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Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I had a full day yesterday. I made my pickles, I prepped a lot of apples and some left to make apple juice. And I prepped the tomatoes for sauce. I will make the sauce in a few days once I harvest more tomatoes. It's super easy which is awesome.

    Good to hear your knee is improved Paula and congrats on the weight loss Diane!

    My weight is going in the wrong direction. I am hoping it's just water weight and will drop down again in a few days. We shall see. I do have a meal out tonight with a young couple that we check in with from time to time. I have tracked all of the food I will be eating today and I am only over 112 calories. That will be okay as long as I can stick to it. I haven't felt hungry, more like I feel like treats. I have to learn to say no to myself.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hi Everybody! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! It was so special to spend it with my grandsons!! I’m so happy to hear that you are all doing well! We fly home Monday night and should get there by mid afternoon on Tuesday so I will weigh in Wednesday morning and take it from there. Ave a great Monday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, water weight is so annoying! Hope you see a drop soon. I think all of your prep from your garden is terrific. It is so good to know EXACTLY what is in the food we eat. You are making a supply of healthy organic foods. Nothing beats that in my opinion.

    DW, I am thinking of you as your travel home approaches and praying for your safe travels. I look forward to reading more about your trip!

    I have weighed in a few times over the past few days. I am amazed to report that I am down 4 pounds and have held that weight as of yesterday. This is very encouraging to me. However, yesterday I went to a meeting of the group I got involved with when at my old church. We are a group of folks from 3 local Orthodox churches (including my old church and my current church). Yesterday was our first meeting since January 2020. There were about 10 of there, meeting at the home of my friend Sandi. Everyone was vaccinated, but I was still a little nervous meeting and eating indoors. The eating part: I watched my portions, took the skin off the fried chicken, avoided the potato salad, enjoyed some shrimp, but indulged in the homemade coleslaw (made with oil & vinegar, not creamy coleslaw). I also had a small piece of birthday cake we had for one of our members and drank 2 delicious glasses of wine. So....as you might guess, I will take a few days before I weigh again and am totally back on track today. I have to admit I had a great time there yesterday! On the Covid issue, our neighborhood elementary school (where DS went to school) had to close this week due to 12 Covid cases across 4 grade levels. It is upsetting especially when it is this close to home, right in our neighborhood school!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…WhooHoo on the big weight loss! You are doing so well!
    Shari…hang in there! Water weight will go away soon!
    DW…safe travels home!

    Weighed today…starting day 11….down more weight for a total of 3.8 lbs after 10 full days on diet. I am so far very happy I changed to this program. I do wake up hungry but sip coffee and keep busy…yesterday I was working on sewing project for my sister and forgot I should have lunch…so instead of 11:30 it was 12:30 before I even started cooking my eggs! After months of struggle I am glad to finally be losing again! Answered prayers!😎
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Great news with everyone's weight loss! I seem to be struggling but I won't give up. Same weight three days in a row now.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Diane, I applaud you for your consistency with your plan. Prayers answered indeed!!

    Shari, I relate to your struggles. I think we all can relate as we all are there at times. You are right...don't give up....sometimes timing is everything.

    I had a good day again today, though I was a bit tired earlier today. I worked hard around the house later in the day yesterday and think it caught up with me today. A quick nap was just the boost I needed, rather than trying to fight the fatigue and ending up straying from plan. I am expecting another good day tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Another busy day at work. I am doing well with breakfasts and lunches. Once I nail down dinner and cut out snacks at night I should see some results. I have slipped on my water intake and I am starting to feel it. I am going to try and do better with my water too.

    I have to go in to the office today. I am not too excited about it. My office space has become a dumping ground and I have been too busy to tidy up. Maybe I will find some spare time today.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hi Everybody! We arrived home yesterday afternoon and I went straight to bed for a nap of several hours. I can't sleep on a plane and was exhausted. We'd taken a night flight with one short layover in Minneapolis. I also arrived back to the Detroit airport dressed for Alaska (fall clothing) and was greeted by 90 degree weather-that was a shock!! I got up long enough to unpack my suitcases and do 2 loads of laundry and then back to bed with an early wakeup to go back to MI to pick up the dogs. It is good to be home and getting back into a routine but I miss my AK family so much! We had a great time doing normal things like taking the grandsons to school and picking them up, helping with homework, but we also had some adventures like hiking to sandunes, doing a day trip to Whittier, and hiking in a park close to my son's home that has old military bunkers. We also went to the AK State fair, which might account for the majority of the 4 lbs I gained-LOL!! I think I had one of everything! As planned, I weighed in this morning and started back on C1. My husband started back on his keto eating so I won't be having any temptation here at home.
    We wore masks all the time during travel and most of the time when not at my son's home in AK. As a family, they are very into protecting themselves and others from Covid and the boys have been amazing with their responsibility toward their mask wearing. Everyone have a good evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Welcome back DW! What a wonderful trip you had! So happy for you and for the memories you made. I just read a little article not long ago about how doing the "normal" every day things with loved ones can mean so much, and then today you affirm that in your post. I bet the AK state fair was terrific too. Like you, I would have indulged in a variety of fair foods. I believe it is worth it on such a special trip.

    Shari, are you going in to your office two days a week now?

    Today was a fair, but not great, day for me. I felt fine and got a lot done, but once again, my dinner timing was off. I have to be more in tune with when I eat and just stop what I am doing when I am hungry and eat so that I don't get overly hungry and over eat. I know this but there are times when I don't do it! Ugh!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    Welcome back DW. Thanks for sharing parts of your trip with us. You are not alone on weight gain. I have managed to let myself get out of control and now have some hard work ahead of me. I really hope that today I can turn things around once again.

    Our Province is in a state of emergency as our Covid is out of control. I am continuing to work from home apart from Wednesdays. We were issued a whole bunch of new restrictions last night. I hope things turn around quickly for us.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW…your AK trip sounds like a wonderful combination of quality family time and some sightseeing and added bonus of hiking! My fondest memories of seeing America over the years was through hiking! In later years we did many city walking tours with local guides which allowed me to walk on even ground (most of the time, lol). As Paula said, so many awesome memories you have now!

    Shari…sorry your Covid number are getting higher. Stay safe….it’s all we can do. We are masking up everywhere now again. Such a debate here about getting a booster…and not FDA approved yet. Waiting to see what they decide. Unfortunately, I feel it’s media driven and politically driven rather than science…they really just don’t know everything yet, sigh.

    Paula..good advice about not getting too hungry! Was definitely important for me on 17dd! This fasting from 7:00 pm to 11:00 a.m does have me feeling hungry some mornings! I try to imagine it is my body burning my fat cells that I am feeling! Other days if I keep busy enough I actually forget to eat until after 12:00! That happened again yesterday and I am down a bit (.2) on scale again today. But this morning my stomach is growling….and I have 1/2 hour before my minimum 11:00 eat time.

    I think doing this calorie counting/intermittent fasting (13 days today and -4 lbs) is shrinking my stomach…I seem to get full faster with less volume. Which helps me with my calorie counts for the day too! Last night supper, I had a grilled ham and Swiss cheese sandwich (made at home) and some 17dd veggies on the side. Could not finish the small dish of veggies as I was full. I quit when full. I notice my two egg, peppers scramble fills me up better too. Plus, added good feeling is no big urge to eat mid afternoon snack. (Usually a yogurt). I do try to eat it that once a day but simply forget about half the days. The Lose It app keeps track of my calories eaten daily and weekly and says I am 744 calories less than allowed for the week. Yet I am able to add foods like mashed potatoes and grilled cheese (in moderation) again! 👍😎
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    Shari, So sorry that your Covid numbers are requiring more stringent measures again. I wonder if it will be similar here for us in the coming weeks/months. Today our state added 5786 new Covid cases and 72 new deaths from Covid. Even though DS and I are vaccinated and the gals at the nail salon are also vaccinated, I wore my mask there again today and plan to continue to do so. I have no plans to go anywhere in the near future. I think I am actually free from doctor appointments for a while (yay!). I do need to go for blood work but will put that off for at least a week.

    Diane, I am interested in the intermittent fasting you are doing, but I am not sure I could go that many hours. I might just give it a try one of these days. I really like your idea of focusing on the hunger as fat burning. That makes sense to me. Congrats on seeing another drop at the scale! It all adds up! Grilled ham and cheese sounds yummy to me! I just might have to give it a try sometime. I am aware of some low carb breads and wraps that I think would be fine.

    This was a good day for me (finally!). I find the ground white turkey meat with some salsa very filling, especially when I add healthy veggies. Tomorrow is my ShopRite pickup so I will restock with more healthy options to help stay on track.

    Hard to believe tomorrow is Friday already!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Paula, today was my nail day, too. The salon I go to has never stopped requiring masks and I am good with that! I also noticed more folks wearing masks in the grocery store. I am going to a club picnic in Columbus on Saturday. It is outdoors but folks are being asked to wear masks under the shelter unless eating or drinking and out in the open if not socially distanced. I'm sure we'll get some push back on that, but the President of the club is a Dr and feels very strongly about this. Shari, I'm also sorry that covid has become so bad in your area. I often wonder if it is also really bad around here but the government's hands are tied to set new regulations. I know that it has increased by over 300 cases in our county since Monday.
    Diane, I kind of do intermittent fasting when I stick to my goal of not eating after 8:00pm. Tonight's last meal was before 6:30 so I'll see how I feel in the morning. When I stick to that goal, I do see results on the scale more frequently than if I give in to temptation and eat something later. Breakfast is usually between 9-9:30. Congrats on your loss!! Everyone have a great Friday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    I had such a busy work day. I didn't get up and go for my usual outdoor walking breaks. It was quite cold and breezy so I wasn't too sad to stay indoors. It looks windy again today, but I will get outside as DH is subbing and Moe will need to get out.

    Food wise, I did okay. I snacked on some Trail Mix which I need to cut out. The calories are quite high. Otherwise I did quite well.

    We are having some friends over tonight- outdoors. We are only allowed one family over at a time now. We had this planned weeks ago. Since we can be outdoors we will meet around the fire pit. If it gets too cold we can move in Jim's shop and mask. It's a big space with very high ceilings. We are all vaccinated so we are not worried but we sill want to honour the rules.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Calorie counting with Intermittent Fasting (IF)….Everyone….Feel free to ignore what I’m doing, if you want. Not saying anyone else should try this combined program…but in spirit of all of us trying to lose weight I want to be honest about this new method I am trying. (Thank you to my DD). You can all decide if it might be something you would do?? Day 14 today and down 4 lbs. Not saying it will keep working for me. If I fall off the wagon or my weight loss stalls you all will be the first to know, 😍
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Note: I should add that without the Lose It app, both weight loss and strictly following the program would not be as successful for me. First of all, it calculated from my info (my age, phys activity, weight, goal weight, etc) what my max calories should be. Once that is entered, it is so easy to track my meals and snacks that I have no excuse not to do it. One dinner out was Culver’s chicken tenders and it had them listed per each and I tracked I ate 3. I love how it lets me track my food, how many calories remain for my day. Love it let’s me enter my weight any day I want…and then gives me an immediate graph time line showing my weights and predicted goal date. Mine is a slow progress goal line of 1-2 lbs per week (then based on what it has seen me eating for calories, it has already adjusted the end goal date to be a few days sooner)!😎
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,039 Member
    DW, It sure feels good to have a manicure, doesn't it? It is my one indulgence even in these pandemic days! We have more Covid concerns here based on local news reports. Pennsylvania added 32,000 cases and 277 deaths this week, as Covid ICU occupancy hit a 7-month high.

    Shari, How nice to be able to gather with your friends outdoors! It is good that all of you are vaccinated. It is still summer weather here, but the latest weather forecasts suggest we should be moving to autumn weather just as the seasons change next week.

    Diane, I too really like the Lose It app and am very pleased at the amazing variety of foods that are there to add when logging my food. I also like that I can see my progress (slow though it be) with the chart provided. The calories that remain after logging remind me of how the WW points system work. I still toy with doing the new WW program but not yet anyway.

    I had a terrific day today....on track and no cravings or deviations. It was also a pretty busyday (for me), and I got a lot done and am not exhausted. Woo hoo! I wish every day could be like this. I still long for a dog. I have been checking the website of the shelter where my friend Kellie volunteers. I know I am not ready and might never be ready due to my physical limitations, but I will continue to look. I saw an adorable 12 year old Maltipoo mix who looks like she would fit right in here. But I am holding off. I just might get in touch with Kellie to discuss my situation with her again (she is a huge dog lover too). Getting another dog is a huge step, and I need to make sure I can handle it.

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 330 Member
    Hello! Shari, your evening sounds like lots of fun!! Paula, Yes! I do enjoy my manicure! I mentioned that they require masks but they also have plexiglass between the manicurist and the customer and clean with Lysol between customers. I think it's one of the safest places I go! Diane, is there a social component on Lose it? My daughter was asking me to join her on WW. I want to be supportive but don't want to pay, so that's what I told her....I did well with WW when I went to the meetings but quit once it went to zoom. I don't know what they are doing now for meetings locally-most members were my age or older.
    Today was a good day food-wise plus I was back to yoga this morning and that was good. I am actually enjoying feeling like I have control over my food options after a couple of weeks of feeling out-of-control (not that I didn't enjoy the food offered-I did-too much!!) I'm also back to the lemon in water in the morning! The scale is moving downward and I am approaching the number that I haven't been able to cross all year. I have a big event at the end of October and would like to be into the next "10's" weight range. I would have many more clothing options if I got there! (OK, they might be a tad outdated and at least 10 years old but some still have tags on them-LOL!!) Tomorrow is the dog picnic and I am excited for that! I will be too busy with fun dog events to eat much. One event is hilarious- it's "roll-a-bullie". The contest is to see how much toilet paper you can wrap around your dog in 1 minute. So funny because once they move, it all falls off and you start over. I had a dog who was asked not to participate anymore (good naturedly) because he was a ringer-he would stand still forever and we won too many times! He has been gone for several years now(great memories!!) and my current dogs don't stand still! I'm hoping for a good turnout! Also hoping for no clashes over mask-wearing!! I will have tails (tales) to tell tomorrow evening! Have a great weekend!!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW…No, sorry, no social aspect at all to Lose It…it’s just an app you download to tablet or phone. I use an iPad. It’s free in the basic format. Both my daughter and I only use the basic, not the premium. Basic uses your personal info to establish a calorie budget for a day, it has a really complete food tracker, has a weight tracker with goal line graph. Awesome graphics. Easy, peasy to use.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 886 Member
    We had a very good night last night. It ended up being a bit too chilly and windy so we moved our gathering into the Shop. We left the garage door open (most of the night). We were away from the wind and since it's a large space we could all sit far apart. I know we were still breaking our new rules slightly, but we are all vaccinated and the new rules do allow us to all go to a restaurant together. That seems so weird. We can eat out, but we can't meet in a home. Oh well! We do want the numbers to drop back down so I will be careful to comply.

    DW, the dog picnic sounds like so much fun! I don't think we have anything like that around here. I may check just to be sure. I think about getting another dog Paula. Not sure I am ready to have two since I have never done that. It just seems like it would be good for Moe. He is pretty social.