

  • I've been taking some garlic hummus and vegetables (especially celery, carrots or cucumbers) and apple and some peanut butter to work lately. Sometimes I'll throw in some rice cakes..I've been really enjoying the wild blueberry ones. I also make sure I have some ice water with it as well.
  • I have a beagle- heeler mix. She's a great mix. I would visit a shelter first and find one that picks you... You'll know when you find that one... But I would recommend a beagle considering they love people and have a good energy about them. We walk a very brisk 3 miles every day and every day she's happy to it's…
  • I did 300... Do I get extra credit?!
  • May 5, 2012 on the east coast of Florida. My goal is to weigh what I weighed when I graduated high school; from 10 years ago. I have 12 pounds left before I hit my goal. My fiance is dieting with me which is nice to nave a support system!