Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?

shariletts Posts: 824 Member
I have had a good week and down a pound and hope to keep going or at least not go back up!


  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 957 Member
    Starting the day on track. Love your photo Shari!!!!!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    edited June 2021
    It took me a bit to find this group….but then, there you were! I hope everyone joins from our Sparks group and maybe even some new 17dd’ers? I was just hungry for a snack and was eyeing DHs ice cream when I spotted my mashed sweet potatoes….I mashed them plain in 1/3 to 1/2 cup scoops, flattened and froze them yesterday. A healthy snack or veggie with meal. C2 but I will take that as a win over ice cream. Now I am not craving the sweet anymore either which is a win.

    I am going to close my Spark account completely…delete it or whatever. Will start checking in here instead! Have a great rest of your day everyone!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 957 Member
    Nice photo Diane!!! I have to get a photo uploaded but might just use our dog again for a while. I'll see if I can find a decent photo of myself. I am totally on track and again in control....Greek egg white omelette for breakfast, fruit for a quick lunch, and salmon for supper. Not hungry at all and no cravings. Woo Hoo! It was another busy day so I am a bit worn out but not totally exhausted. My iPad mini died today. It has been on its way out for quite a while, but today was the absolute end. I use my laptop a lot but also enjoy having the iPad mini. So I just ordered a new one which should be delivered here tomorrow from Apple. Pretty amazing. I am feeling the pinch in my pocketbook, but I know I will be glad to have a new one.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hi Everybody! Here we are, just like old times-LOL!! I'm so happy we have been able to reconnect here!! My eating today wasn't even close to what it should have been-I found myself driving far from home, thirsty, needed a bathroom, and starving .....one roadside rest area took care of everything but not on 17DD C's1,2,3, or 4...the vending machines are very limited. Each moment is the opportunity for a fresh start - I am back to C1 and will do better the rest of tonight and tomorrow! Have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    So good to see us all reunited and so quickly!

    I have been tracking my food intake, but I have strayed from tracking my water intake. I need to get back to doing that. I was down two pounds this week, but I managed to gain one of them back. I will give a push this weekend to see if I can reclaim it. It felt so good to have made that accomplishment even for just a few days.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone…you all seem so strong!! I wish I could say I have been C1 but am more C2 most of the time. My snacking still out of bounds. Hoping I will get stronger soon! It’s getting close to my brain scan on July 5th and that always adds stress until results are in. Praying for good results.🙏🏻
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    PS…I just logged into Spark and closed my account! I am so glad we all found this new support site! Take care all!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 957 Member
    I was somewhat off today, disappointing since I had a few good days in a row this week. I will aim for better tomorrow. I still have my spark account because of another group there that is still hanging on. I think the folks there will eventually come here to this site as well. Miraculously my iPad mini came back to life, and I was fortunate enough to be able to cancel the order for the new one. I know eventually I will have to replace this old one but for now I am happy that my old one continues to function.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…I am glad your iPad started working. Just a thought…if you have a lot of pictures and saved info on the old iPad you may want to get the new one and transfer the data before the old one actually does quit working. I had to do that a couple years ago and the transfer went really well. I hope your current one continues to work for you!🤞
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    I had a pretty good yesterday apart from my food choices. I stayed under my calorie goal, but the choices were not good so I will see what happens at the scale. Because the food choices were bad, my portion sizes were very small. I was hungry when I went to bed, but I refrained from eating more since I knew I had taken in enough energy.

    I am booked for my second dose of vaccine for Friday. Because I had AstraZeneca I have the choice of getting whatever second dose I want. I am choosing Pfizer. I am guessing that I will be asked to get a third shot at some point, which is a bit annoying but I want to be protected the best that I can be.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Shari…that is good news about your second shot! My friend in Peace River just recently got her second Pfizer shot. Was 78 days between shots for her. History will tell us how long immunity lasts and what time frame between shots was better…some experts are now saying a longer wait is advantageous?? Wishing you all the best!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 957 Member
    Diane, Thanks for the tip about transferring photos. I think I will select the important ones and email them to myself. I am holding out on buying a new mini iPad as long as possible because I know a new one is coming out and then I hope the cost for the older models (which will be fine for me) will come down a bit.

    Shari, Woo Hoo for shot #2! This is a bit sooner than you originally anticipated if I recall correctly.

    I am on track today without any issues. I find that having either the egg white omelette or just scrambled eggs for breakfast helps me start the day on track and usually stay on track. I have been alternating between the egg white omelettes (with spinach and low fat feta) and scrambled eggs daily. Sometimes I add half of a sourdough or else light English muffin now considering I am in C2. We are having chicken tonight. Mostly I am alternating between chicken, turkey breast cutlets, and either salmon or cod. My evening treat if I feel to avoid caving completely is half or a whole130 calorie Built bar. Fruit has been delicious and beautiful lately. Staying at only 2 fruits is a challenge sometimes but I have managed to do so on most days.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hi Everybody! I'm back after a couple of days not checking in. This was my 2nd dog activity weekend in a row and this one was more physically demanding than the previous one. According to my Fitbit, I walked 8 miles today doing various jobs at the Scentwork Trial. Last weekend my dog was not entered but this weekend he was and he did pretty well. He likes Scentwork because he gets treats when he finds the scent and it's a game for him. We aren't very good-we're just getting started in this activity, but it was a fun weekend! My food choices weren't the best again but I'm hoping that the huge amount of activity will help on the scale. It is nice to see your photos! I will try to find one that I can post tomorrow.
    Shari, that is so exciting that your 2nd shot is scheduled! Diane, was it hard to close your SP account? I should do that, too! Paula, you are doing great with the plan!! I MUST get back on track. Since my eating on C1 has not been C1 lately, I am starting over on C1 tomorrow. Looking ahead, I don't see any social situations in the near future so I should be able to get well established with C1 before facing any challenges. I am missing the "spell check" from SP -LOL!! Have a good evening and great Monday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 824 Member
    I was off track yesterday. We had a BBQ with DH's side of the family. I was doing okay but indulged in a cider with dinner and then a glass of wine before bed. Those two items were poor choices and put me over my calorie count. I will drink lots of water today, get back on track. Not good to be drinking those empty calories. I also grabbed a dinner roll that I didn't need. That's my confession lol.

    It won't be as hard to to start work this morning as it's raining. It is supposed to get quite warm out though, that will make my coffee breaks very welcome!

    Have a great day all!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    HI Everybody! Just a quick "Good Morning" and a question-has anyone heard from MJ? Have a great day -I will check back in later when I have something to report.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 305 Member
    Hello again! I've made it through C1, Day 1 (again). I noticed that the weight loss tracker is now reset to 0 pounds lost with this new website. I kind of like that because it supports me starting over with a clean slate. My starting weight is back where it was after vacation, so basically I've been going up and down the same pounds since the end of April. I'm hoping to be able to re-create my optimism and determination that I had on 1/2/21 when we all started this journey, and stick with C1for the next 16 days so I can get back to losing weight, getting healthier, and re-establishing some of the healthier routines that helped me stick with it at that time. Being accountable to all of you has made a positive impact on this journey and I am grateful for your support!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 957 Member
    DW - I was thinking of you as I watched parts of the Westminster Dog Show on TV this weekend. I just love watching it every year. I recorded some of it because I didn't get to watch all of it live. Hope I have time to go back and watch what I missed. Of course I always cheer for the chihuahuas! Congrats on succeeding with C1D1.

    Shari - Your family BBQ sounds like a good time. I often want a roll with such meals....wine too!

    I haven't heard from MJ. I sent her a sparkmail tonight telling her we have started posting on this website with the 17DD support group. I also gave her my user name for this site. Hope we hear from her here.

    I had another good eating day today. Oddly enough I wasn't feeling well today but still managed to stay on track. Usually when I am not feeling well I eat whatever is easy (often not healthy choices). Today I had enough energy to prep some chicken and had it ready for whenever I felt ready to eat. And that worked. I slept quite a bit today. I am feeling better now and was fortunate enough to get a prescription called in from my family doctor's office. I think it is kicking in already as I do feel a bit better. I was fortunate that the office called the script in because usually they insist on an office visit first, but the doc is out of the office till Thursday. I was so grateful to not have to go in to the office for a visit for a med I knew I needed anyway.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW…it was not hard to close account. I did google search on how to do this and believe I clicked on account under start and clicked and it was gone. Prior to closing I deleted my photos. p9lfqfm9d1ub.jpeg
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    I just love seeing everyone’s smiling faces when I check in here! Such lovely, friendly ladies!😍
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula, I was thinking about your iPad and if you have saved photos in your iCloud they should transfer somehow after you make your move to a new iPad. Perhaps a google search would tell you how. Also, there is a way to restart or rescue an iPad that goes completely black screen….I did it once but do not recall how. If in future you believe yours “died” you might use that trick to open it? Our household is totally Apple devices. Years ago was PC but now I can’t envision being without my iPad and Mac Mini computer. Someday I will probably not have a desktop anymore as iPads get more sophisticated all the time.

    I have a question about this daily check in? Is there a way to open it so that latest posts show at top instead of bottom? I have to scroll quite a distance now to get to recent posts and can see as we add posts this will be even longer, lol!