Thank You for the exercise tips, will definitely try them and post my progress. You guys feel free to add me as friend! Would love to see your progress too! Pull ups are an aim of mine and I have been working on them for some 3 years now! I'm getting close. The changes in my back musculature are very pleasing (if hard to…
Thank you so much everyone! All your comments make me feel confident to work my upper body now. Sorry if I wasn’t clear in my post (English isn’t my first language) but yeah I meant to say that I wanted to avoid the “bulky traps and lats” and just have a lean rather than muscular back. Thanks a lot for the pictures and…
This thread is very helpful, thank you guys.
Hi Stacy I find the app super useful to keep track of my diet. Also shows you straight away what is good for you and what’s not. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can encourage each other, Karolina
@buterfly13 Hi there
Thanks for the post! I absolutely agree 😍 l stopped being miserable. That’s for sure.