Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hello!!!!! Sharon, I just love your outfit, you are so cute!!!! I dressed up in my kitty cat Christmas running skirt a few times and I actually wore it to work too, lol

    Becky, how cold did it end up getting there? How much snow did you get? Sharon, did it snow there?

    It was crazy here. We had below zero actual temperatures and with that wind, the feels like/wind chill was in the -20s. It snowed too and it had rained first, so it was very slippery. Because of all of this, a few utility poles fell in the wind and because of car accidents, so they had around 70,000 people without power. And to top it all off, they were doing rolling blackouts on Friday and Saturday. Saturday morning our power went out six times. Then it snowed a lot yesterday morning and it was so slick. We had to go to the next town over to feed our friend's cats and my DH fell in the parking lot of the apartment complex where our friend lives (he is okay). Then we had a friend come over for something in the afternoon yesterday and he ran off the road into a pole and totally destroyed the back passenger door to his car. Thankfully today it was warmer and sunny so most of this has melted. I had hoped to go to the YMCA to workout these days that I was off, but nope, that didn't happen. I couldn't drive in this mess, nor would I risk running outside, so my workouts have been on the treadmill. It is going to warm up a lot but we are expecting to get a lot of rain, so we will see how this goes! I need to get out and run for sure!

    Our Christmas was quiet. We went to take care of the cats in the morning and the evening but we had a very nice dinner at home. Becky, I agree, it is hard to cook all of that and you are doing it for a large group.

    I did a lot over the past few weeks - had two Christmas parties, went one weekend to KY to shop, went another weekend to KY to have Christmas with my in-laws and our son. There were a lot of activities and festivities at work too. I had two eye doctor appointments (my new ophthalmologist prescribed multifocal contact lenses, not sure why the old doc wouldn't let me have them but I am LOVING these, and they correct my astigmatism too, so AWESOME, no reading glasses anymore). Then I had to go up there again to order my new glasses. It's been crazy busy! Today I met up with one of my very good friends who lives a couple of hours from here - so I don't get to see her nearly enough. We had lunch together and spent two hours chatting - and I got to see her DH and her three kids, ages four and six) who I haven't seen since before Covid (I have seen her though).

    I can't believe it is almost 2023.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    Stopping by to wish all a Happy New Years Eve and a Happy, Healthy New Year..

  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Happy New Year! 🎉

    I hope everyone had a nice holiday!
    Sharon-you look so cute in your outfit!
    I have to say I’m glad the holidays are over. I overindulged and my body let me know it. I’m back with a clear head and now it’s back to eating healthy again. Sometimes these holidays are good to make you realize how good it feels to eat right.
    We had a very cold Christmas but it warmed up after. We’ve lost a lot of our snow now. We do have another system heading our way but it should be bringing more ice and rain instead of snow. Looks like this is going to be our Winter. Up and down.
    I took my dog out for an early walk this morning and then headed to the lake for another walk. I wore boots since I wasn’t sure if there was ice or not. Could’ve worn my running shoes. I know next time I can wear them and maybe get a little running in.
    Gloria-I hope all is well.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Happy New Year!!!! Wow, 2023!

    I didn't do my usual end of the year 10K. The weather was not supposed to be good so I didn't register. But then of course the weather was great. But instead I ran with two of my friends and we did six miles. Then we had coffee after that. Unfortunately the run wasn't great - started out with a slow run but then ended up walking the last couple of miles, so...right now I seem to be able to manage two or three miles, more than that, forget it. Yesterday I walked in the morning with my friends and then today I walked with some friends early and then later I walked with my BFF, so off to a good start! Tomorrow is a run day for me, just two miles, totally doable for me. But it is supposed to be stormy in the morning so I am thinking it might end up being on the treadmill. I have really been loving these shorter runs and I would like to do some 5Ks or 10Ks. Just not sure about the longer distances right now but I am registered for Hot Chocolate 15K, which is in February.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    Thank you Becky. It was a last minute decision on what to wear for that race. Originally, it was predicted to be very cold, then they predicted rain with warmer temps. I am so thankful it was warmer and the rain held off until after the race and I got to my car... Then, the sky opened up.

    I need to focus on healthy eating once again too. I did find some KETO Cookie recipes that I made for the Holiday's. So good but addictive. I just made another batch.

    Gloria, this weather has been crazy to plan running outdoors. Nice you have a treadmill for bad weather running. Shorter races sound good for a nice break and sounds like you have plenty of time for that 15K.
  • letsgoplay1
    letsgoplay1 Posts: 39 Member
    Happy New Year Runners! -Movers-Shakers! :)
    I signed on for 2 races so far- so going to dust off those running shoes.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hello Everyone! And hi there Em! What races are you going to do? I have a 15k coming up in February. I haven't been doing long distances - well, I did a half in November but I was in terrible pain and even walking was horrendous, so I am a little apprehensive about the 15k. I am enjoying shorter distances right now, supplementing with strength training, HIIT and the rowing machine. I've put on some pounds, so strange for that to happen to me as my eating is usually spot on, so I am cleaning it up to make sure everything is the best nutritionally and hoping these pounds leave soon!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good Morning!

    It’s nice to hear from everyone. Sounds like everyone has some very good New Year’s plans.
    I’ve been trying to make some goals. Some days are really good, others not so good. The treadmill is not my fan. I struggle with mileage on it. Ive always disliked the thing but I could usually get up to 5 miles on it. Now I’m pushing 2.5. And that’s walking. I think I do better jogging outside. I can’t seem to get my pace right on the treadmill.
    We had some crappy weather but it’s quiet now so I should be able to get out. The paths down by the lake are icy so it’ll be hit and miss with those. Sidewalks in town are terrible because of ice. When I feel safe to wear my running shoes outside I’ll start trying to work on running out there.
    What I’m eating is slowly improving. I just need to stick with it. Like eating at home versus carry out. Did well this week and weekend. Hopefully I can keep that going.
    I’d love to say I’m signing up for races again but I still have a ways to go. We’ll see come Spring if I’m ready.
    Have a great Sunday everyone and I hope you’re having nice weather!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hello!!!! Becky, well that stinks about it being icy. No way would I go out in ice! I see all of these runners out in it like it is nothing. But even with my YakTrax, I don't think so. The problem for me with the treadmill, at least the one I have here, is that it is so old and not calibrated so I don't really know how far I have gone. My Garmin on the treadmill isn't accurate either. And if I walk on it, my Garmin won't work at all. Plus, the incline doesn't work on it either. I have been thinking about going ahead and getting a new one but I can go to the Y too, so I don't know.

    Saturday I had to do five miles. It is not really cold but it has been wet and rainy. Saturday it was about 40 degrees and pouring. Back in the old days I would have gone out and run anyway but I decided to go to the Y and run on the indoor track. I think it was a good workout, just lacked the hills that I need. Then I did the rower for about ten minutes. Today I went with my friends and walked. I have a training plan for the 15K that I am trying to do and Thursday I am supposed to do four miles. It is kind of hard to do that kind of distance during the week with my work schedule. It would be easier if my pace was faster. I have to start so early - and it is dark.

    Becky, eating was really out of control for me. I gained like ten pounds over the holidays - that has NEVER happened to me, I have been maintaining my weight for about then years. Just keep going, we can do this! I am really being careful about sugar and snacks, those are the things that cause me trouble!!!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi Becky, Gloria, Em and All. Hope you all are doing great.. The weather has been really crazy here in NC too.

    I have been doing a lot of indoor running since it has been so cold and one morning there was ice. We have not had snow yet, but I am sure we will sometime soon. I still try to get out to run at least three times a week except these past few weeks, being so cold.

    I am learning more about my Garmin and running indoors. I have a mirror in the room, where I run, to keep an eye on my posture. It seems like when I am running with good posture, my Garmin is working properly indoors, with my pace. As soon as I start to slump a bit, my pace slows down. I make sure I do my aerobic, HIIT type of breathing to match my running steps to really get into a fat burning mode. Also, my arm movement to match my running steps. On Garmin FR35, I only have a treadmill setting for running. So now, I use that also for Walking but edit it on the Garmin Connect for Walking. So surprised on that model, they don't have treadmill for walking. The indoor walk using GPS does not work accurately at all.

    So far I am signed up for two Half Marathons. One in March and the other in November. I will also run the Holiday HM Run again in December, just they have not had the sign ups yet. I really miss the two Race 13.1 that is June and October. Due to construction at the Mall, they have not had any of those races since Covid. I hope they will be back when the construction is all complete. Only 5 minutes from my house and most of the race are on paved Greenway Trails.

    Goals for 2023 is to complete 100 Half Marathon Running Distance.
    The other is run 2023 miles in 2023. I have been with this running challenge group for a few years on Face Book. I use to belong to the Runners World Running Challenge with Coach Jenny, but the price each year has gone up way too much. I may just do her Holiday Challenge each year instead of the full year. I have been with that group since 2014 and really like the people there.

    Hope you all have a wonderful evening.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! Hope all is well! Sharon, I have had terrible luck with running indoors with my Garmin....it could be on the treadmill, the indoor track at the Y, or whatever, it just doesn't work well. Indoor walking doesn't even register on my Garmin. I have a Garmin Forerunner 645. It's old and I will probably get a new one soon, but I just don't think Garmin has perfected the indoor running thing so I am not sure if a new watch will matter.

    So I decided to jump in feet first and do a group training for a half marathon. I have done that a lot in the past as many of you know, even have been a pacer for Fleet Feet's half marathon and marathon training groups, usually for the 2:30 finish training group, or for the 5:00 hour marathon group. Of course it has been a few years since I have done that. But there is a huge running club in Nashville called the East Nasty's and every year they do a FREE half marathon training group. Although driving to Nashville is MEH, I decided to go for it. Last week we did a 45 minute run. Well, I have gotten so darn slow over the past few years that I cannot keep up with the group, which is a 2:35 group. Kind of sad. But I am sticking with it. Today we did five miles. I didn't keep up but still did a fair job and had a couple of others who were close to my pace who I was able to stick with. I did three mile runs in the mornings this past week - before work, in the dark, and I did that three times. I feel like my running is going okay and maybe I will start speedwork again, which should help me a lot with my pace. My next race is February 25th, and it is a 15K. Next half is April 1st.

    I've still been going to the Y and doing strength training, HIIT, and doing the rower. And usually I try to do at least five minutes of stair climbing. Probably need to do more of that. But it is NOT fun, lol
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good evening!

    How is everyone doing?
    Things haven’t been great here. I thought things were going in the right direction and then my mom fell again. We couldn’t get her to go to the hospital. It took us a week to get her there. She laid in bed. Needed help getting up and moving around. We thought we were losing her. Turns out she was fine. Just had a UTI. She was getting of mine and my sisters attention and our families weren’t. All of this caused a wedge in my sister, mine and my moms relationship. It was bad. My DH and one of my sons stepped up to the plate. My DH spent the night at my moms a couple of nights ago and got sick. Yesterday I had him do a Covid test and he tested positive. I haven’t been able to go to my moms house even though I have tested negative. If I test neg. tomorrow morning I will go because I’m nesting with a nurse and PT. I will wear a mask. Anyway, I took my life back again and I exercised and I watched what I ate again. Time for control.

    I’m so envious of Gloria and Sharon and your running. We had a snow storm last week which dumped 6 plus inches. The roads are mostly clear now and the temps are still above normal. It’s nice because we’re at the end of January now. January is usually our longest and coldest month. We’ve had quite a few perfect run days. I’m hoping to start asap. I have a lot of appts coming up this week so maybe next week.

    I hope you all have a nice week!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Oh my gosh Becky, how is your mom doing? Is she better? I hope you didn't end up getting Covid from your DH. Sounds like you were dealing with all sorts of crazy stuff. Have you been able to run? Did you get anymore snow?

    Here it has been okay, very cold sometimes, and there has been a tiny bit of snow but nothing that lasts long - I think it was Thursday morning when I went out there was a dusting - it was on the cars and roofs too. I went over to the office to walk for 30 minutes before work, and it was snowing lightly, but by the time my DH got up that morning, maybe an hour later, it was all gone. We've had cold and wind at times, but honestly, it hasn't been too bad this winter. We have some extremely cold days coming again but then after that I am hoping that we start to see a bit of a warmup.

    I met up with the training group in Nashville this morning. I was so happy because despite having some back and knee pain lately, the run went pretty well for me. We did six miles. I don't know what is wrong with my knee. It was fine and I was sitting around at home and all of the sudden it hurt so bad. I could walk on it (or run) but I couldn't bend it. I iced and took some Tylenol and prednisone (my rheumatologist gives me prednisone to take "as needed" and I rarely take it because I don't like the side effects). Then I put some essential oils on it too. Later I took a hot bath. It is still sore and hard to bend. I just have no clue why.

    My friends and I have been walking together on Sunday mornings but they say it is going to rain hard tomorrow so I think we might not go. I might try to do something inside - rebounder maybe.

    Hope everyone is doing okay - spring is just around the corner and soon we will be complaining that it is too hot, lol
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    edited January 2023
    Stopped by to say Hi!! I am totally exhausted. I woke too early this morning. I think it is the excitement of my son arriving here Tuesday evening. Thinking about all I have to do. I have PT tomorrow too, so hopefully I can get more done. We Celebrated our 39th Wedding Anniversary yesterday. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Unusually a warm 75 degrees and then the next day a snow storm. We went to Banner ELK, to go skiing and had to get chains for the tires to get up that mountain our first day. So much fun.

    Becky, I hope your Mom is alright and hope you are staying healthy. You certainly have some crazy weather where you are.
    Gloria, happy to hear you are back with the Fleet Feet running group.

    I did a new Indoor run, which I really liked this morning. And her pace is similar to mine. Here is a link, if you want to check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGSbmqL90Pk
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hi Sharon, thank you so much for the link to this workout - it is PAHLA B! One of my friends from the maintenance group loves her workouts! I have saved this one and might give it a try. Of course I get frustrated with Garmin because it won't recognize indoor running.

    I did my run this morning, just short of three miles (I like this route a lot but really, I need a whole three so I am not sure if I will keep doing it). It was so pleasant out, around 50 and kind of humid but it felt great. I am always slower than ever in the dark. Kind of afraid of tripping, especially if I am running on uneven sidewalk. A lot of the neighborhoods don't have sidewalks around here, but this one does. Went to the gym for my strength training class and the instructor, who is also a physical therapist, thinks my knee issues might be IT band, which really stinks, because IT band is so hard to fix! I can walk and run on it just fine, at least right now, just can't bend my knee much.

    We are supposed to get freezing rain tonight/tomorrow, hoping it doesn't amount to much.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    You are welcome Gloria. She is terrific. I checked out her other runs but the 10K appears to be the longest.. Does your Garmin have Treadmill Indoor Running? Mine does have that one option but not Indoor Treadmill Walk. I guess when it comes to replacing what I have, I will try to find one with a longer than 5 hours GPS tracking. They are so expensive but Garmin is still my favorite. I also use Fit Bit just to participate with the challenges with friends. I have been doing that for years. Nasty weather here too. It has been raining since yesterday and Sat. morning temps will drop to 16 degrees. I do not plan on running outdoors. My training run calls for 13 miles.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good Evening!
    My mom did well with Covid. The rest of us got Covid but it wasn’t serious. My sons girlfriend due to endometriosis had it the worst. I had the worst sore throat. Never had one that painful. Even strep wasn’t that bad. Luckily it only lasted a couple of days.
    My life has been a mess. My mom is now staying with me until a room opens up in a nursing home. She can’t live on her own and requires 24/7 care which means I have to be here. I’ve been able to get on the machines now and I’ve gotten out for quick dog walks. My mom doesn’t sleep. The other night we were up numerous times taking her from bed to the recliner in the living room. I finally put my foot down and told her that she had to pick one place and that was it. My DH has to get up and go to work. We can’t continue to do that. My stress levels have been so high and since my sister bailed on us, all the responsibility falls on me. By the weekend the Covid should be pretty much done here and people can come in again. My mom possibly had brain fog from Covid but I’m wondering if maybe she’s got a little Dementia going on. Her mind isn’t right. She’ll sit up in the chair and want to get up but then she won’t be able to remember where she wants to go. If she says the bathroom, she’ll walk right past it right into her bedroom. She gets frustrated if I say I thought you needed to go to the bathroom. Hopefully a room will open soon.
    Our temps were very cold. Yesterday and today they were warmer. Tomorrow extreme cold again. The weekend starts a nice warmup that goes thru next week. Perfect running weather. I will need to find a sitter.
    I hope everyone’s running is going well. I hope to get back into my routine again soon.
    Have a wonderful evening! It’s already Feb. spring is right around the corner now.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Good Morning! Oh Becky, I am so sorry about your mom. I hope that a good place opens up for her soon so that she can get the care she needs. I know this must be really hard on your and your DH. But in the meantime, I hope you can get someone to come in and help so you can do the things you need to do. Dealing with any sort of dementia ( or Covid brain fog) is really difficult. I have several friends who are dealing with parents who have these issues and they are all so stressed. I will be thinking of you. Take care of yourself the best that you can!

    Sharon, I did try the running in place - and I did like it. But I have to be really careful with that because I am a heel striker and running in place forced me to land mid-foot rather than heel strike. And that is not necessarily a bad thing, except that my feet and legs are not used to that, so after about 40 minutes I had to quit because my feet were starting to hurt really badly. Do you do it barefoot? I also found that my gait was not right when I did running in place - it seemed like I was doing more of a running march than I would if I was running outside. I want to do it more if possible because I know I can strengthen the tendons and ligaments in my feet and also maybe work on my running form a little.

    Since we had a lot of icy days, I did the running in place video on Wednesday and then on Thursday I did the treadmill. Saturday I ran with my BFF at the track and that went well. It was super cold yesterday but the wind was light and the sun was vibrant. I had layered up and was able to unzip my jacket a bit if I needed to and I felt good. Today it is warmer, sunny and beautiful. I haven't decided yet if I will do anything - I should get out and enjoy the weather. Maybe I will see if a friend wants to go out for a walk later, or maybe I will join the running club for their Sunday afternoon run (they do a Sunday morning run at 6 am, and an afternoon one at 3:30 - the afternoon group is closer to my pace than the morning group).

    Oh, I think I forgot to mention, I am going to Disney in April - the races I want to do that weekend are sold out but I am watching every day to see if they re-open registration. I might do the 5K and/or 10K if I can get in. I can't do the 10 miler because it is on Sunday morning and we fly out early on Sunday - I am going with my BFF. Something fun to look forward to!!!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good Evening!
    I’ve been having a difficult time getting on track these past few weeks. My eating is way off due to my moms eating habits. Her schedule is proving to be a challenge for me to get my exercise in plus everything else. I’ve been having major stomach issues. Feeling like a possible ulcer. NSAIDs and nerves.
    Unfortunately there are no openings in any of the nursing homes. It’s tough. She knows I’m having a tough time with this and I have to tell her it’s not her fault. Last week my sister came to visit her. She thanked me for taking such good care of my mom. Really? I had no choice. She had no where to go. I wasn’t going to send her home. She is my mom. She’s my sisters mom also. Too bad my mom isn’t worth too much of my sisters time.
    Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday. As of Wed. I will be giving up sweets for Lent again. I’m hoping it’ll get me back on track with my sweet tooth. I’ll try to make some of those protein desserts. They are really good and low calorie. You just have to make them in advance.
    We have a major snow storm headed our way. I may be able to get a dog walk in tomorrow but after that it’ll be machines. We’re heading towards March and I really need to get motivated. My mom is ok by herself during the day so I need to learn to adjust to her schedule.
    I hope everyone is doing well. I hope your running is going well. I keep thinking warm weather and getting back down to the lake.
    Have a wonderful night!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    It’s finally March! Counting down to the 1st day of Spring now. Weather is slowly warming now. I
    I’m still dealing with the after effects of the stomach flu. Luckily my mom has remained in the hospital but is coming home today. Quite stressed about that. We’ve enjoyed having our lives back again.
    The treadmill has been extremely slow for me. I just can’t seem to move too fast on it. I want to be outside more. Just trying to balance everything. I miss the lake.
    How is everyone’s running going?
    Gloria-how is work? Do you have any races coming up?
    I’m not giving up on getting back down to the lake and getting a little running in. Just gotta get thru everything that keeps getting thrown my way.

    Take care! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!