

  • I find this thread very interesting and informative! LL and others with wheat/gluten allergies: have you tried the Ezekiel 4:9 bread? It is made from sprouted grains and doesn't give the same bloated feeling that many wheat breads do. You can find it in most grocery stores nowadays. I love to toast mine and put almond…
  • I took Lexapro about 5 years ago and within one year I had gained FIFTY (50) pounds! I was hungry all the time, so I ate a lot. I switched doctors and found one that put me on a medication that worked better and was weight neutral. Now I am able to lose weight by using tools like MFP and so forth. I have lost 25 pounds of…
  • I'm having a similar challenge today.....I am home sick with a cold and feeling such a lack of motivation when it comes to my homework. There are some assignments due tomorrow and I haven't even touched them yet. :noway: Sometimes what helps me is to set small, attainable goals like reading 5 pages, or proofreading one…
  • Tasha, are you eating all of your extra exercise calories? I have seen where people will increase their exercise and not eat all of their exercise calories and actually gain or maintain. Do you think maybe your body has gone into starvation mode? Try eating a little bit more and see what happens..... Hope this helps. Andrea
  • Congratulations, Greenie! I'm so happy for you and you are such an inspiration to me!!! Thank you! Andrea
  • I've gotten really picky about fish lately....I used to LOVE Tilapia, but now sometimes it tastes a little muddy to me. I love Halibut and Cod my opinion, they both have a very light flavor. Andrea
  • WOW thank you for all of the welcomes! I am glad to be here. It looks like there are lots of people from MI here as well. Thanks again, I will venture out into some other areas of the board now! Andrea
  • Hi, my name is Andrea and I just found this website today. I LOVE the food database, by the way! I have a little over 100 pounds to lose and am just trying to consciously live a healthier lifestyle. I've never done well with structured diets, but counting calories is OK as long as I don't get obsessed with it. Right now I…