Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    edited January 8
    The snow accumulations even in our immediate area varied greatly. Our total was less than 6 inches, probably 4 1/2 or 5 as rain and sleet mixed in to make it especially unpleasant. Others reported 7 to 9 inches, not too far from here. My snow guy did come to do the removal after I texted him in the afternoon. I got a few more names to contact for possible service, but I think my guy will do it for the rest of the winter if need be. I was on track today to start out but deteriorated in my healthy choices as the day went on a bit, nothing major but still not at the level I know I need in order to do well and lose...very frustrating at times.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Our temperatures dipped overnight and we now have more seasonal coldness! Glad to be able to stay and work from home today. Glad your snow got cleared Paula! I had an okay day, but my old neighbour came out for a visit and we had snacks and wine. She is a big wine drinker and although I wasn't really wanting to have a glass, I did. That should be my last glass until I can lose this same weight that I had lost before my trip to Mexico. That is my plan!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Wine and snacks with a friend sounds very inviting to me. Sometimes I wish I had a little more of that in my life. You will get back to your pre-Mexico weight....I have confidence in you Shari. I struggled again today with food choices. I really need a good grocery delivery. I didn't want to place an order for delivery tomorrow because of the heavy rains and high winds predicted here, and I don't like to have delivery folks have to deal with that. I am hoping to get a delivery on Wednesday or Thursday. The good news is that I had a very productive day in terms of my to do list. Even John commented on how well I did and how much was accomplished. I made my list for tomorrow, and it is challenging but can be done. I had no nap today and am feeling tired, but it is time to be tired so I will rest soon.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I had a pretty good work day. I stayed in all day and I am not looking forward to braving the cold temperatures today. But off to the office I will go. I was pretty tired yesterday as were you Paula. I went to bed at 9pm and slept well. I am pretty sure it's due to the vaccines and my body building up the antibodies. I have two more Typhoid pills and two more Rabies shots. I knew January would be hard on my body. No weight loss to report, but I really hope to see some progress soon!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello! I just caught up on reading your messages and I am glad you are both doing well even though tired! It was a sleepy kind of day yesterday and even more so today. Yesterday was very overcast all day and this morning we had some snow and sleet turning to rain for the rest of the day. Our next big weather event will be Friday and Saturday and then next week will be extremely cold.
    I've been working and doing well with eating until the usual evening hours so my weight has been up and down. Tomorrow night I am going to a women's basketball game with my daughter. Her boss gave her 2 tickets. That should be interesting. My oldest grandson turns 10 tomorrow. I received a mailing miracle today-I mailed his package from here on Saturday. I did send it Priority because I was so late getting it in the mail. They received it today! I am thrilled that he will have his gifts on his special day! I wish I could hibernate until spring!! Have a great Wednesday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    DW, So glad your grandson received his birthday package in time! I am sure that will mean a lot to him, living so far away from you especially. Have fun at the basketball game! John and I have been following Penn State basketball lately. We like their new coach!

    Shari, I am amazed at the requirements you must meet for your trip to Guatemala. The rabies shots really stunned me. Very important to take special care of your body during this time. The weight loss will follow in time. Please take care.

    We had torrential rains today and high winds. Many power outages and much flooding in our area. We didn't lose power this time (yay) and our street is not flooded, but MANY streets in our immediate area are flooded. John and I had dental appointments scheduled for tomorrow, but we cancelled them on Monday in light of the predicted heavy rains. I suspected there would be flooding and didn't want to risk having to get to the dentist under such potentially dangerous conditions. Unfortunately we won't get to see the dentist till May because of rescheduling, but I didn't want to take any chances.

    I finally had a really good eating day! I needed this boost. It feels good to know I can do it after struggling for so many days recently.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    DH had his first day/night of snow removal at a few businesses in the city so he should be happy. That is something that I would just not want to do at all. But he seems to enjoy it.

    DH and I quite enjoy watching basketball DW. And like you, I would hibernate until Spring if I could. I am not a fan of winter. We have a few really cold days here and that is not fun at all.

    Still hoping to see some weight loss. I need to go back and look at some of my records and see how long I had to hold on until some of my healthy habits started to make an impact on my weight loss. I seem to recall having to wait and then I was seeing results. I am so ready to start seeing some results.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Shari, I admire your DH doing snow removal work. That is hard work in tough weather. And I am sure those businesses he serves appreciate his work.

    I think my compliant patterns have returned. Today is my 2nd good day in a row. Compliance lifts me up and energizes me. My plans for the day changed somewhat when I had an unexpected visit from a friend. She usually tells me when she is planning to drop by but didn't give me much notice today at all. I enjoyed her visit and realize that she probably needed it. Her husband isn't feeling well, and I think she is getting overwhelmed. She didn't stay real long, but long enough to throw off my plans a bit. So it just means tomorrow's to do list will be a little longer. Hoping tomorrow is day 3 of compliance for me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Hey Paula- it's so good to string together 3 days. That usually helps keep me going once I can manage that. Somehow, just one or two doesn't hold as much of a sense of accomplishment and I can easily fail. I guess mentally it isn't a big enough loss to mess up such a small streak. I am hoping today will be my day 1.

    We have four days of extremely cold temperatures. It will be -22F or colder. I don't plan on driving into the office the next two days. I should tomorrow, but now that it is easy to work from home, I won't risk the drive in. I do have to venture out for my second rabies shot. Then I have my last Typhoid pill tonight. I still have three more vaccines to get before I am all done. I need to book my MMR and Tetanus still. I am really hoping to get that all done this month and then let my body recover.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Wise decision to avoid driving in such weather if you can avoid it Shari. I hope you get a bit of a warm up soon. Hope to that you snag a good day 1 soon.

    I did fine again today, though I had some temptations. I had enough points to enjoy 2 cookies, and that was enough for me to stay on track. I was quite tired today and tried my best to work in some extra rest but had numerous interruptions which sort of frustrated me (2 phone calls especially took up my time). I need to get better at cutting off some calls when I need to. Tomorrow I am expecting a home care worker to come to change our sheets and do some other chores that shouldn't take any more than 2 hours. Perhaps I can rest when she leaves in the late afternoon if I need to.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I get to work from home today and I am so very thankful. It is super cold again and will be for the weekend. Then it should get more tolerable. I am feeling pretty fatigued after yesterday's vaccines. Only three more to go, but only two visits. It will be so good to get them over. No weight movement yet. But I did have a good day yesterday, so I will celebrate one good day and work on adding another one to it today. I might join you in taking a nap this afternoon Paula.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    edited January 13
    Shari, I am guessing that your youth group members must also receive the same vaccinations as you. Have you heard how they are responding to all of this? I remain amazed at all that is involved for this trip. I doubt that I would be able to go through all of that.

    I had a very good amount of energy today and accomplished quite a bit. My home care worker came and did a fabulous job. I have requested her ever since she came for the appointment with my cardiologist. She is pleasant and works well. She got a lot done in 2 hours. I had done quite a bit in preparation for her visit. Surprisingly I didn't even take a nap after she left, though I am getting a bit tired now. It is about time for me to rest anyway. I did not do well with food choices today, so end of my compliant streak. Will aim to do well tomorrow, but on Sunday two friends are coming for lunch. They invited themselves, and I couldn't easily say no. One wants Chinese and the other wants Italian. The one who wants Italian can be quite difficult at times (she is the pres of our inter church group) and likes to play the martyr. I would prefer Chinese, but I would prefer even more that both of these ladies act like adults and just agree on what to get. I am not wild about paying 2 delivery fees!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    I am the first one to go through the vaccines. At our next meeting, I will be encouraging them to make appointments to get started. I will be able to give them an idea of what to expect. I know I was pretty surprised, so I hope my information will be helpful for them.

    I did well with my food choices yesterday and will hang on to a 2 day streak. I hope your little streak is only 2 days Paula. And I really hope that these ladies can agree on a place to order food from. Doesn't seem to matter how old we get, we can still be really immature at times.

    We are still in the deep freeze and I don't plan on going out today. Maybe to church. But we will see. We need to start getting out there in person, but with this weather, it doesn't seem very wise.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Yay for you Shari...keep that streak going! I did much better today but still not at what I consider my "losing level" of performance. I was kind of tired today so didn't push myself too much but later in the day, as is often my pattern, I was able to accomplish quite a bit and things seemed to go quite easily for me. Some of my "to do" chores that I have been avoiding are now completed and well done. So happy about that. We have had extremely high winds today and some areas lost power again. So far our power remains on, and the winds seem to have died down. I will be surprised if we lose our power at this hour. I hope you are able to stay safe and warm Shari!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    Another really cold day behind us. One more today and they we should see up reprieve. It's so so so cold out. I am not sure how the homeless manage on days like this. We have been asked to conserve power as three provinces are experiencing this cold dip and we are running low on power. If we don't we risk having rotating power outages. Since we are not in the City, we not be impacted. I don't think with the low dentity of population out here, we would be of much help. We are doing our best to keep the lights off and not running the big appliances.

    No weight loss yet. I ate well yesterday so I can say that I have three days of good eating. I am not sure how many it will take for me to see results. I will have to make note so I know what to expect in the future.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    edited January 15
    Hello! Just a quick check in since it is late. I’m glad that you have both been doing well!! I was doing well but today has been a terrible day of eating. It is so cold and windy here but I did make it to “in person “ church this morning. Tomorrow I have a Dermatology appointment in the morning and my dog has her rehab eval at 5pm. I am looking forward to the dog’s appointment! Have a great week and stay warm!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Hope all goes well with your dermatology visit and your dog's rehab eval DW. Please let us know how things go.

    Shari, great going with the good food choices. Your patience will pay off at the scale.

    We are having very cold weather coupled with very high winds. Some of our upstate families lost electricity from the winds and some schools are closed because of power outages in their area. Thankful our power has stayed on. The visit from my 2 friends including the "prez" as I will now refer to her ended up well but started out very rocky, all because the prez said she would eat Asian but then couldn't agree to any of the Asian restaurants I found online to deliver via Uber Eats. Eventually she got her own way and we got Italian from a very close by restaurant. SOOOO frustrating. At one point I raised my voice and said just pick something already this is ridiculous. The other friend agreed that Italian would be ok. The rest of the afternoon was fine because the prez got her own way. I will do my best to avoid future situations with the prez.

    Late this evening we got a call that a dear friend and neighbor of ours passed away unexpectedly at his home. He was only in his 50s but had been struggling with alcoholism for the past few years. He had been in and out of rehab and had a very supportive wife. When they got married and John was a little boy, John gave out the bubbles at their wedding. We have been friends a long time. We are shocked and saddened.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    It seems like we all have pretty cold weather! Not fun.

    I feel like rehab for dogs could be difficult. I hope your puppy does okay and the exercises are not too uncomfortable.

    Sorry to hear about your friend's passing. So young still. Life can be so terribly difficult at times.

    I will be working from home today but I do need to venture out for some vaccines. This time it will be tetanus and the MMR. Then I have an appointment to try out some contact lenses. The last pair I tried had one contact that couldn't see at all with. I am hoping this set works or I will just have to be content with glasses as I have been.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 961 Member
    Shari, Hope your contacts work out for you. I wear reading glasses and cannot read or do much without them, but my distance vision is still very good. We still have the cold temps and now snow too. The snow is expected to continue through Tuesday afternoon. Most schools have already closed for Tuesday. I was able to hire a new snow removal company today. I spoke with the owner and he sounds like he will do a great job. I was very impressed with him. I texted my former guy to let him know he doesn't have to be concerned about serving us anymore. I am relieved!!!

    I had a very good eating day today. Eggs for breakfast and chicken for supper usually works well for me. I sometimes don't eat lunch since I eat breakfast so late. Or if I do have lunch it is just fruit or veggies and hummus or something pretty simple. I just need to keep days like this going. I accomplished some to do items today but hope to be more productive tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 826 Member
    The contacts worked out pretty good. I can't really read with them, but the distance is great and I think they will be wonderful for those days when I am on vacation and want to swim and snorkel. I still like to ski, so to be able to wear goggles without struggling to fit them over glasses will be great. I will give them a try this week and I could go back to get them changed to have a bit more reading and a bit less distance. I can decided on that in a couple of weeks. My glasses work much better, but the option will be wonderful.

    No weight loss yet and it is getting a bit disappointing. I had a good eating day again, so I believe I am on day 4. I guess I have to give my body more time. Maybe I am still under too much stress. DH and I have a counselling appointment in a week. I don't have a good relationship with his parents and it's been hard on our marriage. Once we can get on the same page, we will have his parents join us so that we can find a healthier way to relate to each other.

    I hope that by Friday, I can celebrate some type of loss. Just one pound would be wonderful.