dontlikepeople Member


  • > I also find I tolerate a deficit less well at a lower BMI. This is well accepted by "science" It doesn't mean we need to adjust our calories. It just means we need to find ways to cope and live beyond it until our bodies…
  • I get hit on by older/larger women when I'm staying fit. It's weird. I'm not the world's best looking guy, so when I'm putting off my fitness vibes it's apparently enough for women to cat call me. It's always awkward, but I always smile and thank them. I don't mind the weight loss comments from friends and coworkers, I…
  • Personally I walk 3 miles every morning 7x a week. Then lift weights in the afternoon and practice martial arts at night. I love low intensity cardio because it works as active recovery. I wouldn't be able to run every morning like that. There's no hard rule that says you have to lift weights before cardio. Especially if…
  • @sijomial Flared elbows during push ups can actually damage your shoulders, that's why it's recommended against. Here is a random link, but google can provide plenty more info.
  • Seconding on talking to a PT, and thirding that you should not do anything that hurts. I noticed you said it doesn't hurt with strict form. That might be the crux of it. You may need to lower your weights and focus on form+auxiliary for a while. A PT is the best solution. They can check your form, and recommend some…
  • When my fitness levels have been very low in the past I had a very simple routine Push ups, jack knives (or sit ups), air squats, and a walk. As my health improved I added more reps/sets/length, and eventually started repeating the basic calisthenics after the walk as well. The key is to be kind to yourself. When I was…
  • I am alive! I have to constantly remind myself to not celebrate the shallow aesthetics, and stay focused on what matters most: Health, athleticism, and longevity. So every day is a blessing!
  • One of my favorite quotes is, "If it was easy, everyone would do it." That seems to apply to losing weight rather well. Will power is the only answer. I wish there was an "easier" answer, but at least it can't get more "simple!"
  • I went to a charity fundraiser through taekwondo and did 1,000 kicks. It took about an hour and a half. Then I went and walked 5k. A year ago I'm not sure I'd have survived that lol. I've done a really good job of whipping myself into shape.
  • @watts6151 the gaba looks nice after reading on it a bit, thanks for the recommendation! I will order some so I can cycle off the zma for a few weeks.
  • @Penny_Loafers ZMA is zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B. Magnesium is the component that helps with sleep as it's a mild muscle relaxant. Zinc is great for the immune system, and the combo of all three is said to help with male health in older guys. Diphenhydramine sounds like it might be a bit heavy for what I'm hoping for…
  • Everyone's been complimenting my weight loss lately. Coworkers, friends, etc. One random lady (who was much older) randomly "cat called me" and said I had a nice body. I'm no longer the fattest guy in the room. There's no Xs in any of my clothes. I generally feel pretty great.
  • This is of course anecdotal, but: My senior citizen life long type 1 diabetic mother does very well with oatmeal. Oatmeal is a super food whether you are diabetic or not, but when she eats oatmeal it tends to keep her blood sugar very stable.
  • Staying alive. No jokes. I want to live to see another day. You don't live very long if you are obese and sedentary. If you do, the quality isn't very good. Beyond that, it's nice to be attracted to yourself.
  • @glassyo I'm scared to try the frosted cookies incase I like them too much. The "Fudgey Brownie" candy bars are..... delicious, but they don't have enough protein to count, and I want to eat the whole box lol. Looks like we both know what good snacks are! *high fives* And yeah, the loaded taco chips are something special.…
  • If it's water weight, or if it's fat weight, really doesn't matter so much. All that really matters is that you're aware of your behavior and putting in the work to change it. We all put a lot of value on scale numbers, but they don't really mean much in the end. Consistency is king. Going off the rails 5 days out of 356…
  • I just want a zero calorie peppermint mocha latte.
  • One of the hardest things to do, but most important things to do, is to be kind to yourself. If you're not in the right headspace, you're not in the right headspace. With that said, remember that once you DO start, you will be that much further out from your goals. The key is lifestyle change, and if you're not in the…
  • > A man can lift for three months and be at an overweight bmi while lean. And you thought MY statement was hilarious? Okay.
  • You vastly over estimate how many people are fit enough to break the BMI chart. Vastly. And yes, ONLY professional athletes break the BMI chart. If someone is BMI 26 and lean, that's not breaking the chart, it's still a reasonable estimate. But if you're BMI 26 and lean, you're in extremely good shape, significantly better…
  • It might help if your body is warm in general. IE, walking on a treadmill for 10 minutes before you begin to help get the blood moving and warm up your muscles so you are a bit more limber.
  • Sounds like we are all right around the same waist size lol. I'm estimating I'm only about 3-4 weeks away from fitting back in my 36" waist pants as my 38" pants are slowly getting loose. I'll be back in size medium shirts by around that time too I think. I'm right there with mbarkitek, I have an army of 34" sitting on a…
  • BMI is a REALLY GOOD ball park ESTIMATE of someone's over all physical health based on weight and height. The ONLY people BMI does not provide an estimate for are professional athletes (think the likes of mike tyson, or professional bodybuilders). If your BMI says you are obese, then yes, you most likely are carrying…
  • Four days is not long enough to determine if a diet is working or not. If it was a "strict diet" as you say, you would know exactly how many calories you're consuming.
  • Food in general. I love to eat. The pandemic lock down had me ordering from grub hub 7 days a week. If I had to pinpoint a "culprit" I'd have to say flour. Anything that has flour (pizza crust, to sandwich bread, to cake) just sends me into a feeding frenzy. Carbs are fine, but there's something special about flour that…
  • I "Cheat" and have 90% of all my food delivered to me weekly via a food service. It's not cheap, but it's not terrible either.
  • @Idontcareyoupick Thank you! Not sure how this site never came up in my searches, but some of their treats look great. Definitely gonna give them a try. Too bad I probably missed any deals over the weekend. @kshama2001 Protein treats are hit and miss, and some companies do it better than others. For example, Quest makes a…
  • Looks like I made a few typos, Current start weight should be 304. Can we no longer edit posts? Were we ever allowed? That's a 100lb typo lol.