Blushtinker21 Member


  • Hello forkicks131, I wouldn't say I'm new around here, but it's the first time I actually get involved. I have been struggling with my weight for most part of my life. I always used to blame myself for being lazy and not stick to a diet, until I understood I have an eating disorder. And 20 years later I'm still struggling…
  • I forgot to mention a few vegetables that are rich in protein: green peas, sweetcorn, artichokes, avocado, spinach, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, kale, potatoes (yes potatoes have protein in there not just carbs). Also all nuts and seeds have good amounts of protein so use them (if you have no allergies). Now I'm not sure…
  • Hi avikalshukla935 Fairly affordable sources of protein are pulses (beans, lentils, chickpea etc). You also have grains such as buckwheat, quinoa. Eggs and fish are very good sources of protein and vitamins, not to speak of healthy fats which your body needs if you intend on increasing physical exercise in order to gain…
  • Hi there! I have been dealing with a non specific eating disorder for the most part of my life. It started with anorexia in my early teens, then had a period of binge eating followed by guilt which could only be "controlled" by periods of fasting. I'm currently trying to keep my eating disorder in check while I'm trying to…