zenobia9777 Member


  • I wish everyone the best for this holiday season. Due to an unexpected family event, I will not be up to posting for a while. I hope someone else will take over the January thread. It's been a privilege to be with you on your journey. My best wishes!
  • @k8richly my mother always said, "This too shall pass ..'" Hang in there. Yes, we are a chatty bunch, and I should edit my stuff better. Just wanted to mention that the balancing move I talked about is called a single leg deadlift. We used two weights with it today.
  • @SherryRueter lifting 20 lb!!! I think I tried using one of those once - impressive. No, I don't have any urges to assault cute guys!! The Maggie Sterling videos sound good. I need to try those. @HoneyBadger302 hauling around exercise equipment is definitely on my list for cardio. @SparkSpringtime69 that is incredible…
  • Congrats @SherryRueter and @HoneyBadger302. I hope to report a loss sometime in the next few weeks! @SherryRueter those are good thoughts about urges. I have a real problem with impulse control. @Antiopelle I do have a history of inner ear issues. If I don't take Claritin regularly, I will get severe vertigo in the spring.…
  • @Antiopelle good to hear from you. I think the hardest thing is having a plan in place. Sounds really upsetting about your colleague. Work environments are so dysfunctional. Congrats @CeeBeeSlim . That's a big weight loss. I'm also a Marie can't do! @HoneyBadger302 it hurts to even hear you describe the bursitis!!! Good…
  • @SherryRueter interesting about the macro coaching. I have the same impulse for carbs. @HoneyBadger302 I hear you. I wonder if the stress is causing me to make minor stupid mistakes. Walked the dogs for over an hour yesterday to relieve stress. Tried to practice my balance poses, but I just was not with it. Just have to…
  • @JBanx256 I'm glad you posted that. I'm certainly in that category! @SparkSpringtime69 terrific idea to start the couch to 5K on the treadmill. Good luck with that. I tried brushing my teeth while standing on one leg, but I think I will just do my other little routine. I have trouble concentrating!!! @Happyness4me2 I think…
  • Actually I haven't figured out the right plan that will work with my interval timer. This has a plan and good tips: https://www.runnersworld.com/beginner/a40267826/couch-to-5k-runners-program/
  • @SparkSpringtime69 you made me laugh about the toothbrush thing. I think I missed some posts. I did not want to pay for another app so I just looked at these on the NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/running-and-aerobic-exercises/get-running-with-couch-to-5k/. I put the presets into an app with ads that is…
  • @HoneyBadger302 you are on the right track. Today I picked my weights well at circuit training. I do not want to strain anything. Yesterday I did better with food...did not have the snack attacks I have had lately. Happy weekend!
  • @SparkSpringtime69 glad the yoga went well. I think that kind of stretching is the one thing I absolutely can't afford to give up. I'm sure there are other types of exercises that are good for that, but I'm used to yoga. @Happyness4me2 thanks for the book suggestions! The Backman book is part of a trilogy, so you might…
  • @SherryRueter that video looks inspiring! @Happyness4me2 your goals are also inspiring. I am a book club member. We don't meet again until February. Currently working on Us Against You by Fredrick Backman. How about you? Today my goal is to do my balance routine. Also I picked up an exercise for Wednesday by going on the…
  • @HoneyBadger302 you are at a good stage now. Feels good to set it all up the way you need to. That meal planning app sounds like a great idea. Let us know how it goes My report is that I spent about 15 minutes on the following yesterday as planned Calf raises Ankle flexions Warrior 3 pose Tree pose Stand up with one knee…
  • https://www.dallasnews.com/news/healthy-living/2015/10/03/the-science-behind-why-runners-slow-down-with-age/ There are some famous exceptions such as the 64 year old Japanese woman who ran a full .marathon in less than three hours! https://olympics.com/en/news/athletics-marathon-women-yugeta-mariko-profile And this lady…
  • @SparkSpringtime69 thanks for reminding me that I was going to try to balance today In circuit training, sometimes we do a deadlift where you gently! fall forward on one leg. Holding a weight can actually make you feel more stable when you do this. It's sort of a warrior 3 pose, but one hand holds a weight as you pivot…
  • I fell out of my daily post habit somehow. I did more than usual exercise last week, and then I did a 5K yesterday. I was really happy because I did the intervals and my knees did not start to hurt. I came in fifth in my division. 41:30. Nothing to brag about except I went out there and did it!!! I don't really want to…
  • @k8richly my condolences. I am in agreement that stress can come out in strange ways as far as physical reactions @Antiopelle I'm looking forward to pictures and to hear that you are over your bug! It's good to catch up with everybody. We're all struggling with the Thanksgiving madness. I've been doing my marathon…
  • Yesterday was a win in terms of exercise but not in terms of eating. I was pretty pleased with the yoga. My balance was pretty good on one side and my range of motion has improved I went back to circuit training and it went very well. However I did not feel like I had to work very hard. Not sure what that means!!! Lots of…
  • Dog walk --- 40 minute mile !! I signed up for 5 days of exercise this week. Today is yoga. I have to estimate calories on food today since I made breakfast bars. It is. only a problem in my head!!! Keeping busy and somewhat productive.
  • @K8richly it could have been worse! Yesterday was sort of average. I have got to start logging my food again. I did not go to exercise. I have no excuse not to take the dogs out today after I put in some time digging out through the junk mail Have a good day, everybody!
  • @SherryRueter it really helps me also to have accountability reflections Those leg workouts sound intense! I am sure you will feel more comfortable with your beauty clients as you go along. For me, unfortunately, yesterday things went south after lunch. I had been doing a lot so I was resting, and then I just got to a bad…
  • @SherryRueter I may need to look up your videos!! Definitely a different vibe. I go to a hot yoga studio and some of the classes even involve weights. I don't do those, but I go to their circuit training. Yesterday I did not do well at all because the teacher had us hold poses for too long for me (sits and bent knee poses)…
  • Welcome back, @Happyness4me2. Congratulations on committing to a new you. I have been AWOL but I finally have news that I can get back to the gym after the toe incident. Apparently the fall just aggravated some arthritis. It was pretty badly bruised. The doctor did say that sometimes fractures don't show up very well. So…
  • @SherryRueter thanks. Congrats on meeting your 60 miles! @HoneyBadger302 you will be all lined up for a new start for the new year. I did just okay on food yesterday, but didn't exercise. The doctor had my big toe x-rayed to see if there is any significant damage. I should know something by the end of today. I'm planning…
  • @SherryRueter thanks for the links. That is so thoughtful! And I absolutely agree that gratitude is huge for creating mental peace. As far as food in the Mediterranean, one of our guides told us that her mother would be totally shocked if she bought produce that was not in season. @CeeBeeSlim, oh my gosh that is so true…
  • @Antiopelle so sorry about kitty. My Simba came back so battle-worn that I had to ground him, too. We lost him 4 years ago. Have fun in Greece! It was spectacular there. @CeeBeeSlim thanks, I was shocked. As for Covid, the staff all wore masks. Some of the passengers, too, but I didn't hear of any quarantines. It seems…
  • @k8richly my sincere wishes that your father's last days are peaceful. @SherryRueter that is an awesome amount of steps per day. You are doing very well to get in that much activity. We did a Mediterranean cruise which was supposed to be for our 30th but was delayed by Covid for 2 years. I highly recommend the experience.…
  • I just got caught up. Great reading and I picked up some inspiration and ideas. My Mediterranean trip was awesome and I am up maybe only a quarter pound. The cruise ship meals were mostly small portions and we tried to eat light breakfasts and lunches. Although I did have too much alcohol! We did walk a lot and had some…
  • @k8richly so wonderful to hear about kids doing positive activities. You must be proud and you definitely are a cool mom. Congrats on being down half a pound. It is progress! @SparkSpringtime69 please let me know how it goes with the walk. I'm glad it was useful. @CeeBeeSlim hang in there with the caregiving. I had a lot…