a friend gave us as a Christmas present. It is her family's custom to have chicken noodle soup as part of their Christmas dinner. She was kind enough to share some with us, not even knowing we are under the weather. What a welcome surprise!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    We ended up taking our son to the emergency room last night. He just wasn't getting any better. They gave him 3 of those bags of fluids and some anti-nauseant medication. That really helped. I hope he was able to sleep through the night and will be feeling much better today. Not sure what he had, they did take some urine and blood samples and I don't know if he will get any results or not. Strangely they did not test him for Covid.

    I slept in since it was a late night. Not sure what we will do today. I haven't been in any stores to see if I can get some new pants or not. I would like to. Maybe today...

    I did make Turkey stock and froze it in three portions. It will be good to have soup over the winter.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Shari, I hope your DH continues to improve. Does he live close to you? Please keep us posted on how he does. Always good to have stock on hand. I love soup but don't ever feel like I make it well or make it enough.

    Our neighbor Jane and her DH came to visit tonight. It was so good to spend some time with them rather than just our usual quick chats when we are outside. I served a bunch of finger foods and cheese and crackers. There is a lot left over as is usual because I tend to make too much. I did a good bit of cleaning (for me) in anticipation of their visit. John helped as usual, and I feel good that the house is in good shape again. My friends return from their cruise tomorrow and will be here to pick up their car. I am looking forward to seeing about them and hearing about their trip. They texted once while away and seemed to be really enjoying the cruise.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    DS lives downtown in Edmonton and it's about a 35 minute drive, a bit far but manageable. He slept most of yesterday and I am thankful for that. I hope he can start eating today.

    Nice to have visitors. I had a friend over last night too. Like you Paula, I put out cheese and some other finger foods. A very nice visit, but I am ready for some no people time. Not sure what we will do today, but it looks like a beautiful sunny day. I will want to get outside to enjoy some fresh air.

    The diet plan is out the window, but I will back to it very soon.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Shari, I think my diet went out the same window as yours....and I hope I get it back soon, too many goodies and not enough self-discipline for me. For the first time in quite a while I feel as if I gained some weight....not good!! Our friends are back from their Caribbean cruise and had a wonderful time. They visited with us for a while, even though their flight back to PA was delayed by almost 5 hours. John and I enjoyed hearing a little about their trip. Once again, blessed with such good friends.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Today I am hoping to have the discipline to get back to my diet plan. I know what works, and it wasn't that difficult so I am not sure I strayed for so long. I am confident I can do it again but keep it going.

    DH and I went to an IMAX film last night. It was about the Serengeti. Very good.

    Today I am going to the travel clinic to see what vaccines that I need are. I will be off to Guatemala this summer. Not sure I mentioned that yet. I am going with our church to help out as a leader for the grade 12 youth.