SeleneMoon333 Member


  • Also, take measurements...the delta of the before to after is how far the skin had to stretch.
  • Still a tad queasy today, so very light food, BRATTY bland, but I may have some roast beef on toast for dinner for quick easy heme protein. 1) FINALLY got to sleep at a *more* reasonable hour last night: ~1:45am & slept for hours and hours and hours. 2) Had to call cable internet co. three times today as they kept shutting…
  • Linny: excellent accountability-it can be hard to not indulge in extraneous calories, so good limit-setting. Also, it's great that you are moving too. Activity is not just for kids. Happy bday to your daughter! Jill-yep, great NSV re: good ice cream is my true vice. Your vacay sounds fun too; we have a lake but…
  • Hi Kathy! Welcome. Yep, tracking IS key. Pre-tracking can be both a time-saver but more importantly it really helps me plan my 'work', then I work that plan! Also key for me is allowing (& making) myself track when I go WAY off plan, which is totally new (that's when I would often stop) even though I've gained & lost 100…
  • The 10 minutes a day thing was from sparkpeople which was the largest site (mfp was #2 then) for a decade or more but they opted to close the free site because there was no profit in it and focus on corporate. They suggested that you didn't even have to do it could do 1 min, take a break, and repeat, 9…
  • Hi Kemeki, sorry I somehow missed your post a week ago; 10% is a great goal: do-able, motivating, and you immediately reap health benefits...good for you. I just figured out I'm also going for 10%, but trying to reach it by end of Feb, as that's my birth month, though not gonna stress if I don't reach it. I'm also focusing…
  • -Linny, that recipe is innovative, & looks good! Glad head's getting better. -Italiana, wtg! Me today: 1) Created a recipe—slow cooker Tom Kha Gai: Thai Coconut Chicken Soup—with what I had on hand 2) More kitchen duty...had compliments about it 3) Day isn't done yet, so am about to get some coding done now Goals tomorrow:…
  • Linny, I do not blame you about the pool...I was on the swim team for a hot minute (it was too early for me, and for my mom to drive me then), and it *was* cold, but then the training to swim faster did heat one up, a bit. Good for you for meeting your goals with support :smile: However, if you still have a headache you…
  • Linny...that's a great idea...a spot for single serving snacks; also Cheerios fun fact, they are primarily oats (the non-sugared Cheerios) I have not had a great first week, in terms of staying in my calorie limits, binged 2ce this week, but I'm okay in terms of feelings about it...just acceptance, that perfection isn't…
  • Made healthy pancakes for breakfast, worked out (low impact) watching Rose Parade with mom who *loves* it, cleaned other peoples' messes, AND did some self-care. To work on: not being triggered by pettiness.
  • Hi everyone here...and not here, lol...Happy New Year 2023! Let's have a jump-start January, generous January, or gentle January, your choice. For me, I jump-started in November, and while I didn't hit my goal of -20 for '22, I *did* approach it (-13), and am hoping to reach #twonderland by the spring, & my goal for the…
  • Hi everyone, sorry I stopped posting there, but know! The household was so behind, plus the blizzard was a huge issue, though we hired someone to plow the driveway so I didn't get a heart attack (tho I did go out each day & get some shoveling in anyway partly for the cardio minutes). We ended up hosting…
  • Hi all! Linny, that recipe looks great, and I will have to delay rabbit-holing the rest of her site Dawn, OF COURSE you have to can't serve without tasting; good for you for getting stuff done. and hitting the gym daily. I tracked yesterday & over the weekend, but totally forgot to post here. I had hoped the…
  • Hello all, I did okay today, was up quite late last night (& I go on & on apparently then) so got up late today. Didn't have breakfast until almost 6pm, then turned around and had dinner a couple hours later. Didn't get much done on my list, but I think I am set up to have a productive weekend...baking, cleaning, a bit of…
  • Whoops, almost French onion soup: I've seen *BUNCHES* of different takes on it, from basically beef soup with onions, down to my 1-3 ingredient version...back when I was on spark people and entering it as a recipe, I compared the popular ones, which mostly used beef broth. I'm not a fan as an ex-veg, so I use…
  • Good early (for me 10 pm) evening! Linny, it does sound challenging this weekend, but that's a good challenge...having a full social calendar & holiday parties...these events really only do come once a year! And the cracked barrel is still chicken just with more carbs & fat cals versus anything fried is WAY worse. Time…
  • I'm a returnee also, basically starting (8 pounds down) with lots to go. Am reading this whole thread, 5 pages a day, as motivation, and for insights from others. 2023 is gonna be a great year, and 2024 even better when I get into maintenance. Off to not eat the ice cream I tracked as a snack tonight (so really off to…
  • Welcome Italiana! I just joined recently too. I didn't move much yesterday, but have been tracking consistently & have pretty much hit my mfp-generated goal (before exercise). Gotta start a work-out program, which I used to have, so movement is more intense. As to meat, after being a vegetarian for a quarter century, I…
  • Update...down net 8 today, mid Dec. (Was down 7 then gained 4 so now down 5 for a total of net loss of 8) Not where I had hoped, but better than not!
  • So far, mid-Dec, down 8 pounds since Nov. 1. So not quite on goal of about 13 pounds,'s 8 pounds I don't have to release in 2023!
  • PS: Linny, those cookies look go-ood, and it's great you had a fun weekend; Dawn, good job on hitting the gym. That sore from the barre class (fun!) is what I call the 'good sore'. Soups: I usually put lentils or other legumes, in soups for extra protein, because I'm chronically short of it, and soup is one of the keys to…
  • Dad's 88th bday today, and circumstances, so I didn't eat anything before dinner though I did have a caloric lemon muffin last night, and a T of peanut butter. Then it was Chinese takeout and fancy torte for the dinner, and at first I had a small skinny slice, then a 2nd piece later that both equal a normal one. I'm also…
  • Try 'pre-logging', logging tomorrow, and even a few days hence. Especially if you eat something regularly, like breakfast, I often have the same thing, so I enter it in for the week, but I also don't care much about the streak. However, when I was on spark people, they were saying the steak *did* matter for #motivation. I…
  • Hi, I'm female and approaching 60's; have lost 100 pounds twice before; the first time mid30's, and recently restarted road to losing 200 (I do have a clinically slow metabolism, went thru menopause in my 20s, plus I do have the horrid habit of eating my emotions). First of all, Kurplow, CONGRATS on the magnificent weight…
  • Thanks for the welcome. Yay Linny on staying on tracking *&* losing a pound, and good for YOU Dawn on exercising daily! PS, you can call me Selene. For me, after all that typing of my newb post Friday (& somehow I lost part of it so there were some dangling phrase weirdness, even w/ mfp 'save draft' button) I stayed up…
  • I am here to join for the rest of 2022; restarted with this new account on mfp Nov. 1. My daily priorities: 1) Rx; 2) tracking, 3) water, 4) moving daily (gonna start using my sister's old 5) fitbit I think), 6) flossing & 7) cleaning 30 min. min. & (8) weekly weigh-in. Also, sometime this month I Where I'm at now...with a…
  • I figured we might as well start now, and more folks will undoubtedly join us in the new year if we are being active. What are your goals for the end of 2022? Mine is *ideally* to lose 10 pounds in December, but I'm okay if it's less as it's a hard food month, though I'm hoping that starting back with mfp I'll have…
  • "Mug" cakes...can add protein in via more eggs/white/powder; fast in the microwave Apple 'crisp'...apples with water-moistened oats w some spices and sweetener; I make these in the microwave...a round pan's worth is ready in less than 15 min other than cutting the apples. Also, I do ice creams in the winter...often on…
  • ". I was diagnosed with an underactive Thyroid in my mid 20s and weight has been a struggle since." Same. Though a couple decades older and another 100 pounds more. I had total ovarian failure...became 'sterile' though was never in my plans to have kids, so not a huge loss, except the loss of my metabolism. Also same: "I…
  • I've just restarted in Nov. with a new profile on mfp cuz IT issues. Priorities in order: TRACKING, water, exercise. Yesterday was a good day...down 5 lbs for the month, & shoveled snow (1000 cals) for an hour. Doesn't look like I'll have as much today, though we may be getting more tonight.