Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Diane- I am glad you are pursuing more testing. It will be very helpful to know the full picture of what you are dealing with. During the in between times, I hope that you can find time not to dwell on the what ifs. Praying for you!

    I heard just yesterday about a variant and the cases rising once again. I am going to cautious about being in close proximity with people. I seem to know a few people that haven't and most likely won't get vaccinated. I don't mink wearing a mask.

    DW- so sorry to hear about your pond! That is so disheartening.

    My eating isn't where it should be, but it's not too bad. I haven't fully logged the last few days. I know that I need to in order to stay strong. I will try and make that happen today!

    So thankful another weekend is here.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW…how sad. I feel your pain at loss of your Koi from the pump malfunction. 🥲 Thankfully some of your fish were able to survive.
    Paula…so nice you could visit with your friend! Good advice, and I agree with all of you about masks and remaining cautious. I am still not wearing mask at stores with wide open spaces but keep it handy in case I feel hemmed in within a smaller air space. Numbers for total U.S. are up from 10-13,000 daily to 36,000 new cases yesterday. That’s concerning.
    Shari…I like the suggestion about Moe…might be easy to ask for a heads up from your in-laws arriving so you can have time to safely secure Moe. It’s so hard to set boundaries with loved ones especially of the in laws. Sometimes the serenity prayer helps me find peace at those times when life is just out of my control.
    Diet….my breakfast continues on track. Lunches mot days are good (yesterday I had avocado on toast, definitely not on track). Healthy just not C1. I had desserts while our in-laws were here but cupboard is now cleaned out again so a fresh start. Harder to stay motivated right now with my stress level. One choice at a time!
    Wishing everyone a beautiful day!😍
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW - So sorry about your Koi. Good that you were able to act quickly enough to save some of the fish.

    Shari - I heard on the news today that your Prime Minister said he might open the border between Canada and the US sometime in August. I know that my friend Kay who lives in your area has been hoping for this.

    Diane - Ah, avocado toast is a huge favorite of mine. I remember an old Dr. Oz diet where this was on plan and I loved having it. I actually lost a little weight on that diet many years ago. I think avocado is very filling and very healthy.

    All 3 of us (DS, our dog, and I) got "groomed" today. DS and I got our haircut and Jambo went to his "doggy spa" for a bath and nails trimmed. When I arrived at my hairstylist I mentioned to her what my friend told me about wearing a mask. To my surprise, she got a mask and put it on! I took mine off for her to wash and cut my hair, but I felt much better that she (likely not vaccinated) wore a mask all the while I was there. She mentioned that she hates wearing masks, which I understand, but at least she wore one. My eating actually was pretty good today. I had a few almonds just a little while ago and tracked everything and I am well within my ranges. (I still track on SP....I know I have to adjust to tracking here, and I have tried it, but I am just "not there" yet).

    I am kind of excited for tomorrow because DS and I are doing another all day online (zoom this time) church event. It starts at 10 am and runs till after 5 pm. I don't know that he or I will participate in all of the sessions. It will depend on how interesting the topics/discussions/etc. are.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! Thank you for your kind, supportive thoughts! Today my husband cleaned out the filter on the pond and bought two extra strong clamps for connecting hoses when the new pump arrives. The remaining fish are doing well and carrying on like nothing happened. He mentioned that he would like to get more koi at some point. His birthday is in August and that will be a nice gift and will give him time to finish processing this situation. I don't know if we will ever know exactly what happened.
    Eating today was pretty good but not all on plan. I am supposed to take an appetizer to a baby shower this coming week so I tried a new recipe for a southwest rollup-one of those things that you put on a tortilla, roll it up and slice it and it looks nice.....mine tasted good but didn't hold up to the slicing-it was too squishy.....I used a low carb tortilla so maybe that was the problem?? The recipe included reduced fat cream cheese, low fat cheese, salsa, chopped green chiles, and shredded carrots-not too terrible with the small amount that is eaten, but I'm going to need to try again with regular tortillas(I hope that's the problem!). Tomorrow I am off to a Scentwork Trial with my older dog and I plan to help out as well-that should give me quite a few extra steps! Have a good evening and a wonderful weekend!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, I think you have a great idea for your DH's birthday! I know what you are talking about for the recipe for the baby shower. I love the way it looks but sometimes mine don't look as good as it could. Do you think the salsa made it too moist? Let me know how it turns out with regular tortillas.

    DS and I thoroughly enjoyed the live stream church seminars today. I can't believe how quickly the day went by. We did participate in all of the sessions. It was on Zoom as well as YouTube. It was so good that I plan to go back and watch some of the segments again on YouTube.

    I was able to remain fairly well on track today. I prepped food ahead of time so I wouldn't miss much of the live stream due to cooking. I expect tomorrow to be another good day.

    Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am most certain that I am starting my weight loss journey right back from the beginning. I am hoping not from my highest weight. I was at an all day birthday party yesterday and I did not count calories and know I ate way too many of them. It was a very fun day. We had lunch followed by a segway tour, we took a limo out to our farm where I provided a meal. We sat by the fire, we had a hot tub and a few even took a turn inside "Bubble Ballls." It was a party for a friend of mine turning 30. She had five of her friends join in and I invited her parents for the part of the night that included dinner. I ate way too much!!! I am too terrified to step on the scale so I will give myself one week before I see where I am at. If it was just one day of poor eating I wouldn't be so worried, but it comes after a streak of too many restaurant meals and desserts.

    Today I will focus on drinking water and tracking what I eat. It can be a good day! Thankful that it's Sunday and I can have a day of rest.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, The all day birthday party sounds like amazing fun! A day off from calorie counting can be a much needed break. Good idea to wait a bit before weighing in. You might be pleasantly surprised when you do. Maybe it will be like carb cycling where a higher calorie/carb day leads to good results (at least we can hope, right?)

    I had a pretty good day again today. I indulged in some sourdough pretzels because I felt queasy and thought it was a hunger for carbs. I tracked everything today and am ok based on SP range, which I think is similar, if not the same, as what MFP has indicated. I am not really counting cycle days lately. I guess technically I am doing C2, but even that is not as strict as when I had my greatest 17DD successes. I am feeling a bit stressed and have to be careful to not allow the stress to be an excuse for eating...easier said than done.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    So.....today I will start. Too many leftovers and no self control.

    Are you okay Paula? I have been quite familiar lately and with it's impact. Praying for you!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Thanks Shari. I am feeling much less stressed today. Your prayers and my taking care of many items on my "to do" list today has alleviated quite a bit of my stress. I was feeling quite overwhelmed yesterday with things in the house that need attention along with many appointments (van inspection, dog to vet for over due annual check up, etc.) that need to be scheduled. I have gotten so comfortable and feel so safe at home and continue to have concerns about Covid even though I am vaccinated, so I tend to get anxious when I realize I will be out and about in public places. I also stress about how much walking I will have to do (like on Wednesday this week when I go to my dermatology office). I am very happy at home, but of course I realize the importance of these appointments and the importance of getting out at times.

    My eating is very much on track today. I made egg white omelettes with spinach and reduced fat feta for a late breakfast for DS and myself, and I had just fruit for lunch. Tonight I am doing something with ground white turkey, probably adding no salt taco seasoning and will use lettuce for my "taco wrap." DS will have a regular tortilla. Sandi stopped by with cucumbers from her garden along with a jar of homemade pickles she made over the weekend. I am blessed with such good friends, including this team of lovely ladies!! <3
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! I had a good weekend at the Scentwork Trial. My dog "qualified" in the two trials on Saturday and had a great time with the two Trials on Sunday (didn't qualify but I was very happy with his searching). Tomorrow I will be searching for tortilla roll ups in a store and hopefully will find some. Paula, I do think that the salsa might be making the stuff too soft. Today I made another batch, tried the regular tortillas, and they were still a tasty mess! A friend suggested that I put them in the freezer. so I did for one hour. They cut more easily but still looked terrible(still tasted great!) . I hope I can find some because we had to let others know what we are bringing and I did....
    My eating his been half and half and tonight I gave in to emotional eating. I'm heading for bed and tomorrow is a new day! Have a great evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    There is definitely an adjustment to Covid. I am being much less careful than I thought I would be. I glad for your perspective Paula. It's a reminder that we should still have some guards up. I haven't checked our cases in a long time, I think I will do that next.

    DW- I have never had tortilla roll ups with salsa. I have made something similar with cream cheese, ham and then a pickled asparagus. Roll it up, cut it and yum. I will keep an eye out for the type you have mentioned. I imagine they are very good!

    My eating is also half and half. I did well for the first half of the day. My youngest brought take out from the restaurant that he works at. We had a lovely meal together, but not at all compliant. Maybe today I will behave when it comes to eating.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! In listening to the news, I am becoming increasingly concerned about Covid again. I ran errands with my daughter today and wore my mask into the first store but forgot to wear it in the 2nd store. I will try to do better with that! Shari, the recipe I was trying contained reduced fat cream cheese, a can of refried beans, 1/2-1 cup of salsa, reduced fat cheese, 1 T of taco seasoning, and 1 sm can of chopped green chilies. The taste was great but I couldn't get the consistency and appearance to be appropriate for public consumption. After more failed efforts, I gave up this afternoon and ordered meat and cheese roll ups from the Kroger deli, which I will pick up on the way to the shower. I just ran out of time. My daughter came over for a bit and helped eat some of the experiments-LOL!!
    I got an early (very early) birthday present today-we booked tickets to go visit our son and his family and will be there for my birthday in September. That is definitely motivation for me to stay focused on becoming healthier! As many times as I've flown in the last 10 years, I'm still not comfortable (ie scared) with flying. There has to be something very worthwhile at the other end for me to get on a plane. I hope you are all doing well! Have a good evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, Congrats on your dog qualifying in the 2 trials. I just love dog stories! I smiled when I read that you opted for meat and cheese roll ups from Kroger. I think I would end up doing the same. So nice that you will be celebrating your birthday with your son! I am not a good traveler and never have been, but like you I have done it when there is something worth traveling for.

    Shari, food from your son's restaurant must be good. I remember when you mentioned how good the food is there. How sweet of your son to bring you a treat!

    This was a strange day for me. I tracked everything and am within my Spark ranges, but I just don't feel great today. I was tired all day long for no apparent reason, other than an RA flare in the works. I see my dermatologist (actually the PA) tomorrow afternoon and will be very glad when that is over. My skin is doing ok (atopic dermatitis tied to the autoimmune issues) at the moment, but I have some bad skin flares over the last 15 months since my last dermatology appointment. The primary reason I am keeping this appointment is to be able to continue to get the meds the PA prescribes to treat the condition. I am stressing a bit about the walking involved in getting into and out of the office as well as possible exposure to Covid in the office. I will take and probably wear a mask, even though nothing was mentioned about wearing a mask when the automated appointment confirmation came in.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    We don't have Kroger in Canada but I have being hearing a lot about it on YouTube channel that I watch. The Kroger brand has often been better tasting than a national brand of the same food item. I would definitely seek Kroger out next time we are in the States.

    Yesterday my second son remembered my Birthday. My first son let him know he missed it. So Tyler came out to see me and brought me a huge fern. It is beautiful. I hope I can keep it alive! I do love plants so I am excited to have it.

    I will be waiting to hear how your appointment went Paula.

    Stay safe you guys!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! Paula, I hope your appointment went well!! Shari, good luck with your birthday fern! I don't have a green thumb but my husband and daughter do. Let me share my frustrating Kroger tale...I stopped in there to pick up my order on the way to the baby shower and they didn't have it. The Deli department said that they don't get the orders directly and didn't receive it (I have an emailed confirmation of the order). After waiting there for 10 minutes while they figured out that they didn't have it, I asked them if they had any already made in the displays in the area-they said "no" so I started to grab ANYTHING and then spotted a refrigerated case with many containers of the pinwheels. I managed to get out the door with something to take to the shower and had a wonderful time visiting with my former colleagues and celebrating the baby on the way! I tried to call Kroger tonight and speak to a manager to let them know that their system isn't working but they weren't in the store. I will call tomorrow and suggest that they fix their system!
    I had a good day eating until the shower where I politely took a small amount of everything. Tomorrow I promised that I will help clean out the garage-a necessary step in the process of eliminating the storage unit. Should be a good bit of exercise! Have a peaceful evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    We don't have Kroger here in PA, but I have shopped at Kroger many times when visiting our family in Texas. DW, glad you were able to solve your dilemma and that you had fun at the baby shower.

    Shari, how sweet of Tyler to bring you the fern. I remain pleased with how well my parsley and basil plants in my kitchen are doing.

    I did well with handling my appointment today. This morning I took an extra dose of my prescription NSAID, a generic form of Celebrex and also took 2 extra strength Tylenol a little while after that. Increasing pain meds like that really seemed to help me with my walking. It wasn't pain-free of course, but it was still better than it usually is. I think I will talk with my rheumatologist in August to ask about possible increases in my pain meds, perhaps only when I have extra walking etc. to do. I will also talk with my electro cardiologist about this too. I see him in August also. The appointment with the PA went well. She seemed genuinely happy to see me since I haven't seen her since January 2020. All patients were masked as were the staff I encountered. The office staff were taking temps of all patients upon check-in, but they didn't take mine. Guess they just forgot. I don't have to go back for 6 months, so that is good news too. When I got home from the appointment I felt a great sense of relief. Maybe next time I have a medical appointment I won't be quite so anxious....let's hope.

    My diet was not on track today. Nothing seemed to appeal to me so I ended up grazing just about all day. Not good!. Tomorrow should be an easier eating day. Cora is coming for a brief visit, and I have my manicure appointment after that. Friday has a possible challenge as a friend has invited me to have lunch with her and her sister (visiting here from upstate NY) to celebrate her sister's 83rd birthday. I haven't eaten in a restaurant since March 2020, but tentatively accepted the invitation.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    That is super frustrating DW! I really hope your call to the store manager will get you some compensation and that fix the issue you encountered.

    Glad your appt. went well Paula. Sounds like it was a very safe experience.

    I weighed in today. Not sure why I chose to! But my suspicions were correct. I am right back up in weight, but I am thankful that I am not at my highest. Now I need to get back to work to losing those four pound again. I was doing so well and then once my birthday hit, I let things slide. More than I thought I did.

    I am sleeping well, I have less stress these days so it's back to exercising daily, drinking my water and the biggest one will be to stop snacking at night. I can do well for breakfast and lunch and then I cave. Today is a meal out for dinner so I will need to be very wise in my choices the rest of the day.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! Paula, I'm glad your appointment went well! Shari, I'm happy that you are sleeping well and having less stress! I also need to get re-focused AGAIN. It seems as if anytime my day has a change in the regular schedule, I get off track and late night snacking is my downfall! On a brighter note, we made great progress on the garage! We took a minivan full to the landfill and a minivan full to the recycling center. I also found two old containers of work papers and shredded them this afternoon. There is more work to be done but the progress feels good! Everyone have a great evening!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    My weigh in was the same as yesterday after a restaurant meal. So that's good! It seemed very salty to me, but I kept up with my water intake.

    We have a wedding tomorrow. It's four hours away in the middle of nowhere. Outdoor wedding and I am not sure where the reception will be held. Maybe in a barn??? We booked a hotel for overnight, it takes an hour to get to the hotel from the venue. I am sure it will be fun, but I am not super excited to be going simply because of the distance. One of the girls that stayed with us from Jan-April is getting married. Her fiancee lives in Southern Alberta and she is from Central Alberta. She will be 5 hours from family now so I hope she can adjust to the big change.

    DW- so good to purge! I am looking forward to having time to do that type of work too. Might be in another year though. We still have so many renovations to get done. It's slow progress, but still progress.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula….so glad you had your dermatologist appointment and all went well. I was at Mayo in Rochester two days this week and they wore masks and all patients wore masks. I am sure it was as safe as possible.

    My MRI report showed the tumor has shrunk which is the best I could expect after the radiation 3 yrs ago. So it is taking up less space in my brain😍👍🙏🏻. More answered prayers, Mayo doctor and biopsies yesterday confirmed no cancer in my thyroid. Check again next year. Mammo today and that was all clear also. So after a very long week of constant medical appointments and waiting on results (stressful days) all is good and I am thankful for answered prayers.

    Shari…the wedding sounds like fun. I am thinking she will be happy being a newlywed and will not miss her other family…we moved from MN to Kentucky immediately after marriage due to DH in military service. It was the best thing for bonding and making a strong marriage…that time together! Wishing them all the best!

    DW…you inspire me to get organizing again! I have been letting some projects go. Awesome all you have accomplished!