Emotional eating and losing over 100 pounds

Hi, I’m new to the community and am trying to find some groups that deal with emotional eating. Also looking for a group that is losing over 100 pounds of weight. In all reality I probably need to lose 150 pounds or more. First time admitting this in public


  • jayjeremyway
    jayjeremyway Posts: 4 Member
    Right there with you.
  • Blushtinker21
    Blushtinker21 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello forkicks131,
    I wouldn't say I'm new around here, but it's the first time I actually get involved.
    I have been struggling with my weight for most part of my life. I always used to blame myself for being lazy and not stick to a diet, until I understood I have an eating disorder. And 20 years later I'm still struggling with food and weight, emotional eating, binging then restricting, all that "fun stuff".
    Bottom line is, it does not matter whether one needs to lose 10 pounds or 100, the struggle is the same. The key is perseverance.
    I have decided to lose the extra weight I have been carrying around because it has got to me (aches and pains all over, feeling tired all the time). This is what brought me here.
    And also I'm on a mission to raise awareness about eating disorders (no matter which one). Because losing weight (or gaining weight) when one has an eating disorder is but a "quick fix". It's the eating disorder that brings on the relapses and that's why some of us are in this unbroken vicious circle of gaining and losing weight over and over again.
  • GettinFit108
    GettinFit108 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! Feel free to friend me. I keep getting on the weight loss wagon, loose weight to varying success and then fall so far off I’m on Mars. Gain a bunch of weight because I never dealt with the emotional eating issue and start all over again. So here I am 100+ over weight starting all over again.
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 853 Member
    I'm down 111 pounds since Feb. Feel free to add me. Trust me it's possible!
  • Monicab5588
    Monicab5588 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi friends I’m getting back into it we’ll I should stay I have to fix my mental state and actually get to it. I’m definitely an emotional eater. Last February I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at 33y/o and I completely used that as an excuse to say F dieting and I’m going to eat whatever I want. We’ll now I regret that because I’m basically the weight I was after having my son (216lbs). I think my starting weight was 180 and I felt big at that point lol. I really need to do this for my mental and physical health. Thanks for letting me join!!