shirowakirio Member


  • JM 30 Day Shred is still my go to when I want to jump-start working out. I especially like how energetic I feel after the workout. I also do the 6 Weeks 6 Pack but don't find it as effective and is quiet boring IMO. Am gonna have to check out BR. It doesn't matter who's in or out as long as you can stick with their program…
  • I really need to cut back on sugar. Today I did use just a banana with the quick oats and realized I don't need any other sweeteners. I'm going to try molasses instead as PP suggested and see if that will help. I'm in the US, I really don't like how watered down skim and 2% milk taste which is why am thinking of just…
  • It never occurred to me to use molasses in the oatmeal. I have the Grandma molasses. What kind of oatmeal do you use? Any chance you can share how you hit your daily protein goals on average (foods/meals)? I have high cholesterol and have been trying to avoid eggs. I'm at a point where I want to change my eating habits and…