Daily Accountability Challenge!



  • kmcintosh1988
    kmcintosh1988 Posts: 35 Member
    @jillesser great job on the not binging after! It’s kind of easier when you get upset to just throw in the towel and say what the heck. I went over calories one day this week too. I beat myself up over it.
    We need to realize we are t perfect. Everyday is different. We eat differently because of it.
    We need to be kinder to ourselves it’s a journey not a race. Have a great day.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    We made it to our vacation spot. Since I'm on my phone responding isn't as great. On the 3 hour car ride I stuck to coffee, water, banana and beef stick. Everyone else had donuts, chips etc but I held off. Got here and I've had a protein bar and a single serve kettle corn. So far so good. Let's see how the next 3 days go though before I congratulate myself too much.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Ok, I am a little moody, just tired of this weather and feeling bad, but the drugs probably are not helping my attitude. two more days on the pills and I should be allowed to use only Motrin. Tracking today, I am surprised how many calories I have already consumed, had a protein mix and frozen peaches breakfast and veg lentil soup for lunch. Hubs is making ratatouille and rice for dinner, it will be tight but I should be under my 1200. Wondering how I really focus on eating well and stay away from all the junk I like and wine, I do like my wine. my three:

    1) logged my food, which I tend not to.....so that was good
    2) cleaned both my fridges, what a mess!
    3) not sure I can think of a third one, I did get to shower finally, my hair had been matted (really bad from the surgeons, we had to cut them out) and I don't grow hair anymore, after 60 it is just super thin and straight....losing any of it is a disaster. So, my good thing is not letting it turn me into a puddle of tears on my floor. LOL I am alive and there are always wigs, I guess. May have to go short. : (
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    @3moons3 wow 3 egg bites for 120 cal, share the recipe if you can, that is great!
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2023
    Congrats Jill; binge-ing for me can be just as you said, hard to stop, a momentum, until I'm feeling nauseous. Good for you!

    Kathy-good for you getting back on the horse, & you are right, kindness begins with the self. Progress, not perfection.

    Linny, I hope your daughter had a great birthday! My niece cried when she turned 10, she wanted to stay a kid. She's already almost taller than my sister (her dad's family is all TALL); good that you started off the vacay on track!

    Dawn...so productive!when you are out for the count right now; the link for the muffins I found (& I reviewed a bunch of different recipes but these were the ones, except I only had a scant 2 C of egg whites instead of 2.5, AND I doubled the cheese to a half cup but used reduced fat. Also per another recipe, it suggested adding a couple T of milk (I used 1%) for rising, but they were like little souffles & deflated within a minute of removal. If one added something like a little whole wheat flour or maybe some oat bran? (all the volumetrics food people use it for, I guess, it's low cals and adds body/structure? I haven't experimented with it yet) & someone else said to add some garlic powder otherwise slightly bland (egg whites after all, though egg beaters brand original was yellow-y which was less off-putting) & I didn't have any chives so used some sprinkles of dried herbs & spices I had on hand. Her technique was a little fussy, but mine ended up almost prettier than hers following it (cuz they were yellow). I entered the recipe into mfp, & it calculated 38 cals per muffin. I also had some extra spinach & tomatoes so made a few with whole eggs for fam who dislike egg beaters, and I did a taste test myself, & they weren't very different, a bit more yolky, of course. https://www.justataste.com/freezer-friendly-egg-white-muffins-recipe/

    Had a s*t day—toilet overflow, flooded bathroom & floor below (basement). Got 1) an hour of 'hard' cleaning in with it; 2) wasn't very hungry much of the day dealing with it, so got to have some 'junk' food tonight & stay within my cals; not the most nutritious but a few g protein 3) still on streak with mfp tracking & coding

    This coming week: basement, winter gardening, art|journaling
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hey all! I had a weird day yesterday. I stayed within all my boundaries but I felt kind of off. After a couple hours I checked my blood sugar and it was technically fine but low for me. I ate a banana and still felt off. I ended up allowing myself an extra piece of pizza and even a cupcake. This morning my blood sugar was again"normal" but low for me. However, I feel good today so hopefully that was just a one day thing.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    @3moons3 - thanks for the recipe and details. I really need to work on meal preparation, so this really helps.

    I noticed a few of us noting that we blew it here/there, but got back on track (which is wonderful). Let me give you a little background. Years ago, I was seeing a NUT from my doctor's office because (as usual) I needed to lose weight. She asked about my habits, and I said, oh I can diet and lose weight, all diets work but I don't make it a lifestyle, I am either on or off, and when off I am really bad. She said, oh you are a perfectionist. I laughed and at first said, no I am not, then I thought about my work, my home and went.....yeah, I guess I am. She was the one that told me to journal three positive things every day, to focus on the wins and not worry about slip ups (because they will happen). It has really helped. I am over 100 lbs lighter than I was then.....still struggle every day with weight but I don't beat myself up (too much). I still need to lose around 15 or 20 but realizing I can eat pizza, cake, wine (whatever) as long as I don't go off on a binge and that I keep forward progress.

    I love we are supporting one another; I love reading your progress and your hurdles. None of us are perfect, nor should we be. We are taking one step at a time. So go forth and conquer!

    1) going to try to focus on hair, mine is literally going bald so that is going to be my hurdle this year and I ordered a few items today, wish me luck!
    2) even though I am just out of surgery, I was able to help my hubs with a car issue today, made me happy to get out of bed and outside for a few.
    3) logged my food and read up on recipes (I love food). I also read that having protein around one hour before bed helps your metabolism and with sleep (which I suck at) so going to try to make having a shake/bar or something high in protein as a dessert. Sounds fun! I believe I even saw a high protein muffin recipe somewhere.....going hunting....

    Good luck and stay safe out there!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    @DawnCumm Writing 3 thinks most days really is making me see the positive so even for a nut they had excellent advice there.

    The devotional book I've been doing talks more about boundaries than anything. She points out we have boundaries like, we don't kill or rob people. Then that we have small daily boundaries. You don't cheat on your husband. You approve a fence around a playground to keep kids from the street. You have boundaries for every part of our lives that actually make life better so why don't we have food boundaries? It made me put a lot of things about food in perspective lately.
    We will still fall or break them sometimes but that picking ourselves back up is part of life. Great job everyone!
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    Plumber came today & installed a whole new toilet, so now thinking whole bath will be remodeled, in pieces. Has anyone used one of those 'bathtub replacement/resurfacing' in a day' kinda companies? Also *I* want a new stone counter (we have formica now) {I have a minor in geology, so *really* appreciate rocks & have wanted one forever! but getting push back); new sink would be nice to match new toilet & flooring & hardware & paint the walls. Excitingl

    1) the plumber 2) still on streaks 3) had a lovely long catch-up with my sister in Canada today, she's on WW & has lost about 80

    Tomorrow: plant some winter seeds outside if weather ok, work on 1st code project; basement clean-up; slow-cook some beans...I should go put those to soak overnight...Have a good T.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    @pamperedlinny love the boundaries analogy, never thought about it that way.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    We made it home and have to start being on our normal schedule tomorrow.

    1) I didn't have any unhealthy snacks on the way home! 3 1/2 hours in the car I literally had my turkey sandwich made and logged before leaving the hotel, a 100 calorie bag of popcorn and a peppermint stick.
    2) We unloaded the van entirely tonight.
    3) We made it back at dinner time! We are notorious for planning to leave and not wanting to so we stretch vacation an extra hour or two. Being a work and school night we really tried to stick to the planned schedule and we succeeded this time.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2023
    The boundary thing is interesting, because, imho, we break boundaries to ourselves a lot, but then feel guilty, and also shame/d. Also, some of the boundaries we have are individual, but have been broken somewhat by society's agreements as a whole...like we can have 'super-size' foods exist, etc. A lot of the clearest boundaries we cross are about how we, as a collective, and as individuals, treat the environment, (our collective body) so not an issue so much in individual weight loss struggles. But I'm an Aquarius, so everything to me is about the collective, lol...even talked my ex, a psych undergrad, to see this (along with volunteering at an agency) that societal responses are the most important factors...ex did grad work in Sociology & now heads up a Soc.Dept.

    Hey Dawn, et al: tonight
    1) found a new-to-me plant-based site, Feasting AtHome: https://www.feastingathome.com/tunisian-chickpea-stew/ (twas looking for some ways to make some Nepalese black chickpeas I finally
    2) soaked & slow-cooked today.
    3) Still on streak here & there(code), but not everywhere (forgot to do my MS Rewards/Bing points yesterday which go to Ukrainian Red Cross, which totally sucks as Monday 45 killed, including 5 kids, in Dnipro (Zelensky's hometown; I don't think putler chose that at random :( )). Weather rainy damp gray, but tomorrow's supposed to be clear, so kinda repeating yesterday: Tomorrow: plant some winter seeds, work on 1st code project; make some sort of chickpea dish.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    How's everyone? Today we got the call from the contractor we've been waiting to remodel the *other* bathroom, for over a year, & he's coming tomorrow, um, today, like in 5 hours. We, & the basement, aren't really ready for that. He'll start by literally tearing out the old shower that's leaked forever, & that'll be falling into the basement. So no gardening, no cooking, just #1 basement cleaning, #2 tonight I started code project (3/16) when I went upstairs, #3 LOW cals, 1201, just cuz of #1; TH: basement x 3
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good morning!

    My friend hosted a jewelry party last night. She had homemade mac & cheese, cheesy rotel dip with beef, some dips and snacks. I survived the gathering last night sticking with the few healthier options. She had a small amount of fruit and veggies though i didn't like the dip options. I held strong at just cheese cubes, strawberries, blueberries, baby carrots, pita chips and about 4 tortilla chips. However, I did also make myself a healthy yogurt parfait and turkey sausage before I went so I was loaded up on some protein and didn't feel like I was missing out at all. If I had gone in hungry I know that would have been a disaster. I'm learning to plan ahead and it is definitely helping with keeping my boundaries in place.

    This morning I got a bonus of exercise and embarrassing my daughter all in one go. At the school bus stop we turned up the radio with music she likes and got out dancing in the parking lot together. After about 5 minutes she realized her friends were showing up and tried to make me stop. It's not cool to dance with you mom in public.... so I told her I would just dance bigger and bolder. :D For the record, I have no rhythm and really can't dance so she was right to be embarrassed.

    I'm hoping to make it to my Zumba class at the gym tonight for my cardio.

    So my things for yesterday....
    1) Didn't over indulge at the jewelry party
    2) Did a YouTube workout when my neighbors couldn't walk with me yesterday
    3) Didn't spend any money at the party since I just got back from vacation. This is a big one for me. I did alert the hostess before attending that I'm broke and she was cool with that. I really wanted all the sparkly things!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks for the recipe site!!!
    Well my day and night took a turn for the worse. For some reason I had a hematoma and my whole face blew up with blood. Looked like elephantiasis and bleeding from anywhere it could. They cured me overnight and I am home now. Just look really scary. So no 3 things, except I have eaten little to nothing so there is good news. LOL
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hey all!

    My day didn't go as planned but it still went really well.
    My three things:
    1) I wasn't able to walk with my neighbors today due to weather but I did get all my laundry finished.
    2) I didn't get to my Zumba class today either but instead still fit in a 30 minute YouTube Zumba without instead.
    3) My daughter, who is just learning to bake, declared she was making dessert today. She did almost everything without help. I had a very low calorie day prior to this declaration so I didn't even break my boundaries when I had my dessert.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2023
    OH MY GOSH, Dawn, that sounds wretched!!! Glad you are better, and do heal quickly. Are they giving you anything besides pain killers? If you are into herbal medicine, check out yarrow. Back in ye olden times they used it to stuff in wounds in wars & as an internal blood flow staunch. Be careful as there may be bad interactions with other meds.

    Good for you Linny, and the point about approaching-but-keeping boundaries by planning is key, I think. I will have to mull this over some more...I'm kind of anti-boundary, because it's how I was raised, even though I understand the necessity for them in theory, and their usefulness. Tell your daughter that dessert looks good! What a cutie!

    My 3: repeating yesterday except the contractors started. The walls & shower are cement, and the step was the only place it was leaking, it turns out (old school) but they can't pull it because of the HVAC that's wedged in underneath, so it's a harder job than they thought. Again, no gardening, no cooking, just #1 basement cleaning, mostly laundry today, #2 I had already done! my code after midnight so no last minute stress tonight #3 I cleared literally hundreds of open tabs on my PC that I had been crazily clicking open as something to read, in time for the fam zoom tomorrow night, so no stress then...mostly done a day early! I was never an early bird at much, though I was a good student & stayed on top of my studies. Freyay: basement :/ x 3, unless I can sneak a little garden in.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Good job all! Thanks for the herbal recommendation, will look into it.
    I am not allowed to do much of anything for at least two weeks. No gym and only light walking around my home. Can’t bend over, etc, etc…. So my focus will be around good and making sure I follow Dr directions (which is not my forte) but this hemorrhage was scary so I am pretty determined.

    Keep up the good work!
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2023
    Take care of yourself Dawn, it sounds like it was horrifying experience, at least I was a bit horrified while reading it. Maybe others wouldn't react as strongly...the war in Ukraine has been a daily bludgeon in the background of my isolated fam's lives. There's so much weird yet very stressing turmoil in society today anyway, and for you to have to deal with this...so sorry. YES follow Dr.'s orders!! please. Maybe think of it as a fortnight of severe self-care. What would you tell others to do if the situation was flipped? Follow that advice.

    My mom is kinda like you, not good about sitting still and healing; about a decade ago, she had a surgery & had to sit still (it was supposed to be like 2 weeks) but I only got her to really sit still for like 3 days, because she was not into my cooking (& I was a good vegetarian international cook, but she was more traditional carnivore-omnivore, and plainer than I ate) so she started doing little things in the kitchen after 3 days, then more things for herself. She ended up over-doing it, and had some ill effects and prolonged the whole experience longer and with more pain and injury, than if she had stayed put a bit more. I kinda don't see why she was so ansty to get up and do what I consider, somewhat, 'busy' work or 'grunt' work (that's what I call it when I do those things) but I guess it gave her purpose.

    Personally, I can sit for a long time*, but I'm a crafter (mostly knitting and art journaling, but I love all arts and crafts), and love reading, & reading information, online and off—a nickname others gave me: "the information gatherer" (I could call myself an info glutton)—also hearing it or watching videos, and of course listening to music. On the other hand, lying down constantly does get tedious, but if you are allowed to sit up, then take advantage of one half of a lunar cycle (new moon was last night) of enforced quietude and placidity. Maybe gift yourself an extra streaming service or cable package you don't have, for a month, & 'binge' everything you've ever wanted to see on it. Also, lots and lots of teas and infusions, and by the full moon you can get back to "normal"-ish. Also, you could act like many millenials & genZ...get into gaming?

    Sending you positive thoughts and best wishes that your recovery goes well.

    PS: *Even though I can sit for hours and hours, I also have phases where I am very active. But 'the life of the mind'—intellectual stimulation—has always been most fulfilling to me, and, now, with the internet, all knowledge is a search away....

    I read all of these, some have some great ideas!
    and this one has some products that may be useful:

    Feel better <3
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good morning all!

    Yesterday was pretty good for me.
    1) I started relearning how to cross stitch. I did it as a child with my grandmother but at about age 12 decided it was boring. I bought a starter kit that has you practicing the different stitches. This will eventually be my activity when we watch TV or movies as a family so I don't snack. My hands will be too busy.
    2) For our spaghetti night I added veggies and meatballs to my bowl and an hour after eating did the elliptical for 25 minutes. My after meal blood sugar was amazingly low. No pasta night spikes here!
    3) For dessert I planned to have a piece of the cake my daughter made the previous day, just without the pie filling and whipped cream. When i looked at the slice it felt too big and I only took half. I had the calories and the plan and realized I only needed a taste...not an entire slice... to be satisfied.