Fjm2 Member


  • The pancreas makes insulin. Insulin enables the cells to use sugar and carbs from the blood. When there is not enough insulin from the pancreas, the sugar is not getting used by the cells and it builds up in the blood. When too much sugar remains in the blood, it’s called hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when the blood sugar…
  • I am an insulin dependent diabetic type 2. I strive for around a total 100 g of carbs and no more than 25 grams of sugar. For me to be successful in this, I need to up my protein and fiber. AND get daily exercise even if for only 10 minutes. Insulin makes us fat so finding a balance is huge. MFP really helps me not only…
  • I have been trying fresh lemon juice in a glass of water whenever I get a snack attack after dinner. So far I have had success! Have only been doing it for 4 days but ME=4, LNS=0. I find the lemon water takes the urge away and it gives me something to do besides eat.
  • You are so spot on! The relationship we have with food is key. If I want a cookie, I fit that into my plan. I don’t need 6 cookies but have learned to appreciate that one for that moment. I am so much more mindful of what I am putting into my body.
  • Whatever you do don’t give up! That happened to me in the past and then it started dropping off.
  • Note: I’m sure what I’ve lost so far is water weight. Should be interesting going forward. But cutting down on most processed food and limiting sugar is making big change at this point.
  • I just started eating better around 2.5 weeks ago. I am 71, 5’10” and weighed 220. I an also diabetic type 2. I was so out of control with eating that I finally woke up and brought myself back under control. It’s a long haul. One thing I realize is that I needed to change my eating patterns so it was sustainable. If my…