JudyValentine3 Member


  • Definitely a good result for a bad beginning. As of today, I am down 10 lbs and I average 6-7 units of fast acting insulin per day. And I had my blood tests this morning, and if my Freestyle Libre is to be believed, my A1C should be down. We'll see!
  • Last update, September 15. When I applied, I ticked the box that asked if I want this applied to past tax returns. If they approve, it will be applied to all my tax returns since 2015, when I was first diagnosed.
  • Apparently, they are processing my application, and a decision will be ready on or about August 5. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  • Great job on the A1C. I know you work hard at maintaining control over your diabetes.
  • Welcome. What do you mean by started at 86 down to 53?
  • I just hope the government agrees.
  • It does. I am using the same stategies as you I guess. I have stopped stocking up during sales. Honestly, do I really need 10 jars of instant coffee? So, I've limited the 'stock up' to two of whatever is on sales that I use. I'm not a fan of frozen veggies or veggies. When I do cook a veggie, it's either broccoli or…
  • I'm doing pretty good. How about yourself? My A1C was down to what my doctor likes. 7%, which keeps me from having lows, and because of the damage to my pancreas, really is the best I can expect without lows. I am trying to work my budget in a new and different way. I usually check the sales before I do groceries, then…
  • Hi. I am definitely not keto. It's my personal choice, because I find if I restrict to much of a food group, that's all I want. Also, I have a severly damaged pancreas, so I can't it too much fat without dealing with a pancreatitis attack. So, in an effort to keep a balanced, diabetes friendly diet I have divided my macros…
  • I was getting a little slack with checking my after meal BG. So, I started again about a month ago. I can definitely see a pattern emerging. I have my most carb heavy meal for breakfast, and take the appropriate insulin dose. I check two hours after, and my BG is a little high. But, the rest of the day is lower carb meals,…
  • I like a nice whole wheat bread. I have Dempsters(only in Canada, I think). I know this is an unpopular statement, but bread is not the enemy. We do needs carbs to keep everything working as it should, just not overdoing it. Everything in moderation. Find a good whole wheat bread. And enjoy. the bread I have is 31g carbs…
  • So, how were your follow-up tests? I have low iron, so now I have to take iron pills. I swear, if I have to take one more pill, I'll scream. But, I guess I can't really complain too much, if it weren't for modern medicine, we may not even be here.
  • Not too bad thanks for asking. A1C was 7.3%. I knew that was going to happen because she lowered my insulin dose. Weight was up a bit, but what the hell. I wasn't as active as usual, and not drinking as much water. So, March is a new month, it's snowing today, but once it tapers off, I'll head out for a walk.
  • Welcome.
  • For two reasons, I can't follow the keto diet. 1) If I try to eliminate a food group, that's all I crave. I'm doing my best to follow a pancreas friendly diet. 2) Because of my chronic pancreatitis, I have to limit my fat intake to between 30 and 40 grams of fat a day. More than that, and I am in extreme pain for days. So,…
  • I would start with tracking what you eat here, like others have said. One thing that helped me keep on track and not get too discouraged, was making mini goals. For instance, I am going to lose 10 pounds to start. Not looking at the bigger number was less daunting. And I know this sounds silly, but every day that I did at…
  • That's great! What diet are you following, or are you just eating better? I'm doing my best to stay on target, but somedays are harder than others. Keep up the good work.
  • well, I guess that's something to strive toward.
  • How are you doing so far? My circumstances are a little different, so I will never be off meds. If you aren't able to control your numbers with exercise and diet, there is no shame in that. If you have to go on meds, please don't consider it a failure on your part. I did when I was first told that I had to start insulin,…
  • After creating the new account, the same thing started happening again. But, after cntrl, alt del a few times, everything was fine. I have to input my recipes again, but I'll do that as I need them. Otherwise, everything else is good.