Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    Paula- you were on my mind yesterday. I am so glad that you had a healthy eating day and it was easy to do. That's a win. Maybe your friend can come to the appt along with the health aid. Having someone there when you get the results will be so good. I went with a friend when she was getting the ultrasound done. We didn't think she would get the results right away, but she did. There was a big wave of emotion when she got the good results back that it was so helpful for her to process alongside someone until the adrenalin subsided. Just a thought.

    I gained one pound rather than lose one this week. I guess I am still eating too many calories. I had a very emotional weekend, so it could be that compounding things. I am working towards a more joyfilled week and really hope to be back down that pound for next week.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello! I just caught up on the communications since I last posted. Paula, I will be praying !!!!! I do think that Shari's idea is a good one to have a friend that you trust go with you to help listen.
    Shari, one difference between NOOM and WW is that NOOM wants you to log your weight every day...that does get frustrating at times-MANY times!!
    Paula, congrats on your weight loss!! Mine continues to be up and down within the same range. MY GP told me at least twice that some women my age need to really restrict calories to lose weight-900 was the amount she mentioned...I'm still pondering that while I eat between 1200-1500 usually.
    My dog guests are doing well and I enjoy spoiling them! The cats seem ok, too, but I can tell they miss the attention that they usually receive. My daughter returns Friday evening and I have received photos from her as well as from my DIL-everyone looks happy!!
    I will close and go attend to my canine guests.....Paula, I'm sending "prayer hugs"!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    Shari, I agree that emotions could slow down our weight loss efforts. I hope you land some joy into your life this week. It's there but finding it can be a challenge at times. Thank you for thinking of me.

    I called the home health agency today and arranged for a care giver to take me to the ultrasound appointment. I am waiting for confirmation that someone will be able to do so. My friend agreed that her car would be difficult for me to get in and out of, though she thought she could figure out a way to make it work. I thought about asking her to go along with me but got the sense that she didn't want to do so, so at the moment I will go there alone, though that could change. I did ok with food choices again today. And I prepared all my tax info to give to my accountant to do my income taxes whenever he is ready. I tend to procrastinate on that task, so I am pleased that it is all taken care of.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    DW - I don't think that I could 900 calories. I am sure that would help with weight loss, but I would gain it all back once I started eating again. So glad you are enjoying the guests at your house.

    Tax season is here and I am thankful DH looks after it. I should pay more attention, it would be good for me to be more involved. I just end up looking for the receipts that he misplaces.

    I am feeling stressed this morning. DH did some work on our laundry room while I was at work. He doesn't pay attention to detail, and I took a look at the work and I have some issues. He never receives the feedback well so I am really stressing about what to say and when. If he starts to get mad, I will have to walk away. I don't want to leave things as they are since they could still be fixed, but I just don't know if we can handle resolving this right now. He gets so upset when I am pick out what's wrong with the work he has done. I am not so picky either. Thanks for letting me vent, it may help to have felt my feelings with others before him. I hope to be more tempered.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    edited March 15
    DW, You and I must have been posting simultaneously because when I did my previous post only Shari's post was there. Thank you so much for your prayers and prayer hugs. I feel them. 900 calorie seems quite low to me. I suppose you could fill up on low calorie veggies and such, but I am not sure how sustainable a plan like that would be for me. Enjoy your pet visitors! So nice they have a familiar place to stay with your DD away.

    Shari, So tough to comment on your DH's work! Timing can mean everything when addressing such sensitive concerns. Hope it is a smooth discussion.

    Today I applied for a senior driving service. I found out about this service on Monday after the problem I had at the hairdresser's. When we got back from the appointments, out of the blue a woman whom we know stopped by because she saw John out walking Buster. Her daughter and John went to school together, but we haven't seen them in many years. (Her daughter now lives in Texas.) The mom is a physical therapist and asked how I am doing. When I told her of my driving/transportation dilemmas, she gave me info about an agency that helps seniors get places. I called the agency and finally today they got back to me. It seems close to a dream come true. There is an annual membership fee ($10 per month paid annually) and then a fee for the rides ($5 per ride plus $2 per mile). Sounds wonderful. The agency rep was terrific when we spoke. I should hear soon about my application and then will be able to use them for transportation. Unfortunately, John would not be able to go with me with this service because he is not over 60 yrs old. I love this story because it shows how another God breeze came into my life at a much needed time. So very blessed!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    Paula- This driving service sounds like it will be so very helpful. It is another God moment.

    My conversation went much better than it typically does with DH about the finer details on the projects he completes. It was very wise of me to look at what he had got done and then have time to work through my emotions before speaking to him. I told him I checked things out and was so thankful for all of his hard work. Then I asked him to let me know when he was ready to hear about some the details that I thought could be looked at. He received things so much better. I hope I can remember that this way of communicating is better. I do need time to process my emotions as I have a very hard time containing them. And he has already fixed what I pointed out and was even thankful for my input.

    I am going to work on being very vigilant on food tracking these next four days. It should be something that I can commit to as I will be at home for my meals. I really need to see my where calories and fat macros are at. The information should be eye opening.

    Happy Friday
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    Shari, Sounds like your laundry room discussion went well. Hope you had a good day for food and otherwise.

    I am posting a picture of John's birthday cake, made for him by a friend from our old church. It is a peanut butter chocolate cake and quite delicious. I had just a very small piece. John's bday is March 15 but he always appreciates St. Patrick Day decorations. He had a nice birthday. Another friend from our old church brought him her homemade potato pancakes, one of his favorite foods, and too much work for me to make. I indulged in some of the potato pancakes too but didn't over do it.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    That is such a fun cake! It sounds like John had a good birthday being able to enjoy some of his favorite foods. Thank you for sharing the photo Paula.

    I got a bit caught up at work and I think by Monday I will feel even better. Today we will work on our laundry room and I want to try baking French Macarons. I have never made them and thought it might be fun. I could take them to church to share during coffee time with a small group of friends.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 306 Member
    Hello!! Happy Birthday to John!! The cake looks amazing!!
    Shari, I am so in awe of the way you approached the laundry room concerns! I tend to get upset and blurt things out.
    Our DD returned last night without any travel problems. She was very tired so picked up her dogs this morning. She had a wonderful time and really enjoyed spending time with her nephews.
    I have started a project that I committed to for the dog club more than a year ago-I have to make 5 base sections out of PVC filled with cement for added weight. I put it off as long as possible but now it is needed. I have my first test model sitting overnight for the cement to harden🤞🤞🤞. If it seems ok in the morning, I will purchase the rest of needed materials. It will be a huge relief to get it finished!!
    Have a blessed Sunday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    DW, Your project sounds difficult to me, but I am sure you will do well with it. Let us know how your test model turns out. I admire folks who take on projects such as that. I would be all thumbs and probably end up wearing the cement.

    Shari, French Macaroons sound so exotic to me. Can't wait to hear how they turn out.

    I didn't sleep well last night and was tired and in high pain all day. I spent most of Saturday sleeping and resting in our family room on a recliner that is very comfy for me. This is likely another flare. Sure hope it lessens by Sunday afternoon as 2 friends are stopping by for a late lunch with us to celebrate John's birthday. They are bringing take out from Olive Garden. I am having salmon. I considered changing the plans but decided not to because John and the friends are looking forward to this get together. I plan to rest for the remaining time of the day after they leave.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    DW- that sounds like an impressive project. I hope things all go according to plan. No real do overs when cement sets!

    The macarons are okay- I think I over cooked them and so they are drier than the ones I have bought in the store. They tasted good, so I believe I can improve them on my next try.

    Enjoy Sunday All! I am thankful for another day off. It is supposed to be a beautiful day here. I might get to sit on the deck and feel the warmth of the sun.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    It was a nice, relatively warm, day here too. While it started out cloudy we saw the sun shine later in the day. Enjoy the macaroons....I bet they taste great.

    I had a good day for food choices. I enjoyed the Olive Garden salmon with broccoli and salad. I don't think the salad agreed with me because I had to run to the bathroom with diarrhea which has been happening for me from time to time after a variety of meals. I am beginning to think I have irritable bowel syndrome or something like that. John and I enjoyed our company but felt they stayed too long. I was pretty tired and kind of said that a few times, but they stayed on longer than we expected. They did help clean up which I know they know they should do to help me. So in that sense they are good visitors. I rested but didn't sleep after they left, which is progress for me too. I felt much better today than yesterday, especially because my pain was much less.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    I had a pretty relaxing day and I was happy with my food choices.

    Your visitors must have been enjoying the visit having stayed so much longer than you anticipated Paula.

    Not much else to report, just back to work and continued work to try and lose any amount of weight.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    It was a good day for me all around. I wasn't hungry at all so my points are low. I had a small grocery order delivered (small but still crazy expensive in my opinion) so some necessities are back in stock in this kitchen. I had a visit from one of the gals who was here on Sunday. She stopped by to drop off some pierogie I ordered from her (my old) church. Pierogie are typically a trigger food for me, but I had no problem with portion control with them today. I also had a good day in terms of my pain level, but I didn't push myself too hard and am carrying over some of my "to do" list items now on to Tuesday's list.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    I did okay with my eating yesterday, not perfect. I have been tracking breakfast everyday, now it's time to start tracking my dinner. That will be super helpful. I know I am still eating too much, tracking will give me visibility on what I still need to change. I know I need more protein. I love pierogies. Yum!

    I went for a very good walk yesterday. It was so nice out, I was able to be outside.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    Nice to be able to walk outside Shari, celebrate the beginning of spring!

    It was another good day for me. One of my recent concerns has been getting Buster to the groomer because I am not able to drive. The groomer is less than 3 miles from where we live. One of the office gals has been driving him home to us after his grooming as she understands my challenges. Today I called for an appointment for Buster and asked if Sue would consider picking him up here and bringing him back since I am not driving now. She said she'd be happy to do so, another blessing in my life.

    I ate well again today, and my hunger was manageable. My pain was pretty low too. I rested a little in the afternoon, and I am thinking this helps lessen the pain and helps manage the hunger.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    edited March 21
    It was a busy day here and all good. My taxes were picked by the accountant's assistant who turns out to be a dog lover and just adored Buster. Also a friend came by and dropped off a ton of coffee (K cups) he got for me on sale. He brought us avocados too. I am a big fan of avocado toast, and so is John. Later, Buster was picked up and brought back from the groomer. She loves him and always tells us what a good boy he is. I was also able to take care of some small household chores. Food choices were good again. I am not too hungry these days. My emotions are up and down with the ultra sound scheduled for Friday.

    This message is helping me
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    I can't believe I didn't check in yesterday. I either didn't hit save or was off of my routine. So strange.

    It is so wonderful that a number of people are rallying around for you Paula. You have a solid base of people in your life. I totally understand how difficult it is not to worry. Especially in light of the appt coming up. I have wrestled with worry a good part of my life and the statement above is so true. I recall watching a little sermon series on anxiety and the main point was not to worry over things that you don't know will happen or be true. Our minds take us down a dark path and so often we didn't need to go there. I still struggle. I do know having people pray over the worry helps so much. I pray right now that you will have peace replace the worry and that you will be healed of this mass before it is even diagnosed.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 958 Member
    Shari, You are right, I do have a solid based of people in my life, including you and DW too. I appreciate your support and fervent prayers tremendously.
    I had a good day for food choices as I wasn't very hungry again. I took care of my to do list early in the day and then just chilled for the remainder of the day. It worked out well. We have church services online for the first week of Lent (for us) every night this week at 6 pm. That too has been a big help and comfort to me. Hoping and praying for good news tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 825 Member
    Paul- Thinking about you today. I pray that all goes well. I believe that we can pray for healing, I believe that God sees you, and that we can ask him what ever is on our hearts. So with that I pray that the medical staff will do their due diligence but that they won't find anything that is a detriment to your health.

    I am not losing any weight yet. I haven't lost hope yet, but I moving in that direction. I know that it doesn't make sense to give up trying but it is so hard that trying isn't getting me anywhere.