letsgoplay1 Member


  • Hello! With a week left in April I am prepping to get back into E2L. I've got about 40 pounds to lose according to Dr. Joel. Prepping- meaning stocking up...reviewing..changing meals back to nutritarian.
  • Gloria- sorry to hear out the pain and all of that- sounds bad. Things are busy here- I'm still working on the weight loss....
  • Hello! Loooong time no check in! Windy and cold here- and I signed up for a half in June and my DD is getting married same day- her wedding is at 4 pm. My race at 6:30 so actually that should be fine. My problem has been wimping out and doing indoor biking workouts- but that has been ok too as the bone spur I got way back…
  • Happy New Year! :) I wrote down my goals. Jumping back in!
  • Happy New Year Runners! -Movers-Shakers! :) I signed on for 2 races so far- so going to dust off those running shoes.
  • Gloria- I think they just don't make these shoes like they used to! I like kinvaras but they don't last too long- tbh tho I do need to start keeping track of mileage instead of just estimating. These days I am walking more than running and on as many dirt paths so I just got another pair of Saucony trail shoes as they are…
  • Hello! Yes- was easier to communicate on Sparks but glad to be here. Gloria- I was thinking of trying Altras. I also like minimalist shoes BUT I think key thing there is I am in my 60's and still not at goal but I really do like cushiony shoes. I like the kinvara. I have the 13. Right now I am walking and running a little-…
  • Wow! That sounds like quite the adventure! Good luck on the race! I'm scooting around and staying healthy but am getting back into it.- meaning will race the half marathon here in town next Summer. I'm still on the look out for shoes as I like minimal neutral ones but those can get pretty beat up soon. Saucony seems best…
  • Hello- yes- me just popping in again. I'm getting some running in here and there and about ready to make it a regular thing and also hope to pop in to see how you all are doing. :)
  • Gloria- thanks!!! I am going to jot down those book titles! And the downhills in the marathon I did is why I never signed up for another on!! Haha- but maybe some day.. I love Dean and read that book -to everybody here Hello! and I need to get into the habit of checking in and reading up. I am reading!- not ignoring you…
  • Becky- I miss sparkpeople too. I actually have not gotten into habit of checking in here- but thank you again Gloria. I will try to do so. Back to fall back- walking.- Gloria I found downhills murder on my quads so this winter I am going to focus on weight training. I did pull out a Hal Higdon half marathon plan to do. No…
  • Gloria- glad you are happy I made it here! I deleted my account before Sparks ended..Hey a lady always knows when it is time to leave..lol- not that I am a lady BUT I do love the film Fried Green Tomatoes. So- I am just getting used to this format so if I don't respond to all- I am reading and will try. This will take some…
  • oh and forgot to say. I did a half marathon and a full. Have done many 5K's and a 10k. Since pandemic I realize I like running but racing - eh - not so much. I don't know if I ever will again. Perhaps.
  • :) Hi Gloria! It's me Em from SP. Thanks for being here! I'm walking to get back to running- did a bit today. 4 miles with some bursts of running. Gonna miss SP but hey whatcha gonna do? :/