Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    We had a very enjoyable visit from our family. We haven't seen them since October. I am glad that all of the Christmas presents are finally out of our house. I was exhausted by the time they left, and I didn't even do that much, but I did a little prep before they came. John and I feel so very blessed to have such dear loving family in our lives. We don't live that far apart (90 minutes or so), but we don't see them much because they are so tied up helping take care of their 2 grandsons. I did ok with food choices but had too many carbs for my liking. We are under a winter storm warning now for 5 to 8 inches of snow. I think that causes me to crave comfort food carbs at times.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    It was a snowy day here. We got about 9 to 10 inches of snow. My snow removal service got here quite late in the day, but at least they got here, and that is what counts. Buster eventually did something outside but not much. He really doesn't like the snow and neither do I. I did ok with my food choices today, so I hope this is the start of a stronger trend of healthy choices and increased motivation.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    We celebrated yesterday as we typically do as we got engaged on Feb 13. We ordered a box from Good Food and cooked a meal together. It was very nice. It was a lobster pasta with a green bean salad.

    I hate to say that I would like some snow. We haven't really had any and I would like to do more cross country skiing. That might not be in the cards for this year.

    -1lb (I weighed in today and was hoping for more, but maybe next week)
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, such a lovely way to celebrate Valentine's Day and the anniversary of your engagement. Lobster....yum a great choice. Yay for the -1lb!

    I did pretty well today. John and I got pizza for Valentine's Day, his choice. We got mushrooms and peppers on it so I count that as good veggies. I had 2 pieces of pizza and felt satisfied. Still need to improve my motivation but today was a step in the right direction.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I typically stay home on Thursdays, but I have a couple of meetings so I need to go in to the office today. I was up too late. Part work and part my own fault so I slept in and will start my day later. I kind of did some grazing yesterday, so today I need to shut that down!

    Have a great day!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    I did have a great day. I found out today that a good friend of mine who is a priest in another town will be coming here on Friday and will bless our home. I didn't "sign up" for my own priest to come to bless our home for various reasons that really don't matter I guess. Fr. John's wife called me this morning to say that he was coming to town (they live about an hour away) and he wants to stop by to bless our home. I am so happy about that. He and I are the same age and very old friends from our college days. I know his wife even longer. We haven't seen Fr. John since October so we are really looking forward to his visit. Even though it doesn't matter to him what my house looks like, John and I did a great job straightening up the entire house (all rooms are blessed annually). I was very energized and motivated to get things done. And I stayed pretty much on track with my eating too. So, yes, it was a great day!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Paula, I share in the good news that you have a home blessing coming up and by Fr. John! I know how important it is that your home be blessed, and now it can be someone you are far more comfortable with.

    I did okay eating yesterday. I am still just weighing on Wednesdays, so I have no day to day knowledge of how my weight is doing. I lost a bit of joy last night while chatting with DH. Thankfully we have counselling this morning and I hope it helps us. I know it won't fix things so quickly, but maybe if DH sees there are some things to work on, he can put some effort in. It all stems from the boundaries that I set up regarding his parents to protect my emotional health. Unfortunately, that hurts him and that is where a lot of our tension lies. In some ways, I feel like his parents matter more. I know that isn't true. It's just that sometimes his actions and words make me feel that way. Anyway, I am sure our counsellor will help us sort things out. I just know that I can only work on me, and it would be nice for someone to point the things he can work on that would be helpful for our relationship.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, I truly appreciate your kind words and understanding of my situation with the home blessing. Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you! I hope your morning counseling session is productive. You are right, things like this take time and considerable effort. Worth it but far from easy.

    We enjoyed a wonderful visit with Fr. John. He is such a good man and devout priest, kind, genuine, and easy to relate to. After he blessed our home he visited with us for about 2 hours. Such a good time with him. We didn't talk about a lot of church stuff but just fun stuff in general. Both he and my John love to talk sports and movies. He brought us goodies from his wife including a nut roll, a dozen pierogie, and a bottle of wine. We will save the goodies for special treats.

    I stayed well on track today with no cravings (yay!) Key for me will be to keep this going for more than a day or two. We are getting more snow again, another 4 to 6 inches over night on top of the 10 we already have. I am eagerly looking forward to spring!!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Yay for Saturday and not waking up to an alarm but because the sun was coming up.

    We had a tense morning but the counselling really helped to turn things around. I was right about so many things, but sometimes it takes hearing it from an outsider and/or a professional before feeling affirmed, and then for DH to believe it. I think he was a bit blown away that sharing feelings with each other creates closeness. He was raised to stuff emotions. I think I was able to cope better because I had a wonderful neighbour who would listen, I had close friends and attended women's Bible studies where I could talk. And then moving out to the farm and Covid left me more isolated with DH, and he really struggles with having emotional conversations. Mainly the ones about his parents. That was a lot more than I was going to share, but also not as much I could. The good thing is, that he is willing and capable to grow.

    I didn't do well with my food choices, but I should be able to do well from today through until Monday. Then I will have to try a bit harder. Not so easy when I am at work.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, Your insights and comments are deep and thoughtful. Having affirmation through counseling means a lot. Sounds like you have a good counselor, so important for sure. I consider this a safe place to share, as you can tell by some of my posts. I understand how helpful friends and support systems are for us, especially these days. I recently saw a candle with the inscription "I wish you lived nextdoor." Consider yourself gifted this candle from me!

    I had a terrible night last night because of so much pain waking me up. When this happens I am not well rested at all and the pain continues for a while. So Saturday was a rough day for me but did get better as the day wore on and some of the pain lessened. The snow came as predicted with many areas getting more than predicted and high winds causing power losses. Our power stayed on again thank goodness. Two of my neighbors shoveled for us before the snow removal company even got here. Jane was concerned about Buster needing to take care of his "needs." Abraham who lives next to Jane came to help her. Such blessings in our lives. Despite not feeling great today I stayed well on track and made healthy choices. I made a turkey breast that will last us for a few days and once again my hunger was well controlled.

    Here's to a blessed Sunday for all of us!

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello! You both have had so much going on!! Paula, I'm happy that you had good visits with your family and with your friend who is a priest!! Shari, congrats on the weight loss! Also, I'm happy that the counseling is helpful!! I was down another lb. this morning after a good night's sleep. That sleep makes so much difference for me and I just can't get to bed on time through the week. We had 1-2inches of snow overnight on Friday. It wasn't supposed to stick but it has. Paula, I hope some of your snow has melted!!
    Today we had a family meeting called by my son. It was on Skype at my request because I wanted to be able to see folks when I was communicating with them. It was just our son and his wife and our daughter plus DH and me. The topic for the meeting was our 50th anniversary and what we wanted them to do for it. We don't want them to do anything but if they want to come for a visit, they are welcome anytime. DH and I also have our 70th Bdays in late summer and they asked about doing a celebration for those....we declined again. The thought of a gathering with us being the center of attention is a nightmare for both of us! They then had the idea of coming to visit but doing a little trip together. DH and I have a week to get back with them about that. They are busy people and need to plan their calendars. It was very sweet of them to ask us and be willing to plan a party from afar. When we got married, it was just with us, two friends who stood up with us, and the minister. We are still people who like to avoid a fuss.
    I guess it is Sunday already and I need to get to bed-I am responsible for a prayer in the service tomorrow. Have a blessed Sunday!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    Paula- Thank you so much for giving us this space as a safe space to share. I have always thought that it is better to share than to stuff. I know it's always easy to share our hard times, but everyone has them and it is less isolating when we open up to those in our world that we can trust.

    This is such a strange year with weather. We are typically so cold and so knee deep in snow and that just hasn't been the case. You both have had so much more snow that I have. Oddly enough, I wouldn't mind a little so we could cross country ski. We had the wrong timing for our gifts.

    DW- I totally understand not wanting to have a big gathering to celebrate special events. I am wired that exact same way. My DH like the attention so we have had a few gatherings, but not for anniversaries or my birthdays. I hope you can find the way to celebrate these upcoming milestones in a way that you will enjoy.

    Thankful for another day off from work.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    DW, Woo Hoo on dropping another pound. Happy for you and inspiring too. I understand why your kids want to celebrate 3 important milestones in your life, but I think I would feel the same as you in not wanting so much attention. I am sure you all will work out a way to celebrate your wonderful lives and love together in a way that has meaning too much fuss.

    Shari, Hope you enjoyed your Sunday. Does Canada have a national holiday on Monday? I recall that often our national holidays are similar.

    I had another sleepless night Saturday into Sunday, again mostly because of pain. I couldn't sleep in because of church so I was really tired today. Terry (my nail gal) was due to come around 4 pm today so I thought I could nap after church till she got here. But a friend from my old church called to say she was on her way here to visit for a while....so there went my nap. There wasn't much time between her visit and Terry's arrival. After my nails and an early supper, I slept just about the entire evening away in our family room. I woke up feeling like a new person....very little pain and feeling strong and comfortable. This just confirms to me the importance of my being well rested. I know this also contributes to weight loss as DW mentioned. I was very much on track today (perhaps too tired to eat? LOL).

    One more "small world" story before I close. Remember how Genny, my home health worker knows Craig? Well, yesterday I talked with Craig and told him who my health worker is. He then told me that Genny is the sister of my nail gal Terry! (Craig is the person who knew Terry and asked her to do my nails here at home). When Terry came today I told her and she was amazed too. Both of these young ladies are in their early 30s and about the sweetest gals you could imagine. I am so fortunate to have all 3 of these folks in my life!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Today was just the opposite of Sunday. I had a great night's sleep with very little pain. All day long my pain was tolerable for the most part. I had an optimistic to do list and completed all of it. My energy level was good too. I strayed from my meal plan a bit by caving to a sweet craving but nothing too bad. Looking forward to another good day on Tuesday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    We did have a holiday yesterday. Ours is called Family Day. I didn't really hear from any of my kids, but I did go and see my parents. My dad turned 86 on Saturday, so we went over to wish him a Happy Birthday too.

    That is such a good small world story Paula. All of these relationships so wound together in such a warm way.

    I went to bed fairly early last night and slept well. I agree with you both about how important good sleep is. Not sure that I have had any success with my weight loss. I will weigh in tomorrow and see, but I am sure that I have stayed the same.

    I just started reading the book called "Atomic Habits." Maybe I will develop some knowledge on how to make better dietary habits that will help me with trying to lose some pounds. I hope so!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    I like that you have a national holiday focusing on the family Shari. I think the US could benefit from such a holiday. Yay for all of us for working on being well rested. I know it is an important factor in my well being.

    I slept pretty well again, and today my pain level was not off the charts. I took an afternoon nap because of our 2 online church classes back to back now. Sitting in my wheel chair for both classes consecutively becomes tiring, but taking the nap today helped. I made good food choices today without having to fight off cravings (so far). My to do list was short and easy today so that is all completed too.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had a busy day at work and I am falling behind. I work from home tomorrow and that should help me catch up. I hope so!

    I didn't weigh in because I had Vietnamese for dinner and I know it was salty. I woke up thirsty. So I will skip my weigh in today and hope that this coming week involves better food choices and that I can sense some weight loss and feel more confident about stepping on the scale next Wednesday.

    Good to hear that taking a nap is helpful for you Paula. Glad you are listening to your body's clues.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Wise move skipping the scale after a salty meal Shari. I have never had Vietnamese food and am not familiar with the seasonings/tastes/selection. I will have to look into this to satisfy my curiosity if not me appetite!

    I had a super duper day today....got so much done.....hunger under control....and not even a nap. Not needing a nap is a big deal, so I am thinking that maybe the terrible flare I was experiencing has passed. Of course another flare could hit me at any time, but I felt really good today. I am heading to bed early in an effort to stay well rested.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 827 Member
    I had a very busy day at work and I am thankful to be able to work from home today. I know I will be able to control my diet better from here. I will have a full work day again. I have a lot of vacation days, so I think I will plan to take a Friday off in the next few weeks. I would love to go away for a week, but with our dog being so old now and in great health, I don't feel good about leaving him.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 964 Member
    Shari, nice that you have built up some vacation days. Good idea to take a Friday when you can. You deserve it.

    Not much going on here. Today was good for me but I was a little tired. My diet motivation seems to have kicked in again so eating has been healthy and on track. My to do list today was minimal, and I managed to do most of it. Tomorrow's list is not too bad either. I know I will get it done without any difficulties. I have a project coming up for our inter church group. I have been avoiding this project but plan to tackle it next week....actually must do it next week as there is a meeting planned for March 3. I am not sure I will be able to attend in person which I know will cause problems with the "prez," but I am not bringing that up to her yet.