Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Diane, Glad you are home safely from your trip and had such nice weather too! It sounds like such a amazing place! The pandemic certainly has taken its toll on our world in many ways. Businesses of all kinds in my area are also quite desperate for employees. Many here have closed as well, and it seems more and more continue to close. And now learning that so many vaccinated people are testing positive for Covid. It can be really unnerving.

    Good luck as you return to C1, Diane. I have had 3 consecutive days of good compliance. I expect to do well tomorrow too. I have leftovers from today to eat tomorrow, so no real excuse for me to stray. I have been cooking separate meals for John, and miraculously, I have refrained from indulging in his food. I need to keep this up if I want to see a good drop in weight.

    Good night all!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    We are back from our trip to Vancouver. It is sooo nice there. I love the ocean and remembering my childhood summers by visiting the many places we used to frequent. We got DS moved into his garden suite. It's very roomy and in a quiet neighbourhood. He will have a very nice to live these next two years. It was hard to leave when we were having such a good time. Back to work tomorrow. I am thankful to have today to regroup.

    I am giving myself a couple of weeks before stepping on the scale. I don't want to see how much weight I may have gained in a week. I am back on track today and hope that I can be committed with no slip ups. I know I didn't drink enough water so I started the day off with that. Glad to have the support of everyone here. It helps motivate me to do better.

    Our Covid cases are on the rise. We had reached around 100 total cases in Greater Edmonton and now we are over 2000. Our government lifted the restrictions and this is what happened.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Welcome back Shari! You had the beauty of the ocean, and Diane had the beauty of Lake Superior! Both sound fabulous to me!! Nice that you will be able to visit your son in such a lovely spot. The Covid numbers here are also on the rise. It just reinforces my conviction to stay home as much as possible.

    Today is my 4th consecutive compliant day. It is a big step for me to not indulge in what I cook for John. I have been rewarding myself with an extra piece of fruit when I do this, usually a nectarine which I love. So far it has been working. Chicken again for me tonight. I spice it up now with salsa. That will work until I get tired of it. Then I will have to come up with something else to keep me on track. Very rainy and gray weather here today and probably tomorrow. I have an appointment for a haircut tomorrow and don't want to change it, but I might have to if the heavy rains continue as my stylist is out in the country on a back road, and I worry about flash flooding.

    Here's to a good week for all of us!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Back to work today. We shall see what the work load looks like for the week ahead. This may be my last day to work from home full time. I will need to start going back in to the office for Sept. I heard from a work colleague that a lot of people have already returned. I will hold off as long as I can.

    I stayed under my calorie budget so that was good. Hope to do it again today. I didn't drink enough water so I need to improve upon that today.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome back from your adventures Shari and Diane! Hello Paula! I hope you were able to get to your appointment! I had a busy day running errands and wore my mask everywhere I went. I noticed that not many people were wearing them even though the numbers are increasing in our county just like everywhere else. The college students appear to be back based on the increased traffic in town and the number of people in the stores. We live outside a college town but do all of our shopping (and used to work) there. Basically everything we do is based there because we live near a tiny village with a four way stop sign as the main intersection. Over the weekend I had one of my three yoga sessions and the other two were cancelled. I'm interested to see what happens with Silver Sneakers this week.
    Eating has been going well since I have been home and had some control over my schedule and food options. I'm back to taco salad made with ground turkey taco meat and my homemade seasoning (no salt) with pico as salad dressing and nonfat plain Greek yogurt as sour cream substitute for supper. Have a great evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Sounds like we are all getting back to our healthy on track choices! Today is day 5 of compliance for me. The rain stopped early enough for me to get to my hair appointment without any difficulty, though there were some flooded roads in our area, just not where I had to drive. I see my electro physiology cardiologist tomorrow regarding the results of my echo cardiogram. I am not too stressed out about this (yet) and am optimistic that the results will be good, based on my layman's understanding of the online report. Prayers will be much appreciated!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had a second day of eating in my calorie range which is great! Work went alright too. It helped that it was a rainy day. I have an eye exam this morning which isn't near as fun as a hair appt. Not much else going on.

    Praying for you Paula.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello to all…so glad everyone is 17dd on track! I caved yesterday, sigh. Had hand surgery at 11:00 and after I got home proceeded to eat comforting foods rest of day…such as toast…easy to fix and eat with my right hand in compression bandage. Pain has been more intense and no pain pills…doing it with Advil and Tylenol alternating routine. Today will be lazy day reading and recovering…although I am required to move my fingers especially the repaired trigger forefinger. Surgeon said “nerve rich” area and so is more painful than when I had my thumbs done 18 yrs ago. He was right, lol.

    I started day with eggs and peppers scramble. DH cracked my eggs into pan for me. No carbs. Hoping I am able to do well rest of day. Pre-prepped veggies to have for lunch, have low-fat yogurt and plain grilled burger DH will make for dinner with more veggies. Will try not to do toast but my stomach sometimes gets upset with Advil so 🤞crossing fingers.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Oh Diane, I hope your pain eases up soon! Good that your DH is so helpful at times like this. It probably is wise to have something to eat when you take the Advil/Tylenol. I think that could be what your body is telling you when your tummy feels upset. Will pray for your healing and recovery.

    Shari, Glad your back to work went well! It's not easy to return, especially after being out of the office for such extended times. Thank you for your prayers!

    I had a good appointment with my electro physiology cardiologist today. I really like him a lot. My echo cardiogram is normal! Woo Hoo! I also had an EKG in the office before I saw the doctor, and the results of that are good too. My PVCs have decreased to a very low level. The report of the EKG refers to the PVCs as "rare." Woo Hoo again! My blood pressure was somewhat high, kind of typical for me especially when in a medical office. I just took my BP now with my home unit and it was 123/73. I will keep charting it to show to my family doctor at my Sept. appointment with her.

    I am on track today again. My motivation remains quite high, and miraculously I am still not experiencing any cravings. I am making turkey cutlets tonight with broccoli and salad. Tomorrow is my birthday (64), and I suspect Sandi will arrive with something home baked for us to celebrate. I will probably indulge but am steadfast in my desire to not over do it. John wants to get delivery from our favorite Italian restaurant for my birthday. I really don't want to, so I might find a way to "delay" his kind gesture.

  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks Paula for the prayers…they must be helping as my pain is now managed well with the Advil/Tylenol program. It feels good to be sitting here without that throbbing! I expect a better night of sleep as a result and will take off the compress bandage in the morning. Then I can put on a vinyl glove and clean my kitchen etc. I am supposed to use the hand, just no lifting for two weeks,,,even a fry pan he said is too heavy. Use the hand but be cautious.

    Happy Birthday!! Sending hugs. ❤️ You are really committed if you are able to say no to Italian dinner for your B Day! That’s what I had for my special B Day meal and it was so good…shrimp scampi with angel pasta in olive oil and Parmesan/garlic/seasonings. At least it was not a cream sauce and I left half the pasta even though I wanted to eat it, lol. And I could have had free tiramisù but said no thank you. Whatever you decide, enjoy your day!😎

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    HI Everybody! Shari, congrats on eating in your calorie range! Paula, so happy that your test results were great! Diane, prayers for a speedy recovery!!
    My eating has been "OK" today. I find that a few low carb items are sneaking into my diet but are not on plan. I will see what the scale says tomorrow to decide whether to get rid of them or not...low carb and low calorie-can't wait to see the impact! I spent today "spinning my wheels". I was trying to find a specific item at TJ Maxx. The closest one didn't have it so I drove to the one about 15 miles south of here and it had gone out of business. I dropped my husband off at home and drove to the closest one north of us-again no luck. I came home and went back to online shopping! I am also waiting for a different package to arrive and the website said it would be delivered by the end of business today. After watching for it all day, tonight the Fed Ex website said that the delivery was delayed.....Tomorrow's a new day and I'm hoping it goes better! Have as good evening!!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Birthday Paula!!!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Happy Birthday Paula! Enjoy whatever meal you choose and congrats on a great medical report.

    Wishing you a great result from your surgery Diane and for the pain to subside quickly. I have had trigger thumb and thankful that the injection worked. I looked up the surgery in the past, glad there is that option to correct it, but it didn't look like fun.

    I have had days like yours DW. It feels like stores just are not as well stocked as they once were. Not sure if that is a result of Covid or online shopping becoming more popular. There are some things I still want to purchase in person.

    Working on losing my holiday weight gain. So far so good. My stress levels are still high and I have read a number of articles on how that makes weight harder to lose. I have lots of improvements to make to get that scale to move.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Diane, I sure hope you had a restful night's sleep. Good sleep is so important for healing.

    DW, Hope you had good news at the scale. I think a few low carb choices won't do much to set you back. Sometimes I think it actually helps as long as it doesn't throw too many cravings your way.

    Shari, I too have read about stress and weight loss issues. Reducing stress is not easy! I feel fairly certain that stress played a major role in my weight gain when I was in my 40s.

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Today was probably one of the nicest birthdays I recall in some time, not sure why, but I certainly received quite a few birthday calls, texts, and cards and a visit from Sandi who brought some sweets for John and me. I had a few bites of one of the danish pastries she brought. I also received an incredibly beautiful and decadent delivery from one of my relatives who sent me a gift from Edible Arrangements which is known primarily for its beautiful (and healthy) fruit arrangements/bouquets. However, I received a tray of chocolate covered strawberries, cupcakes, chocolate covered pretzels, brownies, chocolate dipped Oreos (never even heard of these), and other chocolate delicacies. So, I had one chocolate covered strawberry, 2 chocolate covered pretzels, and one bite of a chocolate covered Oreo. DS finished all of the other strawberries as well as some of the other sweets on this incredibly beautiful tray. There is still quite a bit left of course. Because I have been doing so well, I really didn't want to mess up too much, and I didn't want to trigger any cravings. The chocolate covered pretzels were my favorite! I cannot count today as compliant. I stayed on track with my meals however (salmon for supper again). I hope to start a new compliant streak tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    So glad you had a wonderful Birthday Paula. I have had edible arrangements in the past and enjoyed the bouquet very much.

    Like you, I strayed off course yesterday. Hoping to be back on track today. I think heading in to the office for longer than I expected didn't help. I got very hungry and grabbed a chocolate bar. I didn't stay strong in the evening either. I also didn't make time to drink water so that will be a priority today. I did exercise so at least I hit that mark.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Shari…I too had cortisone injections into my thumbs. Twice in right thumb and once in left thumb. The left thumb injection went wrong somehow and because it allowed the steroid to get into my skin area I actually lost tissue. It was horrible. No more injections for me! I then opted to have the surgery when the thumbs flared again. Surgery was a breeze on both thumbs. Quick local numbing which was less painful than shots, quick procedure which I watched. Was fascinating. Only needed a bandaid and some Tylenol but basically no pain, just a soreness which was gone in a couple days. This current surgery is in the padded area of palm just under the forefinger and much deeper and in area of more pain receptors …but starting yesterday was much better, had a good night and today my pain level is no more than I had previous to the surgery. If your thumb(s) act up again, I would not discount the surgery option based on my forefinger…they are each unique areas of the hand.

    Here is a photo of my surgery today…xs87ew8ancw3.jpeg
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member

    This was my botched and final trigger thumb injection.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…so glad you had a happy birthday and enjoyed a few chocolate treats. You managed not to overdo it, congrats! Inspiring!

    I am doing about my 80% again. Full C1 is getting closer. Two meals on track and dinner mostly on track. No snacks after dinner two nights now. Read where Chamomile tea instead of a snack in evening can lessen stress levels and help with cravings and therefore help weight loss. Going to buy some.

    Does anyone have suggestions for a tasty brand? I know all teas are not the same, some more enjoyable to drink. Suggestions appreciated!😍
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 962 Member
    Diane, Glad your pain has diminished. The photo of your incision reminds me of my incision when I had carpal tunnel release surgery in the early 1990s, but my incision was closer to my wrist. My son loves Chamomile tea but has switched to mostly green tea because that I what I tend to buy. I don't recall the Chamomile brand he prefers however.

    Shari, Hope you got your water in today. For me, drinking water is the easiest part of this diet! Wish everything else was that easy for me.

    Today was a bit of a struggle for me. It wasn't as easy to get back on track as I thought it would be. However, I tracked everything, including all of my indiscretions (a few more pieces of chocolate, ugh!). Now I think the temptation should be out of my system....hope hope. I was quite tired today too, which just about always contributes to my straying from plan. A dear friend of mine, Kellie, came to visit today. We haven't seen each other since before the pandemic hit. She is a very talented woman who has her own business, focused now mostly on making pet memorials, pet and animal Christmas ornaments, etc. She brought us a gift of a memorial of Jambo and a Christmas ornament with his picture. I will attach a photo of the memorial to his post. It is framed and beautiful and a treasure.


    Jambo got his name because we got him around the time John was going to a local Boy Scout Jamboree. That is why Kellie put the Eagle Scout symbol on the memorial. (John is an Eagle Scout.) I met Kellie when our boys were much younger and in Boy Scouts together, and we have remained friends all these years.

  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…what a sweet little dog! That is such a nice picture and tribute to Jambo! ❤️🐶❤️