Ll0ydD0bler Member


  • The problem went away for me for a single food item but otherwise I'm still having it. I can add food on the phone app so that's my workaround but I hate it.
  • 260 today, both goals met. Feeling real good. I'm going to try to maintain my good habits between all the social events but enjoy food and drink through the month. If I come out of New year's at the same weight I'll consider that a success. Happy holidays to everyone and stay strong! But don't beat yourself up if you slip,…
  • 1 year and 100 lb down. 70-80 to go. 365 lb: 265 lb: (the spare tire was first to show up, clearly going to be the last thing to go). I stopped wearing this shirt in 2006 when it got tight but it was in ok shape so I kept it for "someday". Someday is here.
  • I've got a new one, I put my socks on without sitting down today! Was able to stand on one leg and pick my other foot up high enough and maintain balance. I haven't done that in DECADES.
  • I sympathize 100% with your entire post. I've been to Taco Bell once in a year. McD's maybe 4 times and only had the fries once. Wendy's was my go-to and I've eaten there twice in a year. Just too many calories to fit in the budget. I used to get a DQ Blizzard every Friday night. I've had 4 in the last year. I found some…
  • Can't help as far as pushy people, but definitely do not feel guilty about wasting the food, because eating it when your body doesn't need it is also wasting it. The waste happened when it was bought or served. Using your body as the trash can isn't better! So toss it guilt free, and continue to gently communicate that you…
  • I've found that little slip-ups have a much bigger impact now that I've lost a bunch and am more than halfway to my goal. I'm doing 1700 calories a day to lose 2 lb a week, and I find that if I just do two or three days at 2000 or 2100 calories it stalls my weight loss by up to two weeks. I assume that if you've come this…
  • I weigh every day, first thing in the morning after doing my business to drop that last water weight. I only count Saturday morning as my "official" weigh in for long term tracking and goal achievement. I will get a little obsessive and weigh myself at other times for prediction's sake and for knowledge. For example, I've…
  • Sport of the future! ;)
  • I've been walking enough that I can now walk as fast as my body will go, for as long as I want, so I tried jogging for the first time since my 20's. I went for about a minute, It didn't hurt, I didn't get completely burning-lung winded and it felt really good.
  • Last summer I weighed in at 365 and finally said now or never. Sunday is my 1 year anniversary of joining myfitnesspal and starting to get fit, and I'm at 266 lb today. Mini goal is to lose the 100th pound by then, and 5 more by thanksgiving. Pretty exciting and very motivating. Not stopping till I'm half the man I used to…
  • When I do a recipe I don't use MFP for it, I write it down and then enter it in after the meal or while it's cooking. Extra step, sure. But it does avoid what happened to you. I share your frustration in the database, too many people put in obvious mistakes. It's frustrating looking something up with a published label and…
  • I definitely have a few friends who I "social eat" with in ways that made me fatter. The good news is they never pressured me, it was always my choice but what made me fat was the feasting attitude that was infectious in the group setting. I never said no to an appetizer for the table, and watching them order an extra side…
  • I very much boredom eat, so I've just had to rely on the log to keep me from doing it, and in addition to that I've found much lower calorie snacks for when I feel like I just can't hold out till my next meal. These days I try to leave room for snacks because I like them. The best low calorie snacks I've found for me:…
  • Seatbelts. Last two times I flew I had to ask for a seatbelt extender. I was embarassed so I bought my own last year. I flew 2 weeks ago, left the extender at home and had belt to spare! Same for my buddy's Jeep Cherokee. I couldn't buckle the belt last summer when I rode with him. Got in a week ago for the first time in…
  • I had problems from the second I installed it, it wouldn't sync and would freeze if I tried to add a food to my log. I did a "force stop" in my settings and re-opened the app and it appears to have fixed it for now. Android user. We'll see if it sticks.