Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    So glad you got such positive results on your health Diane. That's fabulous! It will be good to have that stressor gone.

    I got up a bit earlier than I do on a Saturday so I can have a relaxing morning before we get on the road. It's cooler here in Edmonton, but it looks like it's much hotter where we are going. I will not complain about that! I love the heat.

    Tomorrow my eldest son invited me to go to a food festival with him. I am looking forward to spending that time with him. Once that festival is over I am going to need to step up my diet game! I lost four pounds. It was hard work, but I went back to my old habits and gained it back. All I had to do was enjoy the few meals eating out and not throw out my entire day. So I will put the work in once again and hope this time the diet changes can become a lifestyle. That the diet isn't the exception, but eating for celebrating is.

    Hope all is well Paula!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    I woke up feeling like weights taken off my shoulders! Today I am going to eat healthy. My weight first thing in a.m. is still 5 lbs down but weight at doctor yesterday about 3:00pm was 5 lbs more than my home scale number. I know I can and do put on water weight all day long. And had not taken my water pill because I was worried about finding bathrooms all day at Mayo. Lol. I will eat healthy and weigh in next Friday morning to see where I am at now that my stress eating will be less in control of what goes in my body.

    Shari…food festival sounds like fun. There are some events that we just have to enjoy and forget the diet, especially when you are with your son! We have 6 ears of fresh sweet corn here from a local grower that is only available for a short time in MN. I will have some of that but will not salt it…doesn’t need it and will use my low calorie not real butter. But I will have some. One ear not 3 like years ago, lol. DH will eat most of it, thank goodness! Enjoy your outing with your son!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Diane, I am rejoicing over your good news. I will offer prayers of thanksgiving and for your continued good health.

    Shari, Your wedding trip sounds like a nice get-away. I understand about the distance, but sometimes a change of scenery is worth it.

    DW, Your cleaning out is very impressive. Do you have a fee when you take things to your landfill? We must pay $90 per pick up truck load but recycling doesn't have a fee, except for electronic items.

    I have had a busy few days. I was without a laptop on Thursday because I took it to my computer guy for its 6 month "tune-up." On Friday I went to lunch at the Olive Garden with my friends. I felt fairly comfortable. It was quite busy, but tables were generously spaced out. We wore masks walking in and out of the restaurant. Some patrons had masks on, while others did not. Our waiter was masked. I had OG salad (about 150-200 calories I think) and salmon with broccoli (401 calories per the menu). I wasn't even tempted by the bread sticks and drank unsweetened iced tea. Today however is another story. DS, my friend Sandi, and I went to the church where I grew up (60 miles from here) for their mini food fest. We brought home wonderful Eastern European foods including pierogie, halushki (cabbage and noodles), and halupki (stuffed cabbage rolls). I have enjoyed a little of each of these and am trying to watch my portions. The pierogie from this church are unique because of the type of dough they use and are a very strong reminder of my youth. But now that I have had them, I am ok for quite a while. Obviously, today was not a compliant day for me!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello Everyone! Diane, I am SO HAPPY for your great test results!! Shari, I hope your trip to the wedding was fun ! Enjoy your time with your son tomorrow! Paula, what fun to go to the church you grew up in! The food sounds amazing!! I had an interesting day! I set my alarm to get up early and I went back to the gym I belong to for the first time since Covid started. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and got home in time for 10:00 zoom yoga. Since no one was on treadmills near me, I was comfortable without a mask but had one in my pocket "in case". After that I shredded some 30+year old school folders and threw away things that were not confidential. I'm considering going to church in person tomorrow but I'll see how I feel about it in the morning. I'm thinking that I will wear a mask if I go. My eating was compliant today and I hope to start seeing real progress soon! Have a great evening! PS Our trip to recycling doesn't cost anything but what they take is very limited. The trip to the landfill is billed by weight. I drive onto the scale going in and go back over the scale going out. My husband went in to pay but I don't think it was anywhere close to $90.00.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks for all your prayers and support on health issues as well as diet. We are all in this together and it does help me want to do better on my 17dd!👍💪

    Shari…way to go on the 4 lbs lost! Why is it such hard work to lose those 4 and so easy to gain back…does not seem fair! Don’t let it get you down and enjoy your church food festival!

    DW….congrats again on the cleaning out. We have to pay for landfill too but any cost was worth it to us as we downsized our stash of stuff we did not need. I have never rented a storage unit (have (in past had basement area for storage)…but am sure in long run any fees are less than monthly rental my son paid before we helped him clear out his unit. He was so happy to not have that unit anymore. He had moved to MN from FL and thought he would have the unit for a couple months that became two years!

    Paula…all that comfort food from your church outing sounds delicious. Something I feel is worth every calorie and a day or so off diet. Mentally, I gave myself a pass this last week during all the mental stress. Sometimes we have to give ourselves a break.

    Today I had my usual healthy breakfast. Because of weird schedule of medical appointments and being on the road (driving over an hour) so early, I had two mornings not so healthy this week. Usually, I almost always start the day on track. Lunch yesterday was my favorite avocado toast. I have half a avocado left to enjoy today and then will not buy anymore for awhile. Will allow as a treat when I lose some weight again. Easing back in to full C1 which I hope to be 100% on starting tomorrow. I have about a month until my B Day (8/18) and hope to lose some weight by then. A mini goal. We will go up north for three days and I know I will be off track on that trip.

    Have a wonderful Sunday all!😎, hugs❤️
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! I hope you all have had a good Sunday! Mine has been good but I did not make it to church. When I woke up this morning, we had thick fog that became thicker before it lifted, so I did things around the house this morning but made major progress this afternoon! My husband went to the storage unit with me and we loaded the van with the rest of the totes. The only things left in the unit at this point are some of my husband's paintings. They aren't heavy and probably will only take one more trip with the van! For the past two years I've been writing my checks to the former owner's estate and the facility recently sold. We received a letter from the new owners asking us to come by and sign a new lease with them. This seems like the perfect time to be done with the unit! A couple of weeks ago, it seemed impossible to complete this goal before 8/1 but it seems to be happening!
    Today's eating was on target and all of this moving stuff is giving me lots of steps! I am hopeful that I am lightening the load all the way around! Have a good evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, You are doing so well! Getting rid of all that stuff must make you feel great. I know how good I feel when I accomplish such tasks. Great too on the extra steps and healthy food choices. Keep it up!!

    Diane, I like your idea of having some avocado as a treat for losing weight. Like you, I love them but steer clear of them for the most part. I think I will use your idea for myself and consider avocado toast as a weight loss reward.

    Today was my last day for the church food. I am satisfied and don't want any more. But I sure did enjoy it. There will be plenty for John for a day or two more. For me, back to reality tomorrow and following the diet on plan. I am taking our 12 year old van for its annual state inspection tomorrow. I expect it to pass without issues, but one never knows. I have done very little driving in the last year so that should be a plus in my favor. I trust the shop where I take it for inspection and have dealt with these guys for many years.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Everybody! We did it!! The storage unit is emptied and we notified the new owners that it is vacant! My garage now has many more storage totes in it that need going through and that is on my "list" for the rest of the week! So far the eating is going well today but I have been stuck in the pattern of losing and gaining to same 5 pounds for quite a while-I lose up to a point and then the scale creeps in the other direction. The "point" is when I am ready to get down to a new "10s" number....I will keep at it and hope to cross that line sooner rather then later! Everyone have a great Tuesday!!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Congrats DW!!! What an accomplishment!!

    Paula…way to go on church food! I am not strong enough to do that right now. I was going to do C1 but have not been able to commit to it. Something always comes up or tempts me to say tomorrow.

    Starting at 1:00, I took a 3 hour nap yesterday…I must have needed it after my long week of medical tests, hours on the road, etc. I was able to sleep until my usual time this morning too. Right now am feeling like I could lay down again but is too close to evening. I will tough it out but may go to bed early. I have been fighting my fatigue for a long time now and have decided to let my body rest more when I need to do so….maybe that will lead to healthier eating decisions and even weight loss? Time will tell.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Diane, Ah, sleep!!! I believe sleep is as important as nutrition and exercise when it comes to our health. I applaud you for listening to your body and napping yesterday. Because I am not much of a morning person, I have to make a conscious effort to go to bed earlier if I want/must be up earlier in the morning. I have been making pretty good progress in that area and like the feeling. But even so, I still nap as I feel the need when I am able to do so. I note that feeling well rested carries over quite a bit to my healthy eating choices. I also note that when I gained the most weight was when DS was in elementary school and I (a single parent) was working in a high pressure job and undoubtedly was sleep deprived.

    DW, Woo hoo on emptying out that storage unit! Fabulous!! I, too, have been playing up and down with the same 5 pounds or so. It can be very frustrating! But I won't give up. I know we all can do this!

    I had another busy 2 days. I was happy that the van passed inspection, needing only a brake lamp. Even so, the fee for inspection and emission testing was $118 and that is with the senior citizen discount. I also ran a few errands yesterday and was so very glad when I finally got home. Today I was mostly at home except for driving DS to an early appointment. But my "to do" list today was quite extensive and I got it all done while managing to stay compliant with my food. I am planning for another healthy day of eating tomorrow.

    Good night friends!!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Sleep is important! Not too little or too much is not good. I have been more tired lately and getting extra rest in. I also hope it will help to make wise food decisions. I cut out lemon water but I am bringing that habit back. Just started today.

    So good to get rid of that unit DW.

    We still don't have our ensuite completed. It's stalled out while we wait on a tool. We did get our deck door put in. It isn't done either. That's been our theme this year. Maybe next year will be the year of finishing touches.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Checking in earlier than usual for me today. I am pleased that I spent some time today prepping foods to help me stay compliant. Sometimes when I am fatigued I reach for convenient foods which often are not compliant. So with the veggies cleaned and prepped as well as some fruit cleaned and ready to eat, I should be in a better position to remain on track. My evening meal for tonight will be cod, broccoli, and salad.

    Shari, I think your "finishing touches" theme is cute! You have been working so hard on the house. A little rest seems natural! Maybe waiting on the tool is a blessing in disguise!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Hey Everyone! I have ended up having a very hard day. Things have compounded and it's a bit overwhelming. With my kid falling and smashing up his face, to someone I knew from the church taking his life on the weekend to a pastor that I have admin work for over the last two years (extra from my youth assignment) passed away from covid just over 24 hours ago.

    I didn't even know she was sick! I had tried connecting with her but she wasn't responding. Then I heard she was sick so I knew my questions could wait. Yesterday just after I was done checking here I got a call from my former youth pastor telling me that she passed. It's been surreal. I don't know if she was vaccinated. I am back to be very wary of this illness. I thought we were doing better. I am not so sure about travelling now.

    I haven't recorded my food intake for awhile, but I know I ate way more fat than I should have yesterday. My goal is to track today. And drink the hot lemon water.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Oh Shari! I am so sorry!! That is a lot of concern and loss!! I'll be keeping you in my prayers!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, so very sorry for your losses and for your DS's accident! Sending you hugs and lots of prayers. I understand your apprehension regarding Covid issues. I still feel very unsure of our safety and well being when not at home. Since I am very much a homebody these days, I am ok with sticking close to home, but I know that for most people, there is a strong desire to be out and about. I saw my family doctor this morning, and masks are required in the office building and the office itself. They asked me for a copy of my Covid vaccine card today. Odd, but earlier this week DS had an appointment at the same office (but with the nurse practitioner), and they didn't ask for a copy of his Covid vaccine card. Maybe they just forgot.

    Recently, I have been tracking my food here on MFP, and I actually like it even more than the SP food tracker. This has turned out to be a very pleasant surprise. I am still learning and adjusting to this site, but I am starting to feel more comfortable here. My motivation remains high at the moment. Tonight I am making something using ground white turkey, but I haven't decided what to make yet. Maybe I will get creative. (Not really, I don't have a creative bone in my body!)

    Wishing everyone a great day!!!! <3
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Wow, Shari…that is a lot of sad news! So sorry for your losses. And I hope your son does well after his fall. Sending prayers for healing and strength.🙏🏻
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Thank you for your prayers. They make a big difference. I felt less overwhelmed yesterday. I will be going to the church today for some meetings. Hoping it goes well, it's hard to balance grief with the responsibilities I have. I am reminded to treat each new day as it could be my last, so to make it count. Do the things that need to get done, enjoy the things around you and take time to rest. I tend to save things for later when I could be enjoying them now.

    I recorded my meals today and I was over the allowed calories. I should tracked before I ate! I will see about doing that today. I didn't snack after dinner knowing I had eaten my fair share of food already. That is a victory.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Glad you are feeling a bit better. Hope all went well when you went in for your meetings. You are so right about the importance of enjoying each day. Congrats on logging your food and for not snacking. This is indeed a victory.

    I haven't logged my food today. It is a rough day. We are faced with the potential of putting our dear sweet Jambo down. He is 15 yrs 4 mos old and has been failing the past few days. I called a pet hospice service this morning and arranged for them to come here this afternoon to put him down. But a few hours after I made the appointment, he perked up so I "postponed" the appointment. I know it is only a matter of time. But when he perked up, we just couldn't do it yet. He is wobbly when he walks but is still walking (though once this morning he fell and couldn't get up). He is still eating and drinking and doing his "business" on his papers as usual. He has been sleeping a lot more over the past few months, and over the past few days he has had difficulty breathing off and on. However, now he is resting peacefully and quietly.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…so sorry about your dog, Jambo. Such a very difficult decision. I am sending prayers for strength and peace for all of you during this sad time. 🙏🏻❤️
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Paula, I'm so sorry about Jambo. It is so difficult and heartbreaking! Prayers for you all during this time!