Been thinking about getting a dog.....

Haven't visited the shelter yet. I'm more inclined to check there for adoption before I'd buy a purebred. Been vacillating between a basset hound, sheltie (i looooove collie dogs), or something huge and fluffy like a newf or bermese mountain.

What breed would you recommend for me.... and why? What's your favorite?


  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    I recently posted almost exactly the same thing! I visited the shelter today and found the pitt bull I want, just need to convince the landlord. Good luck and i hope you find a wonderful dog! :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well, I have a lab/beagle mix (bad side? he LOVES to bark. Yes, I realize he's a dog and dogs bark, but he barks ALL the time. He loves water, loves to play fetch, etc)

    I also have a boxer/American Bulldog/shar pei mix. (he doesn't bark and is pretty low key, but you have to pay attention because bulldogs and shar pei's have a tough time regulating their body temperature).

    I love mutts. I wouldn't pay money for a pure bred dog - mutts are just much more appealing to me. :)
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    I'm kind of fond of my Golden Retriever, but he is a BIG dog.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    omg YES! i am a huge animal lover and rescue is the way to go!!! :D don't base your decision on breed...they're all different! go to a shelter and decide by individual dog. :) look at
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    We have an American Bulldog, a Boxer and an American PitBull Terrier...(we love the bully breeds)..short hair, beefy, and good with kids! :)
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    You can have mine!! I soooo don't have the lifestyle for a dog. Actually, it's my son's, but he's away at school. Go figure ... I'm the one who's stuck with him.
  • I have a Chinese Crested Dog that I love, love, love (his name is Jed, he turns 15 this week) but there are so many great breeds to choose from and mixed breeds are fabulous too. Much depends on what dog personality suits you and your life. If I could talk my husband into it I would get a bigger dog - shepherd mix so I have a good running companion.
  • bestrodeo
    bestrodeo Posts: 139 Member
    Well i have to say i have had alot of dogs over the years. I personally LOVE female rottweillers, they were always great with the kids never aggressive with them. Males however are a different story wont own another one!! I have owned a high bred wolf.. Wonderful dog lot of time thou.. Beagles I feel are runners, if they ever get out theyre gone.. I right now own a boston terrier.. BEST DOG i have ever owed... Ive had her almost 2 years, she is great, my best friend, she travels with me, works out with me, sleeps with me, she is great, smart just the best all around dog.
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    I would google it but i would get a dog that is easily trained. For instance, Labs are smart dogs and can be trained easily. Basset hounds, not so much. Slower learners. I just so happen to have a mix of both. So you could say i have a smart stupid fast slow learning dog. Depending on his mood.
  • I have a beagle- heeler mix. She's a great mix. I would visit a shelter first and find one that picks you... You'll know when you find that one... But I would recommend a beagle considering they love people and have a good energy about them. We walk a very brisk 3 miles every day and every day she's happy to it's good motivation on days you don't feel like walking!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Don't get a specific breed. Get the dog you fall in love with.

    And DEFINITELY get him from the shelter!

    4 million dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters every year (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats).

    I got my guy when he was 3. Someone left him at a truck stop in the dead of winter in the middle of nowhere. He is quite literally the BEST dog I have ever MET. So loving, smart and well-behaved. I got to skip cute-but-awful puppy phase where they pee and poop everywhere, cry and bark nonstop and chew your favorite everythings.

    Shelter for the win! :D
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I adore my pitt/mutt. Super eager to learn, and loves to cuddle. I'd suggest not worrying about the breed and just worry about the dog's personality.
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    You need to read about the characteristics of each breed; they have distinctly different personalities and traits. Don't limit yourself to local shelters and the Humane Society either. Most pet supply stores today do adoptions on the weekend as well; you also need to consider if you have the time and patience to start with a puppy (because believe me it takes lots of both) or if you would rather have an older dog who is already house broken, etc. You also have to consider size for your living space and your yard. Big dogs need room to run ;) And i never recommend just one dog, they get lonely and need playmates so if you can adopt 2 I would say go for it.

    I agree with chevy girl too on mutts; they are the best and the money is just not well spent unless you plan on showing them. Oh, have 3 myself right now, a hound mix, a collie mix, and a black lab.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I highly highly highly recommend a collie. I have had 3 growing up and they were the BEST dogs every. Very loyal and very friendly. My mom has a collie now and she is a big mush, thinks she is a lap dog. But I do have to warn you, considering they are long haired they do shed a lot and I mean a lot. They also need to be groomed on a regular basis to keep that "pretty" collie appearance. Depending on fur type they can become matted if you do not brush them on a regular basis. My dogs were between 60-80 lbs. We would buy a 40 lb bag of food from Petco and that would last us for at least a month. (At that time we had 2 collies)

    My neighbor across the street has 3 shelties and a good friend of mine has one as well. I am not sure of their weights but they are smaller than a collie but have the same look and similar personality. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about collies. I will do what I can to help.

    I cannot help you with the Basset Hound or Bermese Mountain dog though. Sorry.

    Good luck to you in your search for a dog. That is so exciting! :flowerforyou:
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    As a dog groomer I always lean toward the practicle side. Big fluffy dogs need a lot of grooming from home in addition to monthly grooming from a professional. If you have a lot of time to comb it at home you can stretch it out to every 6 weeks. Look into health issues of the breed before you take one home. Mixed breed dogs are usually healthier than pure breed dogs. And dogs with long droopy ears are prone to ear infections. I like Pits,Rottweilers and Boxers,but that is just me
  • cba4994
    cba4994 Posts: 147 Member
    For your sake and especially the dog's, please consider how big of a yard you have when deciding on what size dog to get. If you don't have a big yard and/or the time to exercise one, don't get a big, energetic dog. My favorite breed is definitely basset hound, but be aware they are very stubborn and can be very mischievious but I JUST LOVE EM! Good luck and as someone said, definitely check out petfinders.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    I recently posted almost exactly the same thing! I visited the shelter today and found the pitt bull I want, just need to convince the landlord. Good luck and i hope you find a wonderful dog! :)

    pit bulls are so popular, and i know the shelters are full of 'em :( i hope your landlord has a heart!
    Well, I have a lab/beagle mix (bad side? he LOVES to bark. Yes, I realize he's a dog and dogs bark, but he barks ALL the time. He loves water, loves to play fetch, etc)

    I also have a boxer/American Bulldog/shar pei mix. (he doesn't bark and is pretty low key, but you have to pay attention because bulldogs and shar pei's have a tough time regulating their body temperature).

    I love mutts. I wouldn't pay money for a pure bred dog - mutts are just much more appealing to me. :)

    my aunt had several Shar peis in the last few years... they were pretty high maintenance and i do remember them having health problems and being sortof slobbery. I'd be ok with part Pei in a mutt I think. I like mutts too.

    boxer.... hmmmm...... i'd take boxer before beagle I think. Beagles are hunting dogs right? They'd get the scent of something and refuse to listen if you called them (like setters or hounds). Dont' know if I want a bird or hunting dog......
    I'm kind of fond of my Golden Retriever, but he is a BIG dog.

    (off topic, I like your sn, do you shoot a glock?) our next door neighbors have two Retrievers.... they ARE big, but so kid-friendly. I swear they smile at people! I like social dogs without them being overly hyper.
  • one vote for the hound, bassett for you. I have two, a blue tick and a red tick coon hound. They are both rescued dogs from situations not so great so they both have their problems. But they can go and go and go, once the excitement of going out has died down, scooby can walk for miles, and I mean miles. Annabell, let's just say she can go for a while too but I have failed her in her weight control. It's amazing the love they show and share. Sometimes Scooby has to be put to bed, I hold him and rub his head or belly as he falls asleep. Annabelly didn't know what she was until 6 months, when we got her. She is a purebreed by chance for me but I will never breed her, she's too much of a baby. I call her momma sometimes because I know she would make a great momma but let's face it, too many wonderful dogs in the world. I love these two hounds, from sun up to sun down, when I am home, they are better than my kids sometimes. They know when things are not right and they will stick to you like glue. Get the hound. I'm sure there will be bad days, like getting into trash, but whatever, they are, jo:flowerforyou:
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    I would google it but i would get a dog that is easily trained. For instance, Labs are smart dogs and can be trained easily. Basset hounds, not so much. Slower learners. I just so happen to have a mix of both. So you could say i have a smart stupid fast slow learning dog. Depending on his mood.

    :laugh: sounds like my temperament. we'd get along, your dog and me.