pcrozier99 Member


  • Unfortunately, there are no magic or easy solutions to being at a healthy weight. You either will eat better or you won’t. No one can do it for you. You obviously have to work on the mental issues with a professional. But on the weight loss side of things, it begins wit simple practicalities such as buying a food scale and…
  • There is no way anyone here can possibly answer that question based on the minimal info you have given. At any rate, best to get actual medical advice because feeling that fatigued every day is certainly concerning.
    in Diet Comment by pcrozier99 June 2022
  • Black coffee is zero calories and has plenty of caffeine. Seems pretty straight forward.
  • All these are great sources of protein actually. Which is recommended by most experts when you are in a significant weight loss phase so you don't suffer excessive muscle loss.
  • Ummm, rude. I don't see where anyone said anything about 1200 calories or starving yourself. They simply made a point that to follow macros also requires tracking overall calories. It's arithmetic not a judgment so don't be so defensive. People are simply trying to be helpful.
  • Nope. You are only accountable to yourself. No guilt necessary. Eating better and exercising is to improve your health overall and over the long term. It's not about being such a slave to it that you cannot enjoy life's pleasures. If you were to turn away family members or friends for the sake of one more day of burning…
  • It's not been very long so be patient. But if you are gaining over the medium or long term, you are not in a caloric deficit. You are either underestimating caloric intake from what you are eating or over estimating calories expended through exercise. It's not much more complicated than that. The walking you are doing is…
  • Losing muscle mass is not a good thing. Putting on or maintaining muscle while losing fat is a very good thing. The numbers on the scale do not tell the whole story. Just cardio with no weight work will result in the loss of muscle mass, lower your BMR and therefore make it harder to keep the weight off. A balanced…
  • Guilt for what? You aren't hurting anyone by having an enjoyable weekend. You are trying to lose weight for the long term, not give up living. Sometimes living your life comes first. If you give up every pleasure in life in exchange for losing a few more pounds quicker, is it worth it? Discipline is important for success…
  • Sure. As long as you are in calorie deficit you will lose weight whether you do cardio, strength or no exercise at all. However, if you want to minimize muscle loss and help guard against regaining the weight due to a much lowered BMR, you will want to do your fair share of strength training to keep as much muscle mass as…
  • I think you may be overestimating the calories you are burning through walking. I burn off an additional (over an above BMR) just over 100 calories per 6000 (or one hour) steps walked. So 30k for me will burn an additional 500-600 calories over and above BMR. It will vary for people of course, but likely not by double.
  • [/quote] I haven’t been weighing everything. Just only meats and serving sizes for side dishes. [/quote] I think you might have your answer right here. It's important to be very stringent when you begin to weigh everything. The small things add up quickly. With experience you will become more intuitive about how many…
  • Either is good as long as you have you input your activity level correctly. I made the mistake for the first while of choosing "lightly active" because of my planned exercise (different than calories burned from regular daily life). But then followed net carbs and ate back the calories from exercise. This is an error as I…
  • The desire for a long and healthy old age.
  • I have lost 40 pounds over the last four months and about 8 percentage points off the body fat measure. My blood pressure has gone from borderline high down to the optimal range on both blood pressure numbers and my resting heart rate is now much lower. So, yes, made a big difference for me.
  • Calculators are a good guide but they are only a guide. You also have to use your own experience to make good decisions. If you are not losing weight after an extended period of time on your current calorie level, try reducing it by a small amount until you do see a difference. This is assuming that you are accurate with…
  • These calorie burned numbers seem very high. In the event they are accurate, no this is not a healthy approach at all.
  • You should care about both, particularly if you want to minimize muscle loss during your weight loss journey.
  • Earl Grey hot and nothing added.
  • Split hairs all you like. Point remains the same. Unplanned snacking is mostly out of habit or boredom. It is not due to hunger.
  • Protein powders and shakes should be used as supplements to a well balanced mean, not as meal replacements.
    in Really? Comment by pcrozier99 April 2022
  • What time you eat is meaningless. How much is all that matters.
  • If you are gaining, unless it's all muscle, it means you are in a calorie surplus and have to do a better job at tracking your calories. If you are doing that and still gaining then you have over estimated what you should be eating for your daily calories. It's really not more complicated than that.
  • Ultra low cal ocean spray cranberry juice in the evening. About 10 calories per serving. A good sub for my sweet tooth and good additional to keep fluid levels high.
  • You are likely overestimating on the rolls but that's better than underestimating I suppose. Most Sushi rolls in moderation are actually not that high in calories. My normal order comes with 8 rolls and is about 600 calories, With the mayo, yours are likely a bit higher.
  • As far as taste and calories? No difference. A few more preservatives, of course. I have found it super convenient and a great weight for some healthy protein.
  • My choice at Starbuck's is to look at the prices and turn around and pay much less for a better black coffee almost anywhere else.
    in Coffee Comment by pcrozier99 April 2022
  • Looking outside the app's database for clarifying information is sometimes helpful and necessary when there is disparity in the database. If you are eating whole foods, it's pretty easy to find reliable information in other places.
  • Distinguishing actual hunger from a craving. If you are eating your calories and macros for the day, the feeling you get at night is NOT hunger. It is a craving. Get past it.
  • We are all adults here capable of critical thinking, surely. One can easily weed out the good info from the bad info. There are plenty of trusted sources available on health and nutrition. Not all agree, but the credible ones are certainly informative. I mean, if everything on the internet is so untrustworthy, none of…