mfowler883 Member


  • 2 AF, 1 A. No alcohol in the house, and today should be AF. -m
  • 2 AF. Tonight is planned A, a little wine with Dark Wave. -m
  • I will absolutely put that on my list. The name is familiar to me for some reason. Yesterday, I bumped one of the .085g capsules of older mushroom up with some of the fresh Mazatapec to make a full .1g capsule. That's still considered pretty small but I like nice round numbers, so... September so far: 1 AF, 0 LA, 0 A. No…
  • Here for September. August was 16 A, 6 LA, 9 AF. No specific goals, just trying to do better. -m
  • Yeah I didn't know much about it myself, I'd seen references to it in passing and one day I decided to look into it a little more. My friend had given me a small amount a while back and I'd been keeping it in the safe since I don't really do that sort of thing anymore; so, after doing a little research, I decided to try…
  • I'm feeling...... ...mostly better. Not having anything to drink in the house is good. I'm not buying anything at the moment, I need to really get clear of it all for a while and the less I drink, the better I feel. Even when I do drink, I know that. I know that even if I'm not getting sloppy or drinking until I barf or…
  • AF today - 7 AF, 6 LA and 16 A. -m
  • Planned A day yesterday, nothing left in the house now. AF today. I think that makes 6 AF, 6 LA and 16 A. Caught up with my friend last night, so that was good. Should be set for a while. -m
  • AF today, I think that makes 5 AF, 6 LA and 15 A if I've counted right. I microdosed this morning, and I think it is making a difference. My wife and I run a business together, and while I usually work from home, I spent today in the office. I've found more and more in recent years that when she does things that bother me,…
  • Sounds like the best of reasons to me LOL! My wife says similar things about my self-imposed dietary that, I say, why? I am content to eat what I am eating now, why not continue to eat this way? It isn't so much that any particular thing is "off the table," but if I choose to eat something, I have to…
  • LOL yeah I've been riding brakeless since I was in my teens. There are tricks, and once you get used to it it's awkward going back. It sounds like the wildlife preserve was a wonderful outing. I really enjoy walking in places like that. -m
  • OK so I'm tired today, I don't think I slept well, but that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with anything. I sleep poorly often, and always have, hence the gummies and supplements. That said, I don't think I'll do that in the evening again, I mainly wanted to keep that first sample a somewhat private experience. I…
  • Had a beer tonight, call it less alcohol. 4 AF, 4 LA, 15 A. I finally got around to a microdose; I didn't process the whole batch, but chopped up a little stem, about .08g or so. ChatGPT says compounds are more or less evenly distributed so it should give me a bit of a baseline to gauge future doses by. I was a little…
  • Yesterday, I put away a ridiculous amount of mezcal. Today was AF. I think that makes it 4 AF, 3 LA, 15 A. I'm managing to keep my weight under 180, which is nice. I have a freezer full of healthy dishes ready to go into the sous vide, and a couple more in the works. Today, I started some tandoori chicken marinating, I'll…
  • 3 AF, 3 LA, the rest A. I'm feeling better even if my head still isn't in the best place. I'll get there. -m
  • Having a cigarette and a small glass of Weller before bed. A, yes, but LA so there's that. I think when this bottle is empty, I'll hold off on buying another for a while. Served some of my homemade Indian food tonight, it was pretty good. -m
  • OK so I just rearranged some stuff in the kitchen and moved all of my glassware - shot glasses, snifters, glencairns, lowballs, etc, and the whiskey, mezcal, bitters, salt, oranges, cutting board, etc out of the studio and back downstairs. It's so easy when I'm just sitting here alone in the dark at the end of the day to…
  • So I made it through the day and went to bed without a drink last night for the first time in a while. AF=1, A=15. Thanks! For the paneer, none of the above - I find that I can buy paneer at the Indo-Pak grocery that is every bit as good or better than what I can make, and not much difference in cost but far less effort.…
  • @RockinRobyn672 She's a real cutie, I love her coloring! I think Sport is a perfectly fine name, especially if it suits her. They're so tiny and basically helpless at that age, it's crazy when you find them just out and about on their own. Our vet said they thought Bella was probably dumped, since we found her in the…
  • Seems like it's been a year, huh....sorry to hear you've been facing challenges as well, but glad you're getting back on track! Good to see ya around. I'm not even worrying about specific goals yet, just trying to figure out where I'm at and where I need to be and make steps in that direction. -m
  • That's awesome. Doesn't it feel great when you start to see the results? -m
  • A day today, but I am limiting myself. One drink, instead of the usual...several? I dunno. I've been losing count most nights. Honestly, I'm sitting here thinking I'm on that threshold - that drink just didn't taste as good as it should have. I haven't started microdosing yet, that will probably come later this week. We've…
  • Thanks, man. In early May, we were out shopping and on the second floor of a parking garage, something caught my eye. Then, it stood up and moved, and I shouted "KITTEN!" We jumped out of the car and there was no momma cat, no other kittens and no people around, so we scooped her up and looked at each other. "Now what?" "I…
  • I guess I've been gone for a hot minute. It's been a rough year. Some of you probably recall I began struggling as I nursed Bentley (my schnau-tzu) through his final days in March, and finally said goodbye. My life has been spiraling out of control since then. As June drew to a close, Harley (my shih-tzu) grew ill and…
  • Wow. I take a few days off and come back to something like 130 new unread comments. Sorry, not even going to try to read it all this time. Rather, hopefully y'all have been well. Not much new here, some days AF, some days I have a drink or two but no excess. I found Corona now has an NA, it's so-so by itself but it makes a…
  • Last night was one NA IPA with dinner, one IPA after and a small glass of rum while reading before bed. Been trying to do better about keeping up with logging food and taking my supplements, and being more consistent. In a couple of weeks we're going to Jazz & Juleps, a little event at Bayou Bend with outdoor meandering in…
  • Yeah big fan of Utah here. I've only been once but it was a great trip. We stayed in Bryce but got out into surrounding areas, Dry Fork, Willis Creek, etc and did a lot of exploring and hiking. I want to hit Death Valley again next time, but I also want to explore more of Utah. AF so far this morning haha... -m
  • Not AF, but still less. Not getting blitzed, or really even buzzed. That's fine, I don't usually drink with the aim of getting messed up until I am, then the aim is to get as messed up as possible. I'm doing pretty good the last few days about maintaining the balance on the right side of that equation. Tonight, for…
  • Chaotic day. Got dragged into the office kicking and screaming the whole way, I really prefer to work from home but it is what it is, sometimes. Got home and threw myself straight into the studio project again. I started moving things around again, trying to make the best use of the space. Looking around, I realized that…
  • When we were little, they used to hammer it into our heads....lots of things that are missing today, really, but on topic, we were taught not to litter. I don't know what happened to that. -m