Daily Accountability Challenge!



  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    @3moons3 Ever since working from home I tend to go wherever I'm invited. My husband is a pretty real introvert. He's ok with our daughter, her friends, pretty much anyone who is below teenager (I know that sounds creepy but he's just a big teddy bear). But adults he doesn't really do. He'll be kind, polite, joke and is great for very short periods. However, we'll have people over and he'll say something like "need something upstairs" or "just going to the bathroom" and never come back. That was his goodbye. He hit his limit and he left. No comments. No explanation. Just gone. Since I live with someone who isn't able or willing to go out a lot I just wait for friends to do things or I invite people over to my home. When I was in the office I didn't go out as much because I would make work friends and church friends and that was a lot of socializing all on it's own.

    Speaking of being social..... my three things include two social activities. 😹 Zumba and Trivia Night.

    1) I got to my Zumba class last night. I really wasn't feeling it and considered just watching my daughter's basketball practice but once I got in there and moving I felt so much better. I'm so glad I made myself go and move.

    2) After Zumba I grabbed a super fast shower at the gym and went to our local tea shop for Trivia Night! I met up with some ladies from our neighborhood and we tied for 2nd place. I got to enjoy a really nice pot of tea called Hawiian Sunset and laugh at how we didn't know so many answers. If it wasn't for the bonus round we would have been in last. Yay for my randomly knowing which superhero comics came out in which order.

    3) While at the tea shop I didn't even feel tempted by the sugar filled milk teas, regular boba, popping boba, snowballs, slushies or baked goods. I really was happy with my little pot of tea. Everyone's stuff looked fabulous but I was content and didn't feel any strong urge to change my order.

  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    hi! I have been doing this a long time off and on. But I also need motivation. I am detrmined to get healthy.
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    I also struggle with breakfast ideas on the go. I have been eating belvita but they are so hi in carbs. I need to lower m carb intake and increase my protien. And I hate eggs.....
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Wecome @nanacutler

    I don't normally eat breakfast any longer except on Sunday since I'm at church until later in the day. However, when I did I would grab a piece of fruit and some sort of protein like a slim jim, jerky, microwave a piece of turkey sausage, etc. Also, I've never understood limiting ourselves to just "breakfast" foods. If we can have breakfast for dinner, why can't we have lunch or dinner for breakfast. You can always make yourself a wrap or sandwich the night before and take that with you as well. Or freeze breakfast burritos and just microwave them for a moment before you head out.

    When I first started losing weight I would make a crock pot full of soup every weekend. All different kinds. Then I would have that at my office for breakfast and as a starter for my lunch. It helped keep me full, added veggies to my morning and I could control what I had vs grabbing something on the go.

    If you enjoy eggs you can hard boil them, peel them and have them for a few days at a time. If it has to be grab and go then things like peanut butter crackers, higher protein or higher fiber granola bars are a good bet. They still have a good bit of carbs but it's offset some by the extra protein & fiber bonus. I've also been known to make an extra hamburger with dinner and eat it on the go in the morning or a piece of chicken. Again, I don't always stick to a traditional breakfast idea.

    Recently, on Sundays, I've been eating turkey sausage on a Joseph's Oat, Flax & Wheat pita with sugar free apple butter. It's kind of my Sunday morning not so guilty pleasure breakfast. The pita is only 60 calories, two sausages are about 110 calories and the sugar free apple butter is about 10 calories. All pretty healthy ingredients and I can have my sandwich for under 200 calories. The pita has only 9 carbs, of which 2 grams are fiber, and 6 grams of protein.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2023
    Welcome NanaC! Now is a great time to get inspired. Part of *my* inspiration in this thread is that 2 of the main women posting, Dawn and Linny, have both had great weight loss...over 90 pounds each! This is a great place to discuss the day-to-day things in our lives; we are currently doing "3 things" that were daily successes, both NSV (non-scale victories), and the occasional SV too.

    As to more protein at breakfast: I often have to wait to eat breakfast, depending on Rx, so I do a late breakfast/'brunch' often. Unlike Linny, I do not enjoy many vegs nor meat at breakfast (I was a vegetarian for a quarter century & can only deal with so much meat in a week, so protein has often been an issue for me, esp. because I can't do much soy anymore, I've never enjoyed beans in the morning much either until I lived in AZ and discovered breakfast burritos...so dairy proteins are key for me now). Some ideas I've used in past: smoothies with either high-protein yogurt & milks &/or protein powder & nut butters; nut-butters/yogurt not in a smoothie (yogurt is my go-to in the summer); during winter I've had 'proatmeal' (either yogurt or protein powder in my oatmeal), also protein granola bars, also, if you are a morning meat-eater, some folks love sausages/bacon, maybe made the night before & AM microwaved. I up my protein, and calcium, by having a 1% (occasionally 2%) dairy milk latte as my coffee (1 cup of milk, 1 cup of coffee) it's about 110/130 cals total; I usually have, along with my latte, a lower calorie 'small slice' bread: either Dave's Killer Good Seed, Arnold whole wheat or Orowheat oatnut, all 60-80 cals/slice; I do 2 slices, with 1-2 T nut butter, and fruit (or fruit spread), and . It's around 70-90 g carbs, ~20 g protein total; I enjoy eggs, but don't make them often, because I'm not much of a cook in the morning, except on special occasions, but toasting up bread, or not, & applying spreads is easy and quick, and can be portable, though I'm usually not on-the-go in the mornings anymore. I like these daily 'big' breakfasts, then some smaller lunch, focused on protein...yogurt (it's been a life-saver for me lately) or string cheese/(thin-)sliced cheese, or occasionally tuna/salmon, and usually a piece of fruit, maybe 1 'small-slice' of bread. Often I skip lunch however, if my breakfast was quite late.

    Linny: it's fun to read about your social life...I currently don't (not by choice); I used to have a pretty active one, which I miss.

    My 3 things yesterday: 1) went downtown & got my thyroid Rx, yay, hopefully that will mean my weight loss catches up with my recent efforts; 2) shopped at a different store than TJ's in the end, which was right on the way...was only going to be a quick shop but ended up taking 90 minutes, as it ended up being much more comprehensive...probably 20 minute with just freggies at the start...the cart looked SO healthy as the whole bottom had berries, lettuces, apples, pears, cruciferous veg, squashes, potatoes, mushrooms, citrus, but this store, which I didn't know well at all, had some fancy items, and a nice selection of slow-churn ice cream (so I got 2), and some different flavors of things the fam eats, and some good sales. and then walked all over the store multiple times as I didn't know where things were, so I got in some 3) movement, and finally found rotisserie chicken, tucked away, almost at feet level, under a counter, so dinner was fast, and yet low-calorie, enough that I had enough for a double serving of slow-churn (as part of my celebration of Candlemas/Imbolc, which I questioned if that was how I should start this holiday but then decided that food, and indulgence, is part of festivities) especially since I was still just under my daily calorie limit, & hit my macros with it all. I *had* made a dressing for my big salad of mustard, vinegar & stevia "maple" syrup, so only 5 calories or so. Today: Will probably 1) have same meals today, though less dessert! (smile), and may get in 2) some snow shoveling in backyard to access the compost pile and bird feeders; (& getting movement in twice yesterday by shoveling in the morn was a bonus), and 3) continue working on both coding & basement projects.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    You two seem to be doing well, congratulations!!! I am hanging in there too.....tomorrow I can slowly start back to normal.....yay!!! Won't be back at the gym until next Monday but I can do some stuff around here. I agree, we should all be thankful for where we are and how we live. I cannot imagine how horrible it is for those in Ukraine, breaks my heart. : (

    Yesterday I, 1) stayed on target but was still able to have an amazing curry dinner. Yay! 2) told my family about my emergency, did not want to scare them too soon as my niece is moving to Germany and I wanted her settled before I worried them at all. So proud and happy for her, so finally I let them know. 3) did a fair amount in my home, cleaning, fixing stuff, brushing my hairy dogs, washing floors....etc. made me feel a little better as i have been out of commission for so long.

    Keep up the good work! Not sure what happened to all the others who initially commented on this post, or even the lady who started the tread, but glad there are a few of us still here.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2023
    A key for me with protein in general, lately, for any meal/snack: greek yogurts...chobani (which I like as they have good human & earth-centered politics) has a 60 calorie, 11 g protein one; oikos(Dannon) has 2: 'Pro' that's 140cal & 20 g protein & 'TripleZero' that's 90cal & 15prot.; also Dannon 'Light and Fit' 80cal &12prot. They are all kind of similar in taste and texture, with various fruit flavours. Also in bigger tubs, I get Fage 0% which is 90 cals &18prot, but plain, so either some stevia or spices for 0 calories, or fruit. Also, cottage cheese is similar.

    Another thought I had...making grab&go protein muffins ahead of time...a lot of these have protein from eggs, and yogurt, and sometimes powders, and can be frozen. Also, second the idea of breakfast burritos; in AZ my fav was egg, potato, cheese and bean; also, my ex (who's mom was Mexican) loved burrito tortillas (they call 'em burro skins in AZ). There are tons of burro skins now that are low-carb, low-calorie out there, depending on where you shop.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    @DawnCumm The person who started the thread never posted anything else again and isn't an active user. I had looked in the beginning of January. Her loss. Our gain. :smile:
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    Oh my goodness, I love it here already! I am 61 (hanging on dearly until forced to say 62 in 2 weeks) and am active but hiding several health issues most wouldn't guess. i stuggle to exercise with foot, hand and back issues. But... I'm the happy owner of a stationary bike and a Meta
    Quest2 and am having a blest cycling through peaceful virtual reality. I have to stay away from exciting worlds because I don't like cleaning up vomit, especially my own. I have 5 adult children and work for my youngest son in his automotive repair shop. No, I don't repair cars. I'm not that impressive and I hearken you back to the back and hand issue lol
    Thank you for all the ideas! I'm going to need to do better prep for out of house meals. I'm a slight diabetic compared to hubby who is a very serious one. Hence my need to better control carbs.
    I look forward to getting to know you each better! Janene
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2023
    Welcome again Janene fellow Aquarian, you can call me Selene...happy early birthday to you, and I get it, my 60th is in a week. But I'm still in my 50's for that last week lol. Great you've found movement that works, and how lucky to never have to worry about car problems! All here are pretty active too. Dawn & Linny both go to the gym and do walks, I'm working on making a home gym, and try and do lots of functional fitness like snow-shoveling (about to go out now & do some), gardening and hiking during the warmer weather, and need to get my old, old, old stationary bike-chain fixed; I had been using it regularly when I last lost a lot of weight. I'm usually on in the late nights, but having a bathroom remodeled has shifted the whole household's hours, to some extent.
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    Changed my username but i'm my same sweet self B)
    what general areas do you all live? I am not shoveling snow in Western NC!

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Janene5 wrote: »
    Changed my username but i'm my same sweet self B)
    what general areas do you all live? I am not shoveling snow in Western NC!

    I'm in South Carolina. I lived in Maryland my whole life until late 2017 when we made the plunge to move.... we moved south specifically to avoid shoveling more snow. :D
    FYI... I turned 40 in September.
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    Happy Upcoming Birthday to you also. It's the realization that I am eligable for SS and that puts me flat on the other side of the Great Divide (qualifying for all senior discounts) that is a little earth shaking. Although I do look forward to camping at national park campgrounds for half price!

  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    Janene5 wrote: »
    Changed my username but i'm my same sweet self B)
    what general areas do you all live? I am not shoveling snow in Western NC!

    I'm in South Carolina. I lived in Maryland my whole life until late 2017 when we made the plunge to move.... we moved south specifically to avoid shoveling more snow. :D
    FYI... I turned 40 in September.

    Well goodness gracious, we are state neighbors!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    So I have an interesting one for me. I have been doing great with staying in my boundaries of 1200 to 1800 calories a day. I most my intermittent fasting so I don't eat until after 10am and stop at 8pm. I made a pot of soup today that was crazy low calorie. So I had coffee, soup, a twizzler, more soup, hot tea, spaghetti with veggies and 2 cookies... I'm still below 1200 calories. It's not by much but I'm seriously not hungry. All the liquid from soup, water and tea has me ready to stop for the day.

    It's probably the first time I've ever been below 1200 and been seriously full at 8pm. I know I won't have the problem tomorrow when I'm not eating soup all day so I'm going to bask in my really low day.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey all, I decided to change my profile name here too. Hadn't thought about the SS in a couple; my bro-in-law, a financial adviser, advises to take it as soon as you can, but I usually disagree with almost everything he thinks, and I had assumed I would wait later & take a larger payout. Not sure what the next couple of years will be like, I should game out some options. Nat'l parks is a great perk. I'm in MI, and we really haven't had too bad of a winter this year, thanks La Nina...a few days y'all in the South were colder than us! My birthday here is almost always snowed in, mom's 2 days later usually isn't; this year mine's going to be in the 40s! We've just had 3 snow storms, the first 2 really big...one before Thanksgiving, a 2nd on Xmas Eve (the fam's holiday was totally shut down for several days) and a recent one, that only hit certain parts of MI, not us in the SW corner, though we get way more 'lake effect' snow than across the state, where I went to college with basically no lake effect. But, as I've mentioned, I *did* live in hot sunny desert AZ for a few decades, and came back here to help my folks, who just got rooted. When I came back my sister got very upset when I said why *would* anyone live here? We also have changed a garden zone, into 6a from 5a when we first moved here when I was a kid.

    Linny, good to bask & shake things up.

    My 3: shoveled in backyard, 25 min, to compost pile in way back, but then hands got cold. so didn't do path for contractors to back door 2) Had another day on track 3) helped figure out that plumber guy used one of the rotten boards (mold &/old termites) to support the shower head and sent pix to the contractor, who immediately had him use some new wood. Why did he do that? It's not like everyday that the wall gets taken down to the studs and replaced with new wood, yet he botched that when a new 2x4 was literally within arm's reach.

    Happy Fit Feb!
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    @SeleneMoon333 I need to check and see if I should go ahead and claim SS. I've been trtiing to ignore that its this close LOL
    It has done nothing but RAIN on us here in the mountains for weeeeeeks! Its miserable weather.
  • Janene5
    Janene5 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2023
    Who tries to track Macros? I've been looking at it but it seems I'm always low on protien. Not a big meat eater and the Ozempic I take for diabetes makes meat very unappealing for me. Any thought on how to divide the plate up? MFP autoset my carbs at 50%, fat 30%, and protien 20%.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Hi all! I am in California, in the hills...sticks....LOL. I too am 61, but 62 in July so I have a long way to go, ha, ha. I was advised to wait as long as you can for SS, my adviser said at least wait until 65 (so prob will do it then). Really loving that we as a group are growing. Here are my three positives for today (still house arrest but will be free per doc next Monday, so exercise will be back soon):

    1) lost a little more weight this week (yay). I have made it to 110 pounds lost, but of course that started like five or more years ago...so it has been slow going but I am really happy about the loss.
    2) been making yummy snacks with cottage cheese - added ranch seasoning and eat with veggies, and blended it with lemon and stevia, eating with fruit. Both are really good! Trying to really up my protein due to my medical event.
    3) did drive out today with hubs, had to drop his car and I was so happy to get off this damn ranch! I cannot wait for this injury to heal but really enjoyed getting out and about.

    Linda, Selene, Janene - you ladies seem to be rocking it! Keep it up, you inspire me!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Oh, @Janene5 - in regards to protein, I too struggle as a vegetarian....that is why I am using cottage cheese, high protein yogurts, protein shakes, bars, etc....I do try to make sure I get at min 60g of protein. Per my doc that will also help with weight loss.